import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic /-! # Enderton.Set.Chapter_4 Natural Numbers -/ namespace Enderton.Set.Chapter_4 /-- #### Theorem 4C Every natural number except `0` is the successor of some natural number. -/ theorem theorem_4c (n : ℕ) : n = 0 ∨ (∃ m : ℕ, n = m.succ) := by match n with | 0 => simp | m + 1 => simp /-- #### Exercise 4.1 Show that `1 ≠ 3` i.e., that `∅⁺ ≠ ∅⁺⁺⁺`. -/ theorem exercise_4_1 : 1 ≠ 3 := by simp end Enderton.Set.Chapter_4