" ============================================================================== " File: highlight.vim " Maintainer: Joshua Potter " " ============================================================================== if exists('g:loaded_highlight_registry') finish endif let g:loaded_highlight_registry = 1 " GLOBAL VARIABLES: " ============================================================================== " g:highlight_registry :: { String : { String : String } } {{{2 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " The following dictionary corresponds to registers 0-9 and their respective " syntax attributes. Adjust this to set the properties for a given highlight " group. Allowed keys in the nested dictionary are listed in *synIDattr*, except " for the 'name' attribute. Unrecognized keys are simply ignored. Only 'cterm' " related attributes are supported (that is, gui specific attributes are not " supported). " " In addition, can also include a key of 'group' in the nested dictionary to " indicate which highlight group to default a property to. By default, this " group is 'Search'. Thus, key '0' could also be written as: " { 'fg' : 'Yellow', 'group' : 'Search', 'bold': '0' }. " " TODO(jrpotter): Consider adding support for GUI and term? if !exists('g:highlight_registry') function! s:InitializeHighlightRegistry() let g:highlight_registry = {} let l:colors = [ 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Red', 'Magenta', 'Green', 'Cyan', \ 'DarkYellow', 'White', 'Gray', 'Black' ] let l:index = 0 while l:index < len(l:colors) let g:highlight_registry[string(l:index)] = \{ 'fg' : l:colors[l:index], 'bg' : 'none', 'bold' : '1' } let l:index = l:index + 1 endwhile endfunction call s:InitializeHighlightRegistry() endif " MAPPINGS: {{{1 " ============================================================================== " Append Searches noremap HRegistry_AppendToSearch \ :call highlight#append_to_search(v:register, 'c') \ call highlight#count_pattern('c') noremap HRegistry_GAppendToSearch \ :call highlight#append_to_search(v:register, 'g') \ call highlight#count_pattern('g') noremap HRegistry_VisualAppendToSearch \ :call highlight#append_to_search(v:register, 'v') \ call highlight#count_pattern('v') " Remove Searches noremap HRegistry_RemoveFromSearch \ :call highlight#remove_from_search(v:register, 'c') noremap HRegistry_VisualRemoveFromSearch \ :call highlight#remove_from_search(v:register, 'v') " Other Modifications noremap HRegistry_ClearRegister \ :call highlight#clear_register(v:register) \ call highlight#activate_register(v:register) noremap HRegistry_ActivateRegister \ :call highlight#activate_register(v:register) noremap HRegistry_CountLastSeen \ :call highlight#count_pattern('c') " Normal Mappings nmap & HRegistry_AppendToSearch nmap g& HRegistry_GAppendToSearch nmap y& HRegistry_ActivateRegister nmap d& HRegistry_RemoveFromSearch nmap c& HRegistry_ClearRegister nmap * :silent norm! *& nmap g* :silent norm! *g& nmap # :silent norm! #& nmap g# :silent norm! #g& " Visual Mappings vmap & HRegistry_VisualAppendToSearch'< vmap d& HRegistry_VisualRemoveFromSearch'< vmap * &nHRegistry_CountLastSeen vmap # &NHRegistry_CountLastSeen " PROCEDURE: Commands {{1 " ============================================================================== command ResetHighlightRegistry :call highlight#reset() " PROCEDURE: Initialize {{{1 " ============================================================================== call highlight#reset()