--- title: "2024-02-07" --- - [x] Anki Flashcards - [x] KoL - [x] Sheet Music (10 min.) - [ ] OGS (1 Life & Death Problem) - [x] Korean (Read 1 Story) - [x] Interview Prep (1 Practice Problem) - [x] Log Work Hours (Max 3 hours) * Read section 4.1 of "GAWK: Effective AWK Programming". * Began translating more of "The Science of Programming" into flashcards. * Begin re-reading order of growth concepts. * Solved [Palindrome Number](https://leetcode.com/problems/palindrome-number/) and [Regular Expression Matching](https://leetcode.com/problems/regular-expression-matching/description/) (though my solution in the latter is subpar, using recursion instead of dynamic programming).