Use a consistent naming convention.
@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ has a supremum, and `sup C = sup A + sup B`.
theorem sup_minkowski_sum_eq_sup_add_sup (A B : Set ℝ) (a b : ℝ)
(hA : A.Nonempty) (hB : B.Nonempty)
(ha : IsLUB A a) (hb : IsLUB B b)
: IsLUB (Set.minkowski_sum A B) (a + b) := by
let C := Set.minkowski_sum A B
: IsLUB (Set.minkowskiSum A B) (a + b) := by
let C := Set.minkowskiSum A B
-- First we show `a + b` is an upper bound of `C`.
have hub : a + b ∈ upperBounds C := by
rw [mem_upper_bounds_iff_forall_le]
@ -402,8 +402,8 @@ has an infimum, and `inf C = inf A + inf B`.
theorem inf_minkowski_sum_eq_inf_add_inf (A B : Set ℝ)
(hA : A.Nonempty) (hB : B.Nonempty)
(ha : IsGLB A a) (hb : IsGLB B b)
: IsGLB (Set.minkowski_sum A B) (a + b) := by
let C := Set.minkowski_sum A B
: IsGLB (Set.minkowskiSum A B) (a + b) := by
let C := Set.minkowskiSum A B
-- First we show `a + b` is a lower bound of `C`.
have hlb : a + b ∈ lowerBounds C := by
rw [mem_lower_bounds_iff_forall_ge]
@ -616,10 +616,9 @@ An integer `n` is called *even* if `n = 2m` for some integer `m`, and *odd* if
###### TODO
def isEven (n : ℤ) := ∃ m : ℤ, n = 2 * m
def is_even (n : ℤ) := ∃ m : ℤ, n = 2 * m
def is_odd (n : ℤ) := is_even (n + 1)
def isOdd (n : ℤ) := isEven (n + 1)
/-! #### Exercise 11
@ -219,13 +219,13 @@ private lemma n_pred_m_eq_m_k : n + (m - 1) = m + k := by
rw [←Nat.add_sub_assoc p, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_sub_assoc (n_geq_one p q)]
conv => lhs; rw [n_pred_eq_k p q]
private def cast_norm : GTuple α (n, m - 1) → LTuple α (m + k)
private def castNorm : GTuple α (n, m - 1) → LTuple α (m + k)
| xs => cast (by rw [q]) xs.norm
private def cast_fst : GTuple α (n, m - 1) → LTuple α (k + 1)
private def castFst : GTuple α (n, m - 1) → LTuple α (k + 1)
| xs => cast (by rw [n_eq_succ_k p q]) xs.fst
private def cast_take (ys : LTuple α (m + k)) :=
private def castTake (ys : LTuple α (m + k)) :=
cast (by rw [min_comm_succ_eq p]) (ys.take (k + 1))
/-- #### Lemma 0A
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Assume that `⟨x₁, ..., xₘ⟩ = ⟨y₁, ..., yₘ, ..., yₘ₊ₖ⟩`. Th
`x₁ = ⟨y₁, ..., yₖ₊₁⟩`.
theorem lemma_0a (xs : GTuple α (n, m - 1)) (ys : LTuple α (m + k))
: (cast_norm q xs = ys) → (cast_fst p q xs = cast_take p ys) := by
: (castNorm q xs = ys) → (castFst p q xs = castTake p ys) := by
intro h
suffices HEq
(cast (_ : LTuple α n = LTuple α (k + 1)) xs.fst)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ theorem lemma_0a (xs : GTuple α (n, m - 1)) (ys : LTuple α (m + k))
· exact Eq.symm (n_eq_min_comm_succ p q)
· exact n_pred_eq_k p q
· rw [GTuple.self_fst_eq_norm_take]
unfold cast_norm at h
unfold castNorm at h
simp at h
rw [←h, ←n_eq_succ_k p q]
have h₂ := Eq.recOn
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ axiom congruent_imp_area_eq_area
axiom rectangle_measurable (R : Rectangle)
: R.set_def ∈ 𝓜
: R.toSet ∈ 𝓜
axiom rectangle_area_eq_mul_edge_lengths (R : Rectangle)
: area (rectangle_measurable R) = R.width * R.height
@ -107,23 +107,23 @@ Every step region is measurable. This follows from the choice of scale axiom,
and the fact all step regions are equivalent to the union of a collection of
theorem step_function_measurable (S : StepFunction) : S.set_def ∈ 𝓜 := by
theorem step_function_measurable (S : StepFunction) : S.toSet ∈ 𝓜 := by
def forall_subset_between_step_imp_le_between_area (k : ℝ) (Q : Set ℝ²) :=
def exhaustionProperty (k : ℝ) (Q : Set ℝ²) :=
∀ S T : StepFunction,
(hS : S.set_def ⊆ Q) →
(hT : Q ⊆ T.set_def) →
(hS : S.toSet ⊆ Q) →
(hT : Q ⊆ T.toSet) →
area (step_function_measurable S) ≤ k ∧ k ≤ area (step_function_measurable T)
axiom exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_measurable (Q : Set ℝ²)
: (∃! k : ℝ, forall_subset_between_step_imp_le_between_area k Q)
: (∃! k : ℝ, exhaustionProperty k Q)
→ Q ∈ 𝓜
axiom exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_area_eq (Q : Set ℝ²)
: ∃ k : ℝ,
(h : forall_subset_between_step_imp_le_between_area k Q ∧
(∀ x : ℝ, forall_subset_between_step_imp_le_between_area x Q → x = k))
(h : exhaustionProperty k Q ∧
(∀ x : ℝ, exhaustionProperty x Q → x = k))
→ area (exhaustion_exists_unique_imp_measurable Q ⟨k, h⟩) = k
end Real.Geometry.Area
@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ definition once ported.
axiom angle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ²) : ℝ
noncomputable def port_geometry_euclidean_angle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ²) :=
noncomputable def euclideanAngle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : ℝ²) :=
if p₁ = p₂ ∨ p₂ = p₃ then π / 2 else angle p₁ p₂ p₃
notation "∠" => port_geometry_euclidean_angle
notation "∠" => euclideanAngle
Determine the distance between two points in `ℝ²`.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace Rectangle
The top-right corner of the rectangle, oriented with respect to the other
def top_right (r : Rectangle) : ℝ² :=
def topRight (r : Rectangle) : ℝ² :=
( r.top_left.fst + r.bottom_right.fst - r.bottom_left.fst
, r.top_left.snd + r.bottom_right.snd - r.bottom_left.snd
@ -36,23 +36,23 @@ def top_right (r : Rectangle) : ℝ² :=
A `Rectangle` is the locus of points bounded by its edges.
def set_def (r : Rectangle) : Set ℝ² :=
def toSet (r : Rectangle) : Set ℝ² :=
A `Rectangle`'s top side is equal in length to its bottom side.
theorem dist_top_eq_dist_bottom (r : Rectangle)
: dist r.top_left r.top_right = dist r.bottom_left r.bottom_right := by
unfold top_right dist
: dist r.top_left r.topRight = dist r.bottom_left r.bottom_right := by
unfold topRight dist
repeat rw [add_comm, sub_right_comm, add_sub_cancel']
A `Rectangle`'s left side is equal in length to its right side.
theorem dist_left_eq_dist_right (r : Rectangle)
: dist r.top_left r.bottom_left = dist r.top_right r.bottom_right := by
unfold top_right dist
: dist r.top_left r.bottom_left = dist r.topRight r.bottom_right := by
unfold topRight dist
repeat rw [
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ namespace Point
A `Point` is the set consisting of just itself.
def set_def (p : Point) : Set ℝ² := p.val.set_def
def toSet (p : Point) : Set ℝ² := p.val.toSet
The width of a `Point` is `0`.
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ namespace LineSegment
A `LineSegment` `s` is the set of points corresponding to the shortest line
segment joining the two distinct points of `s`.
def set_def (s : LineSegment) : Set ℝ² := s.val.set_def
def toSet (s : LineSegment) : Set ℝ² := s.val.toSet
Either the width or height of a `LineSegment` is zero.
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ namespace StepFunction
The set definition of a `StepFunction` is the region between the constant values
of the function's subintervals and the real axis.
def set_def (f : StepFunction) : Set ℝ² := sorry
def toSet (f : StepFunction) : Set ℝ² := sorry
end StepFunction
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ The summation of the first `n + 1` terms of an arithmetic sequence.
This function calculates the sum directly.
noncomputable def sum_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat) : Real :=
noncomputable def sumClosed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat) : Real :=
(n + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n) / 2
@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ The summation of the first `n + 1` terms of an arithmetic sequence.
This function calculates the sum recursively.
def sum_recursive : Arithmetic → Nat → Real
def sumRecursive : Arithmetic → Nat → Real
| seq, 0 => seq.a₀
| seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_recursive n
| seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sumRecursive n
Simplify a summation of terms found in the proof of `sum_recursive_closed`.
@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ The recursive and closed definitions of the sum of an arithmetic sequence agree
with one another.
theorem sum_recursive_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat)
: seq.sum_recursive n = seq.sum_closed n := by
: seq.sumRecursive n = seq.sumClosed n := by
induction n with
| zero =>
unfold sum_recursive sum_closed termClosed
unfold sumRecursive sumClosed termClosed
| succ n ih =>
seq.sum_recursive (n + 1)
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_recursive n := rfl
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_closed n := by rw [ih]
seq.sumRecursive (n + 1)
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sumRecursive n := rfl
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sumClosed n := by rw [ih]
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + ((n + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n)) / 2 := rfl
_ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * seq.termClosed n + seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n) / 2 := by ring_nf
_ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * (seq.termClosed (n + 1) - seq.Δ) + seq.a₀ + (seq.termClosed (n + 1) - seq.Δ)) / 2 := by rw [@term_closed_sub_succ_delta n]
@ -118,6 +118,6 @@ theorem sum_recursive_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat)
_ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + 2 * seq.a₀) / 2 := by rw [sub_delta_summand_eq_two_mul_a₀]
_ = ((n + 1) + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1)) / 2 := by ring_nf
_ = (↑(n + 1) + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1)) / 2 := by simp only [Nat.cast_add, Nat.cast_one]
_ = seq.sum_closed (n + 1) := rfl
_ = seq.sumClosed (n + 1) := rfl
end Real.Arithmetic
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The summation of the first `n + 1` terms of a geometric sequence.
This function calculates the sum directly.
noncomputable def sum_closed_ratio_neq_one (seq : Geometric) (n : Nat)
noncomputable def sumClosed (seq : Geometric) (n : Nat)
: seq.r ≠ 1 → Real :=
fun _ => (seq.a₀ * (1 - seq.r ^ (n + 1))) / (1 - seq.r)
@ -66,33 +66,33 @@ The summation of the first `n + 1` terms of a geometric sequence.
This function calculates the sum recursively.
def sum_recursive : Geometric → Nat → Real
def sumRecursive : Geometric → Nat → Real
| seq, 0 => seq.a₀
| seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_recursive n
| seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sumRecursive n
The recursive and closed definitions of the sum of a geometric sequence agree
with one another.
theorem sum_recursive_closed (seq : Geometric) (n : Nat) (p : seq.r ≠ 1)
: sum_recursive seq n = sum_closed_ratio_neq_one seq n p := by
: sumRecursive seq n = sumClosed seq n p := by
have h : 1 - seq.r ≠ 0 := by
intro h
rw [sub_eq_iff_eq_add, zero_add] at h
exact False.elim (p (Eq.symm h))
induction n with
| zero =>
unfold sum_recursive sum_closed_ratio_neq_one
unfold sumRecursive sumClosed
rw [mul_div_assoc, div_self h, mul_one]
| succ n ih =>
sum_recursive seq (n + 1)
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_recursive n := rfl
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + sum_closed_ratio_neq_one seq n p := by rw [ih]
sumRecursive seq (n + 1)
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sumRecursive n := rfl
_ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sumClosed n p := by rw [ih]
_ = seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ (n + 1) + (seq.a₀ * (1 - seq.r ^ (n + 1))) / (1 - seq.r) := rfl
_ = seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ (n + 1) * (1 - seq.r) / (1 - seq.r) + (seq.a₀ * (1 - seq.r ^ (n + 1))) / (1 - seq.r) := by rw [mul_div_cancel _ h]
_ = (seq.a₀ * (1 - seq.r ^ (n + 1 + 1))) / (1 - seq.r) := by ring_nf
_ = sum_closed_ratio_neq_one seq (n + 1) p := rfl
_ = seq.sumClosed (n + 1) p := rfl
end Real.Geometric
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Set
The Minkowski sum of two sets `s` and `t` is the set
`s + t = { a + b : a ∈ s, b ∈ t }`.
def minkowski_sum {α : Type u} [Add α] (s t : Set α) :=
def minkowskiSum {α : Type u} [Add α] (s t : Set α) :=
{ x | ∃ a ∈ s, ∃ b ∈ t, x = a + b }
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The sum of two sets is nonempty **iff** the summands are nonempty.
theorem nonempty_minkowski_sum_iff_nonempty_add_nonempty {α : Type u} [Add α]
{s t : Set α}
: (minkowski_sum s t).Nonempty ↔ s.Nonempty ∧ t.Nonempty := by
: (minkowskiSum s t).Nonempty ↔ s.Nonempty ∧ t.Nonempty := by
apply Iff.intro
· intro h
have ⟨x, hx⟩ := h
Reference in New Issue