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\newcommand{\pair}[1]{\left< #1 \right>}
\header{Elements of Set Theory}{Herbert B. Enderton}
For each $m \in \omega$, there exists (by the
\nameref{sub:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers}) a unique
\nameref{ref:function} $A_m \colon \omega \rightarrow \omega$ for which
A_m(0) & = m, \\
A_m(n^+) & = A_m(n)^+ & \text{for } n \text{ in } \omega.
\textbf{Addition} ($+$) is the \nameref{ref:binary-operation} on $\omega$ such
that for any $m$ and $n$ in $\omega$, $$m + n = A_m(n).$$
\section{\defined{Axiom of Choice, First Form}}%
For any relation $R$ there is a function $H \subseteq R$ with
$\dom{H} = \dom{R}$.
\section{\defined{Axiom of Choice, Second Form}}%
For any set $I$ and any function $H$ with domain $I$, if $H(i) \neq \emptyset$
for all $i \in I$, then $$\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i) \neq \emptyset.$$
\section{\defined{Binary Operation}}%
A \textbf{binary operation} on a set $A$ is a \nameref{ref:function} from
$A \times A$ into $A$.
\section{\defined{Cartesian Product}}%
Let $I$ be a set and let $H$ be a \nameref{ref:function} whose domain includes $I$.
Then for each $i$ in $I$ we have the set $H(i)$.
We define the \textbf{cartesian product} of the $H(i)$'s as
$$\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i) = \{f \mid
f \text{ is a function with domain } I \text{ and }
(\forall i \in I) f(i) \in H(i)\}.$$
A \nameref{ref:function} $F$ is \textbf{compatible} with relation $R$ if and
only if for all $x$ and $y$ in $A$,
$$xRy \Rightarrow F(x)RF(y).$$
The \textbf{composition} of sets $F$ and $G$ is
$$F \circ G = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t(uGt \land tFv)\}.$$
A binary relation $R$ on $A$ is \textbf{connected} if for distinct $x, y \in A$,
either $xRy$ or $yRx$.
The \textbf{domain} of set $R$, denoted $\dom{R}$, is given by
$$x \in \dom{R} \iff \exists y \pair{x, y} \in R.$$
\section{\defined{Empty Set Axiom}}%
There is a set having no members:
$$\exists B, \forall x, x \not\in B.$$
\section{\defined{Equivalence Class}}%
The set $[x]_R$ is defined by $$[x]_R = \{t \mid xRt\}.$$
If $R$ is an \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} and $x \in fld R$, then $[x]_R$
is called the \textbf{equivalence class} of $x$ (\textbf{modulo $R$}).
If the relation $R$ is fixed by the context, we may write just $[x]$.
\section{\defined{Equivalence Relation}}%
Relation $R$ is an \textbf{equivalence relation} on set $A$ if and only if
$R$ is a binary \nameref{ref:relation} on $A$ that is \nameref{ref:reflexive}
on $A$, \nameref{ref:symmetric}, and \nameref{ref:transitive}.
For each $m \in \omega$, there exists (by the
\nameref{sub:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers}) a unique
\nameref{ref:function} $E_m \colon \omega \rightarrow \omega$ for which
E_m(0) & = 1, \\
E_m(n^+) & = E_m(n) \cdot m & \text{for } n \text{ in } \omega.
\textbf{Exponentiation} is the \nameref{ref:binary-operation} on $\omega$
such that for any $m$ and $n$ in $\omega$, $$m^n = E_m(n).$$
\section{\defined{Extensionality Axiom}}%
If two sets have exactly the same members, then they are equal:
$$\forall A, \forall B,
\left[\forall x, (x \in A \iff x \in B) \Rightarrow A = B\right].$$
Given \nameref{ref:relation} $R$, the \textbf{field} of $R$, denoted $\fld{R}$,
is given by $$\fld{R} = \dom{R} \cup \ran{R}.$$
A \textbf{function} is a relation $F$ such that for each $x$ in $\dom{F}$ there
is only one $y$ such that $xFy$.
In other words, $F$ is \textbf{single-valued}.
We say that $F$ is a function \textbf{from $A$ into $B$} or that $F$
\textbf{maps $A$ into $B$} (written $F \colon A \rightarrow B$) iff $F$ is a
function, $\dom{F} = A$, and $\ran{F} \subseteq B$.
If $\ran{F} = B$, then $F$ is a function from \textbf{$A$ onto $B$}.
A function $F$ is \textbf{one-to-one} iff for each $y \in \ran{F}$ there is only
one $x$ such that $xFy$.
One-to-one functions are sometimes called \textbf{injections}.
Let $A$ and $F$ be arbitrary sets.
The \textbf{image of $A$ under $F$} is the set
& = \ran{(F \restriction A)} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) uFv\}.
\section{\defined{Inductive Set}}%
A set $A$ is said to be \textit{inductive} if and only if $\emptyset \in A$ and
it is "closed under \nameref{ref:successor}", i.e.
$$(\forall a \in A) a^+ \in A.$$
Induction is baked into Lean's type system.
In particular, the $\emptyset$ and "closed under successor" properties are
analagous to base and recursive constructors of an inductive data type
\section{\defined{Infinity Axiom}}%
There exists an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}:
$$(\exists A)\left[ \emptyset \in A \land (\forall a \in A) a^+ \in A \right].$$
Since the definition of natural numbers in Lean satisfies the properties
required by this axiom, there is no need to explicitly state the axiom
separately in Lean.
The \textbf{inverse} of a set $F$ is the set
$$F^{-1} = \{\pair{u, v} \mid vFu\}.$$
A binary relation $R$ on set $A$ is \textbf{irreflexive} if there is no
$x \in A$ for which $xRx$.
\section{\defined{Linear Ordering}}
Let $A$ be any set.
A \textbf{linear ordering} on $A$ (also called a \textbf{total ordering} on $A$)
is a binary relation $R$ on $A$ (i.e., $R \subseteq A \times A$) meeting the
following two conditions:
\item $R$ is \nameref{ref:transitive}.
\item $R$ is \nameref{ref:trichotomous}.
This definition does not agree with how Lean defines a linear order.
Trichotomy is equivalent to asymmetry and connectivity and asymmetry is
equivalent to antisymmetry and irreflexivity.
Thus a linear order, as defined by Enderton, is a binary relation with the
following four properties:
\item Irreflexivity
\item Antisymmetry
\item Connectivity (i.e. totality)
\item Transitivity
For each $m \in \omega$, there exists (by the
\nameref{sub:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers}) a unique
\nameref{ref:function} $M_m \colon \omega \rightarrow \omega$ for which
M_m(0) & = 0, \\
M_m(n^+) & = M_m(n) + m.
\textbf{Multiplication} ($\cdot$) is the \nameref{ref:binary-operation} on
$\omega$ such that for any $m$ and $n$ in $\omega$, $$m \cdot n = M_m(n).$$
\section{\defined{Natural Number}}%
A \textbf{natural number} is a set that belongs to every inductive set.
The set of all natural numbers exists by virtue of \nameref{sub:theorem-4a}.
This set is denoted as $\omega$.
\section{\defined{Ordered Pair}}%
For any sets $u$ and $v$, the \textbf{ordered pair} $\pair{u, v}$ is
the set $\{\{u\}, \{u, v\}\}$.
\section{\defined{Ordering on \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}}%
For \nameref{ref:natural-number}s $m$ and $n$, define $m$ to be
\textbf{less than} $n$ if and only if $m \in n$.
That is, $$m < n \iff m \in n.$$
Likewise, define $m$ to be \textbf{less than or equal to} $n$ if and only if
$m \in n \lor m = n$.
That is,
m \leq n
& \iff m \ineq n \\
& \iff m < n \lor m = n.
\section{\defined{Pair Set}}%
For any sets $u$ and $v$, the \textbf{pair set $\{u, v\}$} is the set whose
only members are $u$ and $v$.
\section{\defined{Pairing Axiom}}%
For any sets $u$ and $v$, there is a set having as members just $u$ and $v$:
$$\forall u, \forall v, \exists B, \forall x,
(x \in B \iff x = u \text{ or } x = v).$$
A \textbf{partition} $\Pi$ of a set $A$ is a set of nonempty subsets of $A$ that
is disjoint and exhaustive, i.e.
\item no two different sets in $\Pi$ have any common elements, and
\item each element of $A$ is in some set in $\Pi$.
\section{\defined{Peano System}}%
A \textbf{Peano system} is a triple $\langle N, S, e \rangle$ consisting of a
set $N$, a function $S \colon N \rightarrow N$, and a member $e \in N$ such
that the following three conditions are met:
\item $e \not\in \ran{S}$.
\item $S$ is one-to-one.
\item Every subset $A$ of $N$ containing $e$ and closed under $S$ is $N$
\section{\defined{Power Set}}%
For any set $a$, the \textbf{power set $\powerset{a}$} is the set whose members
are exactly the subsets of $a$.
\section{\defined{Power Set Axiom}}%
For any set $a$, there is a set whose members are exactly the subsets of $a$:
$$\forall a, \exists B, \forall x, (x \in B \iff x \subseteq a).$$
\section{\defined{Proper Subset}}%
A set $A$ is said to be a \textbf{proper subset} of $B$ ($A \subset B$) if and
only if it is a subset of $B$ that is unequal to $B$.
$$A \subset B \iff A \subseteq B \land A \neq B.$$
\section{\defined{Quotient Set}}%
If $R$ is an \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} on set $A$, then we can define
the \textbf{quotient set} $$A / R = \{[x]_R \mid x \in A\}$$ whose members are
the equivalence classes.
The expression $A / R$ is read "$A$ modulo $R$.
The \textbf{range} of set $R$, denoted $\ran{R}$, is given by
$$x \in \ran{R} \iff \exists t \pair{t, x} \in R.$$
A binary relation $R$ is \textbf{reflexive} on $A$ if and only if $xRx$ for all
$x \in A$.
A \textbf{relation} is a set of \nameref{ref:ordered-pair}s.
The \textbf{restriction} of a set $F$ to set $A$ is the set
$$F \restriction A = \{\pair{u, v} \mid uFv \land u \in A\}.$$
For any set $a$, its \textbf{successor} is defined by $$a^+ = a \cup \{a\}.$$
The corresponding Lean reference refers to the `Nat.succ` constructor.
This is not represented internally as a union of sets, but serves the same
\section{\defined{Subset Axioms}}%
For each formula $\phi$ not containing $B$, the following is an axiom:
$$\forall t_1, \cdots \forall t_k, \forall c,
\exists B, \forall x, (x \in B \iff x \in c \land \phi).$$
A binary relation $R$ is \textbf{symmetric} if and only if whenever $xRy$ then
\section{\defined{Symmetric Difference}}%
The \textbf{symmetric difference} $A + B$ of sets $A$ and $B$ is the set
$(A - B) \cup (B - A)$.
A binary relation $R$ is \textbf{transitive} if and only if whenever $xRy$ and
$yRz$, then $xRz$.
\section{\defined{Transitive Set}}%
A set $A$ is said to be \textbf{transitive} if and only if every member of a
member of $A$ is a member of $A$ itself.
That is, $\bigcup A \subseteq A$.
A binary relation $R$ on set $A$ is \textbf{trichotomous} if for any
$x, y \in A$, exactly one of the three alternatives
$$xRy, \quad x = y, \quad yRx$$
\section{\defined{Union Axiom}}%
For any set $A$, there exists a set $B$ whose elements are exactly the members
of the members of $A$:
$$\forall A, \exists B, \forall x
\left[ x \in B \iff (\exists b \in A) x \in b \right]$$
\section{\defined{Union Axiom, Preliminary Form}}%
For any sets $a$ and $b$, there is a set whose members are those sets belonging
either to $a$ or to $b$ (or both):
$$\forall a, \forall b, \exists B, \forall x,
(x \in B \iff x \in a \text{ or } x \in b).$$
\section{Exercises 1}%
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 1.1}}%
Which of the following become true when "$\in$" is inserted in place of the
Which become true when "$\subseteq$" is inserted?
\subsubsection{\verified{Exercise 1.1a}}%
$\{\emptyset\} \_\_\_\_ \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}$.
Because the \textit{object} $\{\emptyset\}$ is a member of the right-hand set,
the statement is \textbf{true} in the case of "$\in$".
Because the \textit{members} of $\{\emptyset\}$ are all members of the
right-hand set, the statement is also \textbf{true} in the case of
\subsubsection{\verified{Exercise 1.1b}}%
$\{\emptyset\} \_\_\_\_ \{\emptyset, \{\{\emptyset\}\}\}$.
Because the \textit{object} $\{\emptyset\}$ is not a member of the right-hand
set, the statement is \textbf{false} in the case of "$\in$".
Because the \textit{members} of $\{\emptyset\}$ are all members of the
right-hand set, the statement is \textbf{true} in the case of "$\subseteq$".
\subsubsection{\verified{Exercise 1.1c}}%
$\{\{\emptyset\}\} \_\_\_\_ \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}$.
Because the \textit{object} $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ is not a member of the
right-hand set, the statement is \textbf{false} in the case of "$\in$".
Because the \textit{members} of $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ are all members of the
right-hand set, the statement is \textbf{true} in the case of "$\subseteq$".
\subsubsection{\verified{Exercise 1.1d}}%
$\{\{\emptyset\}\} \_\_\_\_ \{\emptyset, \{\{\emptyset\}\}\}$.
Because the \textit{object} $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ is a member of the right-hand
set, the statement is \textbf{true} in the case of "$\in$".
Because the \textit{members} of $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ are not all members of the
right-hand set, the statement is \textbf{false} in the case of
\subsubsection{\verified{Exercise 1.1e}}%
$\{\{\emptyset\}\} \_\_ \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}$.
Because the \textit{object} $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ is not a member of the
right-hand set, the statement is \textbf{false} in the case of "$\in$".
Because the \textit{members} of $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ are not all members of the
right-hand set, the statement is \textbf{false} in the case of
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 1.2}}%
Show that no two of the three sets $\emptyset$, $\{\emptyset\}$, and
$\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ are equal to each other.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, $\emptyset$ is only equal to
This immediately shows it is not equal to the other two.
Now consider object $\emptyset$.
This object is a member of $\{\emptyset\}$ but is not a member of
Again, by the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, these two sets must be
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 1.3}}%
Show that if $B \subseteq C$, then $\powerset{B} \subseteq \powerset{C}$.
Let $x \in \powerset{B}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set}, $x$ is a subset of $B$.
By hypothesis, $B \subseteq C$.
Then $x \subseteq C$.
Again by definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set}, it follows
$x \in \powerset{C}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 1.4}}%
Assume that $x$ and $y$ are members of a set $B$.
Show that $\{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\} \in \powerset{\powerset{B}}.$
Let $x$ and $y$ be members of set $B$.
Then $\{x\}$ and $\{x, y\}$ are subsets of $B$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set}, $\{x\}$ and $\{x, y\}$ are
members of $\powerset{B}$.
Then $\{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$ is a subset of $\powerset{B}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set}, $\{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$ is a
member of $\powerset{\powerset{B}}$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.5}}%
Define the rank of a set $c$ to be the least $\alpha$ such that
$c \subseteq V_\alpha$.
Compute the rank of $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$.
Compute the rank of
$\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}$.
We first compute the values of $V_n$ for $0 \leq n \leq 3$ under the
assumption the set of atoms $A$ at the bottom of the hierarchy is empty.
V_0 & = \emptyset \\
V_1 & = V_0 \cup \powerset{V_0} \\
& = \emptyset \cup \{\emptyset\} \\
& = \{\emptyset\} \\
V_2 & = V_1 \cup \powerset{V_1} \\
& = \{\emptyset\} \cup \powerset{\{\emptyset\}} \\
& = \{\emptyset\} \cup \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\} \\
& = \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\} \\
V_3 & = V_2 \cup \powerset{V_2} \\
& = \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\} \cup
\powerset{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}} \\
& = \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\} \cup
\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\} \\
& = \{\emptyset,
\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}
It then immediately follows $\{\{\emptyset\}\}$ has rank $2$ and
$\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}$ has rank $3$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.6}}%
We have stated that $V_{\alpha + 1} = A \cup \powerset{V_\alpha}$.
Prove this at least for $\alpha < 3$.
Let $A$ be the set of atoms in our set hierarchy.
Let $P(n)$ be the predicate, "$V_{n + 1} = A \cup \powerset{V_n}$."
We prove $P(n)$ holds true for all natural numbers $n \geq 1$ via induction.
\paragraph{Base Case}%
Let $n = 1$.
By definition, $V_1 = V_0 \cup \powerset{V_0}$.
By definition, $V_0 = A$.
Therefore $V_1 = A \cup \powerset{V_0}$.
This proves $P(1)$ holds true.
\paragraph{Induction Step}%
Suppose $P(n)$ holds true for some $n \geq 1$.
Consider $V_{n+1}$.
By definition, $V_{n+1} = V_n \cup \powerset{V_n}$.
Therefore, by the induction hypothesis,
& = V_n \cup \powerset{V_n}
\nonumber \\
& = (A \cup \powerset{V_{n-1}}) \cup \powerset{V_n}
\nonumber \\
& = A \cup (\powerset{V_{n-1}} \cup \powerset{V_n})
But $V_{n-1}$ is a subset of $V_n$.
\nameref{sub:exercise-1.3} then implies
$\powerset{V_{n-1}} \subseteq \powerset{V_n}$.
This means \eqref{sub:exercise-1.6-eq1} can be simplified to
$$V_{n+1} = A \cup \powerset{V_n},$$
proving $P(n+1)$ holds true.
By mathematical induction, it follows for all $n \geq 1$, $P(n)$ is true.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.7}}%
List all the members of $V_3$.
List all the members of $V_4$.
(It is to be assumed here that there are no atoms.)
As seen in the proof of \nameref{sub:exercise-1.5},
$$V_3 = \{
\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}
By \nameref{sub:exercise-1.6}, $V_4 = \powerset{V_3}$ (since it is assumed
there are no atoms).
& V_4 = \{ \\
& \qquad \emptyset, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset\}, \\
& \qquad \{\{\emptyset\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\{\{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\{\emptyset\}, \{\{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\{\{\emptyset\}\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\{\emptyset\}\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\} \\
& \qquad \{\{\emptyset\}, \{\{\emptyset\}\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}, \\
& \qquad \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\{\emptyset\}\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\} \\
& \}.
\chapter{Axioms and Operations}%
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 2A}}%
There is no set to which every set belongs.
This was revisited after reading Enderton's proof prior.
Let $A$ be an arbitrary set.
Define $B = \{ x \in A \mid x \not\in x \}$.
By the \nameref{ref:subset-axioms}, $B$ is a set.
Then $$B \in B \iff B \in A \land B \not\in B.$$
If $B \in A$, then $B \in B \iff B \not\in B$, a contradiction.
Thus $B \not\in A$.
Since this process holds for any set $A$, there must exist no set to which
every set belongs.
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 2B}}%
For any nonempty set $A$, there exists a unique set $B$ such that for any
$x$, $$x \in B \iff x \text{ belongs to every member of } A.$$
Suppose $A$ is a nonempty set.
This ensures the statement we are trying to prove does not vacuously hold for
all sets $x$ (which would yield a contradiction due to
By the \nameref{ref:union-axiom}, $\bigcup A$ is a set.
Define $$B = \{ x \in \bigcup A \mid (\forall b \in A), x \in b \}.$$
By the \nameref{ref:subset-axioms}, $B$ is indeed a set.
By construction,
$$\forall x, x \in B \iff x \text{ belongs to every member of } A.$$
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, $B$ is unique.
\section{Algebra of Sets}%
\subsection{\pending{Commutative Laws}}%
For any sets $A$ and $B$,
A \cup B = B \cup A \\
A \cap B = B \cap A
\noindent Let $A$ and $B$ be sets.
We prove that
\item $A \cup B = B \cup A$
\item $A \cap B = B \cap A$.
By the definition of the union of sets,
A \cup B
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in B \lor x \in A \} \\
& = B \cup A.
By the definition of the intersection of sets,
A \cap B
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in B \land x \in A \} \\
& = B \land A.
\subsection{\pending{Associative Laws}}%
For any sets $A$, $B$ and $C$,
A \cup (B \cup C) & = (A \cup B) \cup C \\
A \cap (B \cap C) & = (A \cap B) \cap C
\noindent Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets.
We prove that
\item $A \cup (B \cup C) = (A \cup B) \cup C$
\item $A \cap (B \cap C) = (A \cap B) \cap C$
By the definition of the union of sets,
A \cup (B \cup C)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in (B \cup C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in \{ y \mid y \in B \lor C \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor (x \in B \lor x \in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \lor x \in B) \lor x \in C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \{ y \mid y \in A \lor y \in B \} \lor
x \in C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in (A \cup B) \lor x \in C \} \\
& = (A \cup B) \cup C.
By the definition of the intersection of sets,
A \cap (B \cap C)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in (B \cap C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land
x \in \{ y \mid y \in B \land y \in C \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land (x \in B \land x \in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \in B) \land x \in C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \{ y \mid y \in A \land y \in B \} \land
x \in C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in (A \cap B) \land x \in C \} \\
& = (A \cap B) \cap C.
\subsection{\pending{Distributive Laws}}%
For any sets $A$, $B$, and $C$,
A \cap (B \cup C) & = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C) \\
A \cup (B \cap C) & = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)
\noindent Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets.
We prove that
\item $A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)$
\item $A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)$
By the definition of the union and intersection of sets,
A \cap (B \cup C)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in B \cup C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land
x \in \{ y \mid y \in B \lor y \in C \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land (x \in B \lor x \in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \in B) \lor
(x \in A \land x \in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \cap B \lor x \in A \cap C \} \\
& = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C).
By the definition of the union and intersection of sets,
A \cup (B \cap C)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in B \cap C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor
x \in \{ y \mid y \in B \land y \in C \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor (x \in B \land x \in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \lor x \in B) \land
(x \in A \lor x \in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \cup B \land x \in A \cup C \} \\
& = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C).
\subsection{\pending{De Morgan's Laws}}%
For any sets $A$, $B$, and $C$,
C - (A \cup B) & = (C - A) \cap (C - B) \\
C - (A \cap B) & = (C - A) \cup (C - B)
\noindent Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets.
We prove that
\item $C - (A \cup B) = (C - A) \cap (C - B)$
\item $C - (A \cap B) = (C - A) \cup (C - B)$
By definition of the union, intersection, and relative complements of sets,
C - (A \cup B)
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land x \not\in A \cup B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
x \not\in \{ y \mid y \in A \lor y \in B \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land \neg(x \in A \lor x \in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land (x \not\in A \land x \not\in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in C \land x \not\in A) \land
(x \in C \land x \not\in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in (C - A) \land x \in (C - B) \} \\
& = (C - A) \cap (C - B).
By definition of the union, intersection, and relative complements of sets,
C - (A \cap B)
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land x \not\in A \cap B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
x \not\in \{ y \mid y \in A \land y \in B \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land \neg(x \in A \land x \in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land (x \not\in A \lor x \not\in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in C \land x \not\in A) \lor
(x \in C \land x \not\in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in (C - A) \lor x \in (C - B) \} \\
& = (C - A) \cup (C - B).
Identities Involving \texorpdfstring{$\emptyset$}{the Empty Set}}}%
For any set $A$,
A \cup \emptyset & = A \\
A \cap \emptyset & = \emptyset \\
A \cap (C - A) & = \emptyset
\noindent Let $A$ be an arbitrary set.
We prove that
\item $A \cup \emptyset = A$
\item $A \cap \emptyset = \emptyset$
\item $A \cap (C - A) = \emptyset$
By definition of the emptyset and union of sets,
A \cup \emptyset
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in \emptyset \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor F \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \} \\
& = A.
By definition of the emptyset and intersection of sets,
A \cap \emptyset
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in \emptyset \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land F \} \\
& = \{ x \mid F \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \neq x \} \\
& = \emptyset.
By definition of the emptyset, and the intersection and relative complement
of sets,
A \cap (C - A)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in C - A \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land
x \in \{ y \mid y \in C \land y \not\in A \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land (x \in C \land x \not\in A) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land F \} \\
& = \{ x \mid F \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \neq x \} \\
& = \emptyset.
For any sets $A$, $B$, and $C$,
A \subseteq B & \Rightarrow A \cup C \subseteq B \cup C \\
A \subseteq B & \Rightarrow A \cap C \subseteq B \cap C \\
A \subseteq B & \Rightarrow \bigcup A \subseteq \bigcup B
\noindent Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be arbitrary sets.
We prove that
\item $A \subseteq B \Rightarrow A \cup C \subseteq B \cup C$
\item $A \subseteq B \Rightarrow A \cap C \subseteq B \cap C$
\item $A \subseteq B \Rightarrow \bigcup A \subseteq \bigcup B$
Suppose $A \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in A \cup C$.
There are two cases to consider.
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $x \in A$.
Then, by definition of the subset, $x \in B$.
Therefore $x \in B \cup C$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $x \in C$.
Then $x$ is trivially a member of $B \cup C$.
Since these cases are exhaustive and both imply $x \in B \cup C$, it
follows $A \cup C \subseteq B \cup C$.
Suppose $A \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in A \cap C$.
Then, by definition of the intersection of sets, $x \in A$ and $x \in C$.
By definition of the subset, $x \in A$ implies $x \in B$.
Therefore $x \in B$ and $x \in C$.
That is, $x \in B \cap C$.
Since this holds for arbitrary $x \in A \cap C$, it follows
$A \cap C \subseteq B \cap C$.
Suppose $A \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in \bigcup A$.
Then, by definition of the union of sets, there exists some $b \in A$ such
that $x \in b$.
By definition of the subset, $b \in B$ as well.
Another application of the definition of the union of sets immediately
implies that $x$ is a member of $\bigcup B$.
For any sets $A$, $B$, and $C$,
A \subseteq B & \Rightarrow C - B \subseteq C - A \\
\emptyset \neq A \subseteq B & \Rightarrow \bigcap B \subseteq \bigcap A.
\noindent Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be arbitrary sets.
We prove that
\item $A \subseteq B \Rightarrow C - B \subseteq C - A$
\item $\emptyset \neq A \subseteq B \Rightarrow
\bigcap B \subseteq \bigcap A$
Suppose $A \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in C - B$.
By definition of the relative complement, $x \in C$ and $x \not\in B$.
Then $x$ cannot be a member of $A$, since otherwise this would contradict
our subset hypothesis.
That is, $x \in C$ and $x \not\in A$.
Therefore $x \in C - A$.
Since this holds for arbitrary $x \in C - B$, it follows that
$C - B \subseteq C - A$.
Suppose $A \neq \emptyset$ and $A \subseteq B$.
Then $B \neq \emptyset$.
Let $x \in \bigcap B$.
By definition of the intersection of sets, for all $b \in B$, $x \in b$.
But then, by definition of the subset, for all $a \in A$, $x \in a$.
Therefore $x \in \bigcap A$.
Since this holds for arbitrary $x \in \bigcap B$, it follows that
$\bigcap B \subseteq \bigcap A$.
\subsection{\unverified{General Distributive Laws}}%
For any sets $A$ and $\mathscr{B}$,
A \cup \bigcap \mathscr{B} & =
\bigcap\; \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}
\quad\text{for}\quad \mathscr{B} \neq \emptyset \\
A \cap \bigcup \mathscr{B} & =
\bigcup\; \{ A \cap X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}
Let $A$ and $\mathscr{B}$ be sets.
We prove that
\item For $\mathscr{B} \neq \emptyset$,
$A \cup \bigcap \mathscr{B} =
\bigcap\; \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}$.
\item $A \cap \bigcup \mathscr{B} =
\bigcup\; \{ A \cap X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}$
Suppose $\mathscr{B}$ is nonempty.
Then $\bigcap \mathscr{B}$ is defined.
By definition of the union and intersection of sets,
A \cup \bigcap \mathscr{B}
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in \bigcap \mathscr{B} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor
x \in \{ y \mid (\forall b \in \mathscr{B}), y \in b \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor (\forall b \in \mathscr{B}), x \in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall b \in \mathscr{B}, x \in A \lor x \in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall b \in \mathscr{B}, x \in A \cup b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid
x \in \bigcap\; \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}\} \\
& = \bigcap\; \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}.
By definition of the intersection and union of sets,
A \cap \bigcup \mathscr{B}
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in \bigcup \mathscr{B} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land
x \in \{ y \mid (\exists b \in \mathscr{B}), y \in b \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land (\exists b \in \mathscr{B}), x \in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \exists b \in \mathscr{B}, x \in A \land x \in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \exists b \in \mathscr{B} x \in A \cap b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid
x \in \bigcup\; \{ A \cap X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}\} \\
& = \bigcup\; \{ A \cap X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}.
\subsection{\unverified{General De Morgan's Laws}}%
For any set $C$ and $\mathscr{A} \neq \emptyset$,
C - \bigcup \mathscr{A} & = \bigcap\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \} \\
C - \bigcap \mathscr{A} & = \bigcup\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}
Let $C$ and $\mathscr{A}$ be sets such that $\mathscr{A} \neq \emptyset$.
We prove that
\item $C - \bigcup \mathscr{A} =
\bigcap\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$
\item $C - \bigcap \mathscr{A} =
\bigcup\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$
By definition of the relative complement, union, and intersection of sets,
C - \bigcup \mathscr{A}
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land x \not\in \bigcup \mathscr{A} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
x \not\in \{ y \mid (\exists b \in \mathscr{A}) y \in b \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
\neg(\exists b \in \mathscr{A}, x \in b) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
(\forall b \in \mathscr{A}, x \not\in b) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid
\forall b \in \mathscr{A}, x \in C \land x \not\in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall b \in \mathscr{A}, x \in C - b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \bigcap\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \} \\
& = \bigcap\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}.
By definition of the relative complement, union, and intersection of sets,
C - \bigcap \mathscr{A}
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land x \not\in \bigcap \mathscr{A} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
x \not\in \{ y \mid (\forall b \in \mathscr{A}) y \in b \}\} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
\neg(\forall b \in \mathscr{A}, x \in b) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in C \land
\exists b \in \mathscr{A}, x \not\in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid
\exists b \in \mathscr{A}, x \in C \land x \not\in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \exists b \in \mathscr{A}, x \in C - b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \bigcup\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \} \} \\
& = \bigcup\; \{ C - X \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}.
\texorpdfstring{$\cap$/$-$}{Intersection/Difference} Associativity}}%
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets.
Then $A \cap (B - C) = (A \cap B) - C$.
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets.
By definition of the intersection and relative complement of sets,
A \cap (B - C)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \in B - C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \land (x \in B \land x \not\in C) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \in B) \land x \not\in C \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \cap B \land x \not \in C \} \\
& = (A \cap B) - C.
\subsection{\verified{Nonmembership of Symmetric Difference}}
Let $A$ and $B$ be sets. $x \not\in A + B$ if and only if either
$x \in A \cap B$ or $x \not\in A \cup B$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:symmetric-difference},
x \not\in A + B
& = \neg(x \in A + B) \\
& = \neg[x \in (A - B) \cup (B - A)] \\
& = \neg[x \in (A - B) \lor x \in (B - A)] \\
& = \neg[(x \in A \land x \not\in B) \lor
(x \in B \land x \not\in A)] \\
& = \neg(x \in A \land x \not\in B) \land
\neg(x \in B \land x \not\in A) \\
& = (x \not\in A \lor x \in B) \land (x \not\in B \lor x \in A) \\
& = ((x \not\in A \lor x \in B) \land x \not\in B) \lor
((x \not\in A \lor x \in B) \land x \in A) \\
& = (x \not\in A \land x \not\in B) \lor (x \in B \land x \in A) \\
& = \neg(x \in A \lor x \in B) \lor (x \in B \land x \in A) \\
& = x \not\in A \cup B \text{ or } x \in A \cap B.
\section{Exercises 2}%
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.1}}%
Assume that $A$ is the set of integers divisible by $4$.
Similarly assume that $B$ and $C$ are the sets of integers divisible by $9$ and
$10$, respectively.
What is in $A \cap B \cap C$?
The set of integers divisible by $4$, $9$, and $10$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.2}}%
Give an example of sets $A$ and $B$ for which $\bigcup A = \bigcup B$ but
$A \neq B$.
Let $A = \{\{1\}, \{2\}\}$ and $B = \{\{1, 2\}\}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.3}}%
Show that every member of a set $A$ is a subset of $\bigcup A$.
(This was stated as an example in this section.)
Let $x \in A$.
By definition, $$\bigcup A = \{ y \mid (\exists b \in A) y \in b\}.$$
Then $\{ y \mid y \in x\} \subseteq \bigcup A$.
But $\{ y \mid y \in x\} = x$.
Thus $x \subseteq \bigcup A$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.4}}%
Show that if $A \subseteq B$, then $\bigcup A \subseteq \bigcup B$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be sets such that $A \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in \bigcup A$.
By definition of the union, there exists some $b \in A$ such that $x \in b$.
By definition of the subset, $b \in B$.
This immediatley implies $x \in \bigcup B$.
Since this holds for all $x \in \bigcup A$, it follows
$\bigcup A \subseteq \bigcup B$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.5}}%
Assume that every member of $\mathscr{A}$ is a subset of $B$.
Show that $\bigcup \mathscr{A} \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in \bigcup \mathscr{A}$.
By definition,
$$\bigcup \mathscr{A} = \{ y \mid (\exists b \in A)y \in b \}.$$
Then there exists some $b \in A$ such that $x \in b$.
By hypothesis, $b \subseteq B$.
Thus $x$ must also be a member of $B$.
Since this holds for all $x \in \bigcup \mathscr{A}$, it follows
$\bigcup \mathscr{A} \subseteq B$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.6a}}%
Show that for any set $A$, $\bigcup \powerset{A} = A$.
We prove that (i) $\bigcup \powerset{A} \subseteq A$ and (ii)
$A \subseteq \bigcup \powerset{A}$.
By definition, the \nameref{ref:power-set} of $A$ is the set of all subsets
of $A$.
In other words, every member of $\powerset{A}$ is a subset of $A$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-2.5}, $\bigcup \powerset{A} \subseteq A$.
Let $x \in A$.
By definition of the power set of $A$, $\{x\} \in \powerset{A}$.
By definition of the union,
$$\bigcup \powerset{A} =
\{ y \mid (\exists b \in \powerset{A}), y \in b).$$
Since $x \in \{x\}$ and $\{x\} \in \powerset{A}$, it follows
$x \in \bigcup \powerset{A}$.
Thus $A \subseteq \bigcup \powerset{A}$.
By \nameref{par:exercise-2.6a-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-2.6a-ii},
$\bigcup \powerset{A} = A$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.6b}}%
Show that $A \subseteq \powerset{\bigcup A}$.
Under what conditions does equality hold?
Let $x \in A$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-2.3}, $x$ is a subset of $\bigcup A$.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$$\powerset{\bigcup A} = \{ y \mid y \subseteq \bigcup A \}.$$
Therefore $x \in \powerset{\bigcup A}$.
Since this holds for all $x \in A$, $A \subseteq \powerset{\bigcup A}$.
We show equality holds if and only if there exists some set $B$ such that
$A = \powerset{B}$.
Suppose $A = \powerset{\bigcup A}$.
Then our statement immediately follows by settings $B = \bigcup A$.
Suppose there exists some set $B$ such that $A = \powerset{B}$.
\powerset{\bigcup A}
& = \powerset{\left(\bigcup {\powerset {B}}\right)} \\
& = \powerset{B} & \textref{sub:exercise-2.6a} \\
& = A.
By \nameref{par:exercise-2.6b-right} and \nameref{par:exercise-2.6b-left},
$A = \powerset{\bigcup A}$ if and only if there exists some set $B$ such
that $A = \powerset{B}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.7a}}%
Show that for any sets $A$ and $B$,
$$\powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B} = \powerset{(A \cap B)}.$$
Let $A$ and $B$ be arbitrary sets. We show that
$\powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B} \subseteq \powerset{(A \cap B)}$ and then
show that $\powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B} \supseteq \powerset{(A \cap B)}$.
Let $x \in \powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B}$.
That is, $x \in \powerset{A}$ and $x \in \powerset{B}$.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
\powerset{A} & = \{ y \mid y \subseteq A \} \\
\powerset{B} & = \{ y \mid y \subseteq B \}
Thus $x \subseteq A$ and $x \subseteq B$, meaning $x \subseteq A \cap B$.
But then $x \in \powerset{(A \cap B)}$, the set of all subsets of
$A \cap B$.
Since this holds for all $x \in \powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B}$, it follows
$$\powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B} \subseteq \powerset{(A \cap B)}.$$
Let $x \in \powerset{(A \cap B)}$.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$$\powerset{(A \cap B)} = \{ y \mid y \subseteq A \cap B \}.$$
Thus $x \subseteq A \cap B$, meaning $x \subseteq A$ and $x \subseteq B$.
But this implies $x \in \powerset{A}$, the set of all subsets of $A$.
Likewise $x \in \powerset{B}$, the set of all subsets of $B$.
Thus $x \in \powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B}$.
Since this holds for all $x \in \powerset{(A \cap B)}$, it follows
$$\powerset{(A \cap B)} \subseteq \powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B}.$$
Since each side of our identity is a subset of the other,
$$\powerset{(A \cap B)} = \powerset{A} \cap \powerset{B}.$$
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.7b}}%
Show that $\powerset{A} \cup \powerset{B} \subseteq \powerset{(A \cup B)}$.
Under what conditions does equality hold?
Let $x \in \powerset{A} \cup \powerset{B}$.
By definition, $x \in \powerset{A}$ or $x \in \powerset{B}$ (or both).
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
\powerset{A} &= \{ y \mid y \subseteq A \} \\
\powerset{B} &= \{ y \mid y \subseteq B \}.
Thus $x \subseteq A$ or $x \subseteq B$.
Therefore $x \subseteq A \cup B$.
But then $x \in \powerset{(A \cup B)}$, the set of all subsets of $A \cup B$.
We show equality holds if and only if one of $A$ or $B$ is a subset of the
\powerset{A} \cup \powerset{B} = \powerset{(A \cup B)}.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$A \cup B \in \powerset{(A \cup B)}$.
Then \eqref{sub:exercise-2.7b-eq1} implies
$A \cup B \in \powerset{A} \cup \powerset{B}$.
That is, $A \cup B \in \powerset{A}$ or $A \cup B \in \powerset{B}$ (or
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $A \not\subseteq B$ and
$B \not\subseteq A$.
Then there exists an element $x \in A$ such that $x \not\in B$ and there
exists an element $y \in B$ such that $y \not\in A$.
But then $A \cup B \not\in \powerset{A}$ since $y$ cannot be a member of a
member of $\powerset{A}$.
Likewise, $A \cup B \not\in \powerset{B}$ since $x$ cannot be a member of a
member of $\powerset{B}$.
Therefore our assumption is incorrect.
In other words, $A \subseteq B$ or $B \subseteq A$.
WLOG, suppose $A \subseteq B$.
Then, by \nameref{sub:exercise-1.3}, $\powerset{A} \subseteq \powerset{B}$.
\powerset{A} \cup \powerset{B}
& = \powerset{B} \\
& = \powerset{A \cup B}.
By \nameref{par:exercise-2.7b-right} and \nameref{par:exercise-2.7b-left},
it follows
$\powerset{A} \cup \powerset{B} \subseteq \powerset{(A \cup B)}$ if and
only if $A \subseteq B$ or $B \subseteq A$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 2.8}}%
Show that there is no set to which every singleton (that is, every set of the
form $\{x\}$) belongs.
[\textit{Suggestion}: Show that from such a set, we could construct a set to
which every set belonged.]
We proceed by contradiction.
Suppose there existed a set $A$ consisting of every singleton.
Then the \nameref{ref:union-axiom} suggests $\bigcup A$ is a set.
But this set is precisely the class of all sets, which is \textit{not} a set.
Thus our original assumption was incorrect.
That is, there is no set to which every singleton belongs.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.9}}%
Give an example of sets $a$ and $B$ for which $a \in B$ but
$\powerset{a} \not\in \powerset{B}$.
Let $a = \{1\}$ and $B = \{\{1\}\}$.
\powerset{a} & = \{\emptyset, \{1\}\} \\
\powerset{B} & = \{\emptyset, \{\{1\}\}\}.
It immediately follows that $\powerset{a} \not\in \powerset{B}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.10}}%
Show that if $a \in B$, then $\powerset{a} \in \powerset{\powerset{\bigcup B}}$.
[\textit{Suggestion}: If you need help, look in the Appendix.]
Suppose $a \in B$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-2.3}, $a \subseteq \bigcup B$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-1.3}, $\powerset{a} \subseteq \powerset{\bigcup B}$.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$$\powerset{\powerset{\bigcup B}} =
\{ y \mid y \subseteq \powerset{\bigcup B} \}.$$
Therefore $\powerset{a} \in \powerset{\powerset{\bigcup B}}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.11}}%
Show that for any sets $A$ and $B$,
$$A = (A \cap B) \cup (A - B) \quad\text{and}\quad
A \cup (B - A) = A \cup B.$$
\noindent Let $A$ and $B$ be sets.
We prove that
\item $A = (A \cap B) \cup (A - B)$
\item $A \cup (B - A) = A \cup B$
By definition of the intersection, union, and relative complements of sets,
(A \cap B) \cup (A - B)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \cap B \lor x \in A - B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \{ y \mid y \in A \land y \in B \} \lor
x \in A - B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \in B) \lor x \in A - B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \in B) \lor
x \in \{ y \mid y \in A \land y \not\in B \} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \in B) \lor
(x \in A \land x \not\in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor (x \in B \land x \not\in B) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor F \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \} \\
& = A.
By definition of the union and relative complements of sets,
A \cup (B - A)
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in B - A \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor
x \in \{ y \mid y \in B \land y \not\in A \} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor (x \in B \land x \not\in A) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \lor x \in B) \land
(x \in A \lor x \not\in A) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \lor x \in B) \land T \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in B \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \cup B \} \\
& = A \cup B.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.12}}%
Verify the following identity (one of De Morgan's laws):
$$C - (A \cap B) = (C - A) \cup (C - B).$$
Refer to \nameref{sub:de-morgans-laws}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.13}}%
Show that if $A \subseteq B$, then $C - B \subseteq C - A$.
Refer to \nameref{sub:anti-monotonicity}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.14}}%
Show by example that for some sets $A$, $B$, and $C$, the set $A - (B - C)$ is
different from $(A - B) - C$.
Let $A = \{1, 2, 3\}$, $B = \{2, 3, 4\}$, and $C = \{3, 4, 5\}$.
A - (B - C)
& = \{1, 2, 3\} - (\{2, 3, 4\} - \{3, 4, 5\}) \\
& = \{1, 2, 3\} - \{2\} \\
& = \{1, 3\}
(A - B) - C
& = (\{1, 2, 3\} - \{2, 3, 4\}) - \{3, 4, 5\} \\
& = \{1\} - \{3, 4, 5\} \\
& = \{1\}.
\subsection{\pending{Exercise 2.15a}}%
Show that $A \cap (B + C) = (A \cap B) + (A \cap C)$.
By definition of the intersection, \nameref{ref:symmetric-difference}, and
relative complement of sets,
(A & \cap B) + (A \cap C) \\
& = [(A \cap B) - (A \cap C)] \cup [(A \cap C) - (A \cap B)] \\
& = [(A \cap B) - A] \\
& \qquad \cup [(A \cap B) - C] \\
& \qquad \cup [(A \cap C) - A] \\
& \qquad \cup [(A \cap C) - B]
& \textref{sub:de-morgans-laws} \\
& = [A \cap (B - A)] \\
& \qquad \cup [A \cap (B - C)] \\
& \qquad \cup [A \cap (C - A)] \\
& \qquad \cup [A \cap (C - B)]
& \textref{sub:intersection-difference-associativity} \\
& = \emptyset \\
& \qquad \cup [A \cap (B - C)] \\
& \qquad \cup \emptyset \\
& \qquad \cup [A \cap (C - B)]
& \textref{sub:identitives-involving-empty-set} \\
& = [A \cap (B - C)] \cup [A \cap (C - B)] \\
& = A \cap [(B - C) \cup (C - B)]
& \textref{sub:distributive-laws} \\
& = A \cap (B + C).
\subsection{\pending{Exercise 2.15b}}%
Show that $A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C$.
\noindent Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets.
We prove that
\item $A + (B + C) \subseteq (A + B) + C$
\item $(A + B) + C \subseteq A + (B + C)$
Let $x \in A + (B + C)$.
Then $x$ is in $A$ or in $B + C$, but not both.
There are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $x \in A$ and $x \not\in B + C$.
Then, by \nameref{sub:nonmembership-symmetric-difference},
(a) $x \in B \cap C$ or (b) $x \not\in B \cup C$.
Suppose (a) was true.
That is, $x \in B$ and $x \in C$.
Since $x$ is a member of $A$ and $B$, $x \not\in (A + B)$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $A + B$ but is a member of $C$,
$x \in (A + B) + C$.
Now suppose (b) was true.
That is, $x \not\in B$ and $x \not\in C$.
Since $x$ is a member of $A$ but not $B$, $x \in (A + B)$.
Since $x$ is a member of $A + B$ but not $C$, $x \in (A + B) + C$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $x \in B + C$ and $x \not\in A$.
Then (a) $x \in B$ or (b) $x \in C$ but not both.
Suppose (a) was true.
That is, $x \in B$ and $x \not\in C$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $A$ and is a member of $B$, $x \in A + B$.
Since $x$ is a member of $A + B$ but not $C$, $x \in (A + B) + C$.
Now suppose (b) was true.
That is, $x \not\in B$ and $x \in C$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $A$ nor a member of $B$, $x \not\in A + B$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $A + B$ but is a member of $C$,
$x \in (A + B) + C$.
Let $x \in (A + B) + C$.
Then $x$ is in $A + B$ or in $C$, but not both.
There are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $x \in A + B$ and $x \not\in C$.
Then (a) $x \in A$ or (b) $x \in B$ but not both.
Suppose (a) was true.
That is, $x \in A$ and $x \not\in B$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $B$ nor $C$, $x \not\in B + C$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $B + C$ but is a member of $A$,
$x \in A + (B + C)$.
Now Suppose (b) was true.
That is, $x \not\in A$ and $x \in B$.
Since $x$ is a member of $B$ and not of $C$, then $x \in B + C$.
Since $x$ is a member of $B + C$ and not of $A$, $x \in A + (B + C)$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $x \not\in A + B$ and $x \in C$.
Then, by \nameref{sub:nonmembership-symmetric-difference},
(a) $x \in A \cap B$ or (b) $x \not\in A \cup B$.
Suppose (a) was true.
That is, $x \in A \land x \in B$.
Since $x$ is a member of $B$ and $C$, $x \not\in B + C$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $B + C$ but is a member of $A$,
$x \in A + (B + C)$.
Now suppose (b) was true.
That is, $x \not\in A$ and $x \not\in B$.
Since $x$ is not a member of $B$ but is a member of $C$, $x \in B + C$.
Since $x$ is a member of $B + C$ but not of $A$, $x \in A + (B + C)$.
In both \nameref{par:exercise-2.15b-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-2.15b-ii},
the subcases are exhaustive and prove the desired subset relation.
Therefore $A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.16}}%
$$[(A \cup B \cup C) \cap (A \cup B)] - [(A \cup (B - C)) \cap A].$$
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be arbitrary sets.
[(A \cup B \cup C) \cap (A \cup B)] & - [(A \cup (B - C)) \cap A] \\
& = [A \cup B] - [A] \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in (A \cup B) \land x \not\in A \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \{ y \mid y \in A \lor y \in B \} \land x \not\in A \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \lor x \in B) \land x \not\in A \} \\\
& = \{ x \mid (x \in A \land x \not\in A) \lor (x \in B \land x \not\in A) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid F \lor (X \in B \land x \not\in A) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in B \land x \not\in A \} \\
& = B - A.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.17}}%
Show that the following four conditions are equivalent.
\item $A \subseteq B$,
\item $A - B = \emptyset$,
\item $A \cup B = B$,
\item $A \cap B = A$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be arbitrary sets.
We show that (i) $(a) \Rightarrow (b)$, (ii) $(b) \Rightarrow (c)$, (iii)
$(c) \Rightarrow (d)$, and (iv) $(d) \Rightarrow (a)$.
Suppose $A \subseteq B$.
That is, $\forall t, t \in A \Rightarrow t \in B$.
Then there is no element such that $t \in A$ and $t \not\in B$.
By definition of the relative complement, this immediately implies
$A - B = \emptyset$.
Suppose $A - B = \emptyset$.
By definition of the relative complement,
$$A - B = \emptyset = \{ x \mid x \in A \land x \not\in B \}.$$
Then, for all $t$,
$\neg(t \in A \land t \not\in B) = t \not\in A \lor t \in B$.
This implies, by definition of the subset, that $A \subseteq B$.
It then immediately follows that $A \cup B = B$.
Suppose $A \cup B = B$.
Then there is no member of $A$ that is not a member of $B$.
In other words, $A \subseteq B$.
This immediately implies $A \cap B = A$.
Suppose $A \cap B = A$.
Then every member of $A$ is a member of $B$.
This immediately implies $A \subseteq B$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 2.18}}%
Assume that $A$ and $B$ are subsets of $S$.
List all of the different sets that can be made from these three by use of the
binary operations $\cup$, $\cap$, and $-$.
We can reason about this diagrammatically:
In the above diagram, we assume the left circle corresponds to set $A$ and the
right circle corresponds to $B$.
The the possible sets we can make via the specified operators are:
\item $A - B$, the left circle excluding the overlapping region.
\item $A \cap B$, the overlapping region.
\item $B - A$, the right circle excluding the overlapping region.
\item $(A \cup B) \cap A$, the left circle.
\item $(A \cup B) \cap B$, the right circle.
\item $(A - B) \cup (B - A)$, the symmetric difference.
\item $A \cup B$, the entire diagram.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.19}}%
Is $\powerset{(A - B)}$ always equal to $\powerset{A} - \powerset{B}$?
Is it ever equal to $\powerset{A} - \powerset{B}$?
Let $A$ and $B$ be arbitrary sets.
We show (i) that $\emptyset \in \powerset{(A - B})$ and (ii)
$\emptyset \not\in \powerset{A} - \powerset{B}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$$\powerset{(A - B)} = \{ x \mid x \subseteq A - B \}.$$
But $\emptyset$ is a subset of \textit{every} set.
Thus $\emptyset \in \powerset{(A - B)}$.
By the same reasoning found in \nameref{par:exercise-2.19-i},
$\emptyset \in \powerset{A}$ and $\emptyset \in \powerset{B}$.
But then, by definition of the relative complement,
$\emptyset \not\in \powerset{A} - \powerset{B}$.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, the two sets are never equal.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.20}}%
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be sets such that $A \cup B = A \cup C$ and
$A \cap B = A \cap C$.
Show that $B = C$.
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be arbitrary sets.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, $B = C$ if and only if for all sets
$x$, $x \in B \iff x \in C$.
We prove both directions of this biconditional.
Suppose $x \in B$.
Then there are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Assume $x \in A$.
Then $x \in A \cap B$.
By hypothesis, $A \cap B = A \cap C$.
Thus $x \in A \cap C$ immediately implying $x \in C$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Assume $x \not\in A$.
Then $x \in A \cup B$.
By hypothesis, $A \cup B = A \cup C$.
Thus $x \in A \cup C$.
Since $x \not\in A$, it follows $x \in C$.
Suppose $x \in C$.
Then there are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Assume $x \in A$.
Then $x \in A \cap C$.
By hypothesis, $A \cap B = A \cap C$.
Thus $x \in A \cap B$, immediately implying $x \in B$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Assume $x \not\in A$.
Then $x \in A \cup C$.
By hypothesis, $A \cup B = A \cup C$.
Thus $x \in A \cup B$.
Since $x \not\in A$, it follows $x \in B$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.21}}%
Show that $\bigcup (A \cup B) = \bigcup A \cup \bigcup B$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be arbitrary sets.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, the specified equality holds if and
only if for all sets $x$,
$$x \in \bigcup (A \cup B) \iff x \in \bigcup A \cup \bigcup B.$$
We prove both directions of this biconditional.
Suppose $x \in \bigcup (A \cup B)$.
By definition of the union of sets, there exists some $b \in A \cup B$ such
that $x \in b$.
If $b \in A$, then $x \in \bigcup A$ and $x \in \bigcup A \cup \bigcup B$.
Alternatively, if $b \in B$, then $x \in \bigcup B$ and
$x \in \bigcup A \cup \bigcup B$.
Regardless, $x$ is in the target set.
Suppose $x \in \bigcup A \cup \bigcup B$.
Then $x \in \bigcup A$ or $x \in \bigcup B$.
WLOG, suppose $x \in \bigcup A$.
By definition of the union of sets, there exists some $b \in A$ such that
$x \in b$.
But then $b \in A \cup B$ meaning $x$ is also a member of
$\bigcup (A \cup B)$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.22}}%
Show that if $A$ and $B$ are nonempty sets, then
$\bigcap (A \cup B) = \bigcap A \cap \bigcap B$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be arbitrary, nonempty sets.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, the specified equality holds if and
only if for all sets $x$,
x \in \bigcap (A \cup B) \iff x \in \bigcap A \cap \bigcap B.
We prove both directions of this biconditional.
Suppose $x \in \bigcap (A \cup B)$.
Then for all $b \in A \cup B$, $x \in B$.
In other words, for every member $b_1$ of $A$ and every member $b_2$ of $B$,
$x$ is a member of both $b_1$ and $b_2$.
But that implies $x \in \bigcap A$ and $x \in \bigcap B$.
Suppose $x \in \bigcap A \cap \bigcap B$.
That is, $x \in \bigcap A$ and $x \in \bigcap B$.
By definition of the intersection of sets, forall sets $b$, if $b \in A$,
then $x \in b$.
Likewise, if $b \in B$, then $x \in b$.
In other words, if $b$ is a member of either $A$ or $B$, $x \in b$.
That immediately implies $x \in \bigcap (A \cup B$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 2.23}}%
Show that if $\mathscr{B}$ is nonempty, then
$A \cup \bigcap \mathscr{B} = \bigcap\; \{A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}$.
Refer to \nameref{sub:general-distributive-laws}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.24a}}%
Show that if $\mathscr{A}$ is nonempty, then
$\powerset{\bigcap\mathscr{A}} =
\bigcap\; \{\powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Suppose $\mathscr{A}$ is a nonempty set.
Then $\bigcap \mathscr{A}$ is well-defined.
& = \{ x \mid x \subseteq \bigcap \mathscr{A} \}
& \textref{ref:power-set} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \subseteq
\{ y \mid \forall X \in \mathscr{A}, y \in X \} \}
& \text{def'n intersection} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall t \in x,
t \in \{ y \mid \forall X \in \mathscr{A}, y \in X \} \}
& \text{def'n subset} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall t \in x,
(\forall X \in \mathscr{A}, t \in X) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall X \in \mathscr{A},
(\forall t \in x, t \in X) \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall X \in \mathscr{A}, x \subseteq X \} \\
& = \{ x \mid \forall X \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \powerset{X} \}
& \textref{ref:power-set-axiom} \\
& = \{ x \mid
\forall t \in \{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}, x \in t \} \\
& = \bigcap\; \{\powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A}\}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.24b}}%
Show that
\bigcup\; \{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \} \subseteq
Under what conditions does equality hold?
We first prove \eqref{sub:exercise-2.24b-eq1}.
Let $x \in \bigcup\; \{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
By definition of the union of sets,
$(\exists X \in \mathscr{A}), x \in \powerset{X}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set}, $x \subseteq X$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-2.3}, $X \subseteq \bigcup \mathscr{A}$.
Therefore $x \subseteq \bigcup \mathscr{A}$, proving
$x \in \powerset{\mathscr{A}}$ as expected.
We show $\powerset{\bigcup A} \subseteq
\bigcup\;\{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$ if and only if
$\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in \mathscr{A}$.
Suppose $\powerset{\bigcup\mathscr{A}} \subseteq
\bigcup\;\{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in \powerset{\bigcup\mathscr{A}}$.
By hypothesis, $\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in
\bigcup\;\{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
By definition of the union of sets, there exists some $X \in \mathscr{A}$
such that $\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in \powerset{X}$.
That is, $\bigcup\mathscr{A} \subseteq X$.
But $\bigcup\mathscr{A}$ cannot be a proper subset of $X$ since
$X \in \mathscr{A}$.
Thus $\bigcup\mathscr{A} = X$.
This proves $\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in
\bigcup\;\{ \powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Suppose $\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in A$.
Let $x \in \powerset{\bigcup\mathscr{A}}$.
Since $\bigcup\mathscr{A} \in \mathscr{A}$, it immediately follows that
$x \in \{\powerset{X} \mid X \in \mathscr{A}\}$.
Equality follows immediately from this fact in conjunction with the proof
of \eqref{sub:exercise-2.24b-eq1}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 2.25}}%
Is $A \cup \bigcup \mathscr{B}$ always the same as
$\bigcup\;\{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}$?
If not, then under what conditions does equality hold?
We prove that
A \cup \bigcup \mathscr{B} =
\bigcup\;\{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}
if and only if $A = \emptyset$ or $\mathscr{B} \neq \emptyset$.
We prove both directions of this biconditional.
Suppose \eqref{sub:exercise-2.25-eq1} holds true.
There are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $B \neq \emptyset$.
Then $A = \emptyset \lor \mathscr{B} \neq \emptyset$ holds trivially.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $B = \emptyset$.
Then $$A \cup \bigcup \mathscr{B} = A \cup \bigcup \emptyset = A$$ and
\bigcup\;\{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}
= \bigcup \emptyset \\
= \emptyset.
Then by hypothesis \eqref{sub:exercise-2.25-eq1}, $A = \emptyset$.
Then $A = \emptyset \lor \mathscr{B} \neq \emptyset$ holds trivially.
Suppose $A = \emptyset$ or $\mathscr{B} \neq \emptyset$.
There are two cases to consider:
\paragraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $A = \emptyset$.
Then $A \cup \bigcup \mathscr{B} = \bigcup{\mathscr{B}}$.
\bigcup \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}
= \bigcup \{ X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \} \\
= \bigcup \mathscr{B}.
Therefore \eqref{sub:exercise-2.25-eq1} holds.
\paragraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $B \neq \emptyset$.
A \cup \bigcup\mathscr{B}
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor x \in \bigcup\mathscr{B} \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in A \lor (\exists b \in \mathscr{B}) x \in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (\exists b \in \mathscr{B}) x \in A \lor x \in b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid (\exists b \in \mathscr{B}) x \in A \cup b \} \\
& = \{ x \mid x \in \bigcup \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \} \\
& = \bigcup \{ A \cup X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}.
Therefore \eqref{sub:exercise-2.25-eq1} holds.
\chapter{Relations and Functions}%
\section{Ordered Pairs}%
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3A}}%
For any sets $x$, $y$, $u$, and $v$,
\pair{u, v} = \pair{x, y} \iff u = x \land v = y.
Let $x$, $y$, $u$, and $v$ be arbitrary sets.
This follows trivially.
Suppose $\pair{u, v} = \pair{x, y}$.
Then, by definition of an \nameref{ref:ordered-pair},
\{\{u\}, \{u, v\}\} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, it follows
$\{u\} \in \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$ and
$\{u, v\} \in \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$.
That is,
$$\{u\} = \{x\} \quad\text{or}\quad \{u\} = \{x, y\}$$
$$\{u, v\} = \{x\} \quad\text{or}\quad \{u, v\} = \{x, y\}.$$
There are 4 cases to consider:
\paragraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $\{u\} = \{x\}$ and $\{u, v\} = \{x\}$.
The former identity implies $u = x$.
The latter identity implies $u = v = x$.
Then \eqref{sub:theorem-3a-eq2} simplifies to
$$\{\{u\}\} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\},$$ meaning $x = y$.
Thus $v = y$ as well.
\paragraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $\{u\} = \{x\}$ and $\{u, v\} = \{x, y\}$.
The former identity implies $u = x$.
Substituting into the latter identity yields $\{u, v\} = \{u, y\}$.
This holds if and only if $v = y$.
\paragraph{Case 3}%
Suppose $\{u\} = \{x, y\}$ and $\{u, v\} = \{x\}$.
The former identity implies $x = y = u$.
Substituting into the latter yields $\{u, v\} = \{u\}$.
Thus $u = v$ which in turn implies $v = y$.
\paragraph{Case 4}%
Suppose $\{u\} = \{x, y\}$ and $\{u, v\} = \{x, y\}$.
The former identity implies $x = y = u$.
Substituting into the latter yields $\{u, v\} = \{u\}$.
This implies $v = u$ which in turn implies $v = y$.
These cases are exhaustive and each implies that $u = x$ and $v = y$.
\subsection{\verified{Lemma 3B}}%
If $x \in C$ and $y \in C$, then $\pair{x, y} \in \powerset{\powerset{C}}$.
Let $C$ be an arbitrary set and $x, y \in C$.
Then, by definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set},
$\{x\}$ and $\{x, y\}$ are members of $\powerset{C}$.
Likewise, $\{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$ is a member of $\powerset{\powerset{C}}$.
By definition of an \nameref{ref:ordered-pair},
$\pair{x, y} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$.
This concludes our proof.
\subsection{\pending{Corollary 3C}}%
For any sets $A$ and $B$, there is a set whose members are exactly the
pairs $\pair{x, y}$ with $x \in A$ and $y \in B$.
The above Lean proof is a definition (i.e. an axiom).
It does not prove such a set's existence from first principles.
Define $C = A \cup B$.
Then for all $x \in A$ and for all $y \in B$, $x$ and $y$ are both in $C$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-3b}, it follows that
$\pair{x, y} \in \powerset{\powerset{C}}$.
The \nameref{ref:power-set-axiom} indicates $\powerset{\powerset{C}}$ is
indeed a set.
Therefore the \nameref{ref:subset-axioms} are applicable.
This implies the existence of a set $D$ such that
$$\forall z, (z \in D \iff z \in \powerset{\powerset{C}} \land
(\exists x, \exists y, x \in A \land y \in B \land
z = \pair{x, y})).$$
By construction $D$ is the set whose members are exactly the pairs
$\pair{x, y}$ with $x \in A$ and $y \in B$.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3D}}%
If $\pair{x, y} \in A$, then $x$ and $y$ belong to $\bigcup\bigcup A$.
Let $A$ be a set and $\pair{x, y} \in A$.
By definition of an \nameref{ref:ordered-pair},
$$\pair{x, y} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}.$$
By \nameref{sub:exercise-2.3}, $\{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\} \subseteq \bigcup A$.
Then $\{x, y\} \in \bigcup A$.
Another application of \nameref{sub:exercise-2.3} implies
$\{x, y\} \subseteq \bigcup\bigcup A$.
Therefore $x, y \in \bigcup\bigcup A$.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3E}}%
For a set $F$, $\dom{(F^{-1})} = \ran{F}$ and $\ran{(F^{-1})} = \dom{F}$.
For a relation $F$, $(F^{-1})^{-1} = F$.
We prove that (i) $\dom{(F^{-1})} = \ran{F}$, (ii) $\ran{(F^{-1})} = \dom{F}$,
and (iii) $(F^{-1})^{-1} = F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain}, $x \in \dom{(F^{-1})}$ if and
only if there exists some $y$ such that $\pair{x, y} \in F^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\pair{y, x} \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range}, $x \in \ran{F}$.
Since each step holds biconditionally, it follows
$\dom{(F^{-1})} = \ran{F}$ as expected.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range}, $x \in \ran{(F^{-1})}$ if and
only if there exists some $t$ such that $\pair{t, x} \in F^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\pair{x, t} \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain}, $x \in \dom{F}$.
Since each step holds biconditionally, it follows
$\ran{(F^{-1})} = \dom{F}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \pair{v, u} \in F^{-1}\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \pair{u, v} \in F\} \\
& = F.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3F}}%
For a set $F$, $F^{-1}$ is a function iff $F$ is single-rooted.
A relation $F$ is a function iff $F^{-1}$ is single-rooted.
We prove that (i) any set $F$, $F^{-1}$ is a function iff $F$ is
single-rooted and (ii) any relation $F$ is a function iff $F^{-1}$ is
Let $F$ be any set.
Suppose $F^{-1}$ is a \nameref{ref:function}.
By definition, for each $x \in \dom{(F^{-1})}$, there is only one $y$
such that $\pair{x, y} \in F^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of $F$,
$F^{-1} = \{\pair{u, v} \mid vFu\}$.
Then for each $x \in \ran{F}$, there exists exactly one $y$ such that
$\pair{y, x} \in F$.
This definitionally means $F$ is single-rooted.
Suppose $F$ is single-rooted.
By definition, for each $x \in \ran{F}$, there is only one $t$ such that
$\pair{t, x} \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of $F$,
$F^{-1} = \{\pair{u, v} \mid vFu\}$.
Then for each $x \in \dom{(F^{-1})}$ there exists exactly one $t$ such
that $\pair{x, t} \in F^{-1}$.
This definitionally means $F^{-1}$ is a function.
Let $F$ be a \nameref{ref:relation}.
Suppose $F$ is a function.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-3e}, $F = (F^{-1})^{-1}$.
Then by \nameref{par:theorem-3f-i}, $F^{-1}$ is single-rooted.
Suppose $F^{-1}$ is single-rooted.
Then by \nameref{par:theorem-3f-i}, $(F^{-1})^{-1}$ is a function.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-3e}, $(F^{-1})^{-1} = F$.
Thus $F$ is a function.
\subsection{\verified{Lemma 1}}%
For any one-to-one function $F$, $F^{-1}$ is also one-to-one.
We prove that (i) $F^{-1}$ is a function and (ii) $F^{-1}$ is single-rooted.
By hypothesis, $F$ is one-to-one.
This means it is single-rooted, i.e. for all $x \in \ran{F}$, there exists
exactly one $t$ such that $\pair{t, x} \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of $F$,
$\pair{x, t} \in F^{-1}$.
But then for all $x \in \dom{(F^{-1})}$, there exists exactly one $t$ such
that $\pair{x, t} \in F^{-1}$.
Thus $F^{-1}$ is a function.
By hypothesis, $F$ is single-valued.
That is, for all $x \in \dom{F}$, there exists exactly one $y$ such that
$\pair{x, y} \in F$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of $F$,
$\pair{y, x} \in F^{-1}$.
But then for all $x \in \ran{(F^{-1})}$, there exists exactly one $y$ such
that $\pair{y, x} \in F^{-1}$.
Thus $F^{-1}$ is single-rooted.
By \nameref{par:lemma-1-i} and \nameref{par:lemma-1-ii}, $F^{-1}$ is
a one-to-one function.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3G}}%
Assume that $F$ is a one-to-one function.
If $x \in \dom{F}$, then $F^{-1}(F(x)) = x$.
If $y \in \ran{F}$, then $F(F^{-1}(y)) = y$.
Suppose $F$ is a one-to-one \nameref{ref:function}.
Then \nameref{sub:one-to-one-inverse} indicates $F^{-1}$ is a one-to-one
function with domain $\ran{F}$ and range $\dom{F}$.
For all $x \in \dom{F}$, $\pair{x, F(x)} \in F$.
Then $\pair{F(x), x} \in F^{-1}$.
Since $F^{-1}$ is single-valued, $F^{-1}(F(x)) = x$.
For all $y \in \ran{F}$, $\pair{y, F^{-1}(y)} \in F^{-1}$.
Then $\pair{F^{-1}(y), y} \in F$.
Since $F$ is single-valued, $F(F^{-1}(y)) = y$.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3H}}%
Assume that $F$ and $G$ are functions.
Then $F \circ G$ is a function, its domain is
\{x \in \dom{G} \mid G(x) \in \dom{F}\},
and for $x$ in its domain, $(F \circ G)(x) = F(G(x))$.
Let $F$ and $G$ be \nameref{ref:function}s.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of $F$ and $G$,
F \circ G = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t(uGt \land tFv)\}.
By construction, $F \circ G$ is a relation.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} of a relation,
$x \in \dom{(F \circ G)}$ if and only if there exists some $y$ such that
$\pair{x, y} \in F \circ G$.
We prove that (i) $F \circ G$ is a function with domain satisfying
\eqref{sub:theorem-3h-eq1}, and (ii) $(F \circ G)(x) = F(G(x))$.
By \eqref{sub:theorem-3h-eq2}, there exists some $t$ such that
$\pair{x, t} \in G$ and $\pair{t, y} \in F$.
Since $G$ is single-valued, $t$ is uniquely determined by $x$.
Since $F$ is single-valued, $y$ is uniquely determined by $t$.
Therefore, by transitivity, $y$ is uniquely determined by $x$.
Thus $F \circ G$ is single-valued, i.e. $F \circ G$ is a function.
Furthermore, by definition of function application, $t = G(x)$.
Thus $$\pair{x, G(x)} \in G \quad\text{and}\quad \pair{G(x), y} \in F.$$
This immediately implies \eqref{sub:theorem-3h-eq1} holds true.
Let $x \in \dom{(F \circ G)}$.
By definition, $\pair{x, (F \circ G)(x)} \in F \circ G$.
Then \eqref{sub:theorem-3h-eq2} implies $(F \circ G)(x)$ satisfies
$\pair{G(x), (F \circ G)(x)} \in F$.
This is equivalent to saying $F(G(x)) = (F \circ G)(x)$ as expected.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3I}}%
For any sets $F$ and $G$, $$(F \circ G)^{-1} = G^{-1} \circ F^{-1}.$$
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of $F$ and $G$,
$$F \circ G = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t(uGt \land tFv)\}.$$
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a function,
(F \circ G)^{-1}
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t (vGt \land tFu)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t (tFu \land vGt)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists t \left[ u(F^{-1})t \land t(G^{-1})v \right]\} \\
& = G^{-1} \circ F^{-1}.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 3J}}%
Assume that $F \colon A \rightarrow B$, and that $A$ is nonempty.
\item There exists a function $G \colon B \rightarrow A$ (a "left inverse")
such that $G \circ F$ is the identity function $I_A$ on $A$ iff $F$ is
\item There exists a function $H \colon B \rightarrow A$ (a "right inverse")
such that $F \circ H$ is the identity function $I_B$ on $B$ iff $F$ maps
$A$ \textit{onto} $B$.
Let $F$ be a \nameref{ref:function} from nonempty set $A$ to set $B$.
We prove there exists a function $G \colon B \rightarrow A$ such that
$G \circ F = I_A$ if and only if $F$ is one-to-one.
Let $G \colon B \rightarrow A$ such that $G \circ F = I_A$.
All that remains is to prove $F$ is single-rooted.
Let $y \in \ran{F}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a function, there exists some
$x_1$ such that $\pair{x_1, y} \in F$.
Suppose there exists a set $x_2$ such that $\pair{x_2, y} \in F$.
By hypothesis, $G(F(x_1)) = G(F(x_2))$ implies $I_A(x_1) = I_A(x_2)$.
Thus $x_1 = x_2$.
Therefore $F$ must be single-rooted.
Let $F$ be one-to-one.
Since $A$ is nonempty, there exists some $a \in A$.
Let $G \colon B \rightarrow A$ be given by
$$G(y) = \begin{cases}
F^{-1}(y) & \text{if } y \in \ran{F} \\
a & \text{otherwise}.
$G$ is a function by virtue of \nameref{sub:one-to-one-inverse} and choice
of mapping for all values $y \not\in \ran{F}$.
Furthermore, for all $x \in A$, $F(x) \in \ran{F}$.
Thus $(G \circ F)(x) = G(F(x)) = F^{-1}(F(x)) = x$ by
We prove there exists a function $H \colon B \rightarrow A$ such that
$F \circ H = I_A$ if and only if $F$ maps $A$ onto $B$.
Suppose $H \colon B \rightarrow A$ such that $F \circ H = I_A$.
All that remains is to prove $\ran{F} = B$.
Note that $\ran{F} \subseteq B$ by hypothesis.
Let $y \in B$.
But $F(H(y)) = y$ meaning $y \in \ran{F}$.
Thus $B \subseteq \ran{F}$.
Since $\ran{F} \subseteq B$ and $B \subseteq \ran{F}$, $\ran{F} = B$.
Suppose $F$ maps $A$ \textit{onto} $B$.
By definition of maps onto, $\ran{F} = B$.
Then for all $y \in B$, there exists some $x \in A$ such that
$\pair{x, y} \in F$.
Notice though that $F^{-1}[\{y\}]$ may not be a singleton set.
Then there is no obvious way to \textit{choose} an element from each
preimage to form a function.
By the \nameref{ref:axiom-of-choice-1}, there exists a function
$H \subseteq F^{-1}$ such that $\dom{H} = \dom{F^{-1}} = B$.
For all $y \in B$, $\pair{y, H(y)} \in H \subseteq F^{-1}$
meaning $\pair{H(y), y} \in F$.
Thus $F(H(y)) = y$ as expected.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3K(a)}}%
The following hold for any sets. ($F$ need not be a function.)
The image of a union is the union of the images:
\img{F}{A \cup B} = \img{F}{A} \cup \img{F}{B}
\img{F}{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}} =
\bigcup\;\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}.
Let $F$, $A$, $B$, and $\mathscr{A}$ be arbitrary sets.
We prove (i) \eqref{sub:theorem-3k-a-eq1} and (ii)
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set:
\img{F}{A \cup B}
& = \{v \mid \exists u, u \in A \cup B \land uFv\} \\
& = \{v \mid \exists u,
(u \in A \land uFv) \lor (u \in B \land uFv)\} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) uFv\} \cup
\{v \mid (\exists u \in B) uFv\} \\
& = \img{F}{A} \cup \img{F}{B}.
We prove that both sides of \eqref{sub:theorem-3k-a-eq2} is a subset of the
Let $v \in \img{F}{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, there exists a set $u$
such that $u \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}} \land uFv$.
Then, by definition of the union of sets, there exists some
$A \in \mathscr{A}$ such that $u \in A$.
Therefore $v \in \img{F}{A}$ meaning
$v \in \bigcup\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}$.
Let $v \in \bigcup\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}$.
Then there exists some $b \in \{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}$ such
that $v \in b$.
In other words, there exists some $A \in \mathscr{A}$ such that
$v \in b = \img{F}{A}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, there exists a set $u$
such that $u \in A \land uFv$.
But this implies that $u \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}} \land uFv$.
Therefore $v \in \img{F}{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}}$.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3K(b)}}%
The following hold for any sets. ($F$ need not be a function.)
The image of an intersection is included in the intersection of the images:
\img{F}{A \cap B} \subseteq \img{F}{A} \cap \img{F}{B}
\img{F}{\bigcap\mathscr{A}} \subseteq
\bigcap\;\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}.
for nonempty $\mathscr{A}$.
Equality holds if $F$ is single-rooted.
Let $F$, $A$, $B$ be arbitrary sets.
Let $\mathscr{A}$ be a nonempty set.
We first prove (i) \eqref{sub:theorem-3k-b-eq1} and (ii)
Then, assuming $F$ is single-rooted, we prove both (iii)
\eqref{sub:theorem-3k-b-eq1} and (iv) \eqref{sub:theorem-3k-b-eq2} hold
under equality.
Let $v \in \img{F}{A \cap B}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set,
$\exists u \in A \cap B, uFv$.
Then $u \in A \land uFv$ and $u \in B \land uFv$.
Therefore $v \in \img{F}{A} \cap \img{F}{B}$.
Let $v \in \img{F}{\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set,
$\exists u \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}, uFv$.
Then $\exists u, (\forall A \in \mathscr{A}, u \in A) \land uFv$.
This implies that $\forall A \in \mathscr{A}, \exists u \in A, uFv$.
Then $\forall A \in \mathscr{A}, v \in \img{F}{A}$.
Thus $v \in \bigcap\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}$.
Suppose $F$ is single-rooted.
By \nameref{par:theorem-3k-b-i},
$$\img{F}{A \cap B} \subseteq \img{F}{A} \cap \img{F}{B}.$$
All that remains is showing
$$\img{F}{A} \cap \img{F}{B} \subseteq \img{F}{A \cap B}.$$
Let $v \in \img{F}{A} \cap \img{F}{B}$.
Then $v \in \img{F}{A}$ and $v \in \img{F}{B}$.
That is, $\exists u \in A, uFv$ and $\exists w \in B, wFv$.
Since $F$ is single rooted, it follows $u = w$.
Thus $u \in A \cap B \land uFv$ meaning $v \in \img{F}{A \cap B}$.
Suppose $F$ is single-rooted.
By \nameref{par:theorem-3k-b-ii},
$$\img{F}{\bigcap\mathscr{A}} \subseteq
\bigcap\;\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}.$$
All that remains is showing
$$\bigcap\;\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\} \subseteq
Let $v \in \bigcap\;\{\img{F}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}$.
Then $\forall A \in \mathscr{A}, v \in \img{F}{A}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set,
$\forall A \in \mathscr{A}, \exists u \in A, uFv$.
Since $F$ is single-rooted and $\mathscr{A}$ is nonempty, it follows that
$\exists u, (\forall A \in \mathscr{A}, u \in A) \land uFv$.
Equivalently, $\exists u \in \bigcap{A}, uFv$.
Thus $v \in \img{F}{\bigcap{A}}$.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3K(c)}}%
The following hold for any sets. ($F$ need not be a function.)
The image of a difference includes the difference of the images:
\img{F}{A} - \img{F}{B} \subseteq \img{F}{A - B}.
Equality holds if $F$ is single-rooted.
We prove that (i) \eqref{sub:theorem-3k-c-eq1} holds and (ii) equality holds
if $F$ is single-rooted.
Let $v \in \img{F}{A} - \img{F}{B}$.
By definition of the difference of two sets,
$v \in \img{F}{A}$ and $v \not\in \img{F}{B}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, there exists a set
$u \in A$ such that $\pair{u, v} \in F$.
Likewise, $\forall w \in B, \pair{w, v} \not\in F$.
Thus $u \not\in B$, since otherwise we get an immediate contradiction.
Therefore $u \in A - B$ meaning $v \in \img{F}{A - B}$.
Suppose $F$ is single-rooted.
By \nameref{par:theorem-3k-c-i},
$$\img{F}{A} - \img{F}{B} \subseteq \img{F}{A - B}.$$
All that remains is showing
$$\img{F}{A - B} \subseteq \img{F}{A} - \img{F}{B}.$$
Let $v \in \img{F}{A - B}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, there exists a set
$u \in A - B$ such that $uFv$.
Then $u \in A$ and $u \not\in B$.
The former membership relation implies $v \in \img{F}{A}$.
The latter implies $v \not\in \img{F}{B}$ since $F$ being single-rooted
would otherwise invoke an immediate contradiction.
Thus $v \in \img{F}{A} - \img{F}{B}$.
\subsection{\verified{Corollary 3L}}%
For any function $G$ and sets $A$, $B$, and $\mathscr{A}$:
& = \bigcup\;\{\img{G^{-1}}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\},
\hyperlabel{sub:corollary-3l-eq1} \\
& = \bigcap\;\{\img{G^{-1}}{A} \mid A \in \mathscr{A}\}
\text{ for } \mathscr{A} \neq \emptyset,
\hyperlabel{sub:corollary-3l-eq2} \\
\img{G^{-1}}{A - B} & = \img{G^{-1}}{A} - \img{G^{-1}}{B}.
\nameref{sub:theorem-3k-a} implies \eqref{sub:corollary-3l-eq1}.
Because the inverse of a function is always single-rooted,
\nameref{sub:theorem-3k-b} implies \eqref{sub:corollary-3l-eq2}.
Likewise \nameref{sub:theorem-3k-c} implies \eqref{sub:corollary-3l-eq3}.
\section{Equivalence Relations}%
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3M}}%
If $R$ is a symmetric and transitive relation, then $R$ is an equivalence
relation on $\fld{R}$.
Suppose $R$ is a \nameref{ref:symmetric} and \nameref{ref:transitive}
By definition, the \nameref{ref:field} of $R$ is given by
$\fld{R} = \dom{R} \cup \ran{R}$.
An \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} on $\fld{R}$ is, by definition, a
binary relation \nameref{ref:reflexive} on $\fld{R}$, symmetric, and
All that remains is to show $R$ is reflexive on $\fld{R}$.
Let $x \in \fld{R}$.
Then $x \in \dom{R}$ or $x \in \ran{R}$.
If $x \in \dom{R}$, there exists some $y$ such that $xRy$.
Since $R$ is symmetric, it follows $yRx$.
Since $R$ is transitive, it follows $xRx$.
If instead $x \in \ran{R}$, there exists some $t$ such that $tRx$.
Since $R$ is symmetric, it follows $xRt$.
Since $R$ is transitive, it follows $xRx$.
Thus $R$ is reflexive on $\fld{R}$.
\subsection{\verified{Lemma 3N}}%
Assume that $R$ is an equivalence relation on $A$ and that $x$ and $y$ belong
to $A$.
Then $$[x]_R = [y]_R \iff xRy.$$
Suppose $R$ is an \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} on set $A$.
Let $x, y \in A$.
Suppose $[x]_R = [y]_R$.
Since $R$ is an equivalence relation, it is reflexive on $A$.
Thus $yRy$ meaning $y \in [y]_R = \{t \mid yRt\}$.
Since $[x]_R = [y]_R$, $y \in \{t \mid xRt\}$ as well.
That is, $xRy$.
Suppose $xRy$.
We show $[x]_R \subseteq [y]_R$ and $[y]_R \subseteq [x]_R$.
Let $t \in [x]_R$.
Then $xRt$.
Since $R$ is symmetric, $xRy$ implies $yRx$.
Since $R$ is transitive, $yRx$ and $xRt$ implies $yRt$.
Thus $t \in [y]_R$.
Let $t \in [y]_R$.
Then $yRt$.
Since $R$ is transitive, $xRy$ and $yRt$ implies $xRt$.
Thus $t \in [x]_R$.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3P}}%
Assume that $R$ is an equivalence relation on $A$.
Then the set $\{[x]_R \mid x \in A\}$ of all equivalence classes is a
partition of $A$.
Let $\Pi = \{[x]_R \mid x \in A\}$.
We show that (i) there are no empty sets in $\Pi$, (ii) no two different sets
in $\Pi$ have any common elements and (iii) that each element of $A$ is in
some set in $\Pi$.
By construction, every element of $\Pi$ is of form $[x]_R$ for some
$x \in A$.
At the very least, $x \in A$ is also in $[x]_R$.
Thus every element of $\Pi$ must be nonempty.
Let $[x]_R, [y]_R \in \Pi$ be two different sets.
We must show that $[x]_R \cap [y]_R = \emptyset$.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $[x]_R \cap [y]_R \neq \emptyset$.
Let $z \in [x]_R \cap [y]_R$.
Then $xRz$ and $yRz$.
Since $R$ is an \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} on $A$, it is
\nameref{ref:symmetric} and \nameref{ref:transitive}.
Then $zRy$ and $xRy$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-3n}, $xRy$ if and only if $[x]_R = [y]_R$,
contradicting the distinctness of $[x]_R$ and $[y]_R$.
Thus it follows $[x]_R \cap [y]_R] = \emptyset$.
Let $x \in A$.
Since $R$ is an \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} on $A$, it follows
Thus $x$ is a member of some set in $\Pi$, namely $[x]_R$.
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 3Q}}%
Assume that $R$ is an equivalence relation on $A$ and that
$F \colon A \rightarrow A$.
If $F$ is compatible with $R$, then there exists a unique
$\hat{F} \colon A / R \rightarrow A / R$ such that
\hat{F}([x]_R) = [F(x)]_R \quad\text{for all } x \text{ in } A.
If $F$ is not compatible with $R$, then no such $\hat{F}$ exists.
Let $R$ be an \nameref{ref:equivalence-relation} on $A$ and
$F \colon A \rightarrow A$.
Suppose $F$ is \nameref{ref:compatible} with $R$.
Next define \nameref{ref:relation} $\hat{F}$ to be
$$\hat{F} = \{\pair{[x]_R, [F(x)]_R} \mid x \in A\}.$$
By construction $\hat{F}$ has domain $A / R$ and
$\ran{\hat{F}} \subseteq A / R$.
All that remains is proving $\hat{F}$ is single-valued.
Let $[x_1]_R, [x_2]_R \in \dom{\hat{F}}$ such that $[x_1]_R = [x_2]_R$.
By definition of $\hat{F}$, $\pair{[x_1]_R, [F(x_1)]_R} \in \hat{F}$
and $\pair{[x_2]_R, [F(x_2)]_R} \in \hat{F}$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-3n}, $[x_1]_R = [x_2]_R$ implies $x_1Rx_2$.
Since $F$ is compatible, $F(x_1)RF(x_2)$.
Another application of \nameref{sub:lemma-3n} implies that
$[F(x_1)]_R = [F(x_2)]_R$.
Thus $\hat{F}$ is single-valued.
Uniqueness follows immediately from the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}.
Suppose $F$ is not compatible with $R$.
Then there exists some $x, y \in A$ such that $xRy$ and $\neg F(x)RF(y)$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-3n}, $[x]_R = [y]_R$.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose a function $\hat{F}$ exists satisfying
Then $\hat{F}([x]_R) = \hat{F}([y]_R)$ meaning $[F(x)]_R = [F(y)]_R$.
Then \nameref{sub:lemma-3n} implies $F(x)RF(y)$, a contradiction.
Therefore our original hypothesis must be incorrect.
That is, there is no function $\hat{F}$ satisfying \eqref{sub:theorem-3q-eq1}.
\section{Ordering Relations}%
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 3R}}%
Let $R$ be a linear ordering on $A$.
\item There is no $x$ for which $xRx$.
\item For distinct $x$ and $y$ in $A$, either $xRy$ or $yRx$ (but not both).
Suppose $R$ is a \nameref{ref:linear-ordering} on $A$.
Let $x \in A$.
By definition, $R$ is \nameref{ref:trichotomous}.
Then only one of $xRx$ and $x = x$ can hold.
Since $x = x$ obviously holds, it follows $\pair{x, x} \not\in R$.
Let $x, y \in A$ such that $x \neq y$.
By definition, $R$ is \nameref{ref:trichotomous}.
Thus only one of $$xRy, \quad x = y, \quad yRx$$ hold.
By hypothesis $x \neq y$ meaning either $xRy$ or $yRx$ (but not both).
\section{Exercises 3}%
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.1}}%
Suppose that we attempted to generalize the Kuratowski definitions of ordered
pairs to ordered triples by defining
$$\pair{x, y, z}^* = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}, \{x, y, z\}\}.$$
Show that this definition is unsuccessful by giving examples of objects
$u$, $v$, $w$, $x$, $y$, $z$ with
$\pair{x, y, z}^* = \pair{u, v, w}^*$ but with either
$y \neq v$ or $z \neq w$ (or both).
Let $x = 1$, $y = 1$, and $z = 2$.
Let $u = 1$, $v = 2$, and $w = 2$.
\pair{x, y, z}^*
& = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}, \{x, y, z\}\} \\
& = \{\{1\}, \{1, 1\}, \{1, 1, 2\}\} \\
& = \{\{1\}, \{1, 2\}\}.
\pair{u, v, w}^*
& = \{\{u\}, \{u, v\}, \{u, v, w\}\} \\
& = \{\{1\}, \{1, 2\}, \{1, 2, 2\}\} \\
& = \{\{1\}, \{1, 2\}\}.
Thus $\pair{x, y, z}^* = \pair{u, v, w}^*$ but $y \neq v$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.2a}}%
Show that $A \times (B \cup C) = (A \times B) \cup (A \times C)$.
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be arbitrary sets.
Then by \nameref{sub:corollary-3c} and the definition of the union of sets,
A \times (B \cup C)
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid x \in A \land y \in (B \cup C) \} \\
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid
x \in A \land (y \in B \lor y \in C) \} \\
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid
(x \in A \land y \in B) \lor (x \in A \land y \in C) \} \\
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid (x \in A \land y \in B) \} \cup
\{ \pair{x, y} \mid (x \in A \land y \in C) \} \\
& = (A \times B) \cup (A \times C).
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.2b}}%
Show that if $A \times B = A \times C$ and $A \neq \emptyset$, then $B = C$.
Let $A$, $B$, and $C$ be arbitrary sets such that $A \neq \emptyset$.
By \nameref{sub:corollary-3c},
A \times B & = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid x \in A \land y \in B \}
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.2b-eq1} \\
A \times C & = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid x \in A \land y \in C \}.
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.2b-eq2}
There are two cases to consider:
\paragraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $B \neq \emptyset$.
Then $A \times B \neq \emptyset$ and $A \times C \neq \emptyset$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in A \times B$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.2b-eq1}, $x \in A$ and $y \in B$.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom},
$$\pair{x, y} \in A \times B \iff \pair{x, y} \in A \times C.$$
Therefore $\pair{x, y} \in A \times C$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.2b-eq2}, $x \in A$ and $y \in C$.
Since membership of $y$ in $B$ and in $C$ holds biconditionally, the
\nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom} indicates $B = C$.
\paragraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $B = \emptyset$.
Then there is no $\pair{x, y}$ such that $x \in A$ and $y \in B$.
Thus $A \times B = \emptyset$ and $A \times C = \emptyset$.
But then there cannot exist an $\pair{x, y}$ such that $x \in A$
and $y \in C$ either.
Since $A \neq \emptyset$, it must be the case that $C = \emptyset$.
Thus $B = C$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.3}}%
Show that $A \times \bigcup \mathscr{B} =
\bigcup\;\{ A \times X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}$.
Let $A$ and $\mathscr{B}$ be arbitrary sets.
By \nameref{sub:corollary-3c} and the definition of the union of sets,
A \times \bigcup\mathscr{B}
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid
x \in A \land y \in \bigcup\mathscr{B} \} \\
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid
x \in A \land (\exists b \in \mathscr{B}), y \in b \} \\
& = \{ \pair{x, y} \mid
(\exists b \in \mathscr{B}), x \in A \land y \in b \} \\
& = \bigcup\; \{ A \times X \mid X \in \mathscr{B} \}.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.4}}%
Show that there is no set to which every ordered pair belongs.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose there exists a set $A$ to which every
ordered pair belongs.
That is, for all sets $x$ and $y$, $\pair{x, y} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$
is a member of $A$.
By the \nameref{ref:union-axiom}, it follows that $\bigcup\bigcup A$ is the
set to which every set belongs.
But \nameref{sub:theorem-2a} shows this is impossible.
Thus our original assumption was wrong; there exists no set to which every
ordered pair belongs.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.5a}}%
Assume that $A$ and $B$ are given sets, and show that there exists a set $C$
such that for any $y$,
y \in C \iff y = \{x\} \times B \text{ for some } x \text{ in } A.
In other words, show that $\{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$ is a set.
Let $a \in A$.
By the \nameref{ref:pairing-axiom}, $\{a\}$ is a set.
By \nameref{sub:corollary-3c}, $\{a\} \times B$ is a set.
Again by the \nameref{ref:pairing-axiom}, $\{\{a\} \times B\}$ is a set.
Next, by another application of \nameref{sub:corollary-3c}, $A \times B$
is a set.
By the \nameref{ref:power-set-axiom}, $\powerset{(A \times B)}$ is a set.
Thus, by the \nameref{ref:subset-axioms}, the following is also a set:
$$C = \{ y \in \powerset{(A \times B)} \mid
\exists a \in A, \forall x, \left[ x \in y \iff
\exists b \in B, x = \pair{a, b} \right] \}.$$
We now show that $C$ satisfies \eqref{sub:exercise-3.5a-eq1}.
Suppose $y \in C$.
Then there exists some $a \in A$ such that
$$\forall x, \left[ x \in y \iff
\exists b \in B, x = \pair{a, b} \right].$$
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom},
& = \{ \pair{a, b} \mid b \in B \} \\
& = \{ \pair{x, b} \mid x \in \{a\} \land b \in B \} \\
& = \{ \{a\} \times B \}.
Suppose $y = \{a\} \times B$ for some $a \in A$.
By \nameref{sub:corollary-3c}, $x \in \{a\} \times B$ if and only if
$\exists b \in B$ such that $x = \pair{a, b}$.
But then $x \in y$ if and only if $\exists b \in B$ such that
$x = \pair{a, b}$.
This immediately proves $y \in C$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.5b}}%
With $A$, $B$, and $C$ as above, show that $A \times B = \bigcup C$.
Let $A$ and $B$ be arbitrary sets.
We want to show that
A \times B = \bigcup\; \{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}.
The left-hand side of \eqref{sub:exercise-3.5b-eq1} is a set by virtue of
The right-hand side of \eqref{sub:exercise-3.5b-eq1} is a set by virtue of
We prove the set on each side is a subset of the other.
Let $c \in A \times B$.
Then there exists some $a \in A$ and $b \in B$ such that $c = \pair{a, b}$.
Thus $c \in \{a\} \times B$.
We also note $\{a\} \times B \in \{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$,
specifically when $x = a$.
Therefore, by the \nameref{ref:union-axiom},
$c \in \bigcup\;\{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$.
Let $c \in \bigcup\; \{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$.
By the \nameref{ref:union-axiom}, there exists some
$b \in \{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$ such that $c \in b$.
Then there exists some $x \in A$ such that $b = \{x\} \times B$.
Therefore $c \in \{x\} \times B$.
But $x \in A$ meaning $c \in A \times B$ as well.
Since we have shown
$A \times B \subseteq \bigcup\; \{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$ and
$A \times B \supseteq \bigcup\; \{\{x\} \times B \mid x \in A\}$, it
follows \eqref{sub:exercise-3.5b-eq1} is a true identity.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.6}}%
Show that a set $A$ is a relation iff $A \subseteq \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
Let $A$ be a set.
We prove the forward and reverse direction of the bidirectional.
Suppose $A$ is a \nameref{ref:relation}.
We show for all $a \in A$, $a \in \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
Let $a \in A$.
Since $A$ is a relation, $a$ is an ordered pair.
Then there exists some sets $x$ and $y$ such that $a = \pair{x, y}$.
By the definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} and \nameref{ref:range} of
$A$, $x \in \dom{A}$ and $y \in \ran{A}$.
Thus $a = \pair{x, y} \in \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$ as well.
This proves $A \subseteq \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
Suppose $A \subseteq \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
Then for all $a \in A$, $a \in \dom{A} \times \ran{A}$.
Therefore $a$ is an ordered pair.
Since this holds for all $a \in A$, it follows $A$ is a relation.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.7}}%
Show that if $R$ is a relation, then $\fld{R} = \bigcup\bigcup R$.
Let $R$ be a \nameref{ref:relation}.
We show that (i) $\fld{R} \subseteq \bigcup\bigcup R$ and (ii) that
$\bigcup\bigcup R \subseteq \fld{R}$.
Let $x \in \fld{R} = \dom{R} \cup \ran{R}$.
That is, $x \in \dom{R}$ or $x \in \ran{R}$.
If $x \in \dom{R}$, then there exists some $y$ such that
$\pair{x, y} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\} \in R$.
Then $\{x\} \in \bigcup R$ and $x \in \bigcup\bigcup R$.
On the other hand, if $x \in \ran{R}$, then there exists some $t$ such that
$\pair{t, x} = \{\{t\}, \{t, x\}\} \in R$.
Then $\{t, x\} \in \bigcup R$ and $x \in \bigcup\bigcup R$.
Let $t \in \bigcup\bigcup R$.
Then there exists some member $T \in \bigcup R$ such that $t \in T$.
Likewise there exists some member $T' \in R$ such that $T \in T'$.
By definition of a relation, $T' = \pair{x, y} = \{\{x\}, \{x, y\}\}$ for
some sets $x$ and $y$.
Thus $t = x$ or $t = y$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-3.6}, $t \in \dom{R}$ or $t \in \ran{R}$.
In other words, $t \in \fld{R}$.
Since \nameref{par:exercise-3.7-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-3.7-ii} hold,
$\fld{R} = \bigcup\bigcup{R}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.8}}%
Show that for any set $\mathscr{A}$:
& = \bigcup\;\{ \dom{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \},
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.8-eq1} \\
& = \bigcup\;\{ \ran{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}.
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.8-eq2}
We prove (i) \eqref{sub:exercise-3.8-eq1} and then (ii)
Let $x \in \dom{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of a domain, there exists some $y$ such that
$\pair{x, y} \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the union of sets,
$\exists y, \exists R \in \mathscr{A}, \pair{x, y} \in R$.
$\exists R \in \mathscr{A}, \exists y, \pair{x, y} \in R$.
By another application of the definition of a domain,
$\exists R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \dom{R}$.
By another application of the definition of the union of sets,
$x \in \bigcup\;\{ \dom{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Since membership of these two sets holds biconditionally, it follows
\eqref{sub:exercise-3.8-eq1} holds.
Let $x \in \ran{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of a range, there exists some $t$ such that
$\pair{t, x} \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the union of sets,
$\exists t, \exists R \in \mathscr{A}, \pair{t, x} \in R$.
$\exists R \in \mathscr{A}, \exists t, \pair{t, x} \in R$.
By another application of the definition of a range,
$\exists R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \ran{R}$.
By another application of the definition of the union of sets,
$x \in \bigcup\;\{ \ran{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Since membership of these two sets holds biconditionally, it follows
\eqref{sub:exercise-3.8-eq2} holds.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.9}}%
Discuss the result of replacing the union operation by the intersection
operation in the preceding problem.
Replacing the union operation with the intersection problem produces the
following relationships
& \subseteq \bigcap\;\{ \dom{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \},
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.9-eq1} \\
& \subseteq \bigcap\;\{ \ran{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}.
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.9-eq2}
We prove (i) \eqref{sub:exercise-3.9-eq1} and then (ii)
Let $x \in \dom{\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} of a set,
$\exists y, \pair{x, y} \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the intersection of sets,
$\exists y, \forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \pair{x, y} \in R$.
But this implies that
$\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \exists y, \pair{x, y} \in R$.
By another application of the definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} of a
set, $\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \dom{R}$.
By another application of the intersection of sets,
$x \in \bigcap\;\{ \dom{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Thus \eqref{sub:exercise-3.9-eq1} holds.
Let $x \in \ran{\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a set,
$\exists t, \pair{t, x} \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the intersection of sets,
$\exists t, \forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \pair{t, x} \in R$.
But this implies that
$\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, \exists t, \pair{t, x} \in R$.
By another application of the definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a
set, $\forall R \in \mathscr{A}, x \in \ran{R}$.
By another application of the intersection of sets,
$x \in \bigcap\;\{ \ran{R} \mid R \in \mathscr{A} \}$.
Thus \eqref{sub:exercise-3.9-eq2} holds.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.10}}%
Show that an ordered $4$-tuple is also an ordered $m$-tuple for every positive
integer $m$ less than $4$.
Let $\pair{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4}$ denote an arbitrary $4$-tuple.
\pair{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4}
& = \pair{\pair{x_1, x_2, x_3}, x_4}
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-7.10-eq1} \\
& = \pair{\pair{\pair{x_1, x_2}, x_3}, x_4}
& \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-7.10-eq2}
Here \eqref{sub:exercise-7.10-eq1} is an equivalent ordered $2$-tuple and
\eqref{sub:exercise-7.10-eq2} is an equivalent ordered $3$-tuple.
Furthermore, $\pair{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4} = \pair{\pair{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4}}$,
showing it can be represented as an ordered $1$-tuple as well.
\subsection{\pending{Exercise 3.11}}%
Prove the following version (for functions) of the extensionality principle:
Assume that $F$ and $G$ are functions, $\dom{F} = \dom{G}$, and
$F(x) = G(x)$ for all $x$ in the common domain.
Then $F = G$.
Let $F$ and $G$ be functions such that $\dom{F} = \dom{G}$ and $F(x) = G(x)$
for all $x$ in the common domain.
We prove that $\pair{x, y} \in F$ if and only if $\pair{x, y} \in G$.
But this follows immediately:
\pair{x, y} \in F
& \iff y = F(x) \land \pair{x, F(x)} \in F \\
& \iff y = G(x) \land \pair{x, G(x)} \in G \\
& \iff \pair{x, y} \in G.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, $F = G$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.12}}%
Assume that $f$ and $g$ are functions and show that
$$f \subseteq g \iff \dom{f} \subseteq \dom{g} \land
(\forall x \in \dom{f}) f(x) = g(x).$$
Let $f$ and $g$ be \nameref{ref:function}s.
Suppose $f \subseteq g$.
Then for all \nameref{ref:ordered-pair}s $\pair{x, y}$,
$\pair{x, y} \in f$ implies $\pair{x, y} \in g$.
Thus every $x \in \dom{f}$ must be a member of $\dom{g}$.
Likewise, by definition of a function, $f$ and $g$ are single-valued.
Thus $f(x) = y$ and $g(x) = y$.
Since $x$ is an arbitrary element in the domain of $f$, it follows
$(\forall x \in \dom{f}) f(x) = y = g(x)$.
Suppose $\dom{f} \subseteq \dom{g}$ and
$(\forall x \in \dom{f}) f(x) = g(x)$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in f$.
By hypothesis, $x \in \dom{g}$ and $y = f(x) = g(x)$.
Thus $\pair{x, y} \in g$ as well.
Therefore $f \subseteq g$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.13}}%
Assume that $f$ and $g$ are functions with $f \subseteq g$ and
$\dom{g} \subseteq \dom{f}$.
Show that $f = g$.
Let $f$ and $g$ be functions such that $f \subseteq g$ and
$\dom{g} \subseteq \dom{f}$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-3.12}, it follows that $\dom{f} \subseteq \dom{g}$
and $(\forall x \in \dom{f}) f(x) = g(x)$.
Since $\dom{g} \subseteq \dom{f}$ and $\dom{f} \subseteq \dom{g}$, it follows
that $\dom{g} = \dom{f}$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-3.11}, $f = g$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.14}}%
Assume that $f$ and $g$ are functions.
\item Show that $f \cap g$ is a function.
\item Show that $f \cup g$ is a function iff $f(x) = g(x)$ for every $x$ in
$(\dom{f}) \cap (\dom{g})$.
Assume $f$ and $g$ are \nameref{ref:function}s.
Consider $f \cap g$.
By definition of the intersection of sets, $f \cap g \subseteq f$.
Since $f$ is single-valued, it trivially follows that so must $f \cap g$.
Therefore $f \cap g$ is a function.
Suppose $f \cup g$ is a function.
Let $x \in (\dom{f}) \cap (\dom{g})$.
That is, $x \in \dom{f}$ and $x \in \dom{g}$.
Then there exists only one $y_1$ such that $\pair{x, y_1} \in f$.
Likewise there exists only one $y_2$ such that
$\pair{x, y_2} \in g$.
But $\pair{x, y_1} \in f \cup g$ and $\pair{x, y_2} \in f \cup g$.
Since $f \cup g$ is single-valued, it follows $y_1 = y_2$.
That is, $f(x) = g(x)$.
Suppose $f(x) = g(x)$ for every $x \in (\dom{f}) \cap (\dom{g})$.
Let $x \in \dom{(f \cup g)}$.
There are three cases to consider:
\item Suppose $x \in \dom{f}$ but not in $\dom{g}$.
Since $f$ is a function, it follows $f \cup g$ has only one value $y$
such that $\pair{x, y} \in f \cup g$.
\item Suppose $x \in \dom{g}$ but not in $\dom{f}$.
Again, since $g$ is a function, it follows $f \cup g$ has only one
value $y$ such that $\pair{x, y} \in f \cup g$.
\item Suppose $x \in \dom{f}$ and $x \in \dom{g}$.
By hypothesis, $f(x) = g(x)$ meaning there is only one value $y$ such
that $\pair{x, y} \in f \cup g$.
The above cases are exhaustive.
Together they imply that $f \cup g$ is single-valued, i.e. a function.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.15}}%
Let $\mathscr{A}$ be a set of functions such that for any $f$ and $g$ in
$\mathscr{A}$, either $f \subseteq g$ or $g \subseteq f$.
Show that $\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$ is a function.
Let $\mathscr{A}$ be a set of \nameref{ref:function}s such that for any $f$
and $g$ in $\mathscr{A}$, either $f \subseteq g$ or $g \subseteq f$.
Let $x \in \dom{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}}$.
Then there exists some $y_1$ such that
$\pair{x, y_1} \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
Suppose there also exists some $y_2$ such that
$\pair{x, y_2} \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
By definition of the union of sets, there exists some function
$f \in \mathscr{A}$ such that $\pair{x, y_1} \in f$.
Likewise there exists some function $g \in \mathscr{A}$ such that
$\pair{x, y_2} \in g$.
There are two cases to consider:
\paragraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $f \subseteq g$.
Then $\pair{x, y_1}, \pair{x, y_2} \in g$.
Since $g$ is a function, i.e. single-valued, $y_1 = y_2$.
\paragraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $g \subseteq f$.
Then $\pair{x, y_1}, \pair{x, y_2} \in f$.
Since $f$ is a function, i.e. single-valued, $y_1 = y_2$.
Since the above two cases applies for all
$x \in \dom{\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}}$ and appropriate choices of $f$ and $g$,
it follows $\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$ is indeed a function.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.16}}%
Show that there is no set to which every function belongs.
Every \nameref{ref:relation} consisting of a single \nameref{ref:ordered-pair}
is, by definition, a \nameref{ref:function}.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-3.4}, there is no set to which every ordered pair
Thus there is no set to which every function of the described type belongs
either, let alone a set to which \textit{every} function belongs.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.17}}%
Show that the composition of two single-rooted sets is again single-rooted.
Conclude that the composition of two one-to-one functions is again one-to-one.
Let $F$ and $G$ be two single-rooted sets.
Consider $F \circ G$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of sets,
F \circ G = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t(uGt \land tFv)\}.
Consider any $v \in \ran{(F \circ G)}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a \nameref{ref:relation}, there
exists some $u_1$ such that $\pair{u_1, v} \in F \circ G$.
Let $u_2$ be a set such that $\pair{u_2, v} \in F \circ G$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.17-eq1}, there exists a set $t_1$ such that
$\pair{u_1, t_1} \in G$ and $\pair{t_1, v} \in F$.
Likewise, there exists a set $t_2$ such that
$\pair{u_2, t_2} \in G$ and $\pair{t_2, v} \in F$.
But $F$ is single-rooted, meaning $t_1 = t_2$.
Likewise, because $G$ is single-rooted, $u_1 = u_2$.
Thus $F \circ G$ must also be single-rooted.
Let $f$ and $g$ be one-to-one functions.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-3h}, $f \circ g$ is single-valued.
By the above, $f \circ g$ is single-rooted.
Thus $f \circ g$ is one-to-one.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.18}}%
Let $R$ be the set
$$\{ \pair{0, 1}, \pair{0, 2}, \pair{0, 3},
\pair{1, 2}, \pair{1, 3}, \pair{2, 3}\}.$$
Evaluate the following: $R \circ R$, $R \restriction \{1\}$,
$R^{-1} \restriction \{1\}$, $\img{R}{\{1\}}$, and $\img{R^{-1}}{\{1\}}$.
\item $R \circ R = \{ \pair{0, 2}, \pair{0, 3}, \pair{1, 3} \}$.
\item $R \restriction \{1\} = \{ \pair{1, 2}, \pair{1, 3} \}$.
\item $R^{-1} \restriction \{1\} = \{\pair{1, 0}\}$.
\item $\img{R}{\{1\}} = \{2, 3\}$.
\item $\img{R^{-1}}{\{1\}} = \{0\}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.19}}%
Let $$A = \{
\pair{\emptyset, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}},
\pair{\{\emptyset\}, \emptyset}
Evaluate each of the following: $A(\emptyset)$, $\img{A}{\emptyset}$,
$\img{A}{\{\emptyset\}}$, $\img{A}{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}}$,
$A^{-1}$, $A \circ A$, $A \restriction \emptyset$,
$A \restriction \{\emptyset\}$, $A \restriction \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}$,
$\bigcup\bigcup A$.
\item $A(\emptyset) = \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}$.
\item $\img{A}{\emptyset} = \emptyset$.
\item $\img{A}{\{\emptyset\}} = \{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}$.
\item $\img{A}{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}} =
\{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}, \emptyset\}$.
\item $A^{-1} = \{
\pair{\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}, \emptyset},
\pair{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}}
\item $A \circ A =
\{\pair{\{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}}\}$.
\item $A \restriction \emptyset = \emptyset$
\item $A \restriction \{\emptyset\} =
\{\pair{\emptyset, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}}\}$.
\item $A \restriction \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\} = A$.
\item $\bigcup\bigcup A =
\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.20}}%
Show that $F \restriction A = F \cap (A \times \ran{F})$.
Let $F$ and $A$ be arbitrary sets.
By \nameref{sub:corollary-3c} and definition of the \nameref{ref:restriction},
intersection, and \nameref{ref:range} of sets,
F \restriction A
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid uFv \land u \in A\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
uFv \land u \in A \land v \in \ran{F}\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid uFv\} \cap
\{\pair{u, v} \mid u \in A \land v \in \ran{F}\} \\
& = F \cap \{\pair{u, v} \mid u \in A \land v \in \ran{F}\} \\
& = F \cap (A \times \ran{F}).
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.21}}%
Show that $(R \circ S) \circ T = R \circ (S \circ T)$.
Let $R$, $S$, and $T$ be arbitrary sets.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of sets,
(R \circ S) \circ T
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists t(uTt \land t(R \circ S)v)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists t(uTt \land (\exists a(tSa \land aRv))\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists t, \exists a, (uTt \land tSa) \land aRv)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists a, \exists t, (uTt \land tSa) \land aRv)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists a, (\exists t(uTt \land tSa)) \land aRv)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
\exists a, u(S \circ T)a \land aRv)\} \\
& = R \circ (S \circ T).
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.22}}%
Show that the following are correct for any sets.
\item $A \subseteq B \Rightarrow \img{F}{A} \subseteq \img{F}{B}$.
\item $\img{(F \circ G)}{A} = \img{F}{\img{G}{A}}$.
\item $Q \restriction (A \cup B) =
(Q \restriction A) \cup (Q \restriction B)$.
Let $A$, $B$, $F$, $G$, and $Q$ be arbitrary sets.
Suppose $A \subseteq B$.
Let $x \in \img{F}{A}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set,
$\img{F}{A} = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) uFv\}$.
Thus there exists some $u \in A$ such that $uFx$.
But $A \subseteq B$ meaning $u \in B$.
That is, $(\exists u \in B)uFx$.
Thus $$x \in \{v \mid (\exists u \in B)uFv\} = \img{F}{B}.$$
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} and \nameref{ref:image} of a
\img{(F \circ G)}{A}
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) u(F \circ G)v\} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A) \pair{u, v} \in F \circ G\} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in A)
\pair{u, v} \in \{\pair{b, c} \mid
\exists a(bGa \land aFc)\}\} \\
& = \{v \mid \exists u \in A, \exists a, uGa \land aFv\} \\
& = \{v \mid \exists a, \exists u \in A, uGa \land aFv\} \\
& = \{v \mid \exists a, (\exists u \in A, uGa) \land aFv\} \\
& = \{v \mid \exists a \in \{w \mid (\exists u \in A)uGw\}, aFv\} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists a \in \img{G}{A}) aFv\} \\
& = \img{F}{\img{G}{A}}.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:restriction} of a set,
Q \restriction (A \cup B)
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid uQv \land u \in A \cup B\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid uQv \land (u \in A \lor u \in B)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid
(uQv \land u \in A) \lor (uQv \land u \in B)\} \\
& = \{\pair{u, v} \mid uQv \land u \in A\} \cup
\{\pair{u, v} \mid uQv \land u \in B\} \\
& = (Q \restriction A) \cup (Q \restriction B).
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.23}}%
Let $I_A$ be the identity function on the set $A$.
Show that for any sets $B$ and $C$,
$$B \circ I_A = B \restriction A \quad\text{and}\quad
\img{I_A}{C} = A \cap C.$$
Let $I_A$ be the identity function on the set $A$.
That is, $I_A = \{\pair{u, u} \mid u \in A\}$.
Let $B$ and $C$ be any sets.
We show that (i) $B \circ I_A = B \restriction A$ and (ii)
$\img{I_A}{C} = A \cap C$.
We show that $B \circ I_A \subseteq B \restriction A$ and
$B \restriction A \subseteq B \circ I_A$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in B \circ I_A$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of sets,
there exists some $t$ such that $x(I_A)t$ and $tBy$.
By definition of the identity function, $I_A(x) = t$ implies $x = t$.
Thus $xBy$.
By hypothesis, $x \in \dom{(B \circ I_A)}$.
Therefore $x \in \dom{I_A} = A$.
Thus $$\pair{x, y} \in \{\pair{u, v} \mid u \in A \land uBv\}
= B \restriction A.$$
Let $\pair{x, y} \in B \restriction A$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:restriction} of sets,
$x \in A$ and $xBy$.
But $I_A(x) = x$ meaning $\pair{I_A(x), y} \in B$.
In other words, $\pair{x, y} \in B \circ I_A$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of sets,
& = \{v \mid (\exists u \in C) \pair{u, v} \in I_A\} \\
& = \{v \mid \exists u \in C, u \in A \land u = v\} \\
& = \{v \mid v \in C \land v \in A\} \\
& = C \cap A.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.24}}%
Show that for a function $F$,
$\img{F^{-1}}{A} = \{x \in \dom{F} \mid F(x) \in A\}$.
Let $F$ be a function.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
& = \{x \mid (\exists y \in A) yF^{-1}x\} \\
& = \{x \mid (\exists y \in A) xFy\} \\
& = \{x \mid (\exists y \in A) \pair{x, y} \in F\} \\
& = \{x \mid x \in \dom{F} \land F(x) \in A\} \\
& = \{x \in \dom{F} \mid F(x) \in A\}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.25}}%
\item Assume that $G$ is a one-to-one function.
Show that $G \circ G^{-1}$ is $I_{\ran{G}}$, the identity function on
\item Show that the result of part (a) holds for any function $G$, not
necessarily one-to-one.
Let $G$ be an arbitrary function.
We show that $G \circ G^{-1} \subseteq I_{\ran{G}}$ and that
$I_{\ran{G}} \subseteq G \circ G^{-1}$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in G \circ G^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of sets, there exists some
set $t$ such that $x(G^{-1})t$ and $tGy$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$$x(G^{-1})t \iff tGx.$$
The right hand side of the above biconditional indicates $x \in \ran{G}$.
Since $G$ is single-valued, $tGy \land tGx$ implies $x = y$.
Thus $\pair{x, y} \in I_{\ran{G}}$.
Let $\pair{x, x} \in I_{\ran{G}}$ where $x \in \ran{G}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a function, there exists some
$t$ such that $\pair{t, x} \in G$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set, it follows
$\pair{x, t} \in G^{-1}$.
Thus $\pair{x, x} \in G \circ G^{-1}$.
Since $G \circ G^{-1}$ is a subset of $I_{\ran{G}}$ and vice versa, it
follows that these two sets are equal.
This immediately follows from part \nameref{par:exercise-3.25-b}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.26}}%
Prove the second halves of parts (a) and (b) of Theorem 3K.
Refer to \nameref{sub:theorem-3k-a}, \nameref{sub:theorem-3k-b}, and
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.27}}%
Show that $\dom{(F \circ G)} = \img{G^{-1}}{\dom{F}}$ for any sets $F$ and $G$.
($F$ and $G$ need not be functions.)
Let $F$ and $G$ be arbitrary sets.
We show that each side of our desired equality is a subset of the other.
Let $x \in \dom{(F \circ G)}$.
Then there exists a set $y$ such that $\pair{x, y} \in F \circ G$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of sets, there exists a set
$t$ such that $xGt$ and $tFy$.
Thus $t \in \dom{F}$.
& \in \{v \mid (\exists t \in \dom{F}) vGt\} \\
& = \{v \mid (\exists t \in \dom{F}) t(G^{-1})v\} \\
& = \img{G^{-1}}{\dom{F}}.
Let $x \in \img{G^{-1}}{\dom{F}}$.
Then, by definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, there exists some
$u \in \dom{F}$ such that $u(G^{-1})x$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set, $xGu$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:domain} of a set, there exists some $t$
such that $uFt$.
Thus $xGu \land uFt$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of sets,
$\pair{x, t} \in F \circ G$.
Therefore $x \in \dom{(F \circ G)}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.28}}%
Assume that $f$ is a one-to-one function from $A$ into $B$, and that $G$ is the
function with $\dom{G} = \powerset{A}$ defined by the equation
$G(X) = \img{f}{X}$.
Show that $G$ maps $\powerset{A}$ one-to-one into $\powerset{B}$.
By construction, $\dom{G} = \powerset{A}$.
Likewise, $\ran{G} \subseteq \powerset{B}$ by definition of the
\nameref{ref:image} of sets.
Thus $G$ maps $\powerset{A}$ into $\powerset{B}$.
Let $y \in \ran{G}$.
Then there exists an $X_1 \in \powerset{A}$ such that $\img{f}{X_1} = y$.
To prove $G$ is one-to-one into $\powerset{B}$, assume there exists an
$X_2 \in \powerset{A}$ such that $\img{f}{X_2} = y$.
All that remains is showing $X_1 = X_2$.
Let $t \in X_1$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, $f(t) \in \img{f}{X_1}$.
Since $\img{f}{X_1} = \img{f}{X_2}$, it follows $f(t) \in \img{f}{X_2}$.
Because $f$ is one-to-one, $f(t) \in \img{f}{X_2}$ if and only if $t \in X_2$.
Thus $t \in X_1$ if and only if $t \in X_2$.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, it follows $X_1 = X_2$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.29}}%
Assume that $f \colon A \rightarrow B$ and define a function
$G \colon B \rightarrow \powerset{A}$ by
G(b) = \{x \in A \mid f(x) = b\}.
Show that if $f$ maps $A$ \textit{onto} $B$, then $G$ is one-to-one.
Does the converse hold?
Let $f \colon A \rightarrow B$ such that $f$ maps $A$ onto $B$.
Define $G \colon B \rightarrow \powerset{A}$ by
Let $y \in \ran{G}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a set, there exists an
$x_1 \in B$ such that $G(x_1) = y$.
To prove $G$ is one-to-one, suppose there exists an $x_2 \in B$ such
that $G(x_2) = y$.
All that remains is proving $x_1 = x_2$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.29-eq1}, it follows
G(x_1) & = \{x \in A \mid f(x) = x_1\} \\
G(x_2) & = \{x \in A \mid f(x) = x_2\}.
Since $f$ maps $A$ onto $B$, $\ran{f} = B$.
Thus $x_1, x_2 \in \ran{f}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a set, there exist some $t \in A$
such that $f(t) = x_1$.
Therefore $t \in G(x_1)$.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, $t \in G(x_2)$.
Then $f(t) = x_2$.
But $f$ is a \nameref{ref:function}, i.e. single-valued.
Thus $x_1 = x_2$.
If $G$ is one-to-one, it does not follow that $f$ maps $A$ onto $B$.
As a counterexample, let $f \colon \{1\} \rightarrow \{1, 2\}$ given by
$f(x) = x$.
Define $G \colon \{1, 2\} \rightarrow \powerset{\{1\}}$ by
$$G(b) = \{x \in \{1\} \mid f(x) = b\}.$$
$G$ is trivially one-to-one since $G(1) = \{1\}$ and $G(2) = \emptyset$.
But $f$ does not map onto $\{1, 2\}$; there is no element in its domain that
corresponds to value $2$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 3.30}}%
Assume that $F \colon \powerset{A} \rightarrow \powerset{A}$ and that $F$ has
the monotonicity property:
$$X \subseteq Y \subseteq A \Rightarrow F(X) \subseteq F(Y).$$
$$B = \bigcap\{X \subseteq A \mid F(X) \subseteq X\} \quad\text{and}\quad
C = \bigcup\{X \subseteq A \mid X \subseteq F(X)\}.$$
\subsubsection{\sorry{Exercise 3.30 (a)}}%
Show that $F(B) = B$ and $F(C) = C$.
\subsubsection{\sorry{Exercise 3.30 (b)}}%
Show that if $F(X) = X$, then $B \subseteq X \subseteq C$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.31}}%
Show that from the first form of the axiom of choice we can prove the second
form, and conversely.
We prove the first form holds if and only if the second form holds.
We assume the first form of the axiom of choice.
Let $I$ be a set and $H$ be a function with $\dom{H} = I$.
Furthermore, suppose $H(i) \neq \emptyset$ for all $i \in I$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:cartesian-product},
$$\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i) = \{f \mid
f \text{ is a function with } \dom{f} = I \text{ and }
(\forall i \in I) f(i) \in H(i)\}.$$
Consider the relation $R$ formed by
$$R = \bigcup_{i \in I} \{i\} \times H(i).$$
By the \nameref{ref:axiom-of-choice-1}, there exists a function
$f \subseteq R$ with $\dom{f} = I$.
Furthermore, for all $i \in I$, it must be $f(i) \in H(i)$ by construction.
Then $f$ is a member of $\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i)$.
That is, $\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i) \neq \emptyset$.
We assume the second form of the axiom of choice.
Let $R$ be an arbitrary relation.
There are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $\ran{R} = \emptyset$.
Then $R = \emptyset$.
Thus the function $\emptyset \subseteq R$ satisfies
$\dom{\emptyset} = \dom{R}$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $\ran{R} \neq \emptyset$.
Let $I = \dom{R}$ and define $H \colon I \rightarrow \{\ran{R}\}$ as
$H(i) = \ran{R}$ for all $i \in I$.
By the \nameref{ref:axiom-of-choice-2},
$\bigtimes_{i \in I} H(i) \neq \emptyset$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:cartesian-product}, there exists some
function $f$ such that $\dom{f} = I$ and
$(\forall i \in I) f(i) \in H(i) = \ran{R}$.
Thus $\dom{f} = \dom{R}$ and $f \subseteq R$ as desired.
The above cases are exhaustive and yield the same conclusion: for any
relation $R$ there exists a function $f \subseteq R$ such that
$\dom{f} = \dom{R}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.32a}}%
Show that $R$ is symmetric iff $R^{-1} \subseteq R$.
Suppose $R$ is \nameref{ref:symmetric}.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\pair{y, x} \in R$.
By symmetry, $\pair{x, y} \in R$.
Thus $R^{-1} \subseteq R$.
Suppose $R^{-1} \subseteq R$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\pair{y, x} \in R^{-1}$.
Since $R^{-1} \subseteq R$, $\pair{y, x} \in R$.
Therefore $\pair{x, y}$ and $\pair{y, x}$ are both in $R$.
In other words, $R$ is symmetric.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.32b}}%
Show that $R$ is transitive iff $R \circ R \subseteq R$.
Suppose $R$ is \nameref{ref:transitive}.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R \circ R$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of a set,
there exists some $t$ such that $xRt \land tRy$.
That is, $\pair{x, t} \in R$ and $\pair{t, y} \in R$.
Since $R$ is transitive, it follows $\pair{x, y} \in R$.
Suppose $R \circ R \subseteq R$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \pair{y, z} \in R$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:composition} of a set,
$$R \circ R = \{\pair{u, v} \mid \exists t(uRt \land tRv)\}.$$
Then $\pair{x, z} \in R \circ R$.
Since $R \circ R \subseteq R$, it follows $\pair{x, z} \in R$.
Thus $R$ is transitive.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.33}}%
Show that $R$ is a symmetric and transitive relation iff $R = R^{-1} \circ R$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} and \nameref{ref:composition}
of sets,
R^{-1} \circ R
& = \{ (u, v) \mid \exists t(uRt \land tR^{-1}v) \}
\nonumber \\
& = \{ (u, v) \mid \exists t(uRt \land vRt) \}.
Suppose $R$ is symmetric and transitive.
We now show that $R \subseteq R^{-1} \circ R$ and
$R^{-1} \circ R \subseteq R$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R$.
Since $R$ is symmetric, $\pair{y, x} \in R$.
Since $R$ is transitive, $\pair{x, x} \in R$.
Then there exists a $t$ such that $\pair{x, t} \in R$ and
$\pair{y, t} \in R$, namely $t = x$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.33-eq1},
$\pair{x, y} \in R^{-1} \circ R$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R^{-1} \circ R$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.33-eq1}, there exists some $t$ such that
$\pair{x, t} \in R$ and $\pair{y, t} \in R$.
But $R$ is symmetric meaning $\pair{t, y} \in R$.
Since $R$ is transitive, it follows $\pair{x, y} \in R$.
Suppose $R = R^{-1} \circ R$.
We prove that (i) $R$ is symmetric and (ii) $R$ is transitive.
First we note that $R$ is equal to its inverse:
& = (R^{-1} \circ R)^{-1} \nonumber \\
& = R^{-1} \circ (R^{-1})^{-1}
& \textref{sub:theorem-3i} \nonumber \\
& = R^{-1} \circ R
& \textref{sub:theorem-3e} \nonumber \\
& = R \hyperlabel{sub:exercise-3.33-eq2}.
Now let $\pair{x, y} \in R$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.33-eq2} $\pair{x, y} \in R^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\pair{y, x} \in R$.
Thus $R$ is symmetric.
Let $\pair{x, y}, \pair{y, z} \in R$.
By \nameref{spar:exercise-3.33-i}, $R$ is symmetric.
Thus $\pair{z, y} \in R$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.33-eq1}, it follows
$\pair{x, z} \in R^{-1} \circ R$.
Since $R^{-1} \circ R = R$, it follows $\pair{x, z} \in R$.
Thus $R$ is transitive.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.34}}%
Assume that $\mathscr{A}$ is a nonempty set, every member of which is a
transitive relation.
\item Is the set $\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$ a transitive relation?
\item Is $\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$ a transitive relation?
Because $\mathscr{A} \neq \emptyset$, $\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$ is
We prove that $\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$ is a transitive relation.
Let $\pair{x, y}, \pair{y, z} \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
Then forall $A$ in $\mathscr{A}$, it follows
$\pair{x, y}, \pair{y, z} \in A$.
Since $A$ is transitive, it follows $\pair{x, z} \in A$.
Since this holds for all $A \in \mathscr{A}$, it follows that
$\pair{x, z} \in A$ as well.
Thus $\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$ is transitive.
We show that $\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$ is not necessarily transitive with a
Suppose $$\mathscr{A} = \{
\{\pair{1, 2}, \pair{2, 3}, \pair{1, 3}\}, \{\pair{2, 1}\}
Notice that the two members of $\mathscr{A}$ are transitive relations.
Now $$\bigcup{\mathscr{A}} = \{
\pair{1, 2}, \pair{2, 3}, \pair{1, 3}, \pair{2, 1},
But the above cannot be transitive, for $\pair{1, 2}$ and $\pair{2, 1}$ are
members of the set, but $\pair{1, 1}$ is not.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.35}}%
Show that for any $R$ and $x$, we have $[x]_R = \img{R}{\{x\}}$.
Let $R$ and $x$ be arbitrary sets.
& = \{t \mid xRt\} \\
& = \{t \mid (\exists u \in \{x\})uRt\} \\
& = \img{R}{\{x\}}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.36}}%
Assume that $f \colon A \rightarrow B$ and that $R$ is an equivalence relation
on $B$.
Define $Q$ to be the set
\{\pair{x, y} \in A \times A \mid \pair{f(x), f(y)} \in R\}.
Show that $Q$ is an equivalence relation on $A$.
We prove that (i) $Q$ is \nameref{ref:reflexive} on $A$, (ii) $Q$ is
\nameref{ref:symmetric}, and (iii) $Q$ is \nameref{ref:transitive}.
Let $x \in A$.
By hypothesis, $f(x) \in B$.
Since $R$ is an equivalence relation on $B$, $R$ is reflexive on $B$.
Thus $\pair{f(x), f(x)} \in R$.
But then \eqref{sub:exercise-3.36-eq1} implies $\pair{x, x} \in Q$.
Thus $Q$ is reflexive on $A$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in Q$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.36-eq1}, $\pair{f(x), f(y)} \in R$.
Since $R$ is an equivalence relation on $B$, $R$ is symmetric.
Thus $\pair{f(y), f(x)} \in R$.
But then \eqref{sub:exercise-3.36-eq1} implies $\pair{y, x} \in Q$.
Thus $Q$ is symmetric.
Let $\pair{x, y}, \pair{y, z} \in Q$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.36-eq1},
$\pair{f(x), f(y)}, \pair{f(y), f(z)} \in R$.
Since $R$ is an equivalence relation on $B$, $R$ is transitive.
Thus $\pair{f(x), f(z)} \in R$.
But then \eqref{sub:exercise-3.36-eq1} implies $\pair{x, z} \in Q$.
Thus $Q$ is transitive.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.37}}%
Assume that $\Pi$ is a partition of a set $A$.
Define the relation $R_\Pi$ as follows:
xR_{\Pi}y \iff (\exists B \in \Pi)(x \in B \land y \in B).
Show that $R_\Pi$ is an equivalence relation on $A$.
(This is a formalized version of the discussion at the beginning of this
We prove that (i) $R_\Pi$ is \nameref{ref:reflexive} on $B$, (ii) $R_\Pi$ is
\nameref{ref:symmetric}, and (iii) $R_\Pi$ is \nameref{ref:transitive}.
Let $x \in A$.
By definition of a \nameref{ref:partition}, there exists some nonempty set
$B \in \Pi$ such that $x \in B$.
Thus $(\exists B \in \Pi)(x \in B \land x \in B)$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.37-eq1}, $\pair{x, x} \in R_\Pi$.
Therefore $R_\Pi$ is reflexive on $A$.
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R_\Pi$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.37-eq1}, there exists some $B \in \Pi$ such that
$x \in B \land y \in B$.
But then $y \in B \land x \in B$.
Thus $\pair{y, x} \in R_\Pi$.
In other words, $R_\Pi$ is symmetric.
Let $\pair{x, y}, \pair{y, z} \in R_\Pi$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.37-eq1}, there exists some $B_1 \in \Pi$ such that
$x \in B_1 \land y \in B_1$.
Likewise there exists some $B_2 \in \Pi$ such that
$y \in B_2 \land z \in B_2$.
But $\Pi$ is a \nameref{ref:partition} meaning $y \in B_1$ and $y \in B_2$
if $B_1 = B_2$.
Therefore $x \in B_1 \land z \in B_1$ and $\pair{x, z} \in R_\Pi$.
In other words, $R_\Pi$ is transitive.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.38}}%
\nameref{sub:theorem-3p} shows that $A / R$ is a partition of $A$ whenever $R$
is an equivalence relation on $A$.
Show that if we start with the equivalence relation $R_\Pi$ of the preceding
exercise, then the partition $A / R_\Pi$ is just $\Pi$.
By definition,
R_\Pi = \{ (x, y) \mid (\exists B \in \Pi)(x \in B \land y \in B) \}.
We prove that $A / R_\Pi = \Pi$.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, these two sets are equal when
$$B \in A / R_\Pi \iff B \in \Pi.$$
We prove both directions of this biconditional.
Suppose $B \in A / R_\Pi$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-3.37}, $R_\Pi$ is an equivalence class.
Then, by definition of a \nameref{ref:quotient-set},
$$A / R_\Pi = \{[x]_{R_\Pi} \mid x \in A\},$$
whose members are the \nameref{ref:equivalence-class}es.
Thus there exists some $x \in A$ such that $B = [x]_{R_\Pi}$.
By definition of a \nameref{ref:partition}, there exists a unique set
$B' \in \Pi$ containing $x$.
Thus it suffices to prove that $B = B'$, for then $B = [x]_{R_\Pi} = B'$ is
a member of $\Pi$ as desired.
We proceed by extensionality again; that is, we show
$$y \in B \iff y \in B'.$$
Suppose $y \in B$.
& \in B = [x]_{R_\Pi} \\
& = \{t \mid \pair{x, t} \in R_\Pi\} \\
& = \{t \mid (\exists B_1 \in \Pi)(x \in B_1 \land t \in B_1)\}.
& \eqref{sub:exercise-3.38-eq1}
Thus there exists some $B_1 \in \Pi$ such that $x \in B_1$ and
$y \in B_1$.
By definition of a \nameref{ref:partition}, $B_1 \in \Pi$ is the unique
member of $\Pi$ containing $y$.
Thus $B_1 = B'$ meaning $y \in B'$ as desired.
Suppose $y \in B'$.
By construction, $x \in B'$.
Then there exists a set $B_1$ such that $x \in B_1$ and $y \in B_1$,
namely $B'$.
& \in \{t \mid (\exists B_1 \in \Pi)(x \in B_1 \land t \in B_1)\} \\
& = \{t \mid \pair{x, t} \in R_\Pi\} \\
& = [x]_{R_\Pi} = B.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, it follows $B = B'$.
Since $B' \in P$, it also follows $B \in P$.
Let $B \in \Pi$.
By definition of a \nameref{ref:partition}, $B$ is nonempty.
Let $x \in B$.
By definition of a set, $B = \{t \mid x \in B \land t \in B\}$.
By definition of a \nameref{ref:partition}, every member of $B$ must belong
to only $B$ (i.e. no other sets in the partition).
Thus we can equivalently write
& = \{t \mid (\exists B_1 \in \Pi)(x \in B_1 \land t \in B_1)\} \\
& = \{ t \mid \pair{x, t} \in R_\Pi \} \\
& = [x]_{R_\Pi}.
Therefore $B \in A / R_{\Pi}$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.39}}%
Assume that we start with an equivalence relation $R$ on $A$ and define $\Pi$ to
be the partition $A / R$.
Show that $R_\Pi$, as defined in Exercise 37, is just $R$.
By definition,
R_\Pi = \{ (x, y) \mid (\exists B \in \Pi)(x \in B \land y \in B) \}.
We prove that $R_\Pi = R$.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, these two sets are equal when
$$(x, y) \in R_\Pi \iff (x, y) \in R.$$
We prove both directions of this biconditional.
Let $(x, y) \in R_\Pi$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.39-eq1}, there exists some $B \in \Pi$ such that
$x \in B$ and $y \in B$.
Since $\Pi = A / R = \{[x]_R \mid x \in A\}$, there must exist some
$z \in A$ such that $B = [z]_R$.
By definition of an \nameref{ref:equivalence-class}, $x \in [z]_R$ implies
that $zRx$ and $y \in [z]_R$ implies $zRy$.
Since $R$ is \nameref{ref:symmetric}, $xRz$.
Since $R$ is \nameref{ref:transitive}, $xRy$.
Let $(x, y) \in R$.
By definition of an \nameref{ref:equivalence-class}, $x \in [x]_R$ and
$y \in [x]_R$.
Note also that $[x]_R \in A / R = \Pi$.
Thus there exists some $B \in \Pi$ such that $x \in B$ and $y \in B$, namely
$B = [x]_R$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-3.39-eq1}, $(x, y) \in R_\Pi$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.40}}%
Define an equivalence relation $R$ on the set $P$ of positive integers by
$$mRn \iff m \text{ and } n \text{ have the same number of prime factors}.$$
Is there a function $f \colon P / R \rightarrow P / R$ such that
$f([n]_R) = [3n]_R$ for each $n$?
Define $g \colon P \rightarrow P$ as $g(x) = 3x$ for all $x \in P$.
We first show that $g$ is \nameref{ref:compatible} with $R$.
Let $m, n \in P$ such that $mRn$.
Then $m$ and $n$ have the same prime factors.
Then $3m$ has one additional prime factor than $m$, namely $3$.
Likewise $3n$ has one additional prime factor than $n$, also $3$.
Thus $(3m)R(3n)$, i.e. $g$ is compatible with $R$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-3q}, it follows there exists a unique function
$f \colon P / R \rightarrow P / R$ such that $f([n]_R) = [g(n)]_R = [3n]_R$
as expected.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.41}}%
Let $\mathbb{R}$ be the set of real numbers and define the relation $Q$ on
$\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$ by $\pair{u, v}Q\pair{x, y}$ iff
$u + y = x + v$.
\subsubsection{\verified{Exercise 3.41a}}%
Show that $Q$ is an equivalence relation on $\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$.
We show (i) $Q$ is \nameref{ref:reflexive} on $\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$,
(ii) $Q$ is \nameref{ref:symmetric}, and (iii) $Q$ is
Let $\pair{x, y} \in R \times R$.
Since $x + y = x + y$, it immediately follows $\pair{x, y}Q\pair{x, y}$.
Thus $Q$ is reflexive on $\mathbb{R}$.
Let $\pair{\pair{u, v}, \pair{x, y}} \in Q$.
Then $u + y = x + v$.
Likewise, $x + v = u + y$.
This immediately implies that $\pair{\pair{x, y}, \pair{u, v}} \in Q$.
Thus $Q$ is symmetric.
Let $\pair{\pair{u, v}, \pair{x, y}} \in Q$ and
$\pair{\pair{x, y}, \pair{a, b}} \in Q$.
Then $u + y = x + v$ and $x + b = a + y$.
Rearranging terms, we have $u - v = x - y$ and $x - y = a - b$.
Thus $u - v = a - b$.
Rearranging terms once more yields $u + b = a + v$.
Thus $\pair{\pair{u, v}, \pair{a, b}} \in Q$.
Therefore $Q$ is transitive.
\subsubsection{\unverified{Exercise 3.41b}}%
Is there a function $G \colon (\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}) / Q
\rightarrow (\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}) / Q$ satisfying the equation
G([\pair{x, y}]_Q) = [\pair{x + 2y, y + 2x}]_Q?
Let $f \colon \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}
\rightarrow \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$ be given by
$f(\pair{x, y}) = \pair{x + 2y, y + 2x}$.
We show (i) that $f$ is \nameref{ref:compatible} with $Q$ and then (ii)
there exists such a function satisfying \eqref{ssub:exercise-3.41-b-eq1}.
Let $\pair{u, v}, \pair{x, y} \in \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$ such that
$\pair{u, v} Q \pair{x, y}$.
u + y = x + v
Next consider
f(\pair{u, v}) & = \pair{u + 2v, v + 2u}, \\
f(\pair{x, y}) & = \pair{x + 2y, y + 2x}.
u + y & = x + v \\
\iff 3u + 3y & = 3x + 3v \\
\iff (u + y) + (2u + 2y) & = (x + v) + (2x + 2v) \\
\iff (x + v) + (2u + 2y) & = (u + y) + (2x + 2v)
& \eqref{ssub:exercise-3.41-b-eq2} \\
\iff (x + 2y) + (v + 2u) & = (u + 2v) + (y + 2x) \\
\iff (u + 2v) + (y + 2x) & = (x + 2y) + (v + 2u).
This last equality shows $f(\pair{u, v}) \,Q\, f(\pair{x, y})$.
Thus $f$ is compatible with $Q$.
By \nameref{par:exercise-3.41-b-i} and \nameref{sub:theorem-3q}, there
exists a unique $G \colon (\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}) / Q \rightarrow
(\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}) / Q$ satisfying
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 3.42}}%
State precisely the "analogous results" mentioned in Theorem 3Q.
(This will require extending the concept of compatibility in a suitable way.)
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.43}}%
Assume that $R$ is a linear ordering on a set $A$.
Show that $R^{-1}$ is also a linear ordering on $A$.
Assume that $R$ is a \nameref{ref:linear-ordering} on a set $A$.
Then $R$ is \nameref{ref:transitive} and \nameref{ref:trichotomous}.
We show that (i) $R^{-1}$ is transitive and (ii) $R^{-1}$ is trichotomous.
Let $\pair{x, y}, \pair{y, z} \in R^{-1}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set,
$\pair{y, x}$, $\pair{z, y} \in R$.
Since $R$ is transitive, it must be that $\pair{z, x} \in R$.
Then $\pair{x, z} \in R^{-1}$.
Thus $R^{-1}$ is transitive.
Let $x, y \in A$.
Since $R$ is trichotomous on $A$, it follows that exactly one of the
following conditions hold: $$xRy, \quad x = y, \quad yRx.$$
By definition of the \nameref{ref:inverse} of a set, the above possibilities
are equivalently expressed as
$$yR^{-1}x, \quad x = y, \quad xR^{-1}y.$$
Thus $R^{-1}$ is trichotomous.
Since $R^{-1}$ is transitive by \nameref{par:exercise-3.43-i} and
trichotomous by \nameref{par:exercise-3.43-ii}, it follows $R^{-1}$ is a
linear ordering on $A$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.44}}%
Assume that $<$ is a linear ordering on a set $A$.
Assume that $f \colon A \rightarrow A$ and that $f$ has the property that
whenever $x < y$, then $f(x) < f(y)$.
Show that $f$ is one-to-one and that whenever $f(x) < f(y)$, then $x < y$.
We show that (i) $f$ is one-to-one and (ii) whenever $f(x) < f(y)$, then
$x < y$.
Let $y \in \ran{f}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:range} of a set, there exists some
$x_1 \in A$ such that $f(x_1) = y$.
Suppose there exists some $x_2 \in A$ such that $f(x_2) = y$.
We prove $f$ is one-to-one by showing $x_1 = x_2$.
Because $<$ is a linear ordering on $A$, there exist three cases to
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Assume $x_1 < x_2$.
By hypothesis, $f$ is monotonic.
Thus $f(x_1) < f(x_2)$.
But $<$ is a trichotomous relation meaning it is not possible for
\textit{both} $f(x) = f(y)$ and $f(x) < f(y)$.
Thus our original assumption must be wrong.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Assume $x_1 = x_2$.
Then we are immediately finished.
\subparagraph{Case 3}%
Assume $x_1 > x_2$.
By hypothesis, $f$ is monotonic.
Thus $f(x_1) > f(x_2)$.
But $<$ is a trichotomous relation meaning it is not possible for
\textit{both} $f(x) = f(y)$ and $f(x) > f(y)$.
Thus our original assumption must be wrong.
Since the above cases are exhaustive, the only possibility is $x_1 = x_2$.
Thus $f$ is one-to-one.
Suppose $f(x) < f(y)$.
There are three cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Assume $x < y$.
Then we are immediately finished.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Assume $x = y$.
Then $f(x) = f(y)$.
But $<$ is a trichotomous relation meaning it is not possible for
\textit{both} $f(x) = f(y)$ and $f(x) < f(y)$.
Thus our original assumption must be wrong.
\subparagraph{Case 3}%
Assume $x > y$.
By hypothesis, $f$ is monotonic.
Thus $f(x) > f(y)$.
But $<$ is a trichotomous relation meaning it is not possible for
\textit{both} $f(x) < f(y)$ and $f(x) > f(y)$.
Thus our original assumption must be wrong.
Since the above cases are exhaustive, the only possibility is $x < y$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 3.45}}%
Assume that $<_A$ and $<_B$ are linear orderings on $A$ and $B$, respectively.
Define the binary relation $<_L$ on the Cartesian product $A \times B$ by:
$$\pair{a_1, b_1} <_L \pair{a_2, b_2} \quad\text{iff}\quad
\text{either } a_1 <_A a_2 \text{ or } (a_1 = a_2 \land b_1 <_B b_2).$$
Show that $<_L$ is a linear ordering on $A \times B$.
(The relation $<_L$ is called \textit{lexicographic} ordering, being the
ordering used in making dictionaries.)
We show that $<_L$ is (i) \nameref{ref:transitive} and (ii)
\nameref{ref:trichotomous} on $A \times B$.
Let $\pair{a_1, b_1} <_L \pair{a_2, b_2}$ and
$\pair{a_2, b_2} <_L \pair{a_3, b_3}$.
Then either $a_1 <_A a_2$ or $a_1 = a_2 \land b_1 <_B b_2$.
Likewise, either $a_2 <_A a_3$ or $a_2 = a_3 \land b_2 <_B b_3$.
We consider each combination of cases in turn:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $a_1 <_A a_2$ and $a_2 <_A a_3$.
Since $<_A$ is a linear ordering, it follows $<_A$ is transitive.
Thus $a_1 <_A a_3$.
Therefore $\pair{a_1, b_2} <_L \pair{a_3, b_3}$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $a_1 <_A a_2$, $a_2 = a_3$, and $b_2 <_B b_3$.
Then $a_1 < a_3$.
Therefore $\pair{a_1, b_2} <_L \pair{a_3, b_3}$.
\subparagraph{Case 3}%
Suppose $a_1 = a_2$, $b_1 <_B b_2$, and $a_2 <_A a_3$.
Then $a_1 <_A a_3$.
Therefore $\pair{a_1, b_2} <_L \pair{a_3, b_3}$.
\subparagraph{Case 4}%
Suppose $a_1 = a_2$, $b_1 <_B b_2$, $a_2 = a_3$, and $b_2 <_B b_3$.
Then $a_1 = a_3$.
Since $<_B$ is a linear ordering, it follows $<_B$ is transitive.
Thus $b_1 <_B b_3$.
Therefore $\pair{a_1, b_2} <_L \pair{a_3, b_3}$.
These four cases are exhaustive and each conclude that $<_L$ is
Let $\pair{a_1, b_1}, \pair{a_2, b_2} \in A \times B$.
Because $<_A$ and $<_B$ are linear orderings on $A$ and $B$ respectively,
it follows $<_A$ and $<_B$ are both trichotomous on their respective sets.
Thus exactly one of $$a_1 <_A a_2, \quad a_1 = a_2, \quad a_2 <_A a_1$$
and $$b_1 <_B b_2, \quad b_1 = b_2, \quad b_2 <_B b_1$$ holds.
There are three cases we examine:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $a_1 <_A a_2$.
Then $\pair{a_1, b_1} <_L \pair{a_2, b_2}$.
This is trivially the only possible relationship between the ordered
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $a_1 = a_2$.
If $b_1 <_B b_2$, then $\pair{a_1, b_1} <_L \pair{a_2, b_2}$ is the only
If $b_1 = b_2$, then $\pair{a_1, b_1} = \pair{a_2, b_2}$ is the only
If $b_2 <_B b_1$, then $\pair{a_2, b_2} <_L \pair{a_1, b_1}$ is the only
\subparagraph{Case 3}%
Suppose $a_2 <_A a_1$.
This case is analagous to \eqref{spar:exercise-3.45-ii-case-1}.
In each of the above cases, we are always left with exactly one of
$$\pair{a_1, b_1} <_L \pair{a_2, b_2}, \quad
\pair{a_1, b_1} = \pair{a_2, b_2}, \quad
\pair{a_2, b_2} <_L \pair{a_1, b_1}.$$
Thus $<_L$ is trichotomous.
\chapter{Natural Numbers}%
\section{Inductive Sets}%
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 4A}}%
There is a set whose members are exactly the natural numbers.
By the \nameref{ref:infinity-axiom}, there exists an
\nameref{ref:inductive-set} $A$.
By the \nameref{ref:subset-axioms}, there exists a set $B$ such that
$$x \in B \iff x \in A \land \left[\forall C,
(\emptyset \in C \land
(\forall c \in C) c^+ \in C) \Rightarrow x \in C\right].$$
In other words, $x \in B$ if and only if $x \in A$ and $x$ is a natural
Thus $B$ is the set whose members are exactly the natural numbers.
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 4B}}%
$\omega$ is inductive, and is a subset of every other inductive set.
$\omega$ denotes the set of \nameref{ref:natural-number}s.
We show $\omega$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set} by proving (i)
$\emptyset \in \omega$ and (ii) $\omega$ is closed under
By definition, $\emptyset$ is a member of every inductive set.
Thus $\emptyset$ is a natural number, i.e. a member of $\omega$.
Let $n \in \omega$.
That is, let $n$ be a natural number.
By definition, $n$ is a member of every inductive set.
By definition of an inductive set, $n^+$ is then a member of every inductive
set as well.
Thus $n^+$ is a natural number, i.e. $n^+ \in \omega$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4b-i} and \nameref{par:theorem-4b-ii}, it follows
$\omega$ is inductive.
It follows immediately from the definition of a natural number that $\omega$
is a subset of every other inductive set.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 4C}}%
Every natural number except $0$ is the successor of some natural number.
Let $T = \{n \mid n = 0 \lor (\exists m) n = m^+\}$.
It trivially follows that $\emptyset \in T$.
Let $x \in T$.
Then $x^+ \in T$ since $(\exists m) x^+ = m^+$, namely $m = x$.
Therefore $T$ is inductive.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $\omega$ is a subset of $T$.
Thus every natural number satisfies the condition written in $T$'s definition.
In other words, every natural number except $0$ is the successor of some
natural number.
\section{Peano's Postulates}%
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 4E}}%
For a transitive set $a$, $$\bigcup \left(a^+\right) = a.$$
Let $a$ be a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
We show that
x \in \bigcup \left(a^+\right) \iff x \in a.
Suppose $x \in \bigcup \left(a^+\right)$.
By definition of \nameref{ref:successor},
$x \in \bigcup \left(a \cup \{a\}\right)$.
Then there exists some $b \in a \cup \{a\}$ such that $x \in b$.
There are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $b \in a$.
By definition of a transitive set, $x \in b \in a$ means $x \in a$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $b \in \{a\}$.
Then $b = a$ and immediately $x \in b = a$.
Suppose $x \in a$.
Then immediately $x \in a \cup \{a\}$.
Thus there exists some $b$ such that $b \in a \cup \{a\}$ and $x \in b$,
namely $b = \{a\}$.
Thus $x \in \bigcup \left(a^+\right)$.
We have shown both sides of \eqref{sub:theorem-4e-eq1} holds.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, $\bigcup \left(a^+\right) = a$.
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 4F}}%
Every natural number is a transitive set.
Let $T = \{n \in \omega \mid n \text{ is a transitive set}\}$.
We (i) prove that $T$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set} and then (ii) every
natural number is a transitive set.
First, $\emptyset \in T$ since it vacuously holds that a member of a
member of $\emptyset$ is itself a member of $\emptyset$.
Next, let $n \in T$ and consider whether $n^+ \in T$.
Since $n$ is a transitive set, \nameref{sub:theorem-4e} implies
$\bigcup \left(n^+\right) = n$.
But $n \subseteq n^+ = n \cup \{n\}$.
Thus $\bigcup \left(n^+\right) \subseteq n+$, i.e. $n^+$ is a transitive
Therefore $n^+ \in T$.
Hence $T$ is inductive.
Notice $T \subseteq \omega$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4f-i} and \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $T = \omega$.
Thus every natural number is a transitive set.
\subsection{\verified{Theorem 4D}}%
$\langle \omega, \sigma, 0 \rangle$ is a Peano system.
This theorem depends on \nameref{sub:theorem-4e} and \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}.
Note $\sigma$ is defined as $\sigma = \{\pair{n, n^+} \mid n \in \omega\}$.
To prove $\langle \omega, \sigma, 0 \rangle$ is a \nameref{ref:peano-system},
we must show that (i) $0 \not\in \ran{S}$, (ii) $\sigma$ is one-to-one, and
(iii) every subset $A$ of $\omega$ containing $0$ and closed under $\sigma$
is $\omega$ itself.
This follows immediately from \nameref{sub:theorem-4c}.
Let $m, n \in \omega$ and suppose $m^+ = n^+$.
Then $\bigcup \left(m^+\right) = \bigcup \left(n^+\right)$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, every natural number is a
Therefore, by \nameref{sub:theorem-4e},
$$\bigcup \left(m^+\right) = m = \bigcup \left(n^+\right) = n.$$
This follows immediately from \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}.
\subsection{\unverified{Theorem 4G}}%
The set $\omega$ is a transitive set.
Let $T = \{n \in \omega \mid \forall t \in n, t \in \omega\}$.
We prove that (i) $T$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set} and then (ii) every
member of a natural number is itself a natural number.
First, it vacuously holds that $\emptyset \in T$.
Next, let $n \in T$.
We must prove that $n^+ \in T$ as well.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:successor}, $n^+ = n \cup \{n\}$.
That is, either $n^+ = n$ or $n^+ = \{n\}$.
If the former, then every member of $n^+$ must be a natural number since
this already holds for $n$.
If the latter, the only member of $n^+$ is $n$ which is, by definition of
$T$, a natural number.
Thus $n^+ \in T$.
We conclude that $T$ is an inductive set.
Since $T \subseteq \omega$, \nameref{par:theorem-4g-i} and
\nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $T = \omega$.
Thus the member of every natural number is itself a natural number.
In other words, $\bigcup \omega \subseteq \omega$.
Therefore $\omega$ is indeed a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
\section{Recursion on \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{the Natural Numbers}}%
Recursion Theorem on \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{the Natural Numbers}}}%
Let $A$ be a set, $a \in A$, and $F \colon A \rightarrow A$.
Then there exists a unique function $h \colon \omega \rightarrow A$ such that
$$h(0) = a,$$ and for every $n \in \omega$, $$h(n^+) = F(h(n)).$$
This proof was written a few days after reading Enderton's proof as a means of
ensuring I remember the main arguments.
Define set
H = \{ v \mid & v \text{ is a function with } \\
& \text{(a) } \dom{v} \subseteq \omega, \\
& \text{(b) } \ran{v} \subseteq A, \\
& \text{(c) if } 0 \in \dom{v}, \text{ then } v(0) = a, \text{ and} \\
& \text{(d) if } n^+ \in \dom{v},
\text{ then } n \in \dom{v} \text{ and } v(n^+) = F(v(n))
Define a function satisfying properties (a)-(d) above as \textit{acceptable}.
That is, $H$ is the set of all acceptable functions.
Define $h = \bigcup H$.
We prove that (i) $h$ is a \nameref{ref:function}, (ii) $h \in H$, (iii)
$\dom{h} = \omega$, and (iv) $h$ is unique.
We prove that $h$ is a function.
Consider set
$$S = \{x \in \omega \mid h(x) = y \text{ for at most one value } y\}.$$
We show (1) that $0 \in S$ and (2) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Suppose $0 \in \dom{h}$.
By construction, there must exist some $y_1 \in A$ and acceptable function
$v_1$ such that $v_1(0) = y_1$.
Suppose there also exists a $y_2 \in A$ and acceptable function $v_2$ such
that $v_2(0) = y_2$.
By property (c), $v_1(0) = a$ and $v_2(0) = a$.
Thus $y_1 = a = y_2$ and $h(0) = a$.
Therefore $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n$ and $n^+$ are members of $\dom{h}$.
By construction, there must exist some $y_1 \in A$ and acceptable function
$v_1$ such that $v_1(n^+) = y_1$.
Suppose there also exists a $y_2 \in A$ and acceptable function $v_2$ such
that $v_2(n^+) = y_2$.
By property (d), it follows $n \in \dom{v_1}$, $n \in \dom{v_2}$,
$v_1(n^+) = F(v_1(n))$, and $v_2(n^+) = F(v_2(n))$.
But $n \in S$ meaning there is at most one value $y$ such that
$v_1(n) = y = v_2(n)$.
Thus $F(v_1(n)) = F(y) = F(v_2(n))$ and $h(n^+) = F(y)$.
Therefore $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{spar:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-i-1} and
\nameref{spar:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-i-2}, $S$ is an
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Since $S = \omega$, it follows $h$ has at most one value for every
$x \in \omega$.
In other words, $h$ is a function.
We now prove $h \in H$, i.e. $h$ is an acceptable function.
It trivially holds that $\dom{h} \subseteq \omega$ and
$\ran{h} \subseteq A$.
Thus we are left with proving properties (c) and (d).
Note $\{\pair{0, a}\}$ is an acceptable function.
Thus $\pair{0, a} \in h$.
By \nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-i}, $h$ is a function.
Therefore $a$ is the only value $h(0)$ takes on.
Suppose $n^+ \in \dom{h}$.
Then there exists some acceptable function $v$ such that
$v(n^+) = h(n^+)$.
By definition of acceptable, $\pair{n, v(n)} \in v$.
Since \nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-i} indicates $h$ is a
function, $n \in \dom{h}$ and $h(n) = v(n)$.
Also by definition of acceptable, $v(n^+) = F(v(n))$.
Therefore $$h(n^+) = v(n^+) = F(v(n)) = F(h(n)).$$
Hence $h \in H$.
We now prove that $\dom{h} = \omega$.
We show that (1) $0 \in \dom{h}$ and (2) if $n \in \dom{h}$ then
$n^+ \in \dom{h}$.
We note that $\{\pair{0, a}\}$ is an acceptable function.
By construction of $h$, $0 \in \dom{h}$.
Suppose $n \in \dom{h}$.
Since $n \in \dom{h}$ there exists an acceptable function $v$ with
$n \in \dom{v}$.
Define $$v' = v \cup \{\pair{n^+, F(v(n))}\}.$$
We prove that $v'$ is acceptable:
\item It trivially holds that $\dom{v'} \subseteq \omega$.
\item It trivially holds that $\ran{v'} \subseteq A$.
\item If $0 \in \dom{v'}$, then $v'(0) = v(0) = a$.
Suppose $m^+ \in \dom{v'}$ for some $m \in \omega$.
If $m^+ = n^+$, then $m = n$ and $v'(m^+) = F(v(m))$ by construction.
If $m^+ \neq n^+$, then $m^+ \in \dom{v}$.
Since $v$ is an acceptable function,
$v'(m^+) = v(m^+) = F(v(m)) = F(v(m^+))$.
Since $v'$ is acceptable, $n^+ \in \dom{h}$.
By \nameref{spar:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-iii-1} and
$\dom{h}$ is an inductive set.
\nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $\dom{h} = \omega$.
We now prove $h$ is a unique function.
Let $h_1$ and $h_2$ both satisfy the conclusion of the theorem.
Define $$S = \{n \in \omega \mid h_1(n) = h_2(n)\}.$$
It suffices to prove $S$ is an inductive set, for \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}
would then imply $S = \omega$, i.e. $h_1$ and $h_2$ agree on all of
By definition of an acceptable function, $h_1(0) = a = h_2(0)$ meaning
$0 \in S$.
Next, suppose $n \in S$.
By \nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-iii}, it follows $n^+$
in $\dom{h_1}$ and $\dom{h_2}$.
Since both $h_1$ and $h_2$ are acceptable, $h_1(n^+) = F(h_1(n))$ and
$h_2(n^+) = F(h_2(n))$.
Since $n \in S$, $h_1(n) = h_2(n)$.
Therefore $h_1$ and $h_2$ coincide with input $n^+$.
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
Hence $S$ is an inductive set.
By \nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-i},
\nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-iii}, and
\nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-iv}, it follows $h$ is a
unique function mapping $\omega$ into $A$.
\nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-ii} shows $h$ satisfies the
desired conditions.
\subsection{\sorry{Theorem 4H}}%
Let $\langle N, S, e \rangle$ be a Peano system.
Then $\langle \omega, \sigma, 0 \rangle$ is isomorphic to
$\langle N, S, e \rangle$, i.e., there is a function $h$ mapping $\omega$
one-to-one onto $N$ in a way that preserves the successor operation
$$h(\sigma(n)) = S(h(n))$$ and the zero element $$h(0) = e.$$
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4I}}
For natural numbers $m$ and $n$,
m + 0 & = m, \hyperlabel{sub:theorem-4i-eq1} \\
m + n^+ & = (m + n)^+. \hyperlabel{sub:theorem-4i-eq2}
Let $m$ be a \nameref{ref:natural-number}.
By definition of \nameref{ref:addition}, $m + 0 = A_m(0)$.
By definition of $A_m$, $A_m(0) = m$.
Thus $m + 0 = m$.
Let $m$ and $n$ be natural numbers.
By definition of \nameref{ref:addition},
$$m + n^+ = A_m(n^+) = A_m(n)^+ = (m + n)^+.$$
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4J}}
For natural numbers $m$ and $n$,
m \cdot 0 & = 0, \hyperlabel{sub:theorem-4j-eq1} \\
m \cdot n^+ & = m \cdot n + m. \hyperlabel{sub:theorem-4j-eq2}
Let $m$ be a \nameref{ref:natural-number}.
By definition of \nameref{ref:multiplication}, $$m \cdot 0 = M_m(0) = 0.$$
Let $m$ and $n$ be natural numbers.
By definition of \nameref{ref:multiplication},
$$m \cdot n^+ = M_m(n^+) = M_m(n) + m = m \cdot n + m.$$
\subsection{\pending{Left Additive Identity}}%
For all $n \in \omega$, $A_0(n) = n$.
In other words, $$0 + n = n.$$
Let $S = \{n \in \omega \mid 0 + n = n\}$.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4i}, $0 + 0 = 0$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4i}, $0 + n^+ = (0 + n)^+$.
Since $n \in S$, $0 + n = n$ which in turn implies that $(0 + n)^+ = n^+$.
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:left-additive-identity-i} and
\nameref{par:left-additive-identity-ii}, $S$ is an
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $n \in \omega$, $0 + n = n$.
\subsection{\pending{Lemma 3}}%
For all $m, n \in \omega$, $A_{m^+}(n) = A_m(n^+)$.
In other words, $$m^+ + n = m + n^+.$$
Let $m \in \omega$ and define
$$S = \{n \in \omega \mid m^+ + n = m + n^+\}.$$
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4i}, $m^+ + 0 = m^+$.
Likewise, $m + 0^+ = (m + 0)^+ = m^+$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4i}, $m^+ + n^+ = (m^+ + n)^+$.
Since $n \in S$, $m^+ + n = m + n^+$.
Therefore $(m^+ + n)^+ = (m + n^+)^+ = m + n^{++}$.
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:lemma-3-i} and \nameref{par:lemma-3-ii}, $S$ is inductive.
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $n \in \omega$, $m^+ + n = m + n^+$.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4K-1}}%
Associative law for addition.
For $m, n, p \in \omega$, $$m + (n + p) = (m + n) + p.$$
Fix $n, p \in \omega$ and define
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m + (n + p) = (m + n) + p\}.
We show that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$ then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterward we show that (iii) the associative law for addition holds.
By \nameref{sub:left-additive-identity},
$$0 + (n + p) = n + p = (0 + n) + p.$$
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $m \in S$.
m^+ + (n + p)
& = m + (n + p)^+ & \textref{sub:succ-add-eq-add-succ} \\
& = (m + (n + p))^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = ((m + n) + p)^+ & \eqref{sub:theorem-4k-1-eq1} \\
& = (m + n) + p^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = (m + n)^+ + p & \textref{sub:succ-add-eq-add-succ} \\
& = (m + n^+) + p & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = (m^+ + n) + p. & \textref{sub:succ-add-eq-add-succ}
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4k-1-i} and \nameref{par:theorem-4k-1-ii}, $S$ is an
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n, p \in \omega$, $m + (n + p) = (m + n) + p$.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4K-2}}%
Commutative law for addition.
For $m, n \in \omega$, $$m + n = n + m.$$
Fix $n \in \omega$ and define
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m + n = n + m\}.
We show that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$ then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterward we show that (iii) the commutative law for addition holds.
By definition of \nameref{ref:addition} and
\nameref{sub:left-additive-identity}, $$0 + n = n = n + 0.$$
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $m \in S$.
m^+ + n
& = m + n^+ & \textref{sub:succ-add-eq-add-succ} \\
& = (m + n)^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = (n + m)^+ & \eqref{sub:theorem-4k-2-eq1} \\
& = n + m^+. & \textref{sub:theorem-4i}
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4k-2-i} and \nameref{par:theorem-4k-2-ii}, $S$
is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n \in \omega$, $m + n = n + m$.
\subsection{\pending{Zero Multiplicand}}%
For all $n \in \omega$, $M_0(n) = 0$.
In other words, $$0 \cdot n = 0.$$
S = \{n \in \omega \mid 0 \cdot n = 0\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) that if $n \in S$, then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4j}, $0 \cdot 0 = 0$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
0 \cdot n^+
& = 0 \cdot n + 0 & \textref{sub:theorem-4j} \\
& = 0 + 0 & \eqref{sub:zero-multiplicand-eq1} \\
& = 0. & \textref{ref:addition}
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:zero-multiplicand-i} and \nameref{par:zero-multiplicand-ii},
$S$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $n \in \omega$, $0 \cdot n = 0$.
\subsection{\pending{Successor Distribution}}%
For all $m, n \in \omega$, $M_{m^+}(n) = M_m(n) + n$.
In other words, $$m^+ \cdot n = m \cdot n + n.$$
Let $m \in \omega$ and define
S = \{n \in \omega \mid m^+ \cdot n = m \cdot n + n\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) that if $n \in S$, then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4j}, $m^+ \cdot 0 = 0$.
Likewise, by \nameref{sub:theorem-4i}, $m \cdot 0 + 0 = 0$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
m^+ \cdot n^+
& = m^+ \cdot n + m^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4j} \\
& = (m \cdot n + n) + m^+ & \eqref{sub:successor-distribution-eq1} \\
& = m \cdot n + (n + m^+) & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-1} \\
& = m \cdot n + (n^+ + m) & \textref{sub:succ-add-eq-add-succ} \\
& = m \cdot n + (m + n^+) & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-2} \\
& = (m \cdot n + m) + n^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-1} \\
& = m \cdot n^+ + n^+. & \textref{sub:theorem-4j}
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:successor-distribution-i} and
\nameref{par:successor-distribution-ii}, $S$ is an
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n \in \omega$, $m^+ \cdot n = m \cdot n + n$.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4K-3}}
Distributive law.
For $m, n, p \in \omega$, $$m \cdot (n + p) = m \cdot n + m \cdot p.$$
Fix $n, p \in \omega$ and define
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m \cdot (n + p) = m \cdot n + m \cdot p\}.
We show that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$ then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterward we show that (iii) the distributive law holds.
By definition of \nameref{ref:multiplication} and \nameref{ref:addition},
0 \cdot (n + p)
& = 0 & \textref{sub:zero-multiplicand} \\
& = 0 + 0 & \textref{ref:addition} \\
& = 0 \cdot n + 0 \cdot p. & \textref{sub:zero-multiplicand}
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $m \in S$.
By definition of \nameref{ref:multiplication} and \nameref{ref:addition},
m^+ \cdot (n + p)
& = m \cdot (n + p) + (n + p)
& \textref{sub:successor-distribution} \\
& = m \cdot (n + p) + n + p & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-1} \\
& = m \cdot n + m \cdot p + n + p
& \eqref{sub:theorem-4k-3-eq1} \\
& = m \cdot n + n + m \cdot p + p & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-2} \\
& = m^+ \cdot n + m^+ \cdot p. & \textref{sub:successor-distribution}
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4k-3-i} and \nameref{par:theorem-4k-3-ii}, $S$
is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n, p \in \omega$,
$m \cdot (n + p) = m \cdot n + m \cdot p$.
\subsection{\pending{Successor Identity}}%
For all $m \in \omega$, $A_m(1) = m^+$.
In other words, $$m + 1 = m^+.$$
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m + 1 = m^+\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$, then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By \nameref{sub:left-additive-identity}, $0 + 1 = 1$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:successor},
$0^+ = \emptyset \cup \{\emptyset\} = 1$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Let $m \in S$.
m^+ + 1
& = m + 1^+ & \textref{sub:succ-add-eq-add-succ} \\
& = (m + 1)^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = (m^+)^+. & \eqref{sub:successor-identity-eq1}
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:successor-identity-i} and
\nameref{par:successor-identity-ii}, $S$ is an
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m \in \omega$, $m + 1 = m^+$.
\subsection{\pending{Right Multiplicative Identity}}%
For all $m \in \omega$, $M_m(1) = m$.
In other words, $$m \cdot 1 = m.$$
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m \cdot 1 = m\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$, then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By \nameref{sub:zero-multiplicand}, $0 \cdot 1 = 0$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $m \in S$.
m^+ \cdot 1
& = m \cdot 1 + 1 & \textref{sub:successor-distribution} \\
& = m + 1 & \eqref{sub:right-multiplicative-identity-eq1} \\
& = m^+. & \textref{sub:successor-identity}
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:right-multiplicative-identity-i} and
\nameref{par:right-multiplicative-identity-ii}, $S$
is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m \in \omega$, $m \cdot 1 = m$.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4K-5}}
Commutative law for multiplication.
For $m, n \in \omega$, $$m \cdot n = n \cdot m.$$
We prove commutativity before associativity, though Enderton orders these
two properties in the opposite direction.
Fix $n \in \omega$ and define
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m \cdot n = n \cdot m\}.
We show that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$ then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterward we show that (iii) the commutative law for multiplication holds.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4j} and \nameref{sub:zero-multiplicand},
$$0 \cdot n = 0 = n \cdot 0.$$
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $m \in S$.
m^+ \cdot n
& = m \cdot n + n & \textref{sub:successor-distribution} \\
& = n \cdot m + n & \eqref{sub:theorem-4k-5-eq1} \\
& = n \cdot m + n \cdot 1
& \textref{sub:right-multiplicative-identity} \\
& = n \cdot (m + 1) & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-3} \\
& = n \cdot m^+. & \textref{sub:successor-identity}
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4k-5-i} and \nameref{par:theorem-4k-5-ii}, $S$
is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n \in \omega$, $m \cdot n = n \cdot m$.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4K-4}}%
Associative law for multiplication.
For $m, n, p \in \omega$, $$m \cdot (n \cdot p) = (m \cdot n) \cdot p.$$
Fix $m, n \in \omega$ and define
S = \{p \in \omega \mid m \cdot (n \cdot p) = (m \cdot n) \cdot p\}.
We show that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $p \in S$ then $p^+ \in S$.
Afterward we show that (iii) the associative law for multiplication holds.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4j},
$$m \cdot (n \cdot 0) = 0 = (m \cdot n) \cdot 0.$$
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $p \in S$.
m \cdot (n \cdot p^+)
& = m \cdot (n \cdot p + n) & \textref{sub:theorem-4j} \\
& = m \cdot (n \cdot p) + m \cdot n & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-3} \\
& = (m \cdot n) \cdot p + m \cdot n & \eqref{sub:theorem-4k-4-eq1} \\
& = p \cdot (m \cdot n) + m \cdot n & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-5} \\
& = p^+ \cdot (m \cdot n) & \textref{sub:successor-distribution} \\
& = (m \cdot n) \cdot p^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-5}
Thus $p^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:theorem-4k-4-i} and \nameref{par:theorem-4k-4-ii}, $S$
is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n, p \in \omega$,
$m \cdot (n \cdot p) = (m \cdot n) \cdot p$.
\section{Ordering on \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}%
\subsection{\pending{Ordering on Successor}}%
Let $m, n \in \omega$.
Then $m < n^+ \iff m \leq n$.
Let $m, n \in \omega$.
By \nameref{ref:ordering-natural-numbers},
m < n^+
& \iff m \in n^+ \\
& \iff m \in n \cup \{n\} & \textref{ref:successor} \\
& \iff m \in n \lor m \in \{n\} \\
& \iff m \in n \lor m = n \\
& \iff m \leq n.
\subsection{\unverified{Members of Natural Numbers}}%
Every natural number is the set of all smaller natural numbers.
Let $n \in \omega$.
Consider $m \in n$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $\omega$ is a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
Thus $m \in n$ implies $m \in \omega$.
Thus $m \in n \iff m \in \omega \land m \in n$.
\subsection{\pending{Lemma 4L(a)}}%
For any natural numbers $m$ and $n$, $$m \in n \iff m^+ \in n^+.$$
Here I referred to Enderton's proof in the forward direction.
Let $m$ and $n$ be \nameref{ref:natural-number}s.
Define $$S = \{n \in \omega \mid (\forall m \in n) m^+ \in n^+\}.$$
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) the forward direction of the stated
biconditional holds.
$0 \in S$ vacuously.
That is, there are no members of $0 = \emptyset$ by definition.
Suppose $n \in S$.
We need to show for all $m \in n^+$, $m^+ \in n^{++}$.
Let $m \in n^+ = n \cup \{n\}$.
Then $m \in n$ or $m \in \{n\}$.
If $m \in n$, then $n \in S$ implies $m^+ \in n^+ \in n^{++}$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, every natural number is a
Therefore $m^+ \in n^{++}$.
On the other hand, if $m \in \{n\}$, then $m = n$.
Since $n^+ \in n^{++}$, it immediately follows $m^+ \in n^{++}$.
Hence $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{spar:lemma-4l-a-i} and \nameref{spar:lemma-4l-a-ii}, $S$ is an
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $n \in \omega$, $m \in n \Rightarrow m^+ \in n^+$.
Suppose $m^+ \in n^+$.
The definition of \nameref{ref:successor} immediately implies that
$m \in m^+$.
By \nameref{sec:ordering-natural-numbers}, $m^+ \in n^+$ implies $m^+ \in n$
or $m^+ = n$.
If the latter, $m \in n$ immediately follows.
If the former, we note $n$ is a transitive set by \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}.
Thus $m \in m^+ \in n$ implies $m \in n$.
\subsection{\pending{Lemma 4L(b)}}%
No natural number is a member of itself.
S = \{n \in \omega \mid n \not\in n\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
By definition, $0 = \emptyset$.
It obviously holds that $\emptyset \not\in \emptyset$ since $\emptyset$,
by definition, has no members.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
By \eqref{sub:lemma-4l-b-eq1}, $n \not\in n$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-4l-a}, it follows $n^+ \not\in n^+$.
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:lemma-4l-b-i} and \nameref{par:lemma-4l-b-ii}, $S$ is an
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $n \in \omega$, $n \not\in n$.
\subsection{\verified{\texorpdfstring{$0$}{Zero} is the Least Natural Number}}%
For every natural number $n \neq 0$, $0 \in n$.
Let $$S = \{n \in \omega \mid n = 0 \lor 0 \in n\}.$$
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
This trivially holds by definition of $S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:successor} function, $n^+ = n \cup \{n\}$.
Thus $n \in n^+$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, $n^+$ is a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
Since $0 \in n$ and $n \in n^+$, it follows $0 \in n^+$.
Thus $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:zero-least-natural-number-i} and
\nameref{par:zero-least-natural-number-ii}, $S$ is an
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $n \in \omega$, either $n = 0$ or $0 \in n$.
Trichotomy Law for \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}}%
For any natural numbers $m$ and $n$, exactly one of the three conditions
$$m \in n, \quad m = n, \quad n \in m$$ holds.
Let $n \in \omega$ and define
S = \{m \in \omega \mid m \in n \lor m = n \lor n \in m\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $m \in S$ then $m^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
If $n = 0$, then it trivially follows $0 \in S$.
Otherwise \nameref{sub:zero-least-natural-number} implies $0 \in n$.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $m \in S$.
By \eqref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers-eq1}, there are three cases to
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $m \in n$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-4l-a}, $m^+ \in n^+ = n \cup \{n\}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:successor}, $m^+ \in n$ or $m^+ = n$.
Either way, $m^+ \in S$.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $m = n$.
Since $m \in m^+$, it follows $n \in m^+$.
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
\subparagraph{Case 3}%
Suppose $n \in m$.
Then $n \in m \cup \{m\} = m^+$.
Thus $m^+ \in S$.
Since the above three cases are exhaustive, it follows $m^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers-i} and
\nameref{par:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers-ii}, $S$ is an
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n \in \omega$, $$m \in n \lor m = n \lor n \in m.$$
We now prove that
$$\in_\omega = \{\pair{m, n} \in \omega \times \omega \mid m \in n\}$$
is \nameref{ref:irreflexive} and \nameref{ref:connected}.
Irreflexivity immediately follows from \nameref{sub:lemma-4l-b}.
Connectivity follows immediately from the fact $S = \omega$.
Furthermore, it is not possible both $m \in n$ and $n \in m$ since, by
\nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, $m$ and $n$ are \nameref{ref:transitive-set}s.
This would otherwise imply $m \in m$, an immediate contradiction to
Thus $\in_\omega$ is a \nameref{ref:trichotomous} relation.
Linear Ordering on \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}}%
\in_\omega = \{\pair{m, n} \in \omega \times \omega \mid m \in n\}
is a linear ordering on $\omega$.
By definition, \eqref{sub:linear-ordering-natural-numbers-eq1} is a
\nameref{ref:linear-ordering} on $\omega$ if it is (i) transitive and
(ii) trichotomous.
Suppose $p, q, r \in \omega$ such that $p \in q$ and $q \in r$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, $p$, $q$, and $r$ are
By definition of a transitive set, it follows $p \in r$.
Hence \eqref{sub:linear-ordering-natural-numbers-eq1} is
By \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers},
\eqref{sub:linear-ordering-natural-numbers-eq1} is trichotomous.
\subsection{\unverified{Corollary 4M}}%
For any natural numbers $m$ and $n$,
m \in n \iff m \subset n
m \ineq n \iff m \subseteq n.
We prove both directions of the biconditional specified in
Suppose $m \in n$ and $t \in m$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, $n$ is a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
Therefore $t \in n$.
Hence $m \subseteq n$.
Since $m \in n$, \nameref{sub:linear-ordering-natural-numbers} implies
$m \neq n$.
Thus, by definition of \nameref{ref:proper-subset}, $m \subset n$.
Suppose $m \subset n$.
By \nameref{sub:linear-ordering-natural-numbers}, exactly one of
$$m \in n, \quad m = n, \quad n \in m$$ holds.
By definition of \nameref{ref:proper-subset}, $m \subseteq n$ and
$m \neq n$.
Furthermore, it cannot be that $n \in m$ since otherwise $n \in n$,
contradicting \nameref{sub:lemma-4l-b}.
Thus $m \in n$ is the only possibility.
We prove both directions of the biconditional specified in
Suppose $m \ineq n$.
By definition, $m \in n$ or $m = n$.
Let $p \in m$.
Then $p \in m \in n$ or $p \in m = n$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4f}, $n$ is a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
Thus $p \in n$ in either case.
Hence $m \subseteq n$.
Suppose $m \subseteq n$.
By \nameref{sub:linear-ordering-natural-numbers}, exactly one of
$$m \in n, \quad m = n, \quad n \in m$$ holds.
But it cannot be that $n \in m$ since that would imply $n \in n$,
contradicting \nameref{sub:lemma-4l-b}.
Therefore $m \in n$ or $m = n$.
Hence $m \ineq n$.
\subsection{\pending{Theorem 4N}}%
For any natural numbers $n$, $m$, and $p$, $$m \in n \iff m + p \in n + p.$$
If, in addition, $p \neq 0$, then $$m \in n \iff m \cdot p \in n \cdot p.$$
We prove that (i) $m \in n$ iff $m + p \in n + p$ and,
(ii) if $p \neq 0$, then $m \in n$ iff $m \cdot p \in n \cdot p$.
Let $m$ and $n$ be \nameref{ref:natural-number}s.
Suppose $m \in n$.
Let $$S = \{p \in \omega \mid m + p \in n + p\}.$$
It trivially follows that $0 \in S$.
Next, suppose $p \in S$.
That is, suppose $m + p \in n + p$.
By \nameref{sub:lemma-4l-a}, this holds if and only if
$(m + p)^+ \in (n + p)^+$.
\nameref{sub:theorem-4i} then implies that $m + p^+ \in n + p^+$ meaning
$p^+ \in S$.
Thus $S$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
Therefore, for all $p \in \omega$, $m \in n$ implies $m + p \in n + p$.
Let $p$ be a natural number and suppose $m + p \in n + p$.
By the \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers}, there are two
cases to consider regarding how $m$ and $n$ relate to one another:
\textbf{Case 1}: Suppose $m = n$.
Then $m + p \in n + p = m + p$.
\nameref{sub:lemma-4l-b} shows this is impossible.
\textbf{Case 2}: Suppose $n \in m$.
Then \nameref{spar:theorem-4n-i-right} indicates $n + p \in m + p$.
But this contradicts \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers} since,
by hypothesis, $m + p \in n + p$.
\textbf{Conclusion}: By trichotomy, it follows $m \in n$.
Let $m$ and $n$ be \nameref{ref:natural-number}s.
Suppose $m \in n$.
Let $$S = \{p \in \omega \mid m \cdot p^+ \in n \cdot p^+\}.$$
$0 \in S$ by \nameref{sub:right-multiplicative-identity}.
Next, suppose $p \in S$.
That is, $m \cdot p^+ \in n \cdot p^+$.
m \cdot p^{++}
& = m \cdot p^+ + m & \textref{sub:theorem-4j} \\
& \in n \cdot p^+ + m & \textref{par:theorem-4n-i} \\
& = m + n \cdot p^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-2} \\
& \in n + n \cdot p^+ & \textref{par:theorem-4n-i} \\
& = n \cdot p^+ + n & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-2} \\
& = n \cdot p^{++}. & \textref{sub:theorem-4j}
Therefore $p^+ \in S$.
Thus $S$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
Hence \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} implies $S = \omega$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4c}, every natural number except 0 is the
successor of some natural number.
Therefore, for all $p \in \omega$ such that $p \neq 0$, $m \in n$ implies
$m \cdot p \in n \cdot p$.
Let $p \neq 0$ be a natural number and suppose $m \cdot p \in n \cdot p$.
By the \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers}, there are two
cases to consider regarding how $m$ and $n$ relate to one another:
\textbf{Case 1}: Suppose $m = n$.
Then $m \cdot p \in n \cdot p = m \cdot p$.
\nameref{sub:lemma-4l-b} shows this is impossible.
\textbf{Case 2}: Suppose $n \in m$.
Then \nameref{spar:theorem-4n-ii-right} indicates
$n \cdot p \in m \cdot p$.
But this contradicts \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers} since,
by hypothesis, $m \cdot p \in n \cdot p$.
\textbf{Conclusion}: By trichotomy, it follows $m \in n$.
\subsection{\pending{Corollary 4P}}%
The following cancellation laws hold for $m$, $n$, and $p$ in $\omega$:
m + p = n + p & \Rightarrow m = n,
& \hyperlabel{sub:corollary-4p-eq1} \\
m \cdot p = n \cdot p \land p \neq 0 & \Rightarrow m = n.
& \hyperlabel{sub:corollary-4p-eq2}
Suppose $m + p = n + p$.
By the \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers}, there are two
cases to consider regarding how $m$ and $n$ relate to one another.
If $m \in n$, then \nameref{sub:theorem-4n} implies $m + p \in n + p$.
If $n \in m$, then \nameref{sub:theorem-4n} implies $n + p \in m + p$.
Both of these contradict the \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers} of
$m + p$ and $n + p$.
Thus $m = n$ is the only remaining possibility.
Suppose $m \cdot p = n \cdot p$ and $p \neq 0$.
By the \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers}, there are two
cases to consider regarding how $m$ and $n$ relate to one another.
If $m \in n$, then \nameref{sub:theorem-4n} implies
$m \cdot p \in n \cdot p$.
If $n \in m$, then \nameref{sub:theorem-4n} implies
$n \cdot p \in m \cdot p$.
Both of these contradict the \nameref{sub:trichotomy-law-natural-numbers} of
$m \cdot p$ and $n \cdot p$.
Thus $m = n$ is the only remaining possibility.
Well Ordering of \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}}%
Let $A$ be a nonempty subset of $\omega$.
Then there is some $m \in A$ such that $m \ineq n$ for all $n \in A$.
\subsection{\sorry{Corollary 4Q}}%
There is no function $f \colon \omega \rightarrow \omega$ such that
$f(n^+) \in f(n)$ for every natural number $n$.
Strong Induction Principle for \texorpdfstring{$\omega$}{Natural Numbers}}}%
Let $A$ be a subset of $\omega$, and assume that for every $n \in \omega$,
$$\text{if every number less than } n \text{ is in } A,
\text{ then } n \in A.$$
Then $A = \omega$.
\section{Exercises 4}%
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 4.1}}%
Show that $1 \neq 3$ i.e., that $\emptyset^+ \neq \emptyset^{+++}$.
By definition,
1 & = \{\emptyset\} \\
3 & = \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\}.
By the \nameref{ref:extensionality-axiom}, these two sets are trivially not
equal to one another.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.2}}%
Show that if $a$ is a transitive set, then $a^+$ is also a transitive set.
Suppose $a$ is a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4e}, it follows $\bigcup \left(a^+\right) = a$.
By definition of a \nameref{ref:successor}, $a^+ = a \cup \{a\}$.
Thus it immediately follows
$$\bigcup \left(a^+\right) = a \subseteq a \cup \{a\} = a^+.$$
Therefore $a^+$ is indeed a transitive set.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.3}}%
\item Show that if $a$ is a transitive set, then $\powerset{a}$ is also a
transitive set.
\item Show that if $\powerset{a}$ is a transitive set, then $a$ is also a
transitive set.
Suppose $a$ is a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
We show that $\bigcup \powerset{a} \subseteq \powerset{a}$.
Let $t \in \bigcup \powerset{a}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:power-set}, there exists some
$X \subseteq a$ such that $t \in X$.
Thus $t \in a$.
Because $a$ is a transitive set, every member of $t$ is a member of $a$.
In other words, $t \subseteq a$.
Equivalently, $t \in \powerset{a}$.
Suppose $\powerset{a}$ is a transitive set.
We show that $\bigcup a \subseteq a$.
Let $t \in \bigcup a$.
Then there exists some $b \in a$ such that $t \in b$.
Since $\{b\}$ is a member of $\powerset{a}$ and $\powerset{a}$ is a
transitive set, $b \in \powerset{a}$.
That is, $b \subseteq a$.
Thus $t \in a$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.4}}%
Show that if $a$ is a transitive set, then $\bigcup a$ is also a transitive set.
Suppose $a$ is a transitive set.
We show that $\bigcup\bigcup{a} \subseteq \bigcup a$.
Let $t \in \bigcup\bigcup{a}$.
Then there exists some $b \in \bigcup{a}$ such that $t \in b$.
Since $a$ is transitive, $\bigcup{a} \subseteq a$.
Thus $b \in a$ and $t \in \bigcup a$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.5}}%
Assume that every member of $\mathscr{A}$ is a transitive set.
\item Show that $\bigcup\mathscr{A}$ is a transitive set.
\item Show that $\bigcap\mathscr{A}$ is a transitive set (assume that
$\mathscr{A}$ is nonempty).
Suppose every member of $\mathscr{A}$ is a transitive set.
We show that $\bigcup\bigcup{\mathscr{A}} \subseteq \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
Let $t \in \bigcup\bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
Then there exists some $b_1 \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$ such that $t \in b_1$.
Likewise there exists some $b_2 \in \mathscr{A}$ such that $b_1 \in b_2$.
By hypothesis, $b_2$ is transitive meaning $t \in b_2$.
Thus $t \in \bigcup{\mathscr{A}}$.
Suppose every member of nonempty set $\mathscr{A}$ is a transitive set.
We show that $\bigcup\bigcap{\mathscr{A}} \subseteq \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
Let $t \in \bigcup\bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
Then there exists some $b \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$ such that $t \in b$.
Thus $b$ is a member of every member of $\mathscr{A}$.
By hypothesis, every member of $\mathscr{A}$ is a transitive set meaning
$t$ must be a member of every member of $\mathscr{A}$.
In other words, $t \in \bigcap{\mathscr{A}}$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.6}}%
Prove the converse to \nameref{sub:theorem-4e}: If
$\bigcup \left(a^+\right) = a$, then $a$ is a transitive set.
Let $a$ be a set such that $\bigcup \left(a^+\right) = a$.
\bigcup \left(a^+\right)
& = \bigcup (a \cup \{a\}) & \textref{ref:successor} \\
& = \bigcup a \cup \bigcup \{a\} & \textref{sub:exercise-2.21} \\
& = a. & \text{by hypothesis}
But $$\bigcup{a} \subseteq \bigcup a \cup \bigcup \{a\} = a.$$
Thus $a$ is indeed a \nameref{ref:transitive-set}.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.7}}%
Complete part 4 of the proof of the
Refer to \nameref{par:recursion-theorem-natural-numbers-iv}.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.8}}%
Let $f$ be a one-to-one function from $A$ into $A$, and assume that
$c \in A - \ran{f}$.
Define $h \colon \omega \rightarrow A$ by recursion:
h(0) & = c, \\
h(n^+) & = f(h(n)).
Show that $h$ is one-to-one.
$$S = \{x \in \omega \mid \forall y,
\left[ h(x) = h(y) \Rightarrow x = y \right]\}.$$
We prove that (i) $S$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set} and (ii) that $h$ is
We first show that $0 \in S$.
Suppose there exists some $n \in \omega$ such that $h(0) = c = h(n)$.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $n \neq 0$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4c}, there exists some $m$ such that $m^+ = n$.
Then $$h(n) = h(m^+) = f(h(m)) = c.$$
But $c \in A - \ran{f}$, meaning the previous identity is an impossibility.
Thus $n = 0$, i.e. $0 \in S$.
Next, suppose $y, n \in \omega$ such that $n \in S$ and $h(n^+) = h(y)$.
We must show $n^+ \in S$.
There are two cases to consider:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $y = 0$.
Then $h(y) = h(0) = c = h(n^+) = f(h(n))$.
Since $c \in A - \ran{f}$, $f(h(n)) \neq c$.
Thus $y \neq 0$, a contradiction.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $y \neq 0$.
\nameref{sub:theorem-4c} implies there exists some $z \in \omega$ such
that $z^+ = y$.
Thus $$h(n^+) = f(h(n)) = f(h(z)) = h(z^+).$$
But $f$ is one-to-one meaning $h(n) = h(z)$.
Since $n \in S$, $h(n) = h(z)$ implies $n = z$ which in turn implies
$n^+ = z^+ = y$.
Thus $n^+$ is in $S$.
By \nameref{par:exercise-4.8-i}, $S \subseteq \omega$ is an inductive set.
Then \nameref{sub:theorem-4b} states $S = \omega$.
Hence $h$ is one-to-one.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.9}}%
Let $f$ be a function from $B$ into $B$, and assume that $A \subseteq B$.
We have two possible methods for constructing the "closure" $C$ of $A$ under
First define $C^*$ to be the intersection of the closed supersets of $A$:
C^* = \bigcap\{X \mid
A \subseteq X \subseteq B \land \img{f}{X} \subseteq X\}.
Alternatively, we could apply the recursion theorem to obtain the function $h$
for which
h(0) & = A, \\
h(n^+) & = h(n) \cup \img{f}{h(n)}.
Clearly $h(0) \subseteq h(1) \subseteq \cdots$; define $C_*$ to be
$\bigcup\ran{h}$; in other words
C_* = \bigcup_{i \in \omega} h(i).
Show that $C^* = C_*$.
To show that $C^* \subseteq C_*$, show that $\img{f}{C_*} \subseteq C_*$.
To show that $C_* \subseteq C^*$, use induction to show that
$h(n) \subseteq C^*$.]
We show that $C^* \subseteq C_*$ and $C^* \supseteq C_*$.
It suffices to show $\img{f}{C_*} \subseteq C_*$ since then $C_*$ is a
member of the family of sets being intersected in
Let $t \in \img{f}{C_*}$.
By definition of the \nameref{ref:image} of a set, there exists some
$u \in C_*$ such that $f(u) = t$.
By \eqref{sub:exercise-4.9-eq2}, there exists some $i \in \omega$ such that
$u \in h(i)$.
Then $t \in \img{f}{h(i)} \subseteq h(i) \cup \img{f}{h(i)} = h(i^+)$.
Therefore \eqref{sub:exercise-4.9-eq2} indicates $t \in C_*$.
Define $$S = \{n \in \omega \mid h(n) \subseteq C^*\}.$$
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$.
Afterward we prove that (iii) $C_* \subseteq C^*$.
By construction, $h(0) = A$.
It trivially follows that $A \subseteq C^*$ by
Thus $h(0) \subseteq C^*$ meaning $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
That is, $h(n) \subseteq C^*$.
We must prove that $h(n^+) \subseteq C^*$.
Let $$t \in h(n^+) = h(n) \cup \img{f}{h(n)}.$$
Then either $t \in h(n)$ or $t \in \img{f}{h(n)}$.
If $t \in h(n)$, it immediately follows $t \in C^*$.
If $t \in \img{f}{h(n)}$, then the definition of the \nameref{ref:image}
of a set implies there exists some $u \in h(n)$ such that $f(u) = t$.
Since $h(n) \subseteq C^*$, \eqref{sub:exercise-4.9-eq1} indicates that
$$\forall X, A \subseteq X \subseteq B \land
\img{f}{X} \subseteq X \Rightarrow u \in X.$$
But then closure under image yields
$$\forall X, A \subseteq X \subseteq B \land
\img{f}{X} \subseteq X \Rightarrow f(u) \in X.$$
Since $f(u) = t$, $t \in C^*$.
Thus $h(n^+) \subseteq C^*$, i.e. $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{spar:exercise-4.9-i} and \nameref{spar:exercise-4.9-ii},
$S \subseteq \omega$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
That is, for all $n \in \omega$, $h(n) \subseteq C^*$.
Thus $$C_* = \bigcup_{i \in \omega} h(i) \subseteq C^*.$$
Since $C^* \subseteq C_*$ and $C_* \subseteq C^*$, it follows $C^* = C_*$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.10}}%
In Exercise 9, assume that $B$ is the set of real numbers, $f(x) = x^2$, and $A$
is the closed interval $\icc{\frac{1}{2}}{1}$.
What is the set called $C^*$ and $C_*$?
By \nameref{sub:exercise-4.9}, $C^* = C_*$.
By definition,
$$C^* = \bigcap \{X \mid
\icc{\frac{1}{2}}{1} \subseteq X \subseteq \mathbb{R} \land
\img{f}{X} \subseteq X\}.$$
Since $f(x)$ converges to $0$ for all values $x < 1$, it follows
$C^* = C_* = \ioc{0}{1}$.
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 4.11}}%
In Exercise 9, assume that $B$ is the set of real numbers, $f(x) = x - 1$, and
$A = \{0\}$.
What is the set called $C^*$ and $C_*$?
By \nameref{sub:exercise-4.9}, $C^* = C_*$.
By definition, $$C_* = \bigcup_{i \in \omega} h(i)$$ where
h(0) & = A = \{0\}, \\
h(n^+) & = h(n) \cup \img{f}{h(n)}.
Thus $C_* = C^* = \{x \in \mathbb{Z} \mid x \leq 0\}$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.12}}%
Formulate an analogue to Exercise 9 for a function
$f \colon B \times B \rightarrow B$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 4.13}}%
Let $m$ and $n$ be natural numbers such that $m \cdot n = 0$.
Show that either $m = 0$ or $n = 0$.
Suppose $m \cdot n = 0$.
For the sake of contradiction, assume $m \neq 0$ and $n \neq 0$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4c}, there exists some $p, q \in \omega$ such that
$p^+ = m$ and $q^+ = n$.
m \cdot n
& = m \cdot q^+ \\
& = m \cdot q + m & \textref{sub:theorem-4j} \\
& = m \cdot q + p^+ \\
& = (m \cdot q + p)^+. & \textref{sub:theorem-4i}
By definition of a \nameref{ref:successor},
$m \cdot n = (m \cdot q + p)^+ \neq \emptyset = 0$, a contradiction.
Therefore our original assumption was wrong.
Hence $m = 0$ or $n = 0$.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 4.14}}%
Call a natural number \textit{even} if it has the form $2 \cdot m$ for some $m$.
Call it \textit{odd} if it has the form $(2 \cdot p) + 1$ for some $p$.
Show that each natural number is either even or odd, but never both.
Let $$S = \{n \in \omega \mid n \text{ is even or odd but not both}\}.$$
We show that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $n \in S$ then $n^+ \in S$ as well.
Afterward we prove (iii) that the theorem statement holds.
$0$ is even since $2 \cdot 0 = 0$ by \nameref{sub:theorem-4j}.
Furthermore, $0$ is not odd since that would imply there exists some
$p$ such that $(2 \cdot p)^+ = 0$.
By definition of \nameref{ref:successor}, this is not possible.
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $n \in S$.
Then $n$ is even or odd but not both.
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $n$ is even and not odd.
Then there exists some $m \in \omega$ such that $2 \cdot m = n$.
Therefore $(2 \cdot m)^+ = n^+$.
Hence $n^+$ is odd.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $n^+$ is even.
Then there exists some $p$ such that $2 \cdot p = n^+$.
We consider two additional cases:
\textbf{Case 1a}: Suppose $p = 0$.
Then, by \nameref{sub:theorem-4j}, $2 \cdot p = 0 = n^+$.
By definition of \nameref{ref:successor}, this is not possible.
\textbf{Case 1b}: Suppose $p \neq 0$.
Then \nameref{sub:theorem-4c} implies there exists some $q$ such that
$q^+ = p$.
& = 2 \cdot p \\
& = 2 \cdot q^+ \\
& = q^+ + q^+ \\
& = (q^+ + q)^+. & \textref{sub:theorem-4i}
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4d}, the \nameref{ref:successor} operation is
one-to-one meaning $n = q^+ + q$.
But then
& = q^+ + q \\
& = q + q^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-2} \\
& = (q + q)^+ & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = (2 \cdot q)^+,
indicating $n$ is odd.
This is a contradiction.
\textbf{Conclusion}: Since the above two cases are exhaustive, it follows
our original assumption is wrong.
That is, $n^+$ is odd but not even.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $n$ is odd and not even.
Then there exists some $p \in \omega$ such that $(2 \cdot p)^+ = n$.
Therefore $(2 \cdot p)^{++} = (2 \cdot p^+) = n^+$.
Hence $n^+$ is even.
For the sake of contradiction, suppose $n^+$ is odd.
Then there exists some $q$ such that $(2 \cdot q)^+ = n^+$.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4d}, the \nameref{ref:successor} operation is
one-to-one meaning $2 \cdot q = n$.
But this implies $n$ is even, a contradiction.
Thus our original assumption is wrong.
That is, $n^+$ is even but not odd.
Since the foregoing cases are exhaustive, it follows $n^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:exercise-4.14a-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-4.14a-ii},
$S$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus every natural number is either even or odd, but not both.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 4.15}}%
Complete the proof of \nameref{sub:theorem-4k-1}.
Refer to \nameref{sub:theorem-4k-1}.
\subsection{\verified{Exercise 4.16}}%
Complete the proof of \nameref{sub:theorem-4k-5}.
Refer to \nameref{sub:theorem-4k-5}.
\subsection{\pending{Exercise 4.17}}%
Prove that $m^{n+p} = m^n \cdot m^p$.
Let $m$ and $n$ be \nameref{ref:natural-number}s and define
S = \{p \in \omega \mid m^{n+p} = m^n \cdot m^p\}.
We prove that (i) $0 \in S$ and (ii) if $p \in S$ then $p^+ \in S$.
Afterwards we show that (iii) our theorem holds.
Consider $m^{n+0}$:
& = m^n & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = m^n \cdot 1 & \textref{sub:right-multiplicative-identity} \\
& = m^n \cdot m^0. & \textref{ref:exponentiation}
Thus $0 \in S$.
Suppose $p \in S$.
Now consider $m^{n+p^+}$:
& = m^{(n + p)^+} & \textref{sub:theorem-4i} \\
& = E_m(n + p) \cdot m & \textref{ref:exponentiation} \\
& = m^n \cdot m^p \cdot m & \eqref{sub:exercise-4.17-eq1} \\
& = m^n \cdot (m^p \cdot m) & \textref{sub:theorem-4k-4} \\
& = m^n \cdot m^{p^+}. & \textref{ref:exponentiation}
Thus $p^+ \in S$.
By \nameref{par:exercise-4.17-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-4.17-ii},
$S \subseteq \omega$ is an \nameref{ref:inductive-set}.
By \nameref{sub:theorem-4b}, $S = \omega$.
Thus for all $m, n, p \in \omega$, it follows that
$m^{n+p} = m^n \cdot m^p$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.18}}%
Simplify $\img{\in_\omega^{-1}}{\{7, 8\}}$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.19}}%
Prove that if $m$ is a natural number and $d$ is a nonzero number, then there
exist numbers $q$ and $r$ such that $m = (d \cdot q) + r$ and $r$ is less than
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.20}}%
Let $A$ be a nonempty subset of $\omega$ such that $\bigcup A = A$.
Show that $A = \omega$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.21}}%
Show that no natural number is a subset of any of its elements.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.22}}%
Show that for any natural numbers $m$ and $p$ we have $m \in m + p^+$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.23}}%
Assume that $m$ and $n$ are natural numbers with $m$ less than $n$.
Show that there is some $p$ in $\omega$ for which $m + p^+ = n$.
(It follows form this and the preceding exercise that $m$ is less than $n$ iff
$(\exists p \in \omega)m + p^+ = n$.)
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.24}}%
Assume that $m + n = p + q$.
Show that $$m \in p \iff n \in q.$$
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.25}}%
Assume that $n \in m$ and $q \in p$.
Show that $$(m \cdot q) + (n \cdot p) \in (m \cdot p) + (n \cdot q).$$
[\textit{Suggestion:} Use \nameref{sub:exercise-4.23}.]
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.26}}%
Assume that $n \in \omega$ and $f \colon n^+ \rightarrow \omega$.
Show that $\ran{f}$ has a largest element.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.27}}%
Assume that $A$ is a set, $G$ is a function, and $f_1$ and $f_2$ map $\omega$
into $A$.
Further assume that for each $n \in \omega$ both $f_1 \restriction n$ and
$f_2 \restriction n$ belong to $\dom{G}$ and
$$f_1(n) = G(f_1 \restriction n) \land f_2(n) = G(f_2 \restriction n).$$
Show that $f_1 = f_2$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 4.28}}%
Rewrite the proof of \nameref{sub:theorem-4g} using, in place of induction, the
well-ordering of $\omega$.