
629 B

  • Anki Flashcards
  • KoL
  • Sheet Music (10 min.)
  • OGS (1 Life & Death Problem)
  • Korean (Read 1 Story)
  • Interview Prep (1 Practice Problem)
  • Log Work Hours (Max 3 hours)
  • Spent time consolidating how different escape sequences behave across languages (awk, Bash, C, and Lua).
  • Read 호랑이와 곶감 (The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon).
  • Started practicing "One Summer's Day" by Joe Hisaishi, arranged by Torbjørn Brandrud.
  • Re-reading "The Science of Programming" by David Gries. Finished reading chapters 1 and 2, but working on chapter 2 problems and notes.