# homesync **Caution! This is a work in progress and far from complete!** ## Introduction Homesync provides a way of automatically syncing config files across various applications you may use. It works by establishing a file watcher on all the configs specified in the primary `homesync` config. As files are changed, they are copied to a local git repository to eventually be pushed by the user. Likewise, at any point, the user can sync against the remote repository, overwriting local configurations for one or more packages. ## Installation TODO ## Configuration Homesync uses a YAML file, to be found in anyone of the following locations. Locations are searched in the following priority: - `$HOME/.homesync.yml` - `$HOME/.config/homesync/homesync.yml` - `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/homesync.yml` - `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/homesync/homesync.yml` That said, it is recommended to modify this config solely from the exposed homesync CLI. Homesync will take responsibility ensuring the generated configuration is according to package manager, platform, etc. ## Usage Verify your installation by running `homesync` from the command line. If installed, you will likely want to initialize a new config instance. Do so by typing: ```bash $ homesync init ``` You can then walk through what github repository you want to sync your various files with. You can have homesync automatically monitor all configuration files and post updates on changes by running ```bash $ homesync daemon ``` As changes are made to your `homesync` config or any configuration files referred to within the `homesync` config, the daemon service will sync the changes to the local git repository. To push these changes upward, run ```bash $ homesync push --all ``` which will expose a git interface for you to complete the push. Lastly, to sync the remote configurations to your local files, run ```bash $ homesync pull --all ``` This will load up a diff wrapper for you to ensure you make the changes you'd like. ## Known Issues If using (neo)vim, the daemon watcher will stop watching a given configuration file after editing. Refer to [this issue](https://github.com/notify-rs/notify/issues/247) for more details. As a workaround, you can set the following in your `init.vim` file: ```vimscript backupcopy=yes ``` Refer to `:h backupcopy` for details on how this works. ## Contribution Install git hooks as follows: ```bash git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/ ```