" ============================================================================== " File: highlight.vim " Maintainer: Joshua Potter " Comment: For the sake of distinguishing between vim *:reg*isters and " highlight registers used in the given script, we use register " to describe the former and h_register to describe the latter. " " ============================================================================== " SCRIPT VARIABLES: " ============================================================================== " s:active_register :: String {{{2 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " The h_register currently active. This defaults to the unnamed register. let s:active_register = "\"" " s:registry :: { String : { String : Match } } {{{2 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " The keys of the outer dictionary are any active h_registers (that is, before a " call to ClearRegister is called). By default, this will be set to be " populated with at least g:highlight_registry once the plugin is loaded. " " The corresponding values of the outer dictionary is a key value pairing of a " matched identifier and the Match object corresponding to it. We must keep " track of match objects as they must be deleted manually by matchdelete. let s:registry = {} " FUNCTION: ExpandFlag(flag) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Convenience method used to make the mappings in plugin/highlight.vim a bit " easier to read through. The passed flag can be: " " c: Indicates the current word, with word boundary. " g: Indicates the current word, without word boundary. " v: Indicates the current visual selection. " " Throws an error otherwise. function! highlight#expand_flag(flag) abort if a:flag ==# 'c' return '\<' . expand('') . '\>' elseif a:flag ==# 'g' return expand('') elseif a:flag ==# 'v' return highlight#get_visual_selection() endif throw 'Could not expand passed flag: ' . a:flag endfunction " FUNCTION: CountPattern(flag) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Convenience method used to display the number of times the passed pattern has " occurred in the current buffer. function! highlight#count_pattern(flag) let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag) if len(@/) > 0 let pos = getpos('.') exe ' %s/' . l:pattern . '//gne' call setpos('.', pos) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: GetVisualSelection {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/a/6271254/794380. function! highlight#get_visual_selection() let [lnum1, col1] = getpos("'<")[1:2] let [lnum2, col2] = getpos("'>")[1:2] let lines = getline(lnum1, lnum2) let lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2 - (&selection == 'inclusive' ? 1 : 2)] let lines[0] = lines[0][col1 - 1:] return substitute(escape(join(lines, "\n"), '\\/.*$%~[]'), '\n', '\\n', 'g') endfunction " FUNCTION: Statusline() {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Allow for integrating the currently highlighted section into the statusline. function! highlight#statusline(...) let l:group_name = highlight#get_group_name(s:active_register) return '%#' . l:group_name . '#xxx (" . s:active_register . ")%*' endfunction " FUNCTION: GetGroupName(reg) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Group names are not allowed to have special characters; they must be " alphanumeric or underscores. function! highlight#get_group_name(reg) return 'highlight_registry_' . char2nr(a:reg) endfunction " FUNCTION: GetGroupSpecification(reg) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Gets the specification created in the g:highlight_registry for a given " h_register. If it does not exist then we pick a 'random' option from the " registry. function! highlight#get_group_specification(reg) if has_key(g:highlight_registry, a:reg) return g:highlight_registry[a:reg] endif " Since vim does not have built in random functionality, we instead look at " the given line we are currently at and choose this value mod the size of the " registry. " " TODO(jrpotter): Neovim provides Lua builtin. Perhaps use that instead? let l:target = line('.') % len(g:highlight_registry) let l:index = 0 for l:key in keys(g:highlight_registry) if l:index == l:target return g:highlight_registry[l:key] else let l:index = l:index + 1 endif endfor endfunction " FUNCTION: InitRegister() {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Sets up the highlight group. This must be called before any attempts to add " matches to a given h_register is performed. function! highlight#init_register(reg, color) call highlight#clear_register(a:reg) let s:registry[a:reg] = {} " Build custom highlight group with any attributes supported by cterm. If the " specification has a 'group' key, use that group as a base template instead " of the default 'Search' group. let l:specs = highlight#get_group_specification(a:reg) let l:group = get(l:specs, 'group', 'Search') " Supported attributes for 'cterm' and 'gui', as indicated by *synIDattr*. let l:attrs = [ 'fg', 'bg', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', \ 'reverse', 'inverse', 'standout', 'underline', 'undercurl'] let l:highlight=[] for l:mode in ['cterm', 'gui'] let l:group_fg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(l:group)), 'fg', l:mode) let l:group_bg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(l:group)), 'bg', l:mode) let l:group_attrs = {} for l:key in l:attrs[2:] if synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(l:group)), l:key, l:mode) let l:attrs[l:key] = '1' endif endfor " First build up text formats. let l:text_format = [] for l:key in l:attrs[2:] if has_key(l:specs, l:key) if l:specs[l:key] ==# '1' call add(l:text_format, l:key) endif " If not present, then can default to highlight group. elseif get(l:group_attrs, l:key, '0') ==# '1' call add(l:text_format, l:key) endif endfor " Now append the attributes for the given mode. if !empty(get(l:specs, 'fg', l:group_fg)) call add(l:highlight, l:mode . 'fg=' . get(l:specs, 'fg', l:group_fg)) endif if !empty(get(l:specs, 'bg', l:group_bg)) call add(l:highlight, l:mode . 'bg=' . get(l:specs, 'bg', l:group_bg)) endif if !empty(l:text_format) call add(l:highlight, l:mode . '=' . join(l:text_format, ',')) endif endfor exe 'hi' highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) join(l:highlight) endfunction " FUNCTION: ActivateRegister() {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Places the contents of a highlight register into the search register and links " the Search highlight group to the highlight group name. Activation of an " h_register that has not yet been initialized is allowed - in this case, the " search register is simply cleared. function! highlight#activate_register(reg) let s:active_register = a:reg if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) let search = '' for key in keys(s:registry[a:reg]) let search = search . key . '\|' endfor let @/ = search[:-3] exe 'hi! link Search ' . highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) set hlsearch else let @/ = '' endif endfunction " FUNCTION: AppendToSearch(reg, flag) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Extends the current matches of h_register reg with the pattern found once flag " is expanded. If the h_register specified has not yet been initialized, simply " create a new h_register and continue. function! highlight#append_to_search(reg, flag) let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag) if len(l:pattern) > 0 if !has_key(s:registry, a:reg) " TODO(jrpotter): Choose color better. call highlight#init_register(a:reg, 'Yellow') endif " Don't want to add multiple match objects into registry if !has_key(s:registry[a:reg], l:pattern) let s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern] = \ matchadd(highlight#get_group_name(a:reg), l:pattern) endif " Updates the search register call highlight#activate_register(a:reg) endif endfunction " FUNCTION: RemoveFromSearch(reg, flag) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Removes the given pattern found once flag is expanded from the passed " h_register reg. If the h_register will be emptied as a result of this call, " instead delegating to clearing out the register instead. function! highlight#remove_from_search(reg, flag) let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry[a:reg], l:pattern) if len(s:registry[a:reg]) == 1 call highlight#clear_register(a:reg) else silent! call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern]) unlet s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern] endif endif " Updates the search register call highlight#activate_register(a:reg) endfunction " FUNCTION: ClearRegister(reg) {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Used to clear out the h_register reg and potentially unlink the Search " highlight group. function! highlight#clear_register(reg) exe 'hi clear ' . highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) for key in keys(s:registry[a:reg]) silent! call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][key]) unlet s:registry[a:reg][key] endfor unlet s:registry[a:reg] endif if a:reg ==# s:active_register hi! link Search NONE endif endfunction " FUNCTION: Reset() {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Used to reset the state of all h_register's. function! highlight#reset() for key in keys(s:registry) call highlight#clear_register(key) endfor for [key, value] in items(g:highlight_registry) call highlight#init_register(key, value) endfor endfunction