
644 B

  • Anki Flashcards
  • KoL
  • Sheet Music (10 min.)
  • Go (1 Life & Death Problem)
  • Korean (Read 1 Story)
  • Interview Prep (1 Practice Problem)
  • Log Work Hours (Max 3 hours)
  • Read chapter 7 "Transactions" of "Designing Data-Intensive Applications".
  • Hide-and-seek application.
    • Explored how to limit the number of re-renders in the application.
    • Played around with Zustand types to get TypeScript and Immer working together (WIP).
  • Read chapter 2 "Pastebin" of "Grokking the System Design Interview".
  • Read chapter 4 of HP-16C manual.
  • Add notes on iterating recurrence relations.