--- title: "2024-01-31" --- - [x] Anki Flashcards - [x] KoL - [x] Sheet Music (10 min.) - [x] OGS (1 Life & Death Problem) - [x] Korean (Read 1 Story) - [x] Interview Prep (1 Practice Problem) - [x] Log Work Hours (Max 3 hours) * Spent time today getting FSRS enabled in Anki. I now have a separate "Obsidian" deck that I'll slowly be transferring cards over, with all cards generated from this project. * Last night and continuing today, will also been migrating all my Zotero references to a new "Obsidian" collection. The goal is to be more mindful as to how I consume the content and create cards/take notes. * Began working through "GAWK: Effective AWK Programming" by Arnold D. Robbins. This inspired some notes around shell commands and what it means for them to be [[robustness|robust]]. * Watched the following video on Go: [I'm Learning Strategy from this Go Book](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXaScCrLPDI) * Finished watching [05 - Columnar Databases & Compression](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4W5r3GR0OU) * Solved LeetCode problem [Reverse Integer](https://leetcode.com/problems/reverse-integer/).