Enderton (logic). Begin writing out Lean proofs for Exercises 1.
@ -1,3 +1 @@
import Bookshelf.Enderton.Logic.Chapter_0
#check Iff
import Bookshelf.Enderton.Logic.Chapter_1
@ -62,13 +62,20 @@
& = (\alpha \Leftrightarrow \beta)
@ -78,7 +85,8 @@
for $n > 1$.
We also define $\tuple{x} = x$.
\section{\defined{Well-Formed Formula}}%
@ -87,6 +95,9 @@
be built up from the sentence symbols by applying some finite number of
times the \nameref{ref:formula-building-operations}.
% Reset counter to mirror Enderton's book.
@ -285,12 +296,18 @@
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.1.2}}%
\subsection{\pending{Exercise 1.1.2}}%
Show that there are no wffs of length 2, 3, or 6, but that any other positive
length is possible.
Define $$S = \{ \phi \mid
@ -351,7 +368,7 @@
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.1.3}}%
\subsection{\pending{Exercise 1.1.3}}%
Let $\alpha$ be a wff; let $c$ be the number of places at which binary
@ -363,10 +380,64 @@
Show by using the induction principle that $s = c + 1$.
S = \{\phi \mid \phi \text{ is a wff such that } s = c + 1\}.
We prove that (i) all the sentence symbols are members of $S$ and (ii)
$S$ is closed under the five \nameref{ref:formula-building-operations}.
We then conclude with (iii) the proof of the theorem statement.
Let $\phi = A_n$ be an arbitrary sentence symbol.
The number of places at which sentence symbols occur in $\phi$ is 1.
The number of places at which binary connective symbols occur in $\phi$ is
Hence $\phi \in S$.
Let $\alpha, \beta \in S$.
Denote the number of places at which sentence symbols occur in each as
$s_\alpha$ and $s_\beta$ respectively.
Likewise, denote the number of places at which binary connective symbols
occur as $c_\alpha$ and $c_\beta$.
By definition, $\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha) = (\neg\alpha)$.
The number of sentence and binary connective symbols in
$\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha)$ does not change.
Thus $\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha) \in S$.
$\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\phi, \psi) = (\phi \mathop{\square} \psi)$
where $\square$ is one of the binary connectives $\land$, $\lor$,
$\Rightarrow$, $\Leftrightarrow$.
Therefore $\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\phi, \psi)$ has $s_\alpha + s_\beta$
sentence symbols and $c_\alpha + c_\beta + 1$ binary connective symbols.
But \eqref{sub:exercise-1.1.3-eq1} implies
s_\alpha + s_\beta
& = (c_\alpha + 1) + (c_\beta + 1) \\
& = (c_\alpha + c_\beta + 1) + 1,
meaning $\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\phi, \psi) \in S$.
Hence $S$ is closed under the five formula-building operations.
By \nameref{par:exercise-1.1.3-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-1.1.3-ii}, the
\nameref{sub:induction-principle-1} indicates $S$ is the set of all
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.1.4}}%
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.1.4}}%
Assume we have a construction sequence ending in $\phi$, where $\phi$ does not
@ -376,20 +447,75 @@
Show that the result is still a legal construction sequence.
Let $S$ denote a \nameref{ref:construction-sequence}
$\ltuple{\epsilon_1}{\epsilon_n}$ such that $\epsilon_n = \phi$.
Let $S' = \ltuple{\epsilon_{i_1}}{\epsilon_{i_m}}$ denote the construction
sequence resulting from deleting all expressions in $S$ containing $A_4$.
Fix $1 \leq j \leq m$.
Then there exists some $1 \leq k \leq n$ such that
$\epsilon_{i_j} = \epsilon_k$.
By definition of a construction sequence, there are three cases to consider:
\paragraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $\epsilon_k$ is a sentence symbol.
Then $\epsilon_{i_j}$ is also sentence symbol.
\paragraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $\epsilon_k = \mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\epsilon_a)$ for some $a < k$.
It must be that $A_4$ is not found in $\epsilon_a$, else an immediate
contradiction is raised.
Therefore $\epsilon_a$ is a member of $S'$ that precedes $\epsilon_{i_j}$.
Hence $\epsilon_{i_j} = \mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\epsilon_{i_a})$ for some
$a < j$.
\paragraph{Case 3}%
Suppose $\epsilon_k = \mathcal{E}_{\square}(\epsilon_a, \epsilon_b)$ for
some $a, b < k$ where $\square$ is one of the binary connectives
$\land$, $\lor$, $\Rightarrow$, $\Leftrightarrow$.
It must be that $A_4$ is found in neither $\epsilon_a$ nor $\epsilon_b$,
else an immediate contradiction is raised.
Therefore $\epsilon_a$ and $\epsilon_b$ is a member of $S'$, both of which
precede $\epsilon_{i_j}$.
$\epsilon_{i_j} = \mathcal{E}_{\square}(\epsilon_{i_a}, \epsilon_{i_b})$
for some $a, b < j$.
Since the above cases are exhaustive and apply to an arbitrary member of
$S'$, it must be that every member of $S'$ is valid.
Hence $S'$ is still a legal construction sequence.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.1.5}}%
Suppose that $\alpha$ is a wff not containing the negation symbol $\neg$.
\item Show that the length of $\alpha$ (i.e., the number of symbols in the
string) is odd.
\item Show that more than a quarter of the symbols are sentence symbols.
\subsubsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.1.5a}}%
Show that the length of $\alpha$ (i.e., the number of symbols in the string)
is odd.
\textit{Suggestion}: Apply induction to show that the length is of the form
$4k + 1$ and the number of sentence symbols is $k + 1$.
$4k + 1$.
\subsubsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.1.6a}}%
Show that more than a quarter of the symbols are sentence symbols.
\textit{Suggestion}: Apply induction to show that the number of sentence
symbols is $k + 1$.
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
/-! # Enderton.Logic.Chapter_0
Useful Facts About Sets
namespace Enderton.Logic.Chapter_0
end Enderton.Logic.Chapter_0
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
import Common.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.NormNum
/-! # Enderton.Logic.Chapter_1
Sentential Logic
namespace Enderton.Logic.Chapter_1
An abstract representation of a well-formed formula as defined by Enderton.
inductive Wff where
| SS : Nat → Wff -- e.g. **S**entence **S**ymbol `Aₙ`
| Not : Wff → Wff -- e.g. `(¬ α)`
| And : Wff → Wff → Wff -- e.g. `(α ∧ β)`
| Or : Wff → Wff → Wff -- e.g. `(α ∨ β)`
| Cond : Wff → Wff → Wff -- e.g. `(α → β)`
| Iff : Wff → Wff → Wff -- e.g. `(α ↔ β)`
namespace Wff
Returns the length of the expression, including symbols.
def length : Wff → ℕ
| Wff.SS _ => 1
| Wff.Not e => length e + 3
| Wff.And e₁ e₂
| Wff.Or e₁ e₂
| Wff.Cond e₁ e₂
| Wff.Iff e₁ e₂ => length e₁ + length e₂ + 3
Every well-formed formula has a positive length.
theorem length_gt_zero (φ : Wff)
: length φ > 0 := by
unfold length
match φ with
| SS _
| Not _
| And _ _
| Or _ _
| Cond _ _
| Iff _ _ => simp
end Wff
/-! #### Exercise 1.1.2
Show that there are no wffs of length `2`, `3`, or `6`, but that any other
positive length is possible.
section Exercise_1_1_2
private lemma eq_3_by_cases (m n : ℕ) (h : m + n = 3)
: m = 0 ∧ n = 3 ∨
m = 1 ∧ n = 2 ∨
m = 2 ∧ n = 1 ∨
m = 3 ∧ n = 0 := by
have m_le_3 : m ≤ 3 := by
have : m = 3 - n := Eq.symm $ Nat.sub_eq_of_eq_add (Eq.symm h)
rw [this]
apply Or.elim (Nat.lt_or_eq_of_le m_le_3)
· intro hm₁
apply Or.elim (Nat.lt_or_eq_of_lt hm₁)
· intro hm₂
apply Or.elim (Nat.lt_or_eq_of_lt hm₂)
· intro hm₃
refine Or.elim (Nat.lt_or_eq_of_lt hm₃) (by simp) ?_
intro m_eq_0
rw [m_eq_0, zero_add] at h
exact ⟨m_eq_0, h⟩
· intro m_eq_1
rw [m_eq_1, add_comm] at h
norm_num at h
right; left
exact ⟨m_eq_1, h⟩
· intro m_eq_2
rw [m_eq_2, add_comm] at h
norm_num at h
right; right; left
exact ⟨m_eq_2, h⟩
· intro m_eq_3
rw [m_eq_3, add_comm] at h
norm_num at h
right; right; right
exact ⟨m_eq_3, h⟩
theorem exercise_1_1_2_i (φ : Wff)
: φ.length ≠ 2 ∧ φ.length ≠ 3 ∧ φ.length ≠ 6 := by
induction φ with
| SS c =>
unfold Wff.length
| Not e ih =>
unfold Wff.length
refine ⟨by norm_num, ?_, ?_⟩
· intro h
norm_num at h
have := e.length_gt_zero
rw [h] at this
simp at this
· intro h
norm_num at h
rw [h] at ih
simp at ih
| And e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂
| Or e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂
| Cond e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂
| Iff e₁ e₂ ih₁ ih₂ =>
unfold Wff.length
refine ⟨by norm_num, ?_, ?_⟩
· intro h
norm_num at h
have := e₁.length_gt_zero
rw [h.left] at this
simp at this
· intro h
norm_num at h
apply Or.elim (eq_3_by_cases e₁.length e₂.length h)
· intro h₁
have := e₁.length_gt_zero
rw [h₁.left] at this
simp at this
· intro h₁
apply Or.elim h₁
· intro h₂
exact absurd h₂.right ih₂.left
intro h₂
apply Or.elim h₂
· intro h₃
exact absurd h₃.left ih₁.left
intro h₃
exact absurd h₃.left ih₁.right.left
theorem exercise_1_1_2_ii (n : ℕ) (h : n ≠ 2 ∧ n ≠ 3 ∧ n ≠ 6)
: ∃ φ : Wff, φ.length = n := by
let φ₁ := Wff.SS 1
let φ₂ := Wff.And φ₁ (Wff.SS 2)
let φ₃ := Wff.And φ₂ (Wff.SS 3)
end Exercise_1_1_2
/-! #### Exercise 1.1.3
Let `α` be a wff; let `c` be the number of places at which binary connective
symbols (`∧`, `∨`, `→`, `↔`) occur in `α`; let `s` be the number of places at
which sentence symbols occur in `α`. (For example, if `α` is `(A → (¬ A))` then
`c = 1` and `s = 2`.) Show by using the induction principle that `s = c + 1`.
section Exercise_1_1_3
private def binary_symbol_count : Wff → ℕ
| Wff.SS _ => 0
| Wff.Not e => binary_symbol_count e
| Wff.And e₁ e₂
| Wff.Or e₁ e₂
| Wff.Cond e₁ e₂
| Wff.Iff e₁ e₂ => binary_symbol_count e₁ + binary_symbol_count e₂ + 1
private def sentence_symbol_count : Wff → ℕ
| Wff.SS _ => 1
| Wff.Not e => sentence_symbol_count e
| Wff.And e₁ e₂
| Wff.Or e₁ e₂
| Wff.Cond e₁ e₂
| Wff.Iff e₁ e₂ => sentence_symbol_count e₁ + sentence_symbol_count e₂
theorem exercise_1_1_3 (φ : Wff)
: sentence_symbol_count φ = binary_symbol_count φ + 1 := by
end Exercise_1_1_3
end Enderton.Logic.Chapter_1
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
\textbf{Addition} ($+$) is the \nameref{ref:binary-operation} on $\omega$ such
that for any $m$ and $n$ in $\omega$, $$m + n = A_m(n).$$
\section{\defined{Axiom of Choice, First Form}}%
@ -43,7 +44,8 @@
For any relation $R$ there is a function $H \subseteq R$ with
$\dom{H} = \dom{R}$.
\section{\defined{Axiom of Choice, Second Form}}%
@ -51,7 +53,8 @@
For any set $I$ and any function $H$ with domain $I$, if $H(i) \neq \emptyset$
for all $i \in I$, then $$\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i) \neq \emptyset.$$
\section{\defined{Binary Operation}}%
@ -79,7 +82,8 @@
only if for all $x$ and $y$ in $A$,
$$xRy \Rightarrow F(x)RF(y).$$
@ -87,9 +91,11 @@
The \textbf{composition} of sets $F$ and $G$ is
$$F \circ G = \{\tuple{u, v} \mid \exists t(uGt \land tFv)\}.$$
@ -105,9 +111,11 @@
The \textbf{domain} of set $R$, denoted $\dom{R}$, is given by
$$x \in \dom{R} \iff \exists y \tuple{x, y} \in R.$$
\section{\defined{Empty Set Axiom}}%
@ -122,7 +130,8 @@
A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
only if there is a one-to-one \nameref{ref:function} from $A$ onto $B$.
\section{\defined{Equivalence Class}}%
@ -133,7 +142,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
(\textbf{modulo $R$}).
If the relation $R$ is fixed by the context, we may write just $[x]$.
\section{\defined{Equivalence Relation}}%
@ -142,7 +152,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$R$ is a binary \nameref{ref:relation} on $A$ that is \nameref{ref:reflexive}
on $A$, \nameref{ref:symmetric}, and \nameref{ref:transitive}.
@ -157,7 +168,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
\textbf{Exponentiation} is the \nameref{ref:binary-operation} on $\omega$
such that for any $m$ and $n$ in $\omega$, $$m^n = E_m(n).$$
\section{\defined{Extensionality Axiom}}%
@ -166,7 +178,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$\forall A, \forall B,
\left[\forall x, (x \in A \iff x \in B) \Rightarrow A = B\right].$$
@ -174,7 +187,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
Given \nameref{ref:relation} $R$, the \textbf{field} of $R$, denoted $\fld{R}$,
is given by $$\fld{R} = \dom{R} \cup \ran{R}.$$
\section{\defined{Finite Set}}%
@ -182,7 +196,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
A set is \textbf{finite} if and only if it is \nameref{ref:equinumerous} to a
@ -200,11 +215,14 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
only one $x$ such that $xFy$.
One-to-one functions are sometimes called \textbf{injections}.
@ -217,9 +235,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) uFv\}.
\section{\defined{Inductive Set}}%
@ -228,9 +248,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
and it is "closed under \nameref{ref:successor}", i.e.
$$(\forall a \in A) a^+ \in A.$$
Induction is baked into Lean's type system.
@ -252,9 +274,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$(\exists A)\left[
\emptyset \in A \land (\forall a \in A) a^+ \in A\right].$$
@ -262,9 +286,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
The \textbf{inverse} of a set $F$ is the set
$$F^{-1} = \{\tuple{u, v} \mid vFu\}.$$
@ -272,7 +298,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
A binary relation $R$ on set $A$ is \textbf{irreflexive} if there is no
$x \in A$ for which $xRx$.
\section{\defined{Linear Ordering}}
@ -287,7 +314,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
\item $R$ is \nameref{ref:trichotomous}.
This definition does not agree with how Lean defines a linear order.
@ -320,7 +348,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
\textbf{Multiplication} ($\cdot$) is the \nameref{ref:binary-operation} on
$\omega$ such that for any $m$ and $n$ in $\omega$, $$m \cdot n = M_m(n).$$
\section{\defined{Natural Number}}%
@ -329,7 +358,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
The set of all natural numbers exists by virtue of \nameref{sub:theorem-4a}.
This set is denoted as $\omega$.
\section{\defined{Ordered Pair}}%
@ -337,9 +367,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
For any sets $u$ and $v$, the \textbf{ordered pair} $\tuple{u, v}$ is
the set $\{\{u\}, \{u, v\}\}$.
\section{\defined{Ordering on \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}}%
@ -356,7 +388,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
& \iff m < n \lor m = n.
\section{\defined{Pair Set}}%
@ -364,9 +397,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
For any sets $u$ and $v$, the \textbf{pair set $\{u, v\}$} is the set whose
only members are $u$ and $v$.
\section{\defined{Pairing Axiom}}%
@ -375,9 +410,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$\forall u, \forall v, \exists B, \forall x,
(x \in B \iff x = u \text{ or } x = v).$$
@ -389,7 +426,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
\item each element of $A$ is in some set in $\Pi$.
\section{\defined{Peano System}}%
@ -404,7 +445,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
\section{\defined{Power Set}}%
@ -412,7 +454,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
For any set $a$, the \textbf{power set $\powerset{a}$} is the set whose
members are exactly the subsets of $a$.
\section{\defined{Power Set Axiom}}%
@ -420,7 +463,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
For any set $a$, there is a set whose members are exactly the subsets of $a$:
$$\forall a, \exists B, \forall x, (x \in B \iff x \subseteq a).$$
\section{\defined{Proper Subset}}%
@ -429,7 +473,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
only if it is a subset of $B$ that is unequal to $B$.
$$A \subset B \iff A \subseteq B \land A \neq B.$$
\section{\defined{Quotient Set}}%
@ -439,7 +484,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
are the equivalence classes.
The expression $A / R$ is read "$A$ modulo $R$.
@ -447,9 +493,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
The \textbf{range} of set $R$, denoted $\ran{R}$, is given by
$$x \in \ran{R} \iff \exists t \tuple{t, x} \in R.$$
@ -457,16 +505,19 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
A binary relation $R$ is \textbf{reflexive} on $A$ if and only if $xRx$ for
all $x \in A$.
A \textbf{relation} is a set of \nameref{ref:ordered-pair}s.
@ -476,14 +527,16 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
The \textbf{restriction} of a set $F$ to set $A$ is the set
$$F \restriction A = \{\tuple{u, v} \mid uFv \land u \in A\}.$$
For any set $a$, its \textbf{successor} is defined by $$a^+ = a \cup \{a\}.$$
The corresponding Lean definition refers to the `Nat.succ` constructor.
@ -498,7 +551,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$\forall t_1, \cdots \forall t_k, \forall c,
\exists B, \forall x, (x \in B \iff x \in c \land \phi).$$
@ -506,7 +560,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
A binary relation $R$ is \textbf{symmetric} if and only if whenever $xRy$ then
\section{\defined{Symmetric Difference}}%
@ -514,7 +569,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
The \textbf{symmetric difference} $A + B$ of sets $A$ and $B$ is the set
$(A - B) \cup (B - A)$.
@ -522,9 +578,11 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
A binary relation $R$ is \textbf{transitive} if and only if whenever $xRy$ and
$yRz$, then $xRz$.
\section{\defined{Transitive Set}}%
@ -541,7 +599,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$xRy, \quad x = y, \quad yRx$$
\section{\defined{Union Axiom}}%
@ -551,7 +610,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$\forall A, \exists B, \forall x
\left[ x \in B \iff (\exists b \in A) x \in b \right]$$
\section{\defined{Union Axiom, Preliminary Form}}%
@ -561,7 +621,8 @@ A set $A$ is \textbf{equinumerous} to a set $B$ (written $A \approx B$) if and
$$\forall a, \forall b, \exists B, \forall x,
(x \in B \iff x \in a \text{ or } x \in b).$$
@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ Show that `Rₚ` is an equivalence relation on `A`. (This is a formalized versio
of the discussion at the beginning of this section.)
theorem exercise_3_37 {P : Set (Set α)} {A : Set α}
(hP : isPartition P A) (Rₚ : Set.Relation α)
(hP : Partition P A) (Rₚ : Set.Relation α)
(hRₚ : ∀ x y, (x, y) ∈ Rₚ ↔ ∃ B ∈ P, x ∈ B ∧ y ∈ B)
: isEquivalence Rₚ A := by
have hRₚ_eq : Rₚ = { p | ∃ B ∈ P, p.1 ∈ B ∧ p.2 ∈ B } := by
@ -2014,7 +2014,7 @@ equivalence relation on `A`. Show that if we start with the equivalence relation
`Rₚ` of the preceding exercise, then the partition `A / Rₚ` is just `P`.
theorem exercise_3_38 {P : Set (Set α)} {A : Set α}
(hP : isPartition P A) (Rₚ : Set.Relation α)
(hP : Partition P A) (Rₚ : Set.Relation α)
(hRₚ : ∀ x y, (x, y) ∈ Rₚ ↔ ∃ B ∈ P, x ∈ B ∧ y ∈ B)
: modEquiv (exercise_3_37 hP Rₚ hRₚ) = P := by
have hRₚ_eq : Rₚ = { p | ∃ B ∈ P, p.1 ∈ B ∧ p.2 ∈ B } := by
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ theorem neighborhood_mem_imp_relate {R : Set.Relation α} {A : Set α}
A **partition** `Π` of a set `A` is a set of nonempty subsets of `A` that is
disjoint and exhaustive.
structure isPartition (P : Set (Set α)) (A : Set α) : Prop where
structure Partition (P : Set (Set α)) (A : Set α) : Prop where
p_subset : ∀ p ∈ P, p ⊆ A
nonempty : ∀ p ∈ P, Set.Nonempty p
disjoint : ∀ a ∈ P, ∀ b, b ∈ P → a ≠ b → a ∩ b = ∅
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ structure isPartition (P : Set (Set α)) (A : Set α) : Prop where
Membership of sets within `P` is unique.
theorem partition_mem_mem_eq {P : Set (Set α)} {A : Set α}
(hP : isPartition P A) (hx : x ∈ A)
(hP : Partition P A) (hx : x ∈ A)
: ∃! B, B ∈ P ∧ x ∈ B := by
have ⟨B, hB⟩ := hP.exhaustive x hx
refine ⟨B, hB, ?_⟩
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ def modEquiv {A : Set α} {R : Relation α} (_ : isEquivalence R A) :=
Show the sets formed by `modEquiv` do indeed form a `partition`.
theorem modEquiv_partition {A : Set α} {R : Relation α} (hR : isEquivalence R A)
: isPartition (modEquiv hR) A := by
: Partition (modEquiv hR) A := by
refine ⟨?_, ?_, ?_, ?_⟩
· intro p hp
have ⟨x, hx⟩ := hp
@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.NormNum
namespace Nat
If `n < m⁺`, then `n < m` or `n = m`.
theorem lt_or_eq_of_lt {n m : Nat} (h : n < m.succ) : n < m ∨ n = m :=
lt_or_eq_of_le (lt_succ.mp h)
The following cancellation law holds for `m`, `n`, and `p` in `ω`:
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ def index : BaseHtmlM Html := do templateExtends (baseHtml "Index") <|
<li>Smullyan, Raymond M. To Mock a Mockingbird: And Other Logic Puzzles Including an Amazing Adventure in Combinatory Logic. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2000.</li>
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