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  • Anki Flashcards
  • KoL
  • Sheet Music (10 min.)
  • Go (1 Life & Death Problem)
  • Korean (Read 1 Story)
  • Interview Prep (1 Practice Problem)
  • Log Work Hours (Max 3 hours)
  • Purged some Anki flashcards with tags: lua, cncf. In general, want to avoid on this next pass including any sort of flashcards around languages outside of C and:
    • Bash
    • Lean
    • Nix
    • SQL
    • x86-64 Assembly
    • I also want to avoid learning general syntax (specific gotchas are reasonable) over general concepts where it makes sense.
  • Made distinctions in flashcards between POSIX awk features and GNU awk features. Only a few exceptions that may have been misleading so far (GNU's implementation allowing FS to be null and RS to be a regexp).
    • Actually, going further, just removing this altogether. I'll continue reading about awk but I'm not interested in translating into flashcards unless it turns out I really start using it heavily.
  • Read Chapter 5 "Printing" in "GAWK: Effective AWK Programming".
  • Notes on instructions history.
  • Leetcode Problems
  • Basic pass for a type-safe spreadsheet program.