--- title: RDF Schema TARGET DECK: Obsidian::STEM FILE TAGS: data_model::rdf::schema tags: - rdf --- ## Overview The simplest extension to RDF that allows a modeler to manage inference is **RDF Schema** (RDFS). %%ANKI Basic What is considered the simplest extension to RDF that enables inference? Back: RDFS. Reference: Allemang, Dean, James A. Hendler, and Fabien L. Gandon. _Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist_. 3e ed. ACM Books 33. New York: Association for computing machinery, 2020. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is RDFS an acronym for? Back: **R**esource **D**escription **F**ramework **S**chema. Reference: Allemang, Dean, James A. Hendler, and Fabien L. Gandon. _Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist_. 3e ed. ACM Books 33. New York: Association for computing machinery, 2020. END%% ## Classes All things described by RDF are called **resources**. Resources may be divided into groups called **classes**. Classes are themselves resources. The `rdf:type` property may be used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. Associated with a class is a set, called the **class extension** of the class, which is the set of the instances of the class. A class may be a member of its own class extension. The group of resources that are RDFS classes is itself a class called `rdfs:Class`. The `rdfs:Resource` class is the class of everything. If a class `C` is a subclass of a class `C'`, then all instances of `C` will also be instances of `C'`. The `rdfs:subClassOf` property may be used to state that one class is a subclass of another. %%ANKI Basic What is a resource? Back: Anything described by RDF. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Cloze {Resources} may be divided into groups called {classes}. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic Is every resource a class? Back: No. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic Is every class a resource? Back: Yes. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Cloze The {`rdf:type`} property states {a resource is an instance of a class}. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Cloze The {`rdfs:subClassOf`} property states {a class is a subclass of another}. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic Which property describes "`?A` is an instance of `?B`"? Back: `rdf:type` Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic Which property describes "`?A`'s class extension is a subset of `?B`'s"? Back: `rdfs:subClassOf` Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic *What* is the class extension of a class? Back: The collection of instances of the class. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic Which class is the class of everything? Back: `rdfs:Resource` Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic What does the `rdfs:Resource` class describe? Back: Any RDF resource. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is the class extension of `rdfs:Resource`? Back: Every resource. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Cloze The meaning of the {`rdfs:subClassOf`} property is given by the {type propagation} rule. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Basic Which two properties make up the type propagation rule? Back: `rdf:type` and `rdfs:subClassOf`. Reference: “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class). END%% %%ANKI Cloze The type propagation rule states: * if {`?A rdfs:subClassOf ?B`} * and {`?x rdf:type ?A`} * then {`?x rdf:type ?B`}. Reference: Allemang, Dean, James A. Hendler, and Fabien L. Gandon. _Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist_. 3e ed. ACM Books 33. New York: Association for computing machinery, 2020. END%% %%ANKI Basic How is the type propagation rule stated in SPARQL? Back: ```sparql CONSTRUCT { ?x rdf:type ?B } WHERE { ?A rdf:subClassOf ?B. ?x rdf:type ?A } ``` Reference: Allemang, Dean, James A. Hendler, and Fabien L. Gandon. _Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist_. 3e ed. ACM Books 33. New York: Association for computing machinery, 2020. END%% ## Bibliography * Allemang, Dean, James A. Hendler, and Fabien L. Gandon. _Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist_. 3e ed. ACM Books 33. New York: Association for computing machinery, 2020. * “RDF 1.2 Schema,” accessed January 11, 2025, [https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf12-schema/#ch_class).