" ====================================================================== " File: highlight.vim " Maintainer: Joshua Potter " " ====================================================================== " SCRIPT VARIABLES: " ====================================================================== " s:last_seen :: String {{{2 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " The pattern last appended to a registry list. let s:last_seen = @/ " s:registry_colors :: { String : String } {{{2 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Mapping between registry name and color that should be used for " highlighting. let s:registry_colors = {} " s:registry :: { String : { String : Match } } {{{2 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " Name of register corresponding to a dict of some unique identifier of the " word being matched, paired with the actual match object. let s:registry = {} " FUNCTION: GetGroupName(reg) {{{1 " ====================================================================== " Note group names are not allowed to have special characters; they " must be alphanumeric or underscores. function! highlight#get_group_name(reg) return 'highlight_registry_' . char2nr(a:reg) endfunction " FUNCTION: InitRegister() {{{1 " ====================================================================== " Setups the group and highlighting. Matches are added afterward. function! highlight#init_register(reg, color) call highlight#clear_register(a:reg) let s:registry_colors[a:reg] = a:color exe 'hi ' . highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) . \ ' cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=' . a:color endfunction " FUNCTION: ClearRegister() {{{1 " ====================================================================== " Used to clear out the 'registers' that are used to hold which values are " highlighted under a certain match group. function! highlight#clear_register(reg) exe 'hi clear ' . highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) if has_key(s:registry_colors, a:reg) unlet s:registry_colors[a:reg] endif if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) for key in keys(s:registry[a:reg]) call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][key]) unlet s:registry[a:reg][key] endfor unlet s:registry[a:reg] endif call highlight#activate_register(a:reg) endfunction " FUNCTION: CountLastSeen() {{{1 " ====================================================================== function! highlight#count_last_seen() if len(@/) > 0 let pos = getpos('.') exe ' %s/' . s:last_seen . '//gne' call setpos('.', pos) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: ActivateRegister() {{{1 " ====================================================================== " We must actively set the search register to perform searches as expected. function! highlight#activate_register(reg) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry_colors, a:reg) let search = '' for key in keys(s:registry[a:reg]) let search = search . key . '\|' endfor let @/ = search[:-3] exe 'hi Search cterm=bold,underline ctermbg=none ctermfg=' . \ s:registry_colors[a:reg] set hlsearch else let @/ = '' endif endfunction " FUNCTION: AppendToSearch(pattern) {{{1 " ====================================================================== function! highlight#append_to_search(reg, pattern) let s:last_seen = a:pattern if len(a:pattern) == 0 return endif if !has_key(s:registry_colors, a:reg) call highlight#init_register(a:reg, g:highlight_register_default_color) endif if !has_key(s:registry, a:reg) let s:registry[a:reg] = {} endif " Don't want to add multiple match objects into registry if !has_key(s:registry[a:reg], a:pattern) let s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern] = \ matchadd(highlight#get_group_name(a:reg), a:pattern) endif call highlight#activate_register(a:reg) endfunction " FUNCTION: GetVisualSelection {{{1 " ====================================================================== function! highlight#get_visual_selection() let [lnum1, col1] = getpos("'<")[1:2] let [lnum2, col2] = getpos("'>")[1:2] let lines = getline(lnum1, lnum2) let lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2 - (&selection == 'inclusive' ? 1 : 2)] let lines[0] = lines[0][col1 - 1:] return substitute(escape(join(lines, "\n"), '\\/.*$%~[]'), '\n', '\\n', 'g') endfunction " FUNCTION: RemoveFromSearch(pattern) {{{1 " ====================================================================== function! highlight#remove_from_search(reg, pattern) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) if has_key(s:registry[a:reg], a:pattern) call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern]) unlet s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern] if len(s:registry[a:reg]) == 0 unlet s:registry[a:reg] endif endif endif call highlight#activate_register(a:reg) endfunction