Revise geometry with different types of rectangles and lines.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ A collection of points satisfying \eqref{sec:partition-eq1} is called a
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ That is to say, for each $k = 1, 2, \ldots, n$, there is a real number $s_k$
@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ For each set $S$ in $\mathscr{M}$, we have $a(S) \geq 0$.
{Nonnegative Property}
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ If $S$ and $T$ are in $\mathscr{M}$, then $S \cup T$ and $S \cap T$ are in
{Additive Property}
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ If $S$ and $T$ are in $\mathscr{M}$ with $S \subseteq T$, then $T - S$ is in
{Difference Property}
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ If a set $S$ is in $\mathscr{M}$ and if $T$ is congruent to $S$, then $T$ is
{Invariance Under Congruence}
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ If the edges of $R$ have lengths $h$ and $k$, then $a(R) = hk$.
{Choice of Scale}
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ If there is one and only one number $c$ which satisfies the inequalities
{Exhaustion Property}
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.LibrarySearch
import Common.Real.Floor
import Common.Geometry.StepFunction
import Common.Set.Basic
import Common.Set.Intervals.StepFunction
/-! # Apostol.Chapter_1_11 -/
@ -133,8 +132,6 @@ theorem exercise_7b (ha : a > 0) (hb : b > 0) (hp : Nat.coprime a b)
open Set.Intervals
/-- ### Exercise 8
Let `S` be a set of points on the real line. The *characteristic function* of
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import Common.Real.Geometry.Rectangle
import Common.Set.Intervals.StepFunction
import Common.Geometry.Basic
import Common.Geometry.Rectangle.Skew
import Common.Geometry.StepFunction
/-! # Common.Real.Geometry.Area
/-! # Common.Geometry.Area
An axiomatic foundation for the concept of *area*. These axioms are those
outlined in [^1].
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ outlined in [^1].
Introduction to Linear Algebra. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 2 vols. Wiley, 1991.
namespace Real.Geometry.Area
namespace Geometry.Area
All *measurable sets*, i.e. sets in the plane to which an area can be assigned.
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ All *measurable sets*, i.e. sets in the plane to which an area can be assigned.
The existence of such a class is assumed in the axiomatic definition of area
introduced by Apostol. He denotes this set of sets as `𝓜`.
axiom 𝓜 : Set (Set ℝ²)
axiom 𝓜 : Set (Set Point)
A set function mapping every *measurable set* to a value denoting its area.
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ axiom area : ∀ ⦃x⦄, x ∈ 𝓜 → ℝ
For each set `S` in `𝓜`, we have `a(S) ≥ 0`.
axiom area_ge_zero {S : Set ℝ²} (h : S ∈ 𝓜): area h ≥ 0
axiom area_ge_zero {S : Set Point} (h : S ∈ 𝓜): area h ≥ 0
/-! ## Additive Property
@ -41,14 +42,14 @@ If `S` and `T` are in `𝓜`, then `S ∪ T` in `𝓜`, `S ∩ T` in `𝓜`, and
`a(S ∪ T) = a(S) + a(T) - a(S ∩ T)`.
axiom measureable_imp_union_measurable {S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜)
: S ∪ T ∈ 𝓜
axiom measureable_imp_union_measurable {S T : Set Point}
(hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜) : S ∪ T ∈ 𝓜
axiom measurable_imp_inter_measurable {S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜)
: S ∩ T ∈ 𝓜
axiom measurable_imp_inter_measurable {S T : Set Point}
(hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜) : S ∩ T ∈ 𝓜
axiom union_area_eq_area_add_area_sub_inter_area
{S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜)
{S T : Set Point} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜)
: area (measureable_imp_union_measurable hS hT) =
area hS + area hT - area (measurable_imp_inter_measurable hS hT)
@ -59,11 +60,11 @@ If `S` and `T` are in `𝓜` with `S ⊆ T`, then `T - S` is in `𝓜` and
axiom measureable_imp_diff_measurable
{S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜) (h : S ⊆ T)
{S T : Set Point} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜) (h : S ⊆ T)
: T \ S ∈ 𝓜
axiom diff_area_eq_area_sub_area
{S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜) (h : S ⊆ T)
{S T : Set Point} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (hT : T ∈ 𝓜) (h : S ⊆ T)
: area (measureable_imp_diff_measurable hS hT h) = area hT - area hS
/-! ## Invariance Under Congruence
@ -73,14 +74,13 @@ If a set `S` is in `𝓜` and if a set `T` is congruent to `S`, then `T` is also
axiom measurable_congruent_imp_measurable
{S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (h : congruent S T)
{S T : Set Point} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (h : congruent S T)
: T ∈ 𝓜
axiom congruent_imp_area_eq_area
{S T : Set ℝ²} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (h : congruent S T)
{S T : Set Point} (hS : S ∈ 𝓜) (h : congruent S T)
: area hS = area (measurable_congruent_imp_measurable hS h)
/-! ## Choice of Scale
(i) Every rectangle `R` is in `𝓜`.
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ axiom congruent_imp_area_eq_area
(ii) If the edges of rectangle `R` have lengths `h` and `k`, then `a(R) = hk`.
axiom rectangle_measurable (R : Rectangle)
axiom rectangle_measurable (R : Rectangle.Skew)
: R.toSet ∈ 𝓜
axiom rectangle_area_eq_mul_edge_lengths (R : Rectangle)
axiom rectangle_area_eq_mul_edge_lengths (R : Rectangle.Skew)
: area (rectangle_measurable R) = R.width * R.height
/-! ## Exhaustion Property
@ -107,24 +107,24 @@ Every step region is measurable. This follows from the choice of scale axiom,
and the fact all step regions are equivalent to the union of a collection of
theorem step_function_measurable (S : Set.Intervals.StepFunction ℝ)
theorem step_function_measurable (S : StepFunction)
: S.toSet ∈ 𝓜 := by
def forallSubsetsBetween (k : ℝ) (Q : Set ℝ²) :=
∀ S T : Set.Intervals.StepFunction ℝ,
def forallSubsetsBetween (k : ℝ) (Q : Set Point) :=
∀ S T : StepFunction,
(hS : S.toSet ⊆ Q) →
(hT : Q ⊆ T.toSet) →
area (step_function_measurable S) ≤ k ∧ k ≤ area (step_function_measurable T)
axiom exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_measurable (Q : Set ℝ²)
axiom exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_measurable (Q : Set Point)
: (∃! k : ℝ, forallSubsetsBetween k Q)
→ Q ∈ 𝓜
axiom exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_area_eq (Q : Set ℝ²)
axiom exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_area_eq (Q : Set Point)
: ∃ k : ℝ,
(h : forallSubsetsBetween k Q ∧
(∀ x : ℝ, forallSubsetsBetween x Q → x = k))
→ area (exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_measurable Q ⟨k, h⟩) = k
end Real.Geometry.Area
end Geometry.Area
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import Common.Geometry.Point
/-! # Common.Geometry.Basic
Additional theorems and definitions useful in the context of geometry.
namespace Geometry
Two sets `S` and `T` are `similar` **iff** there exists a one-to-one
correspondence between `S` and `T` such that the distance between any two points
`P, Q ∈ S` and corresponding points `P', Q' ∈ T` differ by some constant `α`. In
other words, `α|PQ| = |P'Q'|`.
def similar (S T : Set Point) : Prop :=
∃ f : Point → Point, Function.Bijective f ∧
∃ s : ℝ, ∀ x y : Point, x ∈ S ∧ y ∈ T →
s * Point.dist x y = Point.dist (f x) (f y)
Two sets are congruent if they are similar with a scaling factor of `1`.
def congruent (S T : Set Point) : Prop :=
∃ f : Point → Point, Function.Bijective f ∧
∀ x y : Point, x ∈ S ∧ y ∈ T →
Point.dist x y = Point.dist (f x) (f y)
Any two `congruent` sets must be similar to one another.
theorem congruent_similar {S T : Set Point} : congruent S T → similar S T := by
intro hc
let ⟨f, ⟨hf, hs⟩⟩ := hc
conv at hs => intro x y hxy; arg 1; rw [← one_mul (Point.dist x y)]
exact ⟨f, ⟨hf, ⟨1, hs⟩⟩⟩
end Geometry
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import Common.Geometry.Point
/-! # Common.Geometry.Line
A representation of a line in the two-dimensional Cartesian plane.
namespace Geometry
A `Line` is represented in vector form (not to be confused with `Vector`).
It is completely characterized by a point `P` on the line in question and a
direction vector `dir` parallel to the line. Such a line is represented by
\vec{r} = \vec{OP} + t\vec{d},
where `O` denotes the origin and `t ∈ ℝ`.
structure Line where
p : Point
dir : ℝ × ℝ
end Geometry
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Sqrt
import Common.Real.Trigonometry
/-! # Common.Geometry.Point
A representation of a point in the two-dimensional Cartesian plane.
namespace Geometry
structure Point where
x : ℝ
y : ℝ
noncomputable instance : DecidableEq Point := by
intro p₁ p₂
have ⟨x₁, y₁⟩ := p₁
have ⟨x₂, y₂⟩ := p₂
if hp : x₁ = x₂ ∧ y₁ = y₂ then
rw [hp.left, hp.right]
exact isTrue rfl
rw [not_and_or] at hp
refine isFalse ?_
intro h
injection h with hx hy
apply Or.elim hp
· intro nx
exact absurd hx nx
· intro ny
exact absurd hy ny
namespace Point
The function mapping a `Point` to a `2`-tuple of reals.
def toTuple (p : Point) : ℝ × ℝ := (p.x, p.y)
The function mapping a `2`-tuple of reals to a `Point`.
def fromTuple (p : ℝ × ℝ) : Point := p.1 p.2
An isomorphism between a `Point` and a `2`-tuple.
def isoTuple : Point ≃ ℝ × ℝ :=
toFun := toTuple,
invFun := fromTuple,
left_inv := by
unfold Function.LeftInverse fromTuple toTuple
right_inv := by
unfold Function.RightInverse Function.LeftInverse fromTuple toTuple
The length of the straight line segment connecting points `p` and `q`.
noncomputable def dist (p q : Point) :=
Real.sqrt ((abs (q.x - p.x)) ^ 2 + (abs (q.y - p.y)) ^ 2)
The undirected angle at `p₂` between the line segments to `p₁` and `p₃`. If
either of those points equals `p₂`, this is `π / 2`.
noncomputable def angle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : Point) : ℝ :=
Real.euclideanAngle (toTuple p₁) (toTuple p₂) (toTuple p₃)
end Point
end Geometry
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Common.Geometry.Rectangle.Orthogonal
import Common.Geometry.Rectangle.Skew
@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.LibrarySearch
import Common.Geometry.Point
import Common.Geometry.Segment
import Common.Geometry.Rectangle.Skew
/-! # Common.Geometry.Rectangle.Orthogonal
A characterization of an orthogonal rectangle.
namespace Geometry.Rectangle
An `Orthogonal` rectangle is characterized by two points on opposite corners. It
is assumed the edges of the rectangle are parallel to the coordinate axes.
A `Point` can alternatively be viewed as an `Orthogonal` rectangle in which the
two points coincide. A horizontal or vertical `Segment` can alternatively be
viewed as an `Orthogonal` rectangle with width or height (but not both) `0`.
structure Orthogonal where
bl : Point -- bottom left
tr : Point -- top right
namespace Orthogonal
The width of the `Orthogonal` rectangle.
def width (r : Orthogonal) := -
The height of the `Orthogonal` rectangle.
def height (r : Orthogonal) := -
The top-left corner of the `Orthogonal` rectangle.
def tl (r : Orthogonal) : Point := ⟨, + r.height⟩
The bottom-right corner of the `Orthogonal` rectangle.
def br (r : Orthogonal) : Point := ⟨ + r.width,⟩
An `Orthogonal` rectangle's top side is equal in length to its bottom side.
theorem dist_top_eq_dist_bottom (r : Orthogonal)
: Point.dist = Point.dist := by
unfold tl br Point.dist width height
An `Orthogonal` rectangle's left side is equal in length to its right side.
theorem dist_left_eq_dist_right (r : Orthogonal)
: Point.dist = Point.dist := by
unfold tl br Point.dist width height
Convert an `Orthogonal` rectangle into a `Skew` one.
def toSkew (r : Orthogonal) : Skew := ⟨,,, sorry⟩
The set of `Orthogonal` rectangles are embedded in the set of `Skew` rectangles.
def skewEmbedding : Orthogonal ↪ Skew :=
have : Function.Injective toSkew := by
unfold Function.Injective
intro r₁ r₂ h
unfold toSkew at h
have ⟨⟨blx₁, bly₁⟩, ⟨trx₁, try₁⟩⟩ := r₁
have ⟨⟨blx₂, bry₂⟩, ⟨trx₂, try₂⟩⟩ := r₂
simp at h
unfold tl br width height at h
simp at h
exact ⟨⟨h.left.left, h.right.left.right⟩, ⟨h.right.right.left, h.left.right⟩⟩
⟨toSkew, this⟩
/-! ## Point -/
A `Point` is an `Orthogonal` rectangle in which all points coincide.
abbrev AsPoint := Subtype (fun r : Orthogonal => =
namespace AsPoint
The function mapping an `Orthogonal` rectangle with all points coinciding to a
def toPoint (p : AsPoint) : Point :=
The function mapping a `Point` to an `Orthogonal` rectangle with all points
def fromPoint (p : Point) : AsPoint := ⟨ p p, by simp⟩
An isomorphism between an `Orthogonal` rectangle with all points coinciding and
a `Point`.
def isoPoint : AsPoint ≃ Point :=
toFun := toPoint,
invFun := fromPoint,
left_inv := by
unfold Function.LeftInverse fromPoint toPoint
intro ⟨r, hr⟩
repeat {
simp only
unfold tl height
rw [hr]
right_inv := by
unfold Function.RightInverse Function.LeftInverse fromPoint toPoint
intro ⟨r, hr⟩
unfold tl height
The width of an `AsPoint` is `0`.
theorem width_eq_zero (p : AsPoint) : p.val.width = 0 := by
unfold Orthogonal.width
rw []
The height of an `AsPoint` is `0`.
theorem height_eq_zero (p : AsPoint) : p.val.height = 0 := by
unfold Orthogonal.height
rw []
end AsPoint
/-! ## Segment -/
A `Segment` is an `Orthogonal` rectangle either width or height equal to `0`.
abbrev AsSegment := Subtype (fun r : Orthogonal =>
( = ∧ ≠ ∨ ( ≠ ∧ =
namespace AsSegment
Either the width or height of an `AsSegment` is zero.
theorem width_or_height_eq_zero (s : AsSegment)
: s.val.width = 0 ∨ s.val.height = 0 := by
apply Or.elim
· intro h
refine Or.inl ?_
unfold width
rw [h.left]
· intro h
refine Or.inr ?_
unfold height
rw [h.right]
end AsSegment
end Orthogonal
end Geometry.Rectangle
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
import Common.Geometry.Point
import Common.Geometry.Segment
import Common.Real.Trigonometry
/-! # Common.Geometry.Rectangle.Skew
A characterization of a skew rectangle.
namespace Geometry.Rectangle
A `Skew` rectangle is characterized by three points and the angle formed between
A `Point` can alternatively be viewed as a `Skew` rectangle in which all three
points coincide. A `Segment` can alternatively be viewed as a `Skew` rectangle
in which two of the three points coincide. Note that, by definition of
`Point.angle`, such a situation does indeed yield an angle of `π / 2`.
structure Skew where
tl : Point -- top left
bl : Point -- bottom left
br : Point -- bottom right
has_right_angle : Point.angle tl bl br = Real.pi / 2
namespace Skew
The top-right corner of the `Skew` rectangle.
def tr (r : Skew) : Point :=
⟨ + -, + -⟩
A `Skew` rectangle's top side is equal in length to its bottom side.
theorem dist_top_eq_dist_bottom (r : Skew)
: Point.dist = Point.dist := by
unfold tr Point.dist
simp only
repeat rw [add_comm, sub_right_comm, add_sub_cancel']
A `Skew` rectangle's left side is equal in length to its right side.
theorem dist_left_eq_dist_right (r : Skew)
: Point.dist = Point.dist := by
unfold tr Point.dist
simp only
repeat rw [
Computes the width of a `Skew` rectangle.
noncomputable def width (r : Skew) : ℝ :=
Computes the height of a `Skew` rectangle.
noncomputable def height (r : Skew) : ℝ :=
A mapping from a `Skew` rectangle to the set describing the region enclosed by
the rectangle.
def toSet (r : Skew) : Set Point := sorry
/-! ## Point -/
A `Point` is a `Skew` rectangle in which all points coincide.
abbrev AsPoint := Subtype (fun r : Skew => = ∧ =
namespace AsPoint
The function mapping a `Skew` rectangle with all points coinciding to a `Point`.
def toPoint (p : AsPoint) : Point :=
The function mapping a `Point` to a `Skew` rectangle with all points coinciding.
def fromPoint (p : Point) : AsPoint :=
have hp : Point.angle p p p = Real.pi / 2 := by
unfold Point.angle Real.euclideanAngle
⟨ p p p hp, by simp⟩
An isomorphism between a `Skew` rectangle with all points coinciding and a
def isoPoint : AsPoint ≃ Point :=
toFun := toPoint,
invFun := fromPoint,
left_inv := by
unfold Function.LeftInverse fromPoint toPoint
simp only
intro p
· exact
· rw []
right_inv := by
unfold Function.RightInverse Function.LeftInverse fromPoint toPoint
simp only
intro _
The width of an `AsPoint` is `0`.
theorem width_eq_zero (p : AsPoint) : p.val.width = 0 := by
unfold Skew.width
rw []
unfold Point.dist
The height of an `AsPoint` is `0`.
theorem height_eq_zero (p : AsPoint) : p.val.height = 0 := by
unfold Skew.height
rw []
unfold Point.dist
end AsPoint
/-! ## Segment -/
A `Segment` is a `Skew` rectangle in which two of three points coincide.
abbrev AsSegment := Subtype (fun r : Skew =>
( = ∧ ≠ ∨ ( ≠ ∧ =
namespace AsSegment
Either the width or height of an `AsSegment` is zero.
theorem width_or_height_eq_zero (s : AsSegment)
: s.val.width = 0 ∨ s.val.height = 0 := by
apply Or.elim
· intro h
refine Or.inr ?_
unfold height
rw [h.left]
unfold Point.dist
· intro h
refine Or.inl ?_
unfold width
rw [h.right]
unfold Point.dist
end AsSegment
end Skew
end Geometry.Rectangle
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import Common.Geometry.Point
/-! # Common.Geometry.Segment
A representation of a line segment in the two-dimensional Cartesian plane.
namespace Geometry
A characterization of a line segment.
The segment comprises of all points between points `p` and `q`, inclusive.
structure Segment where
p : Point
q : Point
end Geometry
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import Common.Geometry.Point
import Common.Set.Partition
/-! # Common.Geometry.StepFunction
Characterization of step functions.
namespace Geometry
open Set Partition
A function `f`, whose domain is a closed interval `[a, b]`, is a `StepFunction`
if there exists a `Partition` `P = {x₀, x₁, …, xₙ}` of `[a, b]` such that `f` is
constant on each open subinterval of `P`.
structure StepFunction where
p : Partition ℝ
toFun : ∀ x ∈ p.toIcc, ℝ
const_open_subintervals :
∀ (hI : I ∈ p.openSubintervals), ∃ c, ∀ (hy : y ∈ I),
toFun y (mem_open_subinterval_mem_closed_interval hI hy) = c
namespace StepFunction
The ordinate set of the function.
def toSet (s : StepFunction) : Set Point := sorry
end StepFunction
end Geometry
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Common.Real.Basic
import Common.Real.Geometry
import Common.Real.Floor
import Common.Real.Rational
import Common.Real.Sequence
import Common.Real.Trigonometry
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
/-! # Common.Real.Basic
A collection of basic notational conveniences.
An abbreviation of `ℝ²` as the Cartesian product `ℝ × ℝ`.
notation "ℝ²" => ℝ × ℝ
namespace Real
Definitionally, the area of a unit circle.
###### PORT
As of now, this remains an `axiom`, but it should be replaced by the definition
in `Mathlib` once ported to Lean 4.
axiom pi : ℝ
An abbreviation of `pi` as symbol `π`.
notation "π" => pi
end Real
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
import Common.Real.Geometry.Area
import Common.Real.Geometry.Basic
import Common.Real.Geometry.Rectangle
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Sqrt
import Common.Real.Basic
/-! # Common.Real.Geometry.Basic
A collection of useful definitions and theorems around geometry.
namespace Real
The undirected angle at `p₂` between the line segments to `p₁` and `p₃`. If
either of those points equals `p₂`, this is `π / 2`.
###### PORT
This should be replaced with the original Mathlib `geometry.euclidean.angle`
definition once ported.
axiom angle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ²) : ℝ
noncomputable def euclideanAngle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ²) :=
if p₁ = p₂ ∨ p₂ = p₃ then π / 2 else angle p₁ p₂ p₃
notation "∠" => euclideanAngle
Determine the distance between two points in `ℝ²`.
noncomputable def dist (x y : ℝ²) :=
Real.sqrt ((abs (y.1 - x.1)) ^ 2 + (abs (y.2 - x.2)) ^ 2)
Two sets `S` and `T` are `similar` **iff** there exists a one-to-one
correspondence between `S` and `T` such that the distance between any two points
`P, Q ∈ S` and corresponding points `P', Q' ∈ T` differ by some constant `α`. In
other words, `α|PQ| = |P'Q'|`.
def similar (S T : Set ℝ²) : Prop :=
∃ f : ℝ² → ℝ², Function.Bijective f ∧
∃ s : ℝ, ∀ x y : ℝ², x ∈ S ∧ y ∈ T →
s * dist x y = dist (f x) (f y)
Two sets are congruent if they are similar with a scaling factor of `1`.
def congruent (S T : Set (ℝ × ℝ)) : Prop :=
∃ f : ℝ² → ℝ², Function.Bijective f ∧
∀ x y : ℝ², x ∈ S ∧ y ∈ T →
dist x y = dist (f x) (f y)
Any two `congruent` sets must be similar to one another.
theorem congruent_similar {S T : Set ℝ²} : congruent S T → similar S T := by
intro hc
let ⟨f, ⟨hf, hs⟩⟩ := hc
conv at hs => intro x y hxy; arg 1; rw [← one_mul (dist x y)]
exact ⟨f, ⟨hf, ⟨1, hs⟩⟩⟩
end Real
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
import Common.Real.Geometry.Basic
/-! # Common.Real.Geometry.Rectangle
A characterization of a rectangle. This follows the definition as outlined in
[^1]. Note that a `Point` and a `LineSegment` are both considered rectangles,
with one or both dimensions equal to `0` respectively.
[^1]: Apostol, Tom M. Calculus, Vol. 1: One-Variable Calculus, with an
Introduction to Linear Algebra. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 2 vols. Wiley, 1991.
namespace Real
A `Rectangle` is characterized by three distinct points and the angle formed
between line segments originating from the "bottom left" point.
structure Rectangle where
top_left : ℝ²
bottom_left : ℝ²
bottom_right : ℝ²
forms_right_angle : ∠ top_left bottom_left bottom_right = π / 2
namespace Rectangle
The top-right corner of the rectangle, oriented with respect to the other
def topRight (r : Rectangle) : ℝ² :=
( r.top_left.fst + r.bottom_right.fst - r.bottom_left.fst
, r.top_left.snd + r.bottom_right.snd - r.bottom_left.snd
A `Rectangle` is the locus of points bounded by its edges.
def toSet (r : Rectangle) : Set ℝ² :=
A `Rectangle`'s top side is equal in length to its bottom side.
theorem dist_top_eq_dist_bottom (r : Rectangle)
: dist r.top_left r.topRight = dist r.bottom_left r.bottom_right := by
unfold topRight dist
repeat rw [add_comm, sub_right_comm, add_sub_cancel']
A `Rectangle`'s left side is equal in length to its right side.
theorem dist_left_eq_dist_right (r : Rectangle)
: dist r.top_left r.bottom_left = dist r.topRight r.bottom_right := by
unfold topRight dist
repeat rw [
Computes the width of a `Rectangle`.
noncomputable def width (r : Rectangle) : ℝ :=
dist r.bottom_left r.bottom_right
Computes the height of a `Rectangle`.
noncomputable def height (r : Rectangle) : ℝ :=
dist r.bottom_left r.top_left
end Rectangle
A `Point` is a `Rectangle` in which all points coincide.
abbrev Point := Subtype (fun r : Rectangle =>
r.top_left = r.bottom_left ∧ r.bottom_left = r.bottom_right)
namespace Point
A `Point` is the set consisting of just itself.
def toSet (p : Point) : Set ℝ² := p.val.toSet
The width of a `Point` is `0`.
theorem width_eq_zero (p : Point) : p.val.width = 0 := by
unfold Rectangle.width
rw []
unfold dist
The height of a `Point` is `0`.
theorem height_eq_zero (p : Point) : p.val.height = 0 := by
unfold Rectangle.height
rw []
unfold dist
end Point
A `LineSegment` is a `Rectangle` in which two of the three points coincide.
abbrev LineSegment := Subtype (fun r : Rectangle =>
(r.top_left = r.bottom_left ∧ r.bottom_left ≠ r.bottom_right) ∨
(r.top_left ≠ r.bottom_left ∧ r.bottom_left = r.bottom_right))
namespace LineSegment
A `LineSegment` `s` is the set of points corresponding to the shortest line
segment joining the two distinct points of `s`.
def toSet (s : LineSegment) : Set ℝ² := s.val.toSet
Either the width or height of a `LineSegment` is zero.
theorem width_or_height_eq_zero (s : LineSegment)
: s.val.width = 0 ∨ s.val.height = 0 := by
apply Or.elim
· intro h
refine Or.inr ?_
unfold Rectangle.height
rw [h.left]
unfold dist
· intro h
refine Or.inl ?_
unfold Rectangle.width
rw [h.right]
unfold dist
end LineSegment
end Real
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Common.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
/-! # Common.Real.Rational
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
/-! # Common.Real.Trigonometry
Additional theorems and definitions useful in the context of trigonometry. Most
of these will likely be deleted once the corresponding functions in `Mathlib`
are ported to Lean 4.
namespace Real
The standard `π` variable with value `3.14159...`.
axiom pi : ℝ
The undirected angle at `p₂` between the line segments to `p₁` and `p₃`. If
either of those points equals `p₂`, this is `π / 2`.
axiom angle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ × ℝ) : ℝ
noncomputable def euclideanAngle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ × ℝ) :=
if p₁ = p₂ ∨ p₂ = p₃ then pi / 2 else angle p₁ p₂ p₃
end Real
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
import Common.Set.Basic
import Common.Set.Intervals
import Common.Set.Partition
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
import Common.Set.Intervals.Partition
import Common.Set.Intervals.StepFunction
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import Common.List.Basic
import Common.Set.Intervals.Partition
/-! # Common.Set.Intervals.StepFunction
Characterization of step functions.
namespace Set.Intervals
open Partition
A function `f`, whose domain is a closed interval `[a, b]`, is a `StepFunction`
if there exists a `Partition` `P = {x₀, x₁, …, xₙ}` of `[a, b]` such that `f` is
constant on each open subinterval of `P`.
structure StepFunction (α : Type _) [Preorder α] [@DecidableRel α] where
p : Partition α
toFun : ∀ x ∈ p.toIcc, α
const_open_subintervals :
∀ (hI : I ∈ p.openSubintervals), ∃ c : α, ∀ (hy : y ∈ I),
toFun y (mem_open_subinterval_mem_closed_interval hI hy) = c
namespace StepFunction
The locus of points between the `x`-axis and the function.
def toSet [Preorder α] [@DecidableRel α]
(s : StepFunction α) : Set (α × α) := sorry
end StepFunction
end Set.Intervals
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Set.Intervals.Basic
import Common.List.Basic
/-! # Common.Set.Intervals.Partition
/-! # Common.Set.Partition
Additional theorems and definitions useful in the context of sets.
namespace Set.Intervals
namespace Set
open List
@ -134,4 +134,4 @@ theorem mem_open_subinterval_mem_closed_interval
end Partition
end Set.Intervals
end Set
Reference in New Issue