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  • Anki Flashcards
  • KoL
  • Sheet Music (10 min.)
  • OGS (1 Life & Death Problem)
  • Korean (Read 1 Story)
  • Interview Prep (1 Practice Problem)
  • Log Work Hours (Max 3 hours)
  • Read 효자 호랑이 (The Filial Tiger).
  • Read through Project #1 - Buffer Pool in anticipation of my call with Kevin later.
    • Call was pushed back to next week.
  • Upgraded to Zotero 7. It's a beta version but already has some nice quality of life improvements I want to take advantage of.
    • Dark mode.
    • Ability to comment on snapshots.
  • Answered String to Integer (atoi). Admittedly though I floundered around. I should try and think more critically at each step instead of getting impatient like I did.
  • More reading on awk. This time around variables.
  • Begin deep dive into insertion sort. Starting off with the basics, but want to think much more broadly on the role of insertion sort throughout computing.