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@brief Dynamic character arrays.
#include <stdlib.h>
@brief A dynamic character array.
A `char*` wrapper that grows larger as needed. Supports appending individual
`char`s or NUL-terminated strings. If more space is needed during an append
operation, the capacity is doubled repeatedly until the requested data fits.
struct StringBuf {
/// The underlying `char*` pointer.
char *buf;
/// The size of @ref StringBuf.buf (excluding the `NUL` character).
size_t size;
/// The allocated size of @ref StringBuf.buf (including the `NUL` character).
size_t _capacity;
@brief Create a new @ref StringBuf instance.
@param capacity
The initial size of the internal array (including the trailing `NUL`
character). To avoid too many reallocations, aim to make this value large
enough to accommodate the eventual size of the desired string.
A new @ref StringBuf instance. The caller takes ownership of this value.
@see string_buf_free
struct StringBuf *string_buf_new(size_t capacity);
@brief Returns the number of characters contained in the internal buffer
(excluding the NUL character).
@param sb
A valid pointer to a @ref StringBuf instance.
The number of characters contained in the internal buffer.
size_t string_buf_size(struct StringBuf *sb);
@brief Appends a character to the end of the provided @ref StringBuf.
If appending would cause the internal buffer to overflow, doubles the capacity
of the internal array to accommodate.
@param sb
A valid pointer to a @ref StringBuf instance.
@param c
The `char` to append to the end of @p sb.
void string_buf_cappend(struct StringBuf *sb, char c);
@brief Appends a NUL-terminated string to the end of a @ref StringBuf.
If appending would cause the internal buffer to overflow, doubles the capacity
of the internal array the necessary number of times to accommodate.
@param sb
A valid pointer to a @ref StringBuf instance.
@param s
The `char*` to append to the end of @p sb.
void string_buf_sappend(struct StringBuf *sb, const char s[static 1]);
@brief Casts a @ref StringBuf instance into a `char*`.
This function frees the memory associated with @p sb.
@param sb
A valid pointer to a @ref StringBuf instance.
A null pointer if @p sb is null. Otherwise a NUL-terminated string
corresponding to the value of @p sb. The caller takes ownership of this value.
const char *string_buf_cast(struct StringBuf *sb);
@brief Deallocates a previously allocated @ref StringBuf instance.
@param sb
A pointer to a @ref StringBuf instance. If null, this function is a no-op.
@see string_buf_new
void string_buf_free(struct StringBuf *sb);