Fork 0

Setup reg/flag expansion in plugin

Joshua Potter 2017-05-23 21:21:13 -07:00
parent 1b1839092d
commit eaac1fd4cd
2 changed files with 64 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -30,54 +30,15 @@ let s:active_register = "\""
let s:registry = {}
" FUNCTION: ExpandRegister(reg) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Convenience method to determine which register is being currently used.
" The unnamed register defaults to the last used register to avoid having to
" constantly prefix registration. This can be changed by setting the value of
" g:persist_unnamed_register to 1.
function! highlight#expand_register(reg)
if !g:persist_unnamed_register && a:reg ==# '"'
return s:active_register
return a:reg
" FUNCTION: ExpandFlag(flag) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Convenience method used to make the mappings in plugin/highlight.vim a bit
" easier to read through. The passed flag can be:
" c: Indicates the current word, with word boundary.
" g: Indicates the current word, without word boundary.
" v: Indicates the current visual selection.
" Throws an error otherwise.
function! highlight#expand_flag(flag) abort
if a:flag ==# 'c'
return '\<' . expand('<cword>') . '\>'
elseif a:flag ==# 'g'
return expand('<cword>')
elseif a:flag ==# 'v'
return highlight#get_visual_selection()
throw 'Could not expand passed flag: ' . a:flag
" FUNCTION: CountPattern(flag) {{{1
" FUNCTION: CountPattern(pattern) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Convenience method used to display the number of times the passed pattern has
" occurred in the current buffer.
function! highlight#count_pattern(flag)
let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag)
function! highlight#count_pattern(pattern)
if len(@/) > 0
let pos = getpos('.')
exe ' %s/' . l:pattern . '//gne'
exe ' %s/' . a:pattern . '//gne'
call setpos('.', pos)
@ -224,23 +185,22 @@ function! highlight#activate_register(reg)
" FUNCTION: AppendToSearch(reg, flag) {{{1
" FUNCTION: AppendToSearch(reg, pattern) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Extends the current matches of h_register reg with the pattern found once flag
" is expanded. If the h_register specified has not yet been initialized, simply
" create a new h_register and continue.
function! highlight#append_to_search(reg, flag)
let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag)
if len(l:pattern) > 0
function! highlight#append_to_search(reg, pattern)
if len(a:pattern) > 0
if !has_key(s:registry, a:reg)
" TODO(jrpotter): Choose color better.
call highlight#init_register(a:reg, 'Yellow')
" Don't want to add multiple match objects into registry
if !has_key(s:registry[a:reg], l:pattern)
let s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern] =
\ matchadd(highlight#get_group_name(a:reg), l:pattern)
if !has_key(s:registry[a:reg], a:pattern)
let s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern] =
\ matchadd(highlight#get_group_name(a:reg), a:pattern)
" Updates the search register
call highlight#activate_register(a:reg)
@ -248,20 +208,19 @@ function! highlight#append_to_search(reg, flag)
" FUNCTION: RemoveFromSearch(reg, flag) {{{1
" FUNCTION: RemoveFromSearch(reg, pattern) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Removes the given pattern found once flag is expanded from the passed
" h_register reg. If the h_register will be emptied as a result of this call,
" instead delegating to clearing out the register instead.
function! highlight#remove_from_search(reg, flag)
let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag)
if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry[a:reg], l:pattern)
function! highlight#remove_from_search(reg, pattern)
if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry[a:reg], a:pattern)
if len(s:registry[a:reg]) == 1
call highlight#clear_register(a:reg)
silent! call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern])
unlet s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern]
silent! call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern])
unlet s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern]
" Updates the search register

View File

@ -55,34 +55,72 @@ if !exists('g:persist_unnamed_register')
" FUNCTION: ExpandRegister(reg) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Convenience method to determine which register is being currently used.
" The unnamed register defaults to the last used register to avoid having to
" constantly prefix registration. This can be changed by setting the value of
" g:persist_unnamed_register to 1.
function! s:ExpandRegister(reg)
if !g:persist_unnamed_register && a:reg ==# '"'
return s:active_register
return a:reg
" FUNCTION: ExpandFlag(flag) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Convenience method used to make the mappings in plugin/highlight.vim a bit
" easier to read through. The passed flag can be:
" c: Indicates the current word, with word boundary.
" g: Indicates the current word, without word boundary.
" v: Indicates the current visual selection.
" Throws an error otherwise.
function! s:ExpandFlag(flag) abort
if a:flag ==# 'c'
return '\<' . expand('<cword>') . '\>'
elseif a:flag ==# 'g'
return expand('<cword>')
elseif a:flag ==# 'v'
return highlight#get_visual_selection()
throw 'Could not expand passed flag: ' . a:flag
" MAPPINGS: {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Append Searches
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_AppendToSearch
\ :call highlight#append_to_search(v:register, 'c')<Bar>
\ call highlight#count_pattern('c')<CR>
\ :call highlight#append_to_search(s:ExpandRegister(v:register), s:ExpandFlag('c'))<Bar>
\ call highlight#count_pattern(s:ExpandFlag('c'))<CR>
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_GAppendToSearch
\ :call highlight#append_to_search(v:register, 'g')<Bar>
\ call highlight#count_pattern('g')<CR>
\ :call highlight#append_to_search(s:ExpandRegister(v:register), s:ExpandFlag('g'))<Bar>
\ call highlight#count_pattern(s:ExpandFlag('g'))<CR>
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_VisualAppendToSearch
\ :call highlight#append_to_search(v:register, 'v')<Bar>
\ call highlight#count_pattern('v')<CR>
\ :call highlight#append_to_search(s:ExpandRegister(v:register), s:ExpandFlag('v'))<Bar>
\ call highlight#count_pattern(s:ExpandFlag('v'))<CR>
" Remove Searches
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_RemoveFromSearch
\ :call highlight#remove_from_search(v:register, 'c')<CR>
\ :call highlight#remove_from_search(s:ExpandRegister(v:register), s:ExpandFlag('c'))<CR>
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_VisualRemoveFromSearch
\ :call highlight#remove_from_search(v:register, 'v')<CR>
\ :call highlight#remove_from_search(s:ExpandRegister(v:register), s:ExpandFlag('v'))<CR>
" Other Modifications
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_ClearRegister
\ :call highlight#clear_register(v:register)<Bar>
\ call highlight#activate_register(v:register)<CR>
\ :call highlight#clear_register(s:ExpandRegister(v:register))<Bar>
\ call highlight#activate_register(s:ExpandRegister(v:register))<CR>
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_ActivateRegister
\ :call highlight#activate_register(v:register)<CR>
\ :call highlight#activate_register(s:ExpandRegister(v:register))<CR>
noremap <Plug>HRegistry_CountLastSeen
\ :call highlight#count_pattern('c')<CR>
\ :call highlight#count_pattern(s:ExpandFlag('c'))<CR>
" Normal Mappings
nmap <silent> & <Plug>HRegistry_AppendToSearch