import Lake open System Lake DSL package «bookshelf» -- ======================================== -- Imports -- ======================================== require Cli from git "" @ "nightly" require CMark from git "" @ "main" require UnicodeBasic from git "" @ "main" require lake from git "" @ "master" require leanInk from git "" @ "doc-gen" require mathlib from git "" @ "master" require std4 from git "" @ "main" -- ======================================== -- Documentation Generator -- ======================================== lean_lib DocGen4 lean_exe «doc-gen4» { root := `Main supportInterpreter := true } module_facet docs (mod) : FilePath := do let some docGen4 ← findLeanExe? `«doc-gen4» | error "no doc-gen4 executable configuration found in workspace" let exeJob ← docGen4.exe.fetch let modJob ← mod.leanBin.fetch let buildDir := (← getWorkspace).root.buildDir let docFile := mod.filePath (buildDir / "doc") "html" exeJob.bindAsync fun exeFile exeTrace => do modJob.bindSync fun _ modTrace => do let depTrace := exeTrace.mix modTrace let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate docFile depTrace do logInfo s!"Documenting module: {}" proc { cmd := exeFile.toString args := #["single",, "--ink"] env := #[("LEAN_PATH", (← getAugmentedLeanPath).toString)] } return (docFile, trace) -- TODO: technically speaking this facet does not show all file dependencies target coreDocs : FilePath := do let some docGen4 ← findLeanExe? `«doc-gen4» | error "no doc-gen4 executable configuration found in workspace" let exeJob ← docGen4.exe.fetch let basePath := (←getWorkspace).root.buildDir / "doc" let dataFile := basePath / "declarations" / "declaration-data-Lean.bmp" exeJob.bindSync fun exeFile exeTrace => do let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate dataFile exeTrace do logInfo "Documenting Lean core: Init and Lean" proc { cmd := exeFile.toString args := #["genCore"] env := #[("LEAN_PATH", (← getAugmentedLeanPath).toString)] } return (dataFile, trace) /-- Wrapper for running scripts found in the `script` directory. -/ def run_sh (name : String) : IndexBuildM Unit := do let some bookshelfPkg ← findPackage? `«bookshelf» | error "no bookshelf package found in workspace" let proc <- IO.Process.output { cmd := bookshelfPkg.dir.toString ++ s!"/scripts/{name}.sh", args := #[(← getWorkspace).root.buildDir.toString] } if proc.exitCode == 0 then let out := proc.stdout.trim if out.length > 0 then IO.println out else let err := proc.stderr.trim if err.length > 0 then IO.eprintln err library_facet docs (lib) : FilePath := do run_sh "run_pdflatex" -- Ordering is important. The index file is generated by walking through the -- filesystem directory. Files copied from the shell scripts need to exist -- prior to this. let some bookshelfPkg ← findPackage? `«bookshelf» | error "no bookshelf package found in workspace" let some docGen4 := bookshelfPkg.findLeanExe? `«doc-gen4» | error "no doc-gen4 executable configuration found in workspace" let exeJob ← docGen4.exe.fetch -- XXX: Workaround remove later let coreJob ← if h : = then have : PackageName bookshelfPkg := ⟨h⟩ let job := fetch <| `coreDocs job else error "wrong package" let mods ← lib.modules.fetch let moduleJobs ← BuildJob.mixArray <| ← mods.mapM (fetch <| ·.facet `docs) -- Shared with DocGen4.Output let basePath := (←getWorkspace).root.buildDir / "doc" let dataFile := basePath / "declarations" / "declaration-data.bmp" let staticFiles := #[ basePath / "style.css", basePath / "declaration-data.js", basePath / "nav.js", basePath / "how-about.js", basePath / "search.js", basePath / "mathjax-config.js", basePath / "instances.js", basePath / "importedBy.js", basePath / "index.html", basePath / "404.html", basePath / "navbar.html", basePath / "search.html", basePath / "find" / "index.html", basePath / "find" / "find.js", basePath / "src" / "alectryon.css", basePath / "src" / "alectryon.js", basePath / "src" / "docutils_basic.css", basePath / "src" / "pygments.css" ] coreJob.bindAsync fun _ coreInputTrace => do exeJob.bindAsync fun exeFile exeTrace => do moduleJobs.bindSync fun _ inputTrace => do let depTrace := mixTraceArray #[inputTrace, exeTrace, coreInputTrace] let trace ← buildFileUnlessUpToDate dataFile depTrace do logInfo "Documentation indexing" proc { cmd := exeFile.toString args := #["index"] } let traces ← staticFiles.mapM computeTrace let indexTrace := mixTraceArray traces return (dataFile, trace.mix indexTrace) -- ======================================== -- Bookshelf -- ======================================== @[default_target] lean_lib «Bookshelf» { roots := #[`Bookshelf, `Common] } /-- The contents of our `.env` file. -/ structure Config where port : Nat := 5555 /-- Read in the `.env` file into an in-memory structure. -/ private def readConfig : StateT Config ScriptM Unit := do let env <- IO.FS.readFile ".env" for line in env.trim.split (fun c => c == '\n') do match line.split (fun c => c == '=') with | ["PORT", port] => modify (fun c => { c with port := String.toNat! port }) | _ => error "Malformed `.env` file." return () /-- Start an HTTP server for locally serving documentation. It is expected the documentation has already been generated prior via ```bash > lake build Bookshelf:docs ``` USAGE: lake run server -/ script server (_args) do let ((), config) <- readConfig {} IO.println s!"Running Lean on `http://localhost:{config.port}`" _ <- { cmd := "python3", args := #["-m", "http.server", toString config.port, "-d", "build/doc"], } return 0