*smart-join* functionality of smart joining ============================================================================== CONTENTS *smart-join-contents* 1. Usage .................................................. |smart-join-usage| 2. Variables .......................................... |smart-join-variables| ============================================================================== Section 1: Usage *smart-join-usage* J Performs a smart join on [count] line and the one below it. If [count] is too big it is reduced to the number of lines available. Fails when on the last line of the buffer. ============================================================================== Section 2: Variables *smart-join-variables* g:smart_join_strip_whitespace_before If true, indicates that before joining we strip any trailing whitespace on the current line. g:smart_join_strip_whitespace_after If true, indicates that after joining we strip any trailing whitespace on the current line. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: