Use induction/cases tactics where it makes sense.

Joshua Potter 2023-04-08 10:46:27 -06:00
parent 7847cf1afe
commit 87c1fb2a24
4 changed files with 45 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -27,17 +27,16 @@ The recursive definition and closed definitions of an arithmetic sequence are
theorem term_recursive_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat)
: seq.termRecursive n = seq.termClosed n :=
(by unfold termRecursive termClosed; norm_num)
(fun n ih => calc
: seq.termRecursive n = seq.termClosed n := by
induction n with
| zero => unfold termRecursive termClosed; norm_num
| succ n ih => calc
termRecursive seq (Nat.succ n)
= seq.Δ + seq.termRecursive n := rfl
_ = seq.Δ + seq.termClosed n := by rw [ih]
_ = seq.Δ + (seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * n) := rfl
_ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * (n + 1) := by ring
_ = termClosed seq (n + 1) := rfl)
_ = termClosed seq (n + 1) := rfl
Summation of the first `n` terms of an arithmetic sequence.
@ -46,21 +45,4 @@ def sum : Arithmetic → Nat → Int
| _, 0 => 0
| seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed n + seq.sum n
The closed formula of the summation of the first `n` terms of an arithmetic
theorem sum_closed_formula (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat)
: seq.sum n = (n / 2) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n - 1)) :=
(by unfold sum termClosed; norm_num)
(fun n ih => calc
sum seq n.succ
= seq.termClosed n + seq.sum n := rfl
_ = seq.termClosed n + (n / 2 * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n - 1))) := by rw [ih]
_ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * n + (n / 2 * (seq.a₀ + (seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * ↑(n - 1)))) := rfl
-- TODO: To continue, need to find how to deal with division.
_ = ↑(n + 1) / 2 * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n) := by sorry)
end Arithmetic

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@ -27,17 +27,16 @@ The recursive definition and closed definitions of a geometric sequence are
theorem term_recursive_closed (seq : Geometric) (n : Nat)
: seq.termRecursive n = seq.termClosed n :=
(by unfold termClosed termRecursive; norm_num)
(fun n ih => calc
: seq.termRecursive n = seq.termClosed n := by
induction n with
| zero => unfold termClosed termRecursive; norm_num
| succ n ih => calc
seq.termRecursive (n + 1)
= seq.r * (seq.termRecursive n) := rfl
_ = seq.r * (seq.termClosed n) := by rw [ih]
_ = seq.r * (seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ n) := rfl
_ = seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ (n + 1) := by ring
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) := rfl)
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) := rfl
Summation of the first `n` terms of a geometric sequence.

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@ -133,11 +133,10 @@ theorem self_concat_nil_eq_self (t : Tuple α m) : concat t t[] = t :=
Concatenating `nil` with a `Tuple` yields the `Tuple`.
theorem nil_concat_self_eq_self (t : Tuple α m) : concat t[] t = t :=
(by unfold concat; simp)
(@fun n as a ih => by
theorem nil_concat_self_eq_self (t : Tuple α m) : concat t[] t = t := by
induction t with
| nil => unfold concat; simp
| @snoc n as a ih =>
unfold concat
rw [ih]
suffices HEq (snoc (cast (_ : Tuple α n = Tuple α (0 + n)) as) a) ↑(snoc as a)
@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ theorem nil_concat_self_eq_self (t : Tuple α m) : concat t[] t = t :=
(snoc (cast (_ : Tuple α n = Tuple α (0 + n)) as) a)
(cast h (snoc as a)))
(show Tuple α (n + 1) = Tuple α (0 + (n + 1)) by simp)
Concatenating a `Tuple` to a nonempty `Tuple` moves `concat` calls closer to
@ -166,11 +165,11 @@ theorem concat_snoc_snoc_concat {bs : Tuple α n}
`snoc` is equivalent to concatenating the `init` and `last` element together.
theorem snoc_eq_init_concat_last (as : Tuple α m) : snoc as a = concat as t[a] :=
Tuple.casesOn (motive := fun _ t => snoc t a = concat t t[a])
(fun _ _ => by simp; unfold concat concat; rfl)
theorem snoc_eq_init_concat_last (as : Tuple α m)
: snoc as a = concat as t[a] := by
cases as with
| nil => rfl
| snoc _ _ => simp; unfold concat concat; rfl
-- ========================================
-- Initial sequences
@ -196,10 +195,10 @@ def take (t : Tuple α n) (k : Nat) : Tuple α (min n k) :=
Taking no entries from any `Tuple` should yield an empty one.
theorem self_take_zero_eq_nil (t : Tuple α n) : take t 0 = @nil α :=
Tuple.recOn (motive := fun _ t => take t 0 = @nil α) t
(by simp; rfl)
(fun as a ih => by unfold take; simp; rw [ih]; simp)
theorem self_take_zero_eq_nil (t : Tuple α n) : take t 0 = @nil α := by
induction t with
| nil => simp; rfl
| snoc as a ih => unfold take; simp; rw [ih]; simp
Taking any number of entries from an empty `Tuple` should yield an empty one.
@ -210,10 +209,10 @@ theorem nil_take_zero_eq_nil (k : Nat) : (take (@nil α) k) = @nil α := by
Taking `n` entries from a `Tuple` of size `n` should yield the same `Tuple`.
theorem self_take_size_eq_self (t : Tuple α n) : take t n = t :=
Tuple.casesOn (motive := fun x t => take t x = t) t
(by simp; rfl)
(fun as a => by unfold take; simp)
theorem self_take_size_eq_self (t : Tuple α n) : take t n = t := by
cases t with
| nil => simp; rfl
| snoc as a => unfold take; simp
Taking all but the last entry of a `Tuple` is the same result, regardless of the
@ -229,7 +228,11 @@ Taking `n` elements from a tuple of size `n + 1` is the same as invoking `init`.
theorem init_eq_take_pred (t : Tuple α (n + 1)) : take t n = init t :=
match t with
| snoc as a => by unfold init take; simp; rw [self_take_size_eq_self]; simp
| snoc as a => by
unfold init take
rw [self_take_size_eq_self]
If two `Tuple`s are equal, then any initial sequences of those two `Tuple`s are
@ -244,16 +247,15 @@ Given a `Tuple` of size `k`, concatenating an arbitrary `Tuple` and taking `k`
elements yields the original `Tuple`.
theorem eq_take_concat {t₁ : Tuple α m} {t₂ : Tuple α n}
: take (concat t₁ t₂) m = t₁ :=
(motive := fun x t => take (concat t₁ t) m = t₁) t₂
(by simp; rw [self_concat_nil_eq_self, self_take_size_eq_self])
(@fun n' as a ih => by
: take (concat t₁ t₂) m = t₁ := by
induction t₂ with
| nil => simp; rw [self_concat_nil_eq_self, self_take_size_eq_self]
| @snoc n' as a ih =>
rw [concat_snoc_snoc_concat]
unfold take
rw [ih]
end Tuple

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@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ theorem norm_snoc_nil_nil_eq_nil : @norm α 0 0 (snoc x[] t[]) = t[] := by
Normalization elimates `snoc` when the `snd` component is `nil`.
theorem norm_snoc_nil_elim {t : XTuple α (p, q)}
: norm (snoc t t[]) = norm t :=
XTuple.casesOn t
(motive := fun _ t => norm (snoc t t[]) = norm t)
(by simp; unfold norm norm; rfl)
(fun tf tl => by
: norm (snoc t t[]) = norm t := by
cases t with
| nil => simp; unfold norm norm; rfl
| snoc tf tl =>
conv => lhs; unfold norm)
conv => lhs; unfold norm
Normalization eliminates `snoc` when the `fst` component is `nil`.
theorem norm_nil_snoc_elim {ts : Tuple α n} : norm (snoc x[] ts) = cast (by simp) ts := by
theorem norm_nil_snoc_elim {ts : Tuple α n}
: norm (snoc x[] ts) = cast (by simp) ts := by
unfold norm norm
rw [Tuple.nil_concat_self_eq_self]