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Poetry Flake Template

This is a template for constructing a working environment for Python (version 3.11.6) development. Packaging and dependency management relies on poetry (version 1.7.0). direnv can be used to a launch a dev shell upon entering this directory (refer to .envrc). Otherwise run via:

$ nix develop

Language Server

The python-lsp-server (version v1.9.0) is included in this flake, along with the python-lsp-black and pyls-isort plugins. Additionally, pylsp is expected to be configured to use:

Refer to your editor for configuration details.


Formatting depends on the black (version 23.9.1) tool. A pre-commit hook is included in .githooks that can be used to format all *.py files prior to commit. Install via:

$ git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/

If running direnv, this hook is installed automatically when entering the directory.