--- title: Truth Tables TARGET DECK: Obsidian::STEM FILE TAGS: logic tags: - logic --- ## Overview Every proposition can be written in **disjunctive normal form** (DNF) and **conjunctive normal form** (CNF). This is evident with the use of truth tables. To write a proposition in DNF, write its corresponding truth table and $\lor$ each row that evaluates to $T$. To write the same proposition in CNF, apply $\lor$ to each row that evaluates to $F$ and negate it. $$\neg (a \Rightarrow b) \Leftrightarrow c$$ It's truth table looks like $$\begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c|c} \neg & (a & \Rightarrow & b) & \Leftrightarrow & c \\ \hline F & T & T & T & F & T \\ F & T & T & T & T & F \\ T & T & F & F & T & T \\ T & T & F & F & F & F \\ F & F & T & T & F & T \\ F & F & T & T & T & F \\ F & F & T & F & F & T \\ F & F & T & F & T & F \end{array}$$ and it's DNF looks like $$ (a \land b \land \neg c) \lor (a \land \neg b \land c) \lor (\neg a \land b \land \neg c) \lor (\neg a \land \neg b \land \neg c) $$ It's CNF results from applying De Morgan's Law to the truth table's "complement": $$ \neg( (a \land b \land c) \lor (a \land \neg b \land \neg c) \lor (\neg a \land b \land c) \lor (\neg a \land \neg b \land c) ) $$ %%ANKI Basic What construct is used to prove every proposition can be written in DNF or CNF? Back: Truth tables. Reference: Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. END%% %%ANKI Basic Where are $\land$ and $\lor$ found within a DNF proposition? Back: $\lor$ separates disjuncts containing $\land$. Reference: Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is DNF an acronym for? Back: **D**isjunctive **N**ormal **F**orm. Reference: Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. END%% %%ANKI Basic What is CNF an acronym for? Back: **C**onjunctive **N**ormal **F**orm. Reference: Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. END%% %%ANKI Basic Where are $\land$ and $\lor$ found within a CNF proposition? Back: $\land$ separates conjuncts containing $\lor$. Reference: Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. END%% %%ANKI Basic What analog to truth tables is found in the algebra of sets? Back: Membership tables. Reference: Herbert B. Enderton, *Elements of Set Theory* (New York: Academic Press, 1977). END%% %%ANKI Cloze {Truth} tables are to propositions whereas {membership} tables are to set identities. Reference: Herbert B. Enderton, *Elements of Set Theory* (New York: Academic Press, 1977). END%% %%ANKI Basic How many rows are in the truth table of identity $\neg (a \Rightarrow b) \Leftrightarrow c$? Back: $2^3 = 8$ Reference: Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. END%% %%ANKI Basic How many rows are in the membership table of identity $A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)$? Back: $2^3 = 8$ Reference: Herbert B. Enderton, *Elements of Set Theory* (New York: Academic Press, 1977). END%% ## Bibliography * Gries, David. *The Science of Programming*. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981. * Herbert B. Enderton, *Elements of Set Theory* (New York: Academic Press, 1977).