import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic /-- Representation of a closed interval. -/ syntax (priority := high) "i[" term "," term "]" : term macro_rules | `(i[$a, $b]) => `({ z | $a ≤ z ∧ z ≤ $b }) /-- Representation of an open interval. -/ syntax (priority := high) "i(" term "," term ")" : term macro_rules | `(i($a, $b)) => `({ z | $a < z ∧ z < $b }) /-- Representation of a left half-open interval. -/ syntax (priority := high) "i(" term "," term "]" : term macro_rules | `(i($a, $b]) => `({ z | $a < z ∧ z ≤ $b }) /-- Representation of a right half-open interval. -/ syntax (priority := high) "i[" term "," term ")" : term macro_rules | `(i[$a, $b)) => `({ z | $a ≤ z ∧ z < $b })