  • Joined on 2023-12-23
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jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-30 02:40:41 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-29 12:31:00 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

  • 32b180c83d Predicate transformer commands and git merge conflicts.

2024-05-27 20:01:52 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

  • 47519891a4 More algebra of set identities and truth table analogs.

2024-05-27 09:58:21 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-26 23:06:47 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-24 09:40:07 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-23 20:03:08 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-23 18:46:43 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-22 17:07:43 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-22 14:34:47 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

  • 2c08d82101 Unions/intersections and distributivity of disjunction.

2024-05-21 18:40:29 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-21 15:06:43 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-20 19:52:58 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

  • 16ffe8d4ef Notes on hashing and unary/binary x86 ops.

2024-05-19 21:07:52 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/nixos-configuration

2024-05-18 18:44:39 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/portfolio

2024-05-18 18:17:05 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/portfolio

  • 0411360113 Migrate to simple Phoenix application.

2024-05-18 17:54:38 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

2024-05-17 18:33:16 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/nixos-configuration

  • 5dfa4aaf96 reconn: Lower hide time to 8 minutes.

2024-05-17 17:44:40 +00:00

jrpotter pushed to main at r/notebook

  • 037ea0f767 Propositional and predicate logic notes.

2024-05-17 16:46:04 +00:00