--- title: Merge Sort TARGET DECK: Obsidian::STEM FILE TAGS: algorithm::sorting tags: - algorithm - sorting --- ## Overview Property | Value ----------- | -------- Best Case | $\Omega(n\lg{n})$ Worst Case | $O(n\lg{n})$ Avg. Case | $O(n\lg{n})$ Aux. Memory | - Stable | - Adaptive | - ![[merge-sort.gif]] %%ANKI Basic What does the term "merge" in `MERGE_SORT` refer to? Back: The primary operation used to combine array halves. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `MERGE_SORT`'s best case runtime? Back: $\Omega(n\lg{n})$ Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `MERGE_SORT`'s worst case runtime? Back: $O(n\lg{n})$ Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is `MERGE_SORT`'s average case runtime? Back: $O(n\lg{n})$ Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is the "divide" step of `MERGE_SORT`? Back: Divide the input array into two subarrays of half size. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is the "conquer" step of `MERGE_SORT`? Back: Call `MERGE_SORT` on the "divide"-step's two subarrays. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What is the "combine" step of `MERGE_SORT`? Back: Merge the sorted subarrays produced by the "conquer" step. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic When does `MERGE_SORT` "bottom out"? Back: When the sequence to be sorted has length 1 or less. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% ```c static void merge(int i, int mid, int j, int *A) { int si = mid - i + 1; int sj = j - (mid + 1) + 1; int *L = malloc(sizeof(int) * (si + 1)); int *R = malloc(sizeof(int) * (sj + 1)); L[si] = INT_MAX; R[sj] = INT_MAX; for (int k = 0; k < si; ++k) { L[k] = A[i + k]; } for (int k = 0; k < sj; ++k) { R[k] = A[mid + 1 + k]; } int topL = 0, topR = 0; for (int k = 0; k < j - i + 1; ++k) { if (L[topL] < R[topR]) { A[i + k] = L[topL++]; } else { A[i + k] = R[topR++]; } } free(L); free(R); } void merge_sort(int i, int j, int *A) { if (j <= i) { return; } int mid = (i + j) / 2; merge_sort(i, mid, A); merge_sort(mid + 1, j, A); merge(i, mid, j, A); } ``` %%ANKI Basic Where in `MERGE_SORT`'s implementation are sentinels useful? Back: As the last elements of the two arrays to combine. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What sentinel values are typically used in `MERGE_SORT`'s "merge" operation? Back: $\infty$ or the record type's equivalent. Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% %%ANKI Basic What sorting algorithm does the following demonstrate? ![[merge-sort.gif]] Back: `MERGE_SORT` Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022). END%% ## References * Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).