import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic namespace Real /-- A `0`th-indexed arithmetic sequence. -/ structure Arithmetic where a₀ : Real Δ : Real namespace Arithmetic /-- Returns the value of the `n`th term of an arithmetic sequence. This function calculates the value of this term directly. Keep in mind the sequence is `0`th-indexed. -/ def termClosed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat) : Real := seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * n /-- Returns the value of the `n`th term of an arithmetic sequence. This function calculates the value of this term recursively. Keep in mind the sequence is `0`th-indexed. -/ def termRecursive : Arithmetic → Nat → Real | seq, 0 => seq.a₀ | seq, (n + 1) => seq.Δ + seq.termRecursive n /-- The recursive and closed term definitions of an arithmetic sequence agree with one another. -/ theorem term_recursive_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat) : seq.termRecursive n = seq.termClosed n := by induction n with | zero => unfold termRecursive termClosed; norm_num | succ n ih => calc termRecursive seq (Nat.succ n) _ = seq.Δ + seq.termRecursive n := rfl _ = seq.Δ + seq.termClosed n := by rw [ih] _ = seq.Δ + (seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * n) := rfl _ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * (↑n + 1) := by ring _ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * ↑(n + 1) := by simp _ = termClosed seq (n + 1) := rfl /-- A term is equal to the next in the sequence minus the common difference. -/ theorem term_closed_sub_succ_delta {seq : Arithmetic} : seq.termClosed n = seq.termClosed (n + 1) - seq.Δ := calc seq.termClosed n _ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * n := rfl _ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * n + seq.Δ - seq.Δ := by rw [add_sub_cancel] _ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * (↑n + 1) - seq.Δ := by ring_nf _ = seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * ↑(n + 1) - seq.Δ := by simp only [Nat.cast_add, Nat.cast_one] _ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) - seq.Δ := rfl /-- The summation of the first `n + 1` terms of an arithmetic sequence. This function calculates the sum directly. -/ noncomputable def sum_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat) : Real := (n + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n) / 2 /-- The summation of the first `n + 1` terms of an arithmetic sequence. This function calculates the sum recursively. -/ def sum_recursive : Arithmetic → Nat → Real | seq, 0 => seq.a₀ | seq, (n + 1) => seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_recursive n /-- Simplify a summation of terms found in the proof of `sum_recursive_closed`. -/ private lemma sub_delta_summand_eq_two_mul_a₀ {seq : Arithmetic} : seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1) - (n + 1) * seq.Δ = 2 * seq.a₀ := calc seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1) - (n + 1) * seq.Δ _ = seq.a₀ + (seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * ↑(n + 1)) - (n + 1) * seq.Δ := rfl _ = seq.a₀ + seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * ↑(n + 1) - (n + 1) * seq.Δ := by rw [←add_assoc] _ = seq.a₀ + seq.a₀ + seq.Δ * (n + 1) - (n + 1) * seq.Δ := by simp only [Nat.cast_add, Nat.cast_one] _ = 2 * seq.a₀ := by ring_nf /-- The recursive and closed definitions of the sum of an arithmetic sequence agree with one another. -/ theorem sum_recursive_closed (seq : Arithmetic) (n : Nat) : seq.sum_recursive n = seq.sum_closed n := by induction n with | zero => unfold sum_recursive sum_closed termClosed norm_num | succ n ih => calc seq.sum_recursive (n + 1) _ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_recursive n := rfl _ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + seq.sum_closed n := by rw [ih] _ = seq.termClosed (n + 1) + ((n + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n)) / 2 := rfl _ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * seq.termClosed n + seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed n) / 2 := by ring_nf _ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * (seq.termClosed (n + 1) - seq.Δ) + seq.a₀ + (seq.termClosed (n + 1) - seq.Δ)) / 2 := by rw [@term_closed_sub_succ_delta n] _ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1) - (n + 1) * seq.Δ)) / 2 := by ring_nf _ = (2 * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + n * seq.a₀ + n * seq.termClosed (n + 1) + 2 * seq.a₀) / 2 := by rw [sub_delta_summand_eq_two_mul_a₀] _ = ((n + 1) + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1)) / 2 := by ring_nf _ = (↑(n + 1) + 1) * (seq.a₀ + seq.termClosed (n + 1)) / 2 := by simp only [Nat.cast_add, Nat.cast_one] _ = seq.sum_closed (n + 1) := rfl end Real.Arithmetic