Fork 0

Normalize transformer imports.

Importantly, we want our transformer "singular" type aliases to be
consistent. Therefore ban the use of the Maybe transformer (which we can
easily replaces instances of with ExceptT () instead) and the either
transformer (instead, favor use of ExceptT).
Joshua Potter 2017-12-12 22:16:25 -08:00
parent 86cf1df6bd
commit 1024c35452
2 changed files with 31 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
bytestring ==,
either ==,
exceptions == 0.8.3,
free == 4.12.4,
mtl == 2.2.1,

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@ -50,37 +50,19 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch as X
import Control.Monad.Except as X
-- Note runExceptT is not actually a type declaration within the ExceptT
-- newtype but writing as follows for consistency's sake.
( ExceptT, ExceptT(ExceptT), runExceptT
( MonadError, catchError, throwError
import Control.Monad.Free as X
( Free, Free(Pure), Free(Free)
, retract
, wrap
( MonadFree, wrap
import Control.Monad.Reader as X
( MonadReader, ask, local, reader
, Reader, runReader
, ReaderT, ReaderT(ReaderT), runReaderT
import Control.Monad.State as X
( MonadState, get, put, state
, State, runState
-- Note there also exists a strict interpretation but we default to the lazy
-- implementation.
, StateT, StateT(StateT), runStateT
import Control.Monad.Writer as X
( MonadWriter, listen, pass, tell, writer
, Writer, runWriter
-- Note there also exists a strict interpretation but we default to the lazy
-- implementation.
, WriterT, WriterT(WriterT), runWriterT
import Control.Monad.Trans as X
@ -88,12 +70,37 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans as X
, lift
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either as X
( EitherT, EitherT(EitherT), runEitherT
import Control.Monad.Writer as X
( MonadWriter, listen, pass, tell, writer
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe as X
( MaybeT, MaybeT(MaybeT), runMaybeT
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except as X
( Except -- ^ ExceptT e Identity :: * -> *
, ExceptT, ExceptT(ExceptT)
, runExceptT
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free as X
( Free -- ^ FreeT f Identity :: * -> *
, FreeF, FreeF(Pure), FreeF(Free)
, FreeT, FreeT(FreeT), runFreeT
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as X
( Reader -- ^ ReaderT r Identity :: * -> *
, ReaderT, ReaderT(ReaderT), runReaderT
-- We default to the lazy implementation of State.
import Control.Monad.Trans.State as X
( State -- ^ StateT s Identity :: * -> *
, StateT, StateT(StateT), runStateT
-- We default to the lazy implementation of Writer.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as X
( Writer -- ^ WriterT w Identity :: * -> *
, WriterT, WriterT(WriterT), runWriterT
import Data.Bool as X