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*highlight-registry* functionality of the highlight registry
CONTENTS *highlight-contents*
1. Usage ................................................... |highlight-usage|
2. Variables ........................................... |highlight-variables|
3. Statusline ......................................... |highlight-statusline|
4. Commands ............................................. |highlight-commands|
Section 1: Usage *highlight-usage*
["x]& Highlights the <cword> under the cursor into register x.
["x]y& Sets the search register to the contents of register x.
["x]d& Removes the <cword> from register x.
["x]c& Emptys register x. No patterns previously belonging
inside this register will be highlighted.
["x]* Highlights the <cword> under the cursor into register x.
Moves to the next occurrence of the <cword>.
["x]# Highlights the <cword> under the cursor into register x.
Moves to the previous occurrence of the <cword>.
["x]g& Highlights the <cword> under the cursor, but without
forcing any highlighted occurrences to be a word. That
is, if the selected <cword> is a substring of any text
in the current buffer, the substring will also be
["x]g* Works like ["x]g& but also moves to the next occurrence
of the pattern.
["x]g# Works like ["x]g& but also moves to the previous
occurrence of the pattern.
v_["x]& Note the v indicates visual mode. Works like g&, but
with the visually selected region.
v_["x]* Note the v indicates visual mode. Works like g*, but
with the visually selected region.
v_["x]# Note the v indicates visual mode. Works like g#, but
with the visually selected region.
v_["x]d& Note the v indicates visual mode. Removes the visually
selected region from register x.
Section 2: Statusline *highlight-variables*
Corresponds to registers and their respective syntax attributes. Adjust this
to set the properties for a given highlight group. Allowed keys in the
nested dictionary are listed in *synIDattr*, except for the 'name'
attribute. Unrecognized keys are simply ignored. Only 'cterm' related
attributes are supported (that is, gui specific attributes are not
Determines how to manage the unnamed register '"'. If set to false, we
regard the unnamed register to implicitly imply use of the last activated
Prefix used in naming the generating highlight register highlight groups.
Default link the highligh group g:highlight_register_prefix points to.
Section 3: Statusline *highlight-statusline*
Use the following function to append the currently active highlight
register into the statusline. This can be done as:
:set statusline+=%{highlight#statusline()}
If you would like the statusline to be highlighted the same as the active
h_register, use:
:set statusline+=%#Search#%{highlight#statusline()}%*
Section 4: Commands *highlight-commands*
Removes all custom highlights done. Reverts back to when the plugin was
first loaded.