Reference: “Heapsort.” In _Wikipedia_, April 27, 2024. [](
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What input produces `HEAPSORT`'s best case runtime?
Back: An array of equal keys.
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
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What is `HEAPSORT`'s worst case runtime?
Back: $O(n\lg{n})$
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
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What is `HEAPSORT`'s average case runtime?
Back: $O(n\lg{n})$
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
Refer to [[heaps]] for implementations of `build_max_heap` and `max_heapify_down`.
Which element will `HEAPSORT` move to `sorted`?
[ heap | sorted ]
Back: The first element in `heap`.
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
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How are elements of the following moved in an iteration of `HEAPSORT`?
[ heap | sorted ]
Back: The last element of `heap` is swapped with the first.
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
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{`HEAPSORT`} is {`SELECTION_SORT`} using the right data structure.
Reference: “Heapsort.” In _Wikipedia_, April 27, 2024. [](
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What improvement does `HEAPSORT` introduce to `SELECTION_SORT`?
Back: `HEAPSORT` avoids linear scanning by keeping unsorted elements in a heap.
Reference: “Heapsort.” In _Wikipedia_, April 27, 2024. [](
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What are the two high-level steps taken in `HEAPSORT`?
Back: Heap construction and heap extraction.
Reference: “Heapsort.” In _Wikipedia_, April 27, 2024. [](
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## Loop Invariant
Consider [[loop-invariant|loop invariant]] $P$ given by
> `A[0:i-1]` is a max-heap containing the `i` smallest elements of `A`. `A[i:n-1]` contains the `n - i` largest elements of `A` sorted.
We prove $P$ maintains the requisite properties:
* Initialization
*`A[0:n-1]` is a max-heap and `A[n:n-1]` is empty.
* Maintenance
* On each iteration, `A[0]` is swapped with `A[i-1]`. `A[0]` is originally the largest element of the max-heap and is smaller than the elements of `A[i:n-1]`. Thus `A[i-1:n-1]` is in sorted order. Decrementing `i`, decrementing the heap size, and invoking `MAX_HEAPIFY_DOWN` on `A[0]` fixes the max-heap property of `A[0:i-1]`.
* Termination
* We terminate when `i = 1`. Since `A[0:1]` is a max-heap, it follows `A[0] < A[1]`. Furthermore, `A[2:n-1]` are the largest `n - 2` elements of `A` in sorted order. Thus `A` is sorted.
Given array `A[0:n-1]`, what two properties make up `HEAPSORT`'s loop invariant?
Back: `A[0:i-1]` is a max-heap of the `i` smallest elements. `A[i+1:n]` contains the `n - i` largest elements sorted.
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
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What is initialization of `HEAPSORT`'s loop invariant?
Back: `A` is a max-heap.
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
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What is maintenance of `HEAPSORT`'s loop invariant?
Back: Each iteration puts the next largest element in sorted order and then heapifies the remaining elements again.
Reference: Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).
* “Heapsort.” In _Wikipedia_, April 27, 2024. [](
* Thomas H. Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth edition (Cambridge, Massachusett: The MIT Press, 2022).