Fork 0

308 lines
23 KiB

`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Montek Singh
// 4/15/2015
// ==============
// This is a self-checking tester for your full MIPS processor
// plus memory-mapped IO.
// Use this tester carefully! The names of your top-level input/output
// and internal signals may be different, so modify all of signal names on the
// right-hand-side of the "wire" assigments appearing above the uut
// instantiation. Observe that the uut itself only has clock and reset inputs
// now, and no debug outputs. Also, the parameters specifying the names of the
// memory initialization files must match the actual file names.
// If you decide not to use some of these internal signals for debugging, you
// may comment the relevant lines out. Be sure to comment out the
// corresponding "ERROR_*" lines below as well.
// Finally, note that in my bitmap memory, each 12-bit color is encoded as
// RRRRGGGGBBBB (i.e., red is most significant). If you have chosen a different
// order for the red/green/blue color values, you may see ERROR signals for the
// colors light up, but there is no error if you are consistent with your
// RGB ordering.
module project_screentest;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
// Signals inside top-level module uut
wire [31:0] pc =uut.pc; // PC
wire [31:0] instr =uut.instr; // instr coming out of instr mem
wire [31:0] mem_addr =uut.mem_addr; // addr sent to data mem
wire mem_wr =uut.mem_wr; // write enable for data mem
wire [31:0] mem_readdata =uut.mem_readdata; // data read from data mem
wire [31:0] mem_writedata =uut.mem_writedata; // write data for data mem
// Signals inside module uut.mips
wire werf =uut.mips.werf; // WERF = write enable for register file
wire [4:0] alufn =uut.mips.alufn; // ALU function
wire Z =uut.mips.Z; // Zero flag
// Signals inside module uut.mips.dp (datapath)
wire [31:0] ReadData1 =uut.mips.dp.ReadData1; // Reg[rs]
wire [31:0] ReadData2 =uut.mips.dp.ReadData2; // Reg[rt]
wire [31:0] alu_result =uut.mips.dp.alu_result; // ALU's output
wire [4:0] reg_writeaddr =uut.mips.dp.reg_writeaddr; // destination register
wire [31:0] reg_writedata =uut.mips.dp.reg_writedata; // write data for register file
wire [31:0] signImm =uut.mips.dp.signImm; // sign-/zero-extended immediate
wire [31:0] aluA =uut.mips.dp.aluA; // operand A for ALU
wire [31:0] aluB =uut.mips.dp.aluB; // operand B for ALU
// Signals inside module uut.mips.c (controller)
wire [1:0] pcsel =uut.mips.c.pcsel;
wire [1:0] wasel =uut.mips.c.wasel;
wire sext =uut.mips.c.sext;
wire bsel =uut.mips.c.bsel;
wire [1:0] wdsel =uut.mips.c.wdsel;
wire wr =uut.mips.c.wr;
wire [1:0] asel =uut.mips.c.asel;
// Signals related to module memIO (memory + memory-mapped IO)
wire [10:0] smem_addr =uut.smem_addr; // address from vgadisplaydriver to access screen mem
wire [3:0] charcode =uut.charcode; // character code returned by screen mem
wire dmem_wr =uut.io.dmem_wr;
wire smem_wr =uut.io.smem_wr;
// Signals related to module vgadisplaydriver (display driver)
wire hsync =uut.hsync;
wire vsync =uut.vsync;
wire [3:0] red =uut.red;
wire [3:0] green =uut.green;
wire [3:0] blue =uut.blue;
wire [9:0] x =uut.displaydriver.x;
wire [9:0] y =uut.displaydriver.y;
wire [11:0] bmem_addr =uut.displaydriver.bmem_addr;
wire [11:0] bmem_color =uut.displaydriver.color;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
top uut(
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
initial begin
#0.5 clk = 0;
#0.5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
#50 $finish;
selfcheck c();
wire [31:0] c_pc=c.pc;
wire [31:0] c_instr=c.instr;
wire [31:0] c_mem_addr=c.mem_addr;
wire c_mem_wr=c.mem_wr;
wire [31:0] c_mem_readdata=c.mem_readdata;
wire [31:0] c_mem_writedata=c.mem_writedata;
wire c_werf=c.werf;
wire [4:0] c_alufn=c.alufn;
wire c_Z=c.Z;
wire [31:0] c_ReadData1=c.ReadData1;
wire [31:0] c_ReadData2=c.ReadData2;
wire [31:0] c_alu_result=c.alu_result;
wire [4:0] c_reg_writeaddr=c.reg_writeaddr;
wire [31:0] c_reg_writedata=c.reg_writedata;
wire [31:0] c_signImm=c.signImm;
wire [31:0] c_aluA=c.aluA;
wire [31:0] c_aluB=c.aluB;
wire [1:0] c_pcsel=c.pcsel;
wire [1:0] c_wasel=c.wasel;
wire c_sext=c.sext;
wire c_bsel=c.bsel;
wire [1:0] c_wdsel=c.wdsel;
wire c_wr=c.wr;
wire [1:0] c_asel=c.asel;
wire [10:0] c_smem_addr=c.smem_addr;
wire [3:0] c_charcode=c.charcode;
wire c_dmem_wr=c.dmem_wr;
wire c_smem_wr=c.smem_wr;
wire c_hsync=c.hsync;
wire c_vsync=c.vsync;
wire [3:0] c_red=c.red;
wire [3:0] c_green=c.green;
wire [3:0] c_blue=c.blue;
wire [9:0] c_x=c.x;
wire [9:0] c_y=c.x;
wire [11:0] c_bmem_addr=c.bmem_addr;
wire [11:0] c_bmem_color=c.bmem_color;
function mismatch; // some trickery needed to match two values with don't cares
input p, q; // mismatch in a bit position is ignored if q has an 'x' in that bit
integer p, q;
mismatch = (((p ^ q) ^ q) !== q);
wire ERROR = ERROR_pc | ERROR_instr | ERROR_mem_addr | ERROR_mem_wr | ERROR_mem_readdata
| ERROR_mem_writedata | ERROR_werf | ERROR_alufn | ERROR_Z
| ERROR_ReadData1 | ERROR_ReadData2 | ERROR_alu_result | ERROR_reg_writeaddr
| ERROR_reg_writedata | ERROR_signImm | ERROR_aluA | ERROR_aluB
| ERROR_pcsel | ERROR_wasel | ERROR_sext | ERROR_bsel | ERROR_wdsel | ERROR_wr | ERROR_asel
| ERROR_smem_addr | ERROR_charcode | ERROR_dmem_wr | ERROR_smem_wr | ERROR_hsync | ERROR_vsync
| ERROR_red | ERROR_green | ERROR_blue | ERROR_x | ERROR_y | ERROR_bmem_addr | ERROR_bmem_color;
wire ERROR_pc = mismatch(pc, c.pc) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_instr = mismatch(instr, c.instr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_mem_addr = mismatch(mem_addr, c.mem_addr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_mem_wr = mismatch(mem_wr, c.mem_wr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_mem_readdata = mismatch(mem_readdata, c.mem_readdata) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_mem_writedata = c.mem_wr & (mismatch(mem_writedata, c.mem_writedata) ? 1'bx : 1'b0);
wire ERROR_werf = mismatch(werf, c.werf) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_alufn = mismatch(alufn, c.alufn) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_Z = mismatch(Z, c.Z) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_ReadData1 = mismatch(ReadData1, c.ReadData1) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_ReadData2 = mismatch(ReadData2, c.ReadData2) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_alu_result = mismatch(alu_result, c.alu_result) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_reg_writeaddr = c.werf & (mismatch(reg_writeaddr, c.reg_writeaddr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0);
wire ERROR_reg_writedata = c.werf & (mismatch(reg_writedata, c.reg_writedata) ? 1'bx : 1'b0);
wire ERROR_signImm = mismatch(signImm, c.signImm) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_aluA = mismatch(aluA, c.aluA) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_aluB = mismatch(aluB, c.aluB) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_pcsel = mismatch(pcsel, c.pcsel) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_wasel = c.werf & (mismatch(wasel, c.wasel) ? 1'bx : 1'b0);
wire ERROR_sext = mismatch(sext, c.sext) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_bsel = mismatch(bsel, c.bsel) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_wdsel = mismatch(wdsel, c.wdsel) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_wr = mismatch(wr, c.wr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_asel = mismatch(asel, c.asel) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_smem_addr = mismatch(smem_addr, c.smem_addr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_charcode = mismatch(charcode, c.charcode) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_dmem_wr = mismatch(dmem_wr, c.dmem_wr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_smem_wr = mismatch(smem_wr, c.smem_wr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_hsync = mismatch(hsync, c.hsync) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_vsync = mismatch(vsync, c.vsync) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_red = mismatch(red, c.red) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_green = mismatch(green, c.green) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_blue = mismatch(blue, c.blue) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_x = mismatch(x, c.x) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_y = mismatch(y, c.y) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_bmem_addr = mismatch(bmem_addr, c.bmem_addr) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
wire ERROR_bmem_color = mismatch(bmem_color, c.bmem_color) ? 1'bx : 1'b0;
//initial begin
// $monitor("#%02d {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h%h, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 1'b%b, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 1'b%b, 5'b%b, 1'b%b, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 5'h%h, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 32'h%h, 2'b%b, 2'b%b, 1'b%b, 1'b%b, 2'b%b, 1'b%b, 2'b%b};",
// $time, pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel);
// $monitor("#%02d {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h%h, 4'h%h, 1'b%b, 1'b%b, 1'b%b, 1'b%b, 4'h%h, 4'h%h, 4'h%h, 10'h%h, 10'h%h, 12'h%h, 12'h%h};",
// $time, smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color);
module selfcheck();
reg [31:0] pc;
reg [31:0] instr;
reg [31:0] mem_addr;
reg mem_wr;
reg [31:0] mem_readdata;
reg [31:0] mem_writedata;
reg werf;
reg [4:0] alufn;
reg Z;
reg [31:0] ReadData1;
reg [31:0] ReadData2;
reg [31:0] alu_result;
reg [4:0] reg_writeaddr;
reg [31:0] reg_writedata;
reg [31:0] signImm;
reg [31:0] aluA;
reg [31:0] aluB;
reg [1:0] pcsel;
reg [1:0] wasel;
reg sext;
reg bsel;
reg [1:0] wdsel;
reg wr;
reg [1:0] asel;
reg [10:0] smem_addr;
reg [3:0] charcode;
reg dmem_wr;
reg smem_wr;
reg hsync;
reg vsync;
reg [3:0] red;
reg [3:0] green;
reg [3:0] blue;
reg [9:0] x;
reg [9:0] y;
reg [11:0] bmem_addr;
reg [11:0] bmem_color;
initial begin
#00 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000000, 32'h00000020, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b1, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 5'h00, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000020, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 2'b00, 2'b00, 1'bx, 1'b0, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#00 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h000, 10'h000, 12'h000, 12'hf00};
#01 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000004, 32'h201d203c, 32'h0000203c, 1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h0000203c, 5'h1d, 32'h0000203c, 32'h0000203c, 32'h00000000, 32'h0000203c, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#02 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000008, 32'h20040000, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b1, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000000, 5'h04, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#03 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h0000000c, 32'h0c000009, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000000, 1'b1, 5'bxxxxx, 1'bx, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 5'h1f, 32'h00000010, 32'h00000009, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h0000000X, 2'b10, 2'b10, 1'bx, 1'bx, 2'b00, 1'b0, 2'bxx};
#04 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000024, 32'h23bdfff8, 32'h00002034, 1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h0000203c, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h0000203c, 32'h0000203c, 32'h00002034, 5'h1d, 32'h00002034, 32'hfffffff8, 32'h0000203c, 32'hfffffff8, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#04 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h001, 10'h000, 12'h001, 12'hf00};
#05 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000028, 32'hafbf0004, 32'h00002038, 1'b1, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000010, 1'b0, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000010, 32'h00002038, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000004, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000004, 2'b00, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 2'b00};
#05 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b1, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h001, 10'h000, 12'h001, 12'hf00};
#06 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h0000002c, 32'hafa40000, 32'h00002034, 1'b1, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000000, 32'h00002034, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000000, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000000, 2'b00, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 2'b00};
#07 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000030, 32'h00042400, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 1'b1, 5'bx0010, 1'b1, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 5'h04, 32'h00000000, 32'h00002400, 32'h00000010, 32'h00000000, 2'b00, 2'b00, 1'bx, 1'b0, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b01};
#07 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h001, 10'h000, 12'h001, 12'hf00};
#08 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h002, 10'h000, 12'h002, 12'hf00};
#08 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000034, 32'h10800002, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 5'b1xx01, 1'b1, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000002, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 2'b01, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 1'b0, 2'bxx, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#09 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000040, 32'h8fa40000, 32'h00002034, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000000, 32'h00002034, 5'h04, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000000, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b10, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#10 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000044, 32'h8fbf0004, 32'h00002038, 1'b0, 32'h00000010, 32'h00000010, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000010, 32'h00002038, 5'h1f, 32'h00000010, 32'h00000004, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000004, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b10, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#11 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000048, 32'h23bd0008, 32'h0000203c, 1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00002034, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00002034, 32'h00002034, 32'h0000203c, 5'h1d, 32'h0000203c, 32'h00000008, 32'h00002034, 32'h00000008, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#12 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h0000004c, 32'h03e00008, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 5'bxxxxx, 1'bx, 32'h00000010, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000008, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h0000000X, 2'b11, 2'bxx, 1'bx, 1'bx, 2'bxx, 1'b0, 2'bxx};
#12 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h003, 10'h000, 12'h003, 12'hf00};
#13 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000010, 32'h20080002, 32'h00000002, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000002, 5'h08, 32'h00000002, 32'h00000002, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000002, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#14 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000014, 32'hac084000, 32'h00004000, 1'b1, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000002, 1'b0, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000002, 32'h00004000, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00004000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00004000, 2'b00, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 2'b00};
#14 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'hf, 4'h0, 4'h0, 10'h003, 10'h000, 12'h003, 12'hf00};
#15 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000018, 32'h20080003, 32'h00000003, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000002, 1'b1, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000002, 32'h00000003, 5'h08, 32'h00000003, 32'h00000003, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000003, 2'b00, 2'b01, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'b01, 1'b0, 2'b00};
#15 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h003, 10'h000, 12'h203, 12'h00f};
#16 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h0000001c, 32'hac084001, 32'h00004001, 1'b1, 32'h00000001, 32'h00000003, 1'b0, 5'b0xx01, 1'b0, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000003, 32'h00004001, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00004001, 32'h00000000, 32'h00004001, 2'b00, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 1'b1, 2'bxx, 1'b1, 2'b00};
#16 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h004, 10'h000, 12'h204, 12'h00f};
#17 {pc, instr, mem_addr, mem_wr, mem_readdata, mem_writedata, werf, alufn, Z, ReadData1, ReadData2, alu_result, reg_writeaddr, reg_writedata, signImm, aluA, aluB, pcsel, wasel, sext, bsel, wdsel, wr, asel} <= {32'h00000020, 32'h08000008, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 1'b0, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000000, 1'b0, 5'bxxxxx, 1'bx, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 5'hxx, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h00000008, 32'hxxxxxxxx, 32'h0000000X, 2'b10, 2'bxx, 1'bx, 1'bx, 2'bxx, 1'b0, 2'bxx};
#17 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h004, 10'h000, 12'h204, 12'h00f};
#20 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h005, 10'h000, 12'h205, 12'h00f};
#24 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h006, 10'h000, 12'h206, 12'h00f};
#28 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h007, 10'h000, 12'h207, 12'h00f};
#32 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h008, 10'h000, 12'h208, 12'h00f};
#36 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h009, 10'h000, 12'h209, 12'h00f};
#40 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h00a, 10'h000, 12'h20a, 12'h00f};
#44 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h00b, 10'h000, 12'h20b, 12'h00f};
#48 {smem_addr, charcode, dmem_wr, smem_wr, hsync, vsync, red, green, blue, x, y, bmem_addr, bmem_color} <= {11'h000, 4'h2, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b1, 1'b1, 4'h0, 4'h0, 4'hf, 10'h00c, 10'h000, 12'h20c, 12'h00f};