Enderton. Definitions, theorem 3E.

Joshua Potter 2023-06-23 14:47:25 -06:00
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@ -24,6 +24,24 @@
The \textbf{composition} of sets $F$ and $G$ is
$$F \circ G = \{\left< u, v \right> \mid \exists t(uGt \land tFv)\}.$$
Given \nameref{ref:relation} $R$, the \textbf{domain} of $R$, denoted $\dom{R}$,
is given by $$x \in \dom{R} \iff \exists y \left< x, y \right> \in R.$$
\section{\defined{Empty Set Axiom}}%
@ -49,6 +67,18 @@ If two sets have exactly the same members, then they are equal:
Given \nameref{ref:relation} $R$, the \textbf{field} of $R$, denoted $\fld{R}$,
is given by $$\fld{R} = \dom{R} \cup \ran{R}.$$
@ -75,6 +105,23 @@ One-to-one functions are sometimes called \textbf{injections}.
Let $A$ and $F$ be arbitrary sets.
The \textbf{image of $A$ under $F$} is the set
& = \ran{(F \restriction A)} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) uFv\}.
The \textbf{inverse} of a set $F$ is the set
$$F^{-1} = \{\left< u, v \right> \mid vFu\}.$$
\section{\defined{Ordered Pair}}%
@ -144,30 +191,35 @@ For any set $a$, there is a set whose members are exactly the subsets of $a$:
Given \nameref{ref:relation} $R$, the \textbf{range} of $R$, denoted $\ran{R}$,
is given by $$x \in \ran{R} \iff \exists t \left< t, x \right> \in R.$$
A \textbf{relation} is a set of \nameref{ref:ordered-pair}s.
Given relation $R$, the \textbf{domain} of $R$ ($\dom{R}$), the \textbf{range}
of $R$ ($\ran{R}$), and the \textbf{field} of $R$ ($\fld{R}$) is given by
x \in \dom{R} & \iff \exists y \left< x, y \right> \in R, \\
x \in \ran{R} & \iff \exists t \left< t, x \right> \in R, \\
\fld{R} & = \dom{R} \cup \ran{R}.
The \textbf{restriction} of a set $F$ to set $A$ is the set
$$F \restriction A = \{\left< u, v \right> \mid uFv \land u \in A\}.$$
\section{\defined{Subset Axioms}}%
@ -2730,8 +2782,8 @@ Show that a set $A$ is a relation iff $A \subseteq \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
Let $a \in A$.
Since $A$ is a relation, $a$ is an ordered pair.
Then there exists some sets $x$ and $y$ such that $a = \left< x, y \right>$.
By definition of the domain and range of $A$, $x \in \dom{A}$ and
$y \in \ran{A}$.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} and \nameref{ref:range} of
$A$, $x \in \dom{A}$ and $y \in \ran{A}$.
Thus $a = \left< x, y \right> \in \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$ as well.
This proves $A \subseteq \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
@ -2885,14 +2937,14 @@ Discuss the result of replacing the union operation by the intersection
Let $x \in \dom{\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of the domain of a set,
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} of a set,
$\exists y, \left< x, y \right> \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the intersection of sets,
$\exists y, \forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \left< x, y \right> \in R$.
But this implies that
$\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \exists y, \left< x, y \right> \in R$.
By another application of the definition of the domain of a set,
$\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \dom{R}$.
By another application of the definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} of a
set, $\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \dom{R}$.
By another application of the intersection of sets,
$x \in \bigcap\;\{ \dom{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Thus \eqref{sub:exercise-6.9-eq1} holds.
@ -2900,14 +2952,14 @@ Discuss the result of replacing the union operation by the intersection
Let $x \in \ran{\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of the range of a set,
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a set,
$\exists t, \left< t, x \right> \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the intersection of sets,
$\exists t, \forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \left< t, x \right> \in R$.
But this implies that
$\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \exists t, \left< t, x \right> \in R$.
By another application of the definition of the domain of a set,
$\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \ran{R}$.
By another application of the definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a
set, $\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \ran{R}$.
By another application of the intersection of sets,
$x \in \bigcap\;\{ \ran{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Thus \eqref{sub:exercise-6.9-eq2} holds.
@ -2945,19 +2997,50 @@ Show that an ordered $4$-tuple is also an ordered $m$-tuple for every positive
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 3E}}%
\subsection{\partial{Theorem 3E}}%
For a set $F$, $\dom{F^{-1}} = \ran{F}$ and $\ran{F^{-1}} = \dom{F}$.
For a set $F$, $\dom{(F^{-1})} = \ran{F}$ and $\ran{(F^{-1})} = \dom{F}$.
For a relation $F$, $(F^{-1})^{-1} = F$.
We prove that (i) $\dom{(F^{-1})} = \ran{F}$, (ii) $\ran{(F^{-1})} = \dom{F}$,
and (iii) $(F^{-1})^{-1} = F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain}, $x \in \dom{(F^{-1})}$ if and
only if there exists some $y$ such that $\left< x, y \right> \in F^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\left< y, x \right> \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range}, $x \in \ran{F}$.
Since each step holds biconditionally, it follows
$\dom{(F^{-1})} = \ran{F}$ as expected.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range}, $x \in \ran{(F^{-1})}$ if and
only if there exists some $t$ such that $\left< t, x \right> \in F^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\left< x, t \right> \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain}, $x \in \dom{F}$.
Since each step holds biconditionally, it follows
$\ran{(F^{-1})} = \dom{F}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
& = \{\left< u, v \right> \mid \left< v, u \right> \in F^{-1}\} \\
& = \{\left< u, v \right> \mid \left< u, v \right> \in F\} \\
& = F.