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import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
/-! # Common.Set.Function
Additional theorems around functions defined on sets.
namespace Set
Produce a new function that swaps the outputs of the two specified inputs.
def swap [DecidableEq α] (f : α → β) (x₁ x₂ : α) (x : α) : β :=
if x = x₁ then f x₂ else
if x = x₂ then f x₁ else
f x
Swapping the same input yields the original function.
theorem swap_eq_eq_self [DecidableEq α] {f : α → β} {x : α}
: swap f x x = f := by
refine funext ?_
intro y
unfold swap
by_cases hy : y = x
· rw [if_pos hy, hy]
· rw [if_neg hy, if_neg hy]
Swapping a function twice yields the original function.
theorem swap_swap_eq_self [DecidableEq α] {f : α → β} {x₁ x₂ : α}
: swap (swap f x₁ x₂) x₁ x₂ = f := by
refine funext ?_
intro y
by_cases hc₁ : x₂ = x₁
· rw [hc₁]
rw [← Ne.def] at hc₁
unfold swap
by_cases hc₂ : y = x₁ <;>
by_cases hc₃ : y = x₂
· rw [if_pos hc₂, if_neg hc₁, if_pos rfl, ← hc₂]
· rw [if_pos hc₂, if_neg hc₁, if_pos rfl, ← hc₂]
· rw [if_neg hc₂, if_pos hc₃, if_pos rfl, ← hc₃]
· rw [if_neg hc₂, if_neg hc₃, if_neg hc₂, if_neg hc₃]
If `f : A → B`, then a swapped variant of `f` also maps `A` into `B`.
theorem swap_MapsTo_self [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : MapsTo f A B)
: MapsTo (swap f a₁ a₂) A B := by
intro x hx
unfold swap
by_cases hc₁ : x = a₁ <;> by_cases hc₂ : x = a₂
· rw [if_pos hc₁]
exact hf ha₂
· rw [if_pos hc₁]
exact hf ha₂
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_pos hc₂]
exact hf ha₁
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_neg hc₂]
exact hf hx
The converse of `swap_MapsTo_self`.
theorem self_MapsTo_swap [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : MapsTo (swap f a₁ a₂) A B)
: MapsTo f A B := by
rw [← @swap_swap_eq_self _ _ _ f a₁ a₂]
exact swap_MapsTo_self ha₁ ha₂ hf
If `f : A → B`, then `f` maps `A` into `B` **iff** a swap of `f` maps `A` into
theorem self_iff_swap_MapsTo [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A)
: MapsTo (swap f a₁ a₂) A B ↔ MapsTo f A B :=
⟨self_MapsTo_swap ha₁ ha₂, swap_MapsTo_self ha₁ ha₂⟩
If `f : A → B` is one-to-one, then a swapped variant of `f` is also one-to-one.
theorem swap_InjOn_self [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : InjOn f A)
: InjOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A := by
intro x₁ hx₁ x₂ hx₂ h
unfold swap at h
by_cases hc₁ : x₁ = a₁ <;>
by_cases hc₂ : x₁ = a₂ <;>
by_cases hc₃ : x₂ = a₁ <;>
by_cases hc₄ : x₂ = a₂
· rw [hc₁, hc₃]
· rw [hc₁, hc₃]
· rw [hc₂, hc₄]
· rw [if_pos hc₁, if_neg hc₃, if_neg hc₄, ← hc₂] at h
exact hf hx₁ hx₂ h
· rw [hc₁, hc₃]
· rw [hc₁, hc₃]
· rw [if_pos hc₁, if_neg hc₃, if_pos hc₄, ← hc₁, ← hc₄] at h
exact hf hx₁ hx₂ h.symm
· rw [if_pos hc₁, if_neg hc₃, if_neg hc₄] at h
exact absurd (hf hx₂ ha₂ h.symm) hc₄
· rw [hc₂, hc₄]
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_pos hc₂, if_pos hc₃, ← hc₂, ← hc₃] at h
exact hf hx₁ hx₂ h.symm
· rw [hc₂, hc₄]
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_pos hc₂, if_neg hc₃, if_neg hc₄] at h
exact absurd (hf hx₂ ha₁ h.symm) hc₃
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_neg hc₂, if_pos hc₃, ← hc₄] at h
exact hf hx₁ hx₂ h
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_neg hc₂, if_pos hc₃] at h
exact absurd (hf hx₁ ha₂ h) hc₂
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_neg hc₂, if_neg hc₃, if_pos hc₄] at h
exact absurd (hf hx₁ ha₁ h) hc₁
· rw [if_neg hc₁, if_neg hc₂, if_neg hc₃, if_neg hc₄] at h
exact hf hx₁ hx₂ h
The converse of `swap_InjOn_self`.
theorem self_InjOn_swap [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : InjOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A)
: InjOn f A := by
rw [← @swap_swap_eq_self _ _ _ f a₁ a₂]
exact swap_InjOn_self ha₁ ha₂ hf
If `f : A → B`, then `f` is one-to-one **iff** a swap of `f` is one-to-one.
theorem self_iff_swap_InjOn [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A)
: InjOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A ↔ InjOn f A :=
⟨self_InjOn_swap ha₁ ha₂, swap_InjOn_self ha₁ ha₂⟩
If `f : A → B` is onto, then a swapped variant of `f` is also onto.
theorem swap_SurjOn_self [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : SurjOn f A B)
: SurjOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A B := by
show ∀ x, x ∈ B → ∃ a ∈ A, swap f a₁ a₂ a = x
intro x hx
have ⟨a, ha⟩ := hf hx
by_cases hc₁ : a = a₁
· refine ⟨a₂, ha₂, ?_⟩
unfold swap
by_cases hc₂ : a₁ = a₂
· rw [if_pos hc₂.symm, ← hc₂, ← hc₁]
exact ha.right
· rw [← Ne.def] at hc₂
rw [if_neg hc₂.symm, if_pos rfl, ← hc₁]
exact ha.right
· by_cases hc₂ : a = a₂
· unfold swap
refine ⟨a₁, ha₁, ?_⟩
rw [if_pos rfl, ← hc₂]
exact ha.right
· refine ⟨a, ha.left, ?_⟩
unfold swap
rw [if_neg hc₁, if_neg hc₂]
exact ha.right
The converse of `swap_SurjOn_self`.
theorem self_SurjOn_swap [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : SurjOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A B)
: SurjOn f A B := by
rw [← @swap_swap_eq_self _ _ _ f a₁ a₂]
exact swap_SurjOn_self ha₁ ha₂ hf
If `f : A → B`, then `f` is onto **iff** a swap of `f` is onto.
theorem self_iff_swap_SurjOn [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A)
: SurjOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A B ↔ SurjOn f A B :=
⟨self_SurjOn_swap ha₁ ha₂, swap_SurjOn_self ha₁ ha₂⟩
If `f : A → B` is a one-to-one correspondence, then a swapped variant of `f` is
also a one-to-one correspondence.
theorem swap_BijOn_self [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : BijOn f A B)
: BijOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A B := by
have ⟨hf₁, hf₂, hf₃⟩ := hf
exact ⟨
swap_MapsTo_self ha₁ ha₂ hf₁,
swap_InjOn_self ha₁ ha₂ hf₂,
swap_SurjOn_self ha₁ ha₂ hf₃
The converse of `swap_BijOn_self`.
theorem self_BijOn_swap [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A) (hf : BijOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A B)
: BijOn f A B := by
have ⟨hf₁, hf₂, hf₃⟩ := hf
exact ⟨
self_MapsTo_swap ha₁ ha₂ hf₁,
self_InjOn_swap ha₁ ha₂ hf₂,
self_SurjOn_swap ha₁ ha₂ hf₃
If `f : A → B`, `f` is a one-to-one correspondence **iff** a swap of `f` is a
one-to-one correspondence.
theorem self_iff_swap_BijOn [DecidableEq α]
{A : Set α} {B : Set β} {f : α → β}
(ha₁ : a₁ ∈ A) (ha₂ : a₂ ∈ A)
: BijOn (swap f a₁ a₂) A B ↔ BijOn f A B :=
⟨self_BijOn_swap ha₁ ha₂, swap_BijOn_self ha₁ ha₂⟩
end Set