import Mathlib.Tactic.NormNum import Mathlib.Tactic.Ring /-- A 0th-indexed geometric sequence. -/ structure Geometric where a₀ : Int r : Int namespace Geometric /-- The value of the `n`th term of an geometric sequence. -/ def termClosed (seq : Geometric) (n : Nat) : Int := seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ n /-- The value of the `n`th term of an geometric sequence. -/ def termRecursive : Geometric → Nat → Int | seq, 0 => seq.a₀ | seq, (n + 1) => seq.r * (seq.termRecursive n) /-- The recursive definition and closed definitions of a geometric sequence are equivalent. -/ theorem term_recursive_closed (seq : Geometric) (n : Nat) : seq.termRecursive n = seq.termClosed n := Nat.recOn n (by unfold termClosed termRecursive; norm_num) (fun n ih => calc seq.termRecursive (n + 1) = seq.r * (seq.termRecursive n) := rfl _ = seq.r * (seq.termClosed n) := by rw [ih] _ = seq.r * (seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ n) := rfl _ = seq.a₀ * seq.r ^ (n + 1) := by ring _ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) := rfl) /-- Summation of the first `n` terms of a geometric sequence. -/ def sum : Geometric → Nat → Int | _, 0 => 0 | seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed n + seq.sum n end Geometric