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import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Finite
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Function
import Mathlib.Data.Rel
/-! # Enderton.Set.Chapter_6
Cardinal Numbers and the Axiom of Choice
namespace Enderton.Set.Chapter_6
/-! #### Theorem 6A
For any sets `A`, `B`, and `C`,
(a) `A ≈ A`.
(b) If `A ≈ B`, then `B ≈ A`.
(c) If `A ≈ B` and `B ≈ C`, then `A ≈ C`.
theorem theorem_6a_a (A : Set α)
: ∃ F, Set.BijOn F A A := by
refine ⟨fun x => x, ?_⟩
unfold Set.BijOn Set.MapsTo Set.InjOn Set.SurjOn
simp only [imp_self, implies_true, Set.image_id', true_and]
exact Eq.subset rfl
theorem theorem_6a_b [Nonempty α] (A : Set α) (B : Set β)
(F : α → β) (hF : Set.BijOn F A B)
: ∃ G, Set.BijOn G B A := by
refine ⟨Function.invFunOn F A, ?_⟩
exact (Set.bijOn_comm $ Set.BijOn.invOn_invFunOn hF).mpr hF
theorem theorem_6a_c (A : Set α) (B : Set β) (C : Set γ)
(F : α → β) (hF : Set.BijOn F A B)
(G : β → γ) (hG : Set.BijOn G B C)
: ∃ H, Set.BijOn H A C := by
exact ⟨G ∘ F, Set.BijOn.comp hG hF⟩
/-- #### Theorem 6B
No set is equinumerous to its powerset.
theorem theorem_6b (A : Set α)
: ∀ f, ¬ Set.BijOn f A (𝒫 A) := by
intro f hf
unfold Set.BijOn at hf
let φ := { a ∈ A | a ∉ f a }
suffices ∀ a ∈ A, f a ≠ φ by
have hφ := hf.right.right (show φ ∈ 𝒫 A by simp)
have ⟨a, ha⟩ := hφ
exact absurd ha.right (this a ha.left)
intro a ha hfa
by_cases h : a ∈ f a
· have h' := h
rw [hfa] at h
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at h
exact absurd h' h.right
· rw [Set.Subset.antisymm_iff] at hfa
have := hfa.right ⟨ha, h⟩
exact absurd this h
/-- #### Pigeonhole Principle
No natural number is equinumerous to a proper subset of itself.
theorem pigeonhole_principle (m n : ) (hm : m < n)
: ∀ f : Fin m → Fin n, ¬ Function.Bijective f := by
induction n with
| zero =>
intro f hf
simp at hm
| succ n ih =>
/-- #### Corollary 6C
No finite set is equinumerous to a proper subset of itself.
theorem corollary_6c (S S' : Finset α) (hS : S' ⊂ S)
: ∀ f : S → S', ¬ Function.Bijective f := by
/-- #### Corollary 6D (a)
Any set equinumerous to a proper subset of itself is infinite.
theorem corollary_6d_a (S S' : Set α) (hS : S' ⊂ S) (hf : S' ≃ S)
: Set.Infinite S := by
/-- #### Corollary 6D (b)
The set `ω` is infinite.
theorem corollary_6d_b
: Set.Infinite (@Set.univ ) := by
/-- #### Corollary 6E
Any finite set is equinumerous to a unique natural number.
theorem corollary_6e (S : Set α) (hn : S ≃ Fin n) (hm : S ≃ Fin m)
: m = n := by
/-- #### Lemma 6F
If `C` is a proper subset of a natural number `n`, then `C ≈ m` for some `m`
less than `n`.
lemma lemma_6f {n : } (hC : C ⊂ Finset.range n)
: ∃ m : , m < n ∧ ∃ f : C → Fin m, Function.Bijective f := by
theorem corollary_6g (S S' : Set α) (hS : Finite S) (hS' : S' ⊆ S)
: Finite S' := by
/-- #### Exercise 6.1
Show that the equation
f(m, n) = 2ᵐ(2n + 1) - 1
defines a one-to-one correspondence between `ω × ω` and `ω`.
theorem exercise_6_1
: Function.Bijective (fun p : × => 2 ^ p.1 * (2 * p.2 + 1) - 1) := by
/-- #### Exercise 6.2
Show that in Fig. 32 we have:
J(m, n) = [1 + 2 + ⋯ + (m + n)] + m
= (1 / 2)[(m + n)² + 3m + n].
theorem exercise_6_2
: Function.Bijective
(fun p : × => (1 / 2) * ((p.1 + p.2) ^ 2 + 3 * p.1 + p.2)) := by
/-- #### Exercise 6.3
Find a one-to-one correspondence between the open unit interval `(0, 1)` and ``
that takes rationals to rationals and irrationals to irrationals.
theorem exercise_6_3
: True := by
/-- #### Exercise 6.4
Construct a one-to-one correspondence between the closed unit interval
[0, 1] = {x ∈ | 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}
and the open unit interval `(0, 1)`.
theorem exercise_6_4
: ∃ F, Set.BijOn F (Set.Ioo 0 1) (@Set.univ ) := by
end Enderton.Set.Chapter_6