--- title: Condition Code Operations TARGET DECK: Obsidian::STEM FILE TAGS: x86-64 tags: - x86-64 --- ## Overview | Instruction | Operands | Based On | Description | | ------------ | ---------- | --------------------- | ----------- | | `cmp[bwlq]` | $S_1, S_2$ | $S_2 - S_1$ | Compare | | `test[bwlq]` | $S_1, S_2$ | $S_1 \mathop{\&} S_2$ | Test | %%ANKI Basic What four variants do `CMP` instructions take on in x86-64? Back: `cmpb`, `cmpw`, `cmpl`, `cmpq` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What instruction class is `CMP` "based" on? Back: `SUB` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What registers does `CMP` affect? Back: The condition code registers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What distinguishes `CMP` from `SUB`? Back: `CMP` does not update any destinations. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic How does Bryant et al. recommend reading `CMP` instructions? Back: As subtracting the first operand *from* the second. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What instruction class is `TEST` "based" on? Back: `AND` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What distinguishes `TEST` from `AND`? Back: `TEST` does not update any destinations. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What four variants do `TEST` instructions take on in x86-64? Back: `testb`, `testw`, `testl`, `testq` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {1:`CMP`} is to {2:`SUB`} as {2:`TEST`} is to {1:`AND`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What registers does `TEST` affect? Back: The condition code registers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% ## SET The description of the `SET` commands apply to the case of a comparison instruction. That is, the condition codes are set according to computation `t = a - b`, where `t`, `a`, and `b` may be interpreted as signed or unsigned depending on the `SET` instruction invoked. | Instruction | Synonym | Evaluation | Description | | ----------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------ | | `sete` | `setz` | `ZF` | Equal / zero | | `setne` | `setnz` | `~ZF` | Not equal / not zero | | `sets` | | `SF` | Negative | | `setns` | | `~SF` | Nonnegative | | `setl` | `setnge` | `SF ^ OF` | Less (signed `<`) | | `setle` | `setng` | (SF ^ OF) \| ZF | Less or equal (signed `<=`) | | `setg` | `setnle` | `~(SF ^ OF) & ~ZF` | Greater (signed `>`) | | `setge` | `setnl` | `~(SF ^ OF)` | Greater or equal (signed `<=`) | | `setb` | `setnae` | `CF` | Below (unsigned `<`) | | `setbe` | `setna` | CF \| ZF | Below or equal (unsigned `<=`) | | `seta` | `setnbe` | `~CF & ~ZF` | Above (unsigned `>`) | | `setae` | `setnb` | `~CF` | Above or equal (unsigned `>=`) | Note how the other condition code evaluations are easy to derive from `setl` and `setb`. %%ANKI Basic What arithmetic computation is a `SET` instruction's description based on? Back: `t = a - b` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What value does a `SET` instruction assign to a destination? Back: $0$ or $1$ Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic How large is the destination of a `SET` instruction? Back: A single byte. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `q` in the `cmpq` instruction short for? Back: **Q**uad word. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `e` in the `sete` instruction short for? Back: **E**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `z` in the `setz` instruction short for? Back: **Z**ero. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`sete`} is a synonym for {`setz`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `ne` in the `setne` instruction short for? Back: **N**ot **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `nz` in the `setnz` instruction short for? Back: **N**ot **z**ero. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setne`} is a synonym for {`setnz`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `s` in the `sets` instruction short for? Back: **S**igned. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `ns` in the `setns` instruction short for? Back: **N**ot **s**igned. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`set[ez]`} is to {`ZF`} whereas {`sets`} is to {`SF`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `sete` refer to? Back: `ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setz` put in its specified destination? Back: `ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setnz` refer to? Back: `ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setne` put in its specified destination? Back: `~ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `sets` refer to? Back: `SF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `sets` put in its specified destination? Back: `SF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setns` refer to? Back: `SF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setns` put in its specified destination? Back: `~SF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `l` in the `setl` instruction short for? Back: **L**ess. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setl`} is a synonym for {`setnge`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `nge` in the `setnge` instruction short for? Back: **N**ot **g**reater or **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `b` in the `setb` instruction short for? Back: **B**elow. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setb`} is a synonym for {`setnae`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `nae` in the `setnae` instruction short for? Back: **N**ot **a**bove or **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setl`} is to {2:signed} integers whereas {2:`setb`} is to {1:unsigned} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setnae`} is to {2:unsigned} integers whereas {2:`setnge`} is to {1:signed} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setl` refer to? Back: `SF` and `OF`. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setl` put in its specified destination? Back: `SF ^ OF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setb` refer to? Back: `CF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setb` put in its specified destination? Back: `CF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `le` in the `setle` instruction short for? Back: **L**ess or **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setle`} is a synonym for {`setng`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setle`} is to {2:signed} integers whereas {2:`setbe`} is to {1:unsigned} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setna`} is to {2:unsigned} integers whereas {2:`setng`} is to {1:signed} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setle` refer to? Back: `SF`, `OF`, and `ZF`. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setle` put in its specified destination? Back: `(SF ^ OF) | ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `g` in the `setg` instruction short for? Back: **G**reater. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setg`} is a synonym for {`setnle`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setg`} is to {2:signed} integers whereas {2:`seta`} is to {1:unsigned} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setnle`} is to {2:signed} integers whereas {2:`setnbe`} is to {1:unsigned} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setg` refer to? Back: `SF`, `OF`, and `ZF`. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setg` put in its specified destination? Back: `~(SF ^ OF) & ~ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `ge` in the `setge` instruction short for? Back: **G**reater or **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setge`} is a synonym for {`setnl`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setge`} is to {2:signed} integers whereas {2:`setae`} is to {1:unsigned} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic {1:`setnb`} is to {2:unsigned} integers whereas {2:`setnl`} is to {1:signed} integers. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setge` refer to? Back: `SF` and `OF`. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setge` put in its specified destination? Back: `~(SF ^ OF)` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `a` in the `seta` instruction short for? Back: **A**bove. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`seta`} is a synonym for {`setnbe`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `seta` refer to? Back: `CF` and `ZF`. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `seta` put in its specified destination? Back: `~CF & ~ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `ae` in the `setae` instruction short for? Back: **A**bove or **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setae`} is a synonym for {`setnb`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setae` refer to? Back: `CF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setae` put in its specified destination? Back: `~CF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `be` in the `setbe` instruction short for? Back: **B**elow or **e**qual. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Cloze {`setbe`} is a synonym for {`setna`}. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic What condition code(s) does `setbe` refer to? Back: `CF` and `ZF`. Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% %%ANKI Basic In terms of condition codes, what value does `setbe` put in its specified destination? Back: `CF | ZF` Reference: Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016. END%% ## Bibliography * Bryant, Randal E., and David O'Hallaron. *Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective*. Third edition, Global edition. Always Learning. Pearson, 2016.