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*highlight-registry* functionality of the highlight registry
CONTENTS *highlight-contents*
1. Usage ................................................... |highlight-usage|
2. Statusline ......................................... |highlight-statusline|
3. Commands ............................................. |highlight-commands|
Section 1: Usage *highlight-usage*
["x]& Highlights the <cword> under the cursor into register x.
["x]y& Sets the search register to the contents of register x.
["x]d& Removes the <cword> from register x.
["x]c& Emptys register x. No patterns previously belonging
inside this register will be highlighted.
["x]* Highlights the <cword> under the cursor into register x.
Moves to the next occurrence of the <cword>.
["x]# Highlights the <cword> under the cursor into register x.
Moves to the previous occurrence of the <cword>.
["x]g& Highlights the <cword> under the cursor, but without
forcing any highlighted occurrences to be a word. That
is, if the selected <cword> is a substring of any text
in the current buffer, the substring will also be
["x]g* Works like ["x]g& but also moves to the next occurrence
of the pattern.
["x]g# Works like ["x]g& but also moves to the previous
occurrence of the pattern.
v_["x]& Note the v indicates visual mode. Works like g&, but
with the visually selected region.
v_["x]* Note the v indicates visual mode. Works like g*, but
with the visually selected region.
v_["x]# Note the v indicates visual mode. Works like g#, but
with the visually selected region.
v_["x]d& Note the v indicates visual mode. Removes the visually
selected region from register x.
Section 2: Statusline *highlight-statusline*
Use the following function to append the currently active highlight
register into the statusline. This can be done as:
:set statusline+=%{highlight#statusline()}
If you would like the statusline to be highlighted the same as the active
h_register, use:
:set statusline+=%#Search#%{highlight#statusline()}%*
Section 3: Commands *highlight-commands*
Removes all custom highlights done. Reverts back to when the plugin was
first loaded.