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import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.NormNum
/-! # Common.List.Basic
Additional theorems and definitions useful in the context of `List`s.
namespace List
/-! ## Indexing -/
Getting the `(i + 1)`st entry of a `List` is equivalent to getting the `i`th
entry of the `List`'s tail.
theorem get_cons_succ_self_eq_get_tail_self
: get (x :: xs) (Fin.succ i) = get xs i := by
conv => lhs; unfold get; simp only
/-! ### Length -/
A `List` is nonempty **iff** it can be written as some head concatenated with
some tail.
theorem self_neq_nil_imp_exists_mem : xs ≠ [] ↔ (∃ a as, xs = a :: as) := by
apply Iff.intro
· intro h
cases hx : xs with
| nil => rw [hx] at h; simp at h
| cons a as => exact ⟨a, ⟨as, rfl⟩⟩
· intro ⟨a, ⟨as, hx⟩⟩
rw [hx]
A `List` is empty **iff** it has length zero.
theorem eq_nil_iff_length_zero : xs = [] ↔ length xs = 0 := by
apply Iff.intro
· intro h
rw [h]
· intro h
cases xs with
| nil => rfl
| cons a as => simp at h
A `List` is nonempty **iff** it has length greater than zero.
theorem neq_nil_iff_length_gt_zero : xs ≠ [] ↔ xs.length > 0 := by
have : ¬xs = [] ↔ ¬length xs = 0 := Iff.not eq_nil_iff_length_zero
rwa [
show ¬xs = [] ↔ xs ≠ [] from Iff.rfl,
show ¬length xs = 0 ↔ length xs ≠ 0 from Iff.rfl,
← zero_lt_iff
] at this
/-! ### Membership -/
There exists a member of a `List` **iff** the `List` is nonempty.
theorem exists_mem_iff_neq_nil : (∃ x, x ∈ xs) ↔ xs ≠ [] := by
apply Iff.intro
· intro ⟨x, hx⟩
induction hx <;> simp
· intro hx
cases xs with
| nil => simp at hx
| cons a as => exact ⟨a, by simp⟩
If `i` is a valid index of `List` `xs`, then `xs[i]` is a member of `xs`.
theorem get_mem_self {xs : List α} {i : Fin xs.length} : get xs i ∈ xs := by
induction xs with
| nil => have ⟨_, hj⟩ := i; simp at hj
| cons a as ih =>
by_cases hk : i = ⟨0, by simp⟩
· -- If `i = 0`, we are `get`ting the head of our list. This entry is
-- trivially a member of `xs`.
conv => lhs; unfold get; rw [hk]; simp only
· -- Otherwise we are `get`ting an entry in the tail. Our induction
-- hypothesis closes this case.
have ⟨k', hk'⟩ : ∃ k', i = Fin.succ k' := by
have ni : ↑i ≠ (0 : ) := fun hi => hk (Fin.ext hi)
have ⟨j, hj⟩ := Nat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_zero ni
refine ⟨⟨j, ?_⟩, Fin.ext hj⟩
have hi : ↑i < length (a :: as) := i.2
unfold length at hi
rwa [hj, show Nat.succ j = j + 1 by rfl, add_lt_add_iff_right] at hi
conv => lhs; rw [hk', get_cons_succ_self_eq_get_tail_self]
exact mem_append_of_mem_right [a] ih
A value `x` is a member of `List` `xs` **iff** there exists some index `i` such
that `x = xs[i]`.
theorem mem_iff_exists_get {xs : List α}
: x ∈ xs ↔ ∃ i : Fin xs.length, xs.get i = x := by
apply Iff.intro
· intro h
induction h with
| head _ => refine ⟨⟨0, ?_⟩, ?_⟩ <;> simp
| @tail b as _ ih =>
let ⟨i, hi⟩ := ih
refine ⟨⟨i.1 + 1, ?_⟩, ?_⟩
· unfold length; simp
· simp; exact hi
· intro ⟨i, hi⟩
induction xs with
| nil => have nh := i.2; simp at nh
| cons a bs => rw [← hi]; exact get_mem_self
/-! ## Sublists -/
The first entry of a nonempty `List` has index `0`.
theorem head_eq_get_zero {xs : List α} (h : xs ≠ [])
: head xs h = get xs ⟨0, h⟩ := by
have ⟨a, ⟨as, hs⟩⟩ := h
subst hs
The last entry of a nonempty `List` has index `1` less than its length.
theorem getLast_eq_get_length_sub_one {xs : List α} (h : xs ≠ [])
: getLast xs h = get xs ⟨xs.length - 1, by
have ⟨_, ⟨_, hs⟩⟩ := h
rw [hs]
simp⟩ := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp at h
| cons _ as ih =>
match as with
| nil => simp
| cons b bs => unfold getLast; rw [ih]; simp
If a `List` has a `tail?` defined, it must be nonempty.
theorem some_tail?_imp_cons (h : tail? xs = some ys) : ∃ x, xs = x :: ys := by
unfold tail? at h
cases xs with
| nil => simp at h
| cons r rs => exact ⟨r, by simp at h; rw [h]⟩
/-! ### Zips -/
The length of a zip consisting of a `List` and its tail is the length of the
`List`'s tail.
theorem length_zipWith_self_tail_eq_length_sub_one
: length (zipWith f (a :: as) as) = length as := by
rw [length_zipWith]
simp only [length_cons, ge_iff_le, min_eq_right_iff]
show length as ≤ length as + 1
simp only [le_add_iff_nonneg_right, zero_le]
The output `List` of a `zipWith` is nonempty **iff** both of its inputs are
theorem zipWith_nonempty_iff_args_nonempty
: zipWith f as bs ≠ [] ↔ as ≠ [] ∧ bs ≠ [] := by
apply Iff.intro
· intro h
rw [self_neq_nil_imp_exists_mem] at h
have ⟨z, ⟨zs, hzs⟩⟩ := h
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩ <;>
· by_contra nh
rw [nh] at hzs
simp at hzs
· intro ⟨ha, hb⟩
have ⟨a', ⟨as', has⟩⟩ := ha
have ⟨b', ⟨bs', hbs⟩⟩ := hb
rw [has, hbs]
An index less than the length of a `zipWith` is less than the length of the left
theorem fin_zipWith_imp_val_lt_length_left {i : Fin (zipWith f xs ys).length}
: ↑i < length xs := by
have hi := i.2
simp only [length_zipWith, ge_iff_le, lt_min_iff] at hi
exact hi.left
An index less than the length of a `zipWith` is less than the length of the left
theorem fin_zipWith_imp_val_lt_length_right {i : Fin (zipWith f xs ys).length}
: ↑i < length ys := by
have hi := i.2
simp only [length_zipWith, ge_iff_le, lt_min_iff] at hi
exact hi.right
/-! ### Pairwise -/
Given a `List` `xs` of length `k`, this function produces a `List` of length
`k - 1` where the `i`th member of the resulting `List` is `f xs[i] xs[i + 1]`.
def pairwise (xs : List α) (f : αα → β) : List β :=
match xs.tail? with
| none => []
| some ys => zipWith f xs ys
If `List` `xs` is empty, then any `pairwise` operation on `xs` yields an empty
theorem len_pairwise_len_nil_eq_zero {xs : List α} (h : xs = [])
: (xs.pairwise f).length = 0 := by
rw [h]
unfold pairwise tail? length
If `List` `xs` is nonempty, then any `pairwise` operation on `xs` has length
`xs.length - 1`.
theorem len_pairwise_len_cons_sub_one {xs : List α} (h : xs.length > 0)
: xs.length = (xs.pairwise f).length + 1 := by
unfold pairwise tail?
cases xs with
| nil =>
have := neq_nil_iff_length_gt_zero.mpr h
simp at this
| cons a bs =>
rw [length_zipWith_self_tail_eq_length_sub_one]
conv => lhs; unfold length
If a `pairwise`'d `List` isn't empty, then the input `List` must have at least
two entries.
theorem mem_pairwise_imp_length_self_ge_two {xs : List α}
(h : xs.pairwise f ≠ []) : xs.length ≥ 2 := by
unfold pairwise tail? at h
cases hx : xs with
| nil => rw [hx] at h; simp at h
| cons a bs =>
rw [hx] at h
cases hx' : bs with
| nil => rw [hx'] at h; simp at h
| cons a' bs' => unfold length length; rw [add_assoc]; norm_num
If `x` is a member of a `pairwise`'d list, there must exist two (adjacent)
entries of the list, say `x₁` and `x₂`, such that `x = f x₁ x₂`.
theorem mem_pairwise_imp_exists_adjacent {xs : List α} (h : x ∈ xs.pairwise f)
: ∃ i : Fin (xs.length - 1), ∃ x₁ x₂,
x₁ = get xs ⟨i.1, Nat.lt_of_lt_pred i.2⟩ ∧
x₂ = get xs ⟨i.1 + 1, i.2⟩ ∧
x = f x₁ x₂ := by
unfold pairwise at h
cases hs : tail? xs with
| none => rw [hs] at h; cases h
| some ys =>
rw [hs] at h
simp only at h
-- Find index `i` that corresponds to the index `x₁`. We decompose this
-- `Fin` type into `j` and `hj` to make rewriting easier.
have ⟨_, hy⟩ := some_tail?_imp_cons hs
have ⟨i, hx⟩ := h
have ⟨j, hj⟩ := i
rw [
show length ys = length xs - 1 by rw [hy]; simp
] at hj
⟨⟨j, hj⟩,
⟨get xs ⟨j, Nat.lt_of_lt_pred hj⟩,
⟨get xs ⟨j + 1, hj⟩,
⟨rfl, ⟨rfl, ?_⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩
rw [← hx, get_zipWith]
subst hy
simp only [length_cons, get, Nat.add_eq, add_zero]
end List