Fork 0

Highlight functinoality

Joshua Potter 2016-11-07 00:30:51 -08:00
parent d4af4fc289
commit 0f393e6da1
1 changed files with 125 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -10,122 +10,182 @@ endif
let g:loaded_highlight = 1 let g:loaded_highlight = 1
" ======================================================================
let g:highlight_register_default_color = 'Yellow'
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
" s:highlight_register_color :: { String : String } {{{2 " s:registry_colors :: { String : String } {{{2
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " ----------------------------------------------------------------------
" Mapping between registry name and color that should be used for " Mapping between registry name and color that should be used for
" highlighting. " highlighting.
let s:highlight_register_color = {} let s:registry_colors = {}
" s:matches :: { String : Match } {{{2 " s:registry :: { String : { String : Match } } {{{2
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " ----------------------------------------------------------------------
" List of matches corresponding to the registry. " Name of register corresponding to a dict of some unique identifier of the
" word being matched, paired with the actual match object.
let s:matches = {}
" s:registry :: { String : [String] } {{{2
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
" Name of register corresponding to a list of the keys used in the
" s:matches corresponding to the match of the word in said register.
" Used to find the matches that can be deleted later on.
let s:registry = {} let s:registry = {}
" FUNCTION: MatchName(reg, word) {{{1
" ======================================================================
function! s:MatchName(reg, word)
return a:reg . '_' . word
" FUNCTION: GroupName(reg) {{{1 " FUNCTION: GroupName(reg) {{{1
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
" Note group names are not allowed to have special characters; they
" must be alphanumeric or underscores.
function! s:GroupName(reg) function! s:GroupName(reg)
return 'PlugHighlightRegister_' . a:reg return 'HighlightRegistry_' . char2nr(a:reg)
endfunction endfunction
" FUNCTION: ClearHighlightRegister(reg) {{{1 " FUNCTION: InitRegister(reg) {{{1
" ======================================================================
" Setups the group and highlighting. Matches are added afterward.
function! s:InitRegister(reg, color)
call s:ClearRegister(a:reg)
let s:registry_colors[a:reg] = a:color
exe 'hi ' . s:GroupName(a:reg) . ' cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=' . a:color
" FUNCTION: ClearRegister(reg) {{{1
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
" Used to clear out the 'registers' that are used to hold which values are " Used to clear out the 'registers' that are used to hold which values are
" highlighted under a certain match group. " highlighted under a certain match group.
function! s:ClearHighlightRegister(reg) function! s:ClearRegister(reg)
exe 'hi clear ' . s:GroupName(a:reg) exe 'hi clear ' . s:GroupName(a:reg)
unlet s:highlight_register_color[a:reg] if has_key(s:registry_colors, a:reg)
unlet s:registry_colors[a:reg]
if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg)
for m in s:registry[a:reg] for key in keys(s:registry[a:reg])
matchdelete(s:matches[s:registry[a:reg]]) call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][key])
unlet s:matches[s:registry[a:reg]] unlet s:registry[a:reg][key]
endfor endfor
unlet s:registry[a:reg] unlet s:registry[a:reg]
endif endif
call s:ActivateRegister(a:reg)
endfunction endfunction
" FUNCTION: InitHighlightRegister(reg) {{{1 " FUNCTION: ActivateRegister(reg) {{{1
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
" Setups the group and highlighting. Matches are added afterward " We must actively set the search register to perform searches as expected.
function! s:InitHighlightRegister(reg, color) function! s:ActivateRegister(reg)
call c:ClearHighlightRegister(a:reg) if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry_colors, a:reg)
let s:highlight_register_color[a:reg] = a:color let search = ''
exe 'hi ' . s:GroupName(a:reg) . ' cterm=bold, underline ctermbg=' . a:color for key in keys(s:registry[a:reg])
let search = search . key . '\|'
let @/ = search[:-3]
exe 'hi Search cterm=bold,underline ctermbg=none ctermfg=' . s:registry_colors[a:reg]
set hlsearch
let @/ = ''
endfunction endfunction
" FUNCTION: AppendToSearch(reg, word) {{{1 " FUNCTION: AppendToSearch(reg, pattern) {{{1
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
function! s:AppendToSearch(reg, word) function! s:AppendToSearch(reg, pattern)
let m = matchadd(s:GroupName(a:reg), '\<' . a:word . '\>') let s:last_seen = a:pattern
let s:matches[s:MatchName(a:reg, a:word)] = l:m if !has_key(s:registry_colors, a:reg)
call s:InitRegister(a:reg, g:highlight_register_default_color)
if !has_key(s:registry, a:reg) if !has_key(s:registry, a:reg)
let s:registry[a:reg] = [] let s:registry[a:reg] = {}
endif endif
append(s:registry[a:reg], s:MatchName(a:reg, a:word)) " Don't want to add multiple match objects into registry
if !has_key(s:registry[a:reg], a:pattern)
let s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern] =
\ matchadd(s:GroupName(a:reg), a:pattern)
call s:ActivateRegister(a:reg)
endfunction endfunction
" FUNCTION: RemoveFromSearch(reg, word) {{{1 " FUNCTION: AppendToSearchForward(reg, pattern) {{{1
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
function! s:RemoveFromSearch(reg, word) function! s:AppendToSearchForward(reg, pattern)
matchdelete(s:matches[s:MatchName(a:reg, a:word)]) call s:AppendToSearch(a:reg, a:pattern)
unlet s:matches[s:MatchName(a:reg, a:word)] normal! *
let i = 0 endfunction
while i < len(s:registry[a:reg])
if s:registry[a:reg] == s:MatchName(a:reg, a:word)
unlet s:registry[a:reg][i] " FUNCTION: AppendToSearchBackward(reg, pattern) {{{1
break " ======================================================================
function! s:AppendToSearchBackward(reg, pattern)
call s:AppendToSearch(a:reg, a:pattern)
normal! #
" FUNCTION: RemoveFromSearch(reg, pattern) {{{1
" ======================================================================
function! s:RemoveFromSearch(reg, pattern)
if has_key(s:registry, a:reg) && has_key(s:registry[a:reg], a:pattern)
call matchdelete(s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern])
unlet s:registry[a:reg][a:pattern]
if len(s:registry[a:reg]) == 0
unlet s:registry[a:reg]
endif endif
i = i + 1
if len(s:registry[a:reg]) == 0
unlet s:registry[a:reg]
endif endif
call s:ActivateRegister(a:reg)
endfunction endfunction
" FUNCTION: Initialize {{{1
" PROCEDURE: Initialize {{{1
" ====================================================================== " ======================================================================
call s:InitHighlightRegister('0', 'Yellow') exe 'hi Search cterm=bold,underline ctermbg=none ctermfg=' . g:highlight_register_default_color
call s:InitHighlightRegister('1', 'DarkYellow')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('2', 'Red') call s:InitRegister('0', 'Yellow')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('3', 'DarkRed') call s:InitRegister('1', 'DarkYellow')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('4', 'Green') call s:InitRegister('2', 'Red')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('5', 'DarkGreen') call s:InitRegister('3', 'Magenta')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('6', 'Blue') call s:InitRegister('4', 'Green')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('7', 'DarkBlue') call s:InitRegister('5', 'Cyan')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('8', 'Magenta') call s:InitRegister('6', 'Blue')
call s:InitHighlightRegister('9', 'DarkMagenta') call s:InitRegister('7', 'White')
call s:InitRegister('8', 'Gray')
call s:InitRegister('9', 'Black')
noremap <unique> <silent> <Plug>HighlightRegistry_AppendToSearch
\ :call <SID>AppendToSearch(v:register, '\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>')<CR>
noremap <unique> <silent> <Plug>HighlightRegistry_Forward_AppendToSearch
\ :call <SID>AppendToSearchForward(v:register, '\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>')<CR>
noremap <unique> <silent> <Plug>HighlightRegistry_Backward_AppendToSearch
\ :call <SID>AppendToSearchBackward(v:register, '\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>')<CR>
noremap <unique> <silent> <Plug>HighlightRegistry_RemoveFromSearch
\ :call <SID>RemoveFromSearch(v:register, '\<'.expand('<cword>').'\>')<CR>
noremap <unique> <silent> <Plug>HighlightRegistry_ClearRegister
\ :call <SID>ClearRegister(v:register)<CR>
" Basic Mappings
nmap & <Plug>HighlightRegistry_AppendToSearch
nmap * <Plug>HighlightRegistry_Forward_AppendToSearch
nmap # <Plug>HighlightRegistry_Backward_AppendToSearch
" Additional Register Modifiers
nmap d& <Plug>HighlightRegistry_RemoveFromSearch
nmap c& <Plug>HighlightRegistry_ClearRegister
" Other Mappings
nmap n :norm! nzzzv<CR>
nmap N :norm! Nzzzv<CR>