Test `finally` in the presence of State.Strict and State.IORef.

Patrick Thomson 2019-10-29 14:47:13 -04:00
parent db2ddf6d7f
commit a685909638
2 changed files with 38 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ test-suite test
main-is: Main.hs
, fused-effects-exceptions
, fused-effects
, tasty ^>= 1.2
, tasty-hunit ^>= 0.10

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@ -1,4 +1,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (ioError)
import qualified Control.Carrier.State.IORef as IOState
import qualified Control.Carrier.State.Strict as State
import Control.Carrier.Lift (runM)
import Control.Effect.Exception
import Control.Effect.State
import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit
problematic :: (Has (Lift IO) sig m, Has (State Char) sig m) => m ()
problematic =
let throws = modify @Char succ *> throwIO (userError "should explode") `finally` put @Char 'x'
in throws `catch` (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure ())
testStateDropsWrites :: Tasty.TestTree
testStateDropsWrites = HUnit.testCase "State.Strict drops writes" $ do
result <- runM . State.execState 'a' $ problematic
result HUnit.@?= 'a' -- writes are lost
testIOStatePreservesWrites :: Tasty.TestTree
testIOStatePreservesWrites = HUnit.testCase "State.IORef preserves writes" $ do
result <- runM . IOState.execState 'a' $ problematic
result HUnit.@?= 'x'
tests :: Tasty.TestTree
tests = Tasty.testGroup "Control.Carrier.Exception"
[ Tasty.testGroup "finally"
[ testStateDropsWrites
, testIOStatePreservesWrites
main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main = Tasty.defaultMain tests