Fork 0

Allow better color choices and extendability to group

Joshua Potter 2017-05-17 02:32:27 -07:00
parent 4caa60e398
commit 173aa11d58
3 changed files with 110 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -117,6 +117,33 @@ function! highlight#get_group_name(reg)
endfunction endfunction
" FUNCTION: GetGroupSpecification(reg) {{{1
" ==============================================================================
" Gets the specification created in the g:highlight_registry for a given
" h_register. If it does not exist then we pick a 'random' option from the
" registry.
function! highlight#get_group_specification(reg)
if has_key(g:highlight_registry, a:reg)
return g:highlight_registry[a:reg]
" Since vim does not have built in random functionality, we instead look at
" the given line we are currently at and choose this value mod the size of the
" registry.
" TODO(jrpotter): Neovim provides Lua builtin. Perhaps use that instead?
let l:target = line('.') % len(g:highlight_registry)
let l:index = 0
for l:key in keys(g:highlight_registry)
if l:index == l:target
return g:highlight_registry[l:key]
let l:index = l:index + 1
" FUNCTION: InitRegister() {{{1 " FUNCTION: InitRegister() {{{1
" ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
" Sets up the highlight group. This must be called before any attempts to add " Sets up the highlight group. This must be called before any attempts to add
@ -124,10 +151,53 @@ endfunction
function! highlight#init_register(reg, color) function! highlight#init_register(reg, color)
call highlight#clear_register(a:reg) call highlight#clear_register(a:reg)
" TODO(jrpotter): Mirror current Search group
exe 'hi ' . highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) .
\ ' cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=' . a:color
let s:registry[a:reg] = {} let s:registry[a:reg] = {}
" Build custom highlight group with any attributes supported by cterm. If the
" specification has a 'group' key, use that group as a base template instead
" of the default 'Search' group.
let l:specs = highlight#get_group_specification(a:reg)
let l:group = get(l:specs, 'group', 'Search')
" Supported attributes for 'cterm' and 'gui', as indicated by *synIDattr*.
let l:attrs = [ 'fg', 'bg', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline',
\ 'reverse', 'inverse', 'standout', 'underline', 'undercurl']
let l:highlight=[]
for l:mode in ['cterm', 'gui']
let l:group_fg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(l:group)), 'fg', l:mode)
let l:group_bg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(l:group)), 'bg', l:mode)
let l:group_attrs = {}
for l:key in l:attrs[2:]
if synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(l:group)), l:key, l:mode)
let l:attrs[l:key] = '1'
" First build up text formats.
let l:text_format = []
for l:key in l:attrs[2:]
if has_key(l:specs, l:key)
if l:specs[l:key] ==# '1'
call add(l:text_format, l:key)
" If not present, then can default to highlight group.
elseif get(l:group_attrs, l:key, '0') ==# '1'
call add(l:text_format, l:key)
" Now append the attributes for the given mode.
if !empty(get(l:specs, 'fg', l:group_fg))
call add(l:highlight, l:mode . 'fg=' . get(l:specs, 'fg', l:group_fg))
if !empty(get(l:specs, 'bg', l:group_bg))
call add(l:highlight, l:mode . 'bg=' . get(l:specs, 'bg', l:group_bg))
if !empty(l:text_format)
call add(l:highlight, l:mode . '=' . join(l:text_format, ','))
exe 'hi' highlight#get_group_name(a:reg) join(l:highlight)
endfunction endfunction
@ -187,7 +257,7 @@ endfunction
function! highlight#remove_from_search(reg, flag) function! highlight#remove_from_search(reg, flag)
let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag) let l:pattern = highlight#expand_flag(a:flag)
if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry[a:reg], l:pattern) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry[a:reg], l:pattern)
if len(s:registry[a:reg] == 1) if len(s:registry[a:reg]) == 1
call highlight#clear_register(a:reg) call highlight#clear_register(a:reg)
else else
silent! call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern]) silent! call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][l:pattern])

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ CONTENTS *highlight-contents*
1. Usage ................................................... |highlight-usage| 1. Usage ................................................... |highlight-usage|
2. Statusline ......................................... |highlight-statusline| 2. Statusline ......................................... |highlight-statusline|
3. Commands ............................................. |highlight-commands|
============================================================================== ==============================================================================
Section 1: Usage *highlight-usage* Section 1: Usage *highlight-usage*
@ -64,4 +65,12 @@ highlight#statusline()
call airline#parts#define_function('foo', 'highlight#statusline("foo")') call airline#parts#define_function('foo', 'highlight#statusline("foo")')
Section 3: Commands *highlight-commands*
Removes all custom highlights done. Reverts back to when the plugin was
first loaded.
vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:

View File

@ -13,26 +13,35 @@ let g:loaded_highlight_registry = 1
" ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
" g:highlight_registry :: { String : String } {{{2 " g:highlight_registry :: { String : { String : String } } {{{2
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" The following dictionary corresponds to registers 0-9 and their respective " The following dictionary corresponds to registers 0-9 and their respective
" colors. Adjust this to set the colors for a given register. If a register " syntax attributes. Adjust this to set the properties for a given highlight
" isn't added to this dictionary before being attempted to be used, one of the " group. Allowed keys in the nested dictionary are listed in *synIDattr*, except
" least most colors will be chosen instead. See *cterm-colors*. " for the 'name' attribute. Unrecognized keys are simply ignored. Only 'cterm'
" TODO(jrpotter): Allow for better automatic color choices. " related attributes are supported (that is, gui specific attributes are not
" supported).
" In addition, can also include a key of 'group' in the nested dictionary to
" indicate which highlight group to default a property to. By default, this
" group is 'Search'. Thus, key '0' could also be written as:
" { 'fg' : 'Yellow', 'group' : 'Search', 'bold': '0' }.
" TODO(jrpotter): Consider adding support for GUI and term?
if !exists('g:highlight_registry') if !exists('g:highlight_registry')
let g:highlight_registry = { '0' : 'Yellow', function! s:InitializeHighlightRegistry()
\ '1' : 'Blue', let g:highlight_registry = {}
\ '2' : 'Red', let l:colors = [ 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Red', 'Magenta', 'Green', 'Cyan',
\ '3' : 'Magenta', \ 'DarkYellow', 'White', 'Gray', 'Black' ]
\ '4' : 'Green', let l:index = 0
\ '5' : 'Cyan', while l:index < len(l:colors)
\ '6' : 'DarkYellow', let g:highlight_registry[string(l:index)] =
\ '7' : 'White', \{ 'fg' : l:colors[l:index], 'bg' : 'none', 'bold' : '1' }
\ '8' : 'Gray', let l:index = l:index + 1
\ '9' : 'Black', endwhile
\ } endfunction
call s:InitializeHighlightRegistry()
endif endif
@ -88,10 +97,11 @@ vmap <silent> # &N<Plug>HRegistry_CountLastSeen
" PROCEDURE: Commands {{1 " PROCEDURE: Commands {{1
" ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
command ClearHighlightRegistry :call highlight#reset() command ResetHighlightRegistry :call highlight#reset()
" PROCEDURE: Initialize {{{1 " PROCEDURE: Initialize {{{1
" ============================================================================== " ==============================================================================
call highlight#reset() call highlight#reset()