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import Common.LTuple.Basic
/-! # Enderton.Chapter0
Useful Facts About Sets
namespace Enderton.Chapter0
The following describes a so-called "generic" tuple. Like an `LTuple`, a generic
`n`-tuple is defined recursively like so:
`⟨x₁, ..., xₙ⟩ = ⟨⟨x₁, ..., xₙ₋₁⟩, xₙ⟩`
Unlike `LTuple`, this tuple bends the syntax above further. For example,
both tuples above are equivalent to:
`⟨⟨x₁, ..., xₘ⟩, xₘ₊₁, ..., xₙ⟩`
for some `1 ≤ m ≤ n`. This distinction is purely syntactic, and introduced
solely to prove `lemma_0a`. In other words, `LTuple` is an always-normalized
variant of an `GTuple`. In general, prefer it over this when working within
Enderton's book.
inductive GTuple : (α : Type u) → (size : Nat × Nat) → Type u where
| nil : GTuple α (0, 0)
| snoc : GTuple α (p, q) → LTuple α r → GTuple α (p + q, r)
syntax (priority := high) "t[" term,* "]" : term
| `(t[]) => `(LTuple.nil)
| `(t[$x]) => `(LTuple.snoc t[] $x)
| `(t[$xs:term,*, $x]) => `(LTuple.snoc t[$xs,*] $x)
syntax (priority := high) "g[" term,* "]" : term
| `(g[]) => `(GTuple.nil)
| `(g[$x]) => `(GTuple.snoc g[] t[$x])
| `(g[g[$xs:term,*], $ys:term,*]) => `(GTuple.snoc g[$xs,*] t[$ys,*])
| `(g[$x, $xs:term,*]) => `(GTuple.snoc g[] t[$x, $xs,*])
namespace GTuple
open scoped LTuple
/-! ## Normalization -/
Converts an `GTuple` into "normal form".
def norm : GTuple α (m, n) → LTuple α (m + n)
| g[] => t[]
| snoc is ts => LTuple.concat is.norm ts
Normalization of an empty `GTuple` yields an empty `Tuple`.
theorem norm_nil_eq_nil : @norm α 0 0 nil = LTuple.nil :=
Normalization of a pseudo-empty `GTuple` yields an empty `Tuple`.
theorem norm_snoc_nil_nil_eq_nil : @norm α 0 0 (snoc g[] t[]) = t[] := by
unfold norm norm
Normalization elimates `snoc` when the `snd` component is `nil`.
theorem norm_snoc_nil_elim {t : GTuple α (p, q)}
: norm (snoc t t[]) = norm t := by
cases t with
| nil => simp; unfold norm norm; rfl
| snoc tf tl =>
conv => lhs; unfold norm
Normalization eliminates `snoc` when the `fst` component is `nil`.
theorem norm_nil_snoc_elim {ts : LTuple α n}
: norm (snoc g[] ts) = cast (by simp) ts := by
unfold norm norm
rw [LTuple.nil_concat_self_eq_self]
Normalization distributes across `Tuple.snoc` calls.
theorem norm_snoc_snoc_norm
: norm (snoc as (LTuple.snoc bs b)) = LTuple.snoc (norm (snoc as bs)) b := by
unfold norm
rw [← LTuple.concat_snoc_snoc_concat]
Normalizing an `GTuple` is equivalent to concatenating the normalized `fst`
component with the `snd`.
theorem norm_snoc_eq_concat {t₁ : GTuple α (p, q)} {t₂ : LTuple α n}
: norm (snoc t₁ t₂) = LTuple.concat t₁.norm t₂ := by
conv => lhs; unfold norm
/-! ## Equality -/
Implements Boolean equality for `GTuple α n` provided `α` has decidable
instance BEq [DecidableEq α] : BEq (GTuple α n) where
beq t₁ t₂ := t₁.norm == t₂.norm
/-! ## Basic API -/
Returns the number of entries in the `GTuple`.
def size (_ : GTuple α n) := n
Returns the number of entries in the "shallowest" portion of the `GTuple`. For
example, the length of `x[x[1, 2], 3, 4]` is `3`, despite its size being `4`.
def length : GTuple α n → Nat
| g[] => 0
| snoc g[] ts => ts.size
| snoc _ ts => 1 + ts.size
Returns the first component of our `GTuple`. For example, the first component of
tuple `x[x[1, 2], 3, 4]` is `t[1, 2]`.
def fst : GTuple α (m, n) → LTuple α m
| g[] => t[]
| snoc ts _ => ts.norm
Given `GTuple α (m, n)`, the `fst` component is equal to an initial segment of
size `k` of the tuple in normal form.
theorem self_fst_eq_norm_take (t : GTuple α (m, n)) : t.fst = t.norm.take m :=
match t with
| g[] => by
unfold fst
rw [LTuple.self_take_zero_eq_nil]
| snoc tf tl => by
unfold fst
conv => rhs; unfold norm
rw [LTuple.eq_take_concat]
If the normal form of an `GTuple` is equal to a `Tuple`, the `fst` component
must be a prefix of the `Tuple`.
theorem norm_eq_fst_eq_take {t₁ : GTuple α (m, n)} {t₂ : LTuple α (m + n)}
: (t₁.norm = t₂) → (t₁.fst = t₂.take m) := by
intro h
rw [self_fst_eq_norm_take, h]
Returns the first component of our `GTuple`. For example, the first component of
tuple `x[x[1, 2], 3, 4]` is `t[3, 4]`.
def snd : GTuple α (m, n) → LTuple α n
| g[] => t[]
| snoc _ ts => ts
end GTuple
/-! ## Lemma 0A -/
variable {k m n : Nat}
variable (p : 1 ≤ m)
variable (q : n + (m - 1) = m + k)
private lemma n_eq_succ_k : n = k + 1 := by
let ⟨m', h⟩ := Nat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_zero $ show m ≠ 0 by
intro h
have ff : 1 ≤ 0 := h ▸ p
ring_nf at ff
exact ff.elim
n = n + (m - 1) - (m - 1) := by rw [Nat.add_sub_cancel]
_ = m' + 1 + k - (m' + 1 - 1) := by rw [q, h]
_ = m' + 1 + k - m' := by simp
_ = 1 + k + m' - m' := by rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm]
_ = 1 + k := by simp
_ = k + 1 := by rw [Nat.add_comm]
private lemma n_pred_eq_k : n - 1 = k := by
have h : k + 1 - 1 = k + 1 - 1 := rfl
conv at h => lhs; rw [←n_eq_succ_k p q]
simp at h
exact h
private lemma n_geq_one : 1 ≤ n := by
rw [n_eq_succ_k p q]
private lemma min_comm_succ_eq : min (m + k) (k + 1) = k + 1 :=
Nat.recOn k
(by simp; exact p)
(fun k' ih => calc min (m + (k' + 1)) (k' + 1 + 1)
_ = min (m + k' + 1) (k' + 1 + 1) := by conv => rw [Nat.add_assoc]
_ = min (m + k') (k' + 1) + 1 := Nat.min_succ_succ (m + k') (k' + 1)
_ = k' + 1 + 1 := by rw [ih])
private lemma n_eq_min_comm_succ : n = min (m + k) (k + 1) := by
rw [min_comm_succ_eq p]
exact n_eq_succ_k p q
private lemma n_pred_m_eq_m_k : n + (m - 1) = m + k := by
rw [←Nat.add_sub_assoc p, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_sub_assoc (n_geq_one p q)]
conv => lhs; rw [n_pred_eq_k p q]
private def cast_norm : GTuple α (n, m - 1) → LTuple α (m + k)
| xs => cast (by rw [q]) xs.norm
private def cast_fst : GTuple α (n, m - 1) → LTuple α (k + 1)
| xs => cast (by rw [n_eq_succ_k p q]) xs.fst
private def cast_take (ys : LTuple α (m + k)) :=
cast (by rw [min_comm_succ_eq p]) (ys.take (k + 1))
/-- #### Lemma 0A
Assume that `⟨x₁, ..., xₘ⟩ = ⟨y₁, ..., yₘ, ..., yₘ₊ₖ⟩`. Then
`x₁ = ⟨y₁, ..., yₖ₊₁⟩`.
theorem lemma_0a (xs : GTuple α (n, m - 1)) (ys : LTuple α (m + k))
: (cast_norm q xs = ys) → (cast_fst p q xs = cast_take p ys) := by
intro h
suffices HEq
(cast (_ : LTuple α n = LTuple α (k + 1)) xs.fst)
(cast (_ : LTuple α (min (m + k) (k + 1)) = LTuple α (k + 1)) (LTuple.take ys (k + 1)))
from eq_of_heq this
· exact n_eq_min_comm_succ p q
· rfl
· exact n_eq_min_comm_succ p q
· exact HEq.rfl
· exact Eq.recOn
(motive := fun _ h => HEq
(_ : n + (n - 1) = n + k)
(cast h (show n + (n - 1) = n + k by rw [n_pred_eq_k p q])))
(show (n + (n - 1) = n + k) = (min (m + k) (k + 1) + (n - 1) = n + k) by
rw [n_eq_min_comm_succ p q])
· exact n_geq_one p q
· exact n_pred_eq_k p q
· exact Eq.symm (n_eq_min_comm_succ p q)
· exact n_pred_eq_k p q
· rw [GTuple.self_fst_eq_norm_take]
unfold cast_norm at h
simp at h
rw [←h, ←n_eq_succ_k p q]
have h₂ := Eq.recOn
(motive := fun x h => HEq
(LTuple.take xs.norm n)
(LTuple.take (cast (show LTuple α (n + (m - 1)) = LTuple α x by rw [h]) xs.norm) n))
(show n + (m - 1) = m + k by rw [n_pred_m_eq_m_k p q])
exact Eq.recOn
(motive := fun x h => HEq
(cast h (LTuple.take xs.norm n))
(LTuple.take (cast (_ : LTuple α (n + (m - 1)) = LTuple α (m + k)) xs.norm) n))
(show LTuple α (min (n + (m - 1)) n) = LTuple α n by simp)
end Enderton.Chapter0