Enderton (logic). 1.2.6-1.2.9.

Joshua Potter 2023-08-21 14:51:49 -06:00
parent 0cc0cce2b5
commit c458eca8ae
1 changed files with 222 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -272,13 +272,13 @@
By definition of a construction sequence, one of the following holds:
& \phi \text{ is a sentence symbol}
& \label{sub:induction-principle-1-eq1} \\
& \hyperlabel{sub:induction-principle-1-eq1} \\
& \phi = \mathcal{E}_\neg(\epsilon_j)
\text{ for some } j < m + 1
& \label{sub:induction-principle-1-eq2} \\
& \hyperlabel{sub:induction-principle-1-eq2} \\
& \phi = \mathcal{E}_\square(\epsilon_j, \epsilon_k)
\text{ for some } j < m + 1, k < m + 1
& \label{sub:induction-principle-1-eq3}
& \hyperlabel{sub:induction-principle-1-eq3}
where $\square$ is one of the binary connectives $\land$, $\lor$,
$\Rightarrow$, $\Leftrightarrow$.
@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.6b}}%
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.2.6b}}%
Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a set of sentence symbols that includes those in $\Sigma$
@ -1315,10 +1315,32 @@
are a great many -- uncountably many -- of them.)
Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a set of sentence symbols that includes those in
$\Sigma$ and $\tau$ (and possibly more).
Let $\mathcal{S}' \subseteq \mathcal{S}$ be the set containing precisely
the sentence symbols found in $\Sigma$ and $\tau$.
Let $v$ be a truth assignment for $S'$ that satisfies every member of
$\Sigma$ and $w$ be an arbitrary extension of $v$ for $S$.
By construction, $v$ and $w$ agree on all the sentence symbols found in both
$\Sigma$ and $\tau$.
\nameref{sub:exercise-1.2.6a} then implies $\bar{v}(\tau) = \bar{w}(\tau)$
and $\bar{v}(\sigma) = \bar{w}(\sigma)$ for all $\sigma \in \Sigma$.
Thus $v$ satisfies every member of $\Sigma$ if and only if $w$ satisfies
every member of $\Sigma$.
Likewise, $v$ satisfies $\tau$ if and only if $w$ satisfies $\tau$.
Hence, by definition of \nameref{ref:tautological-implication},
$\Sigma \vDash \tau$ if and only if every truth assignment for the
sentence symbols in $S'$ that satisfies every member of $\Sigma$ also
satisfies $\tau$ if and only if every truth assignment for the sentence
symbols in $S$ that satisfies every member of $\Sigma$ also satisfies
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.7}}%
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.2.7}}%
You are in a land inhabited by people who either always tell the truth or
@ -1331,29 +1353,103 @@
\textit{Suggestion}: Make a table.
Consider the self-referential question,
"Would you respond 'yes' to the question,
'Should I take the left road to get to the capital?'"
Let $I$ denote whether the inhabitant is truthful, and $L$ denote whether
the left road actually goes to the capital.
We have $R$ denote the answer given by the inhabitant in the following
"truth table":
I & L & R \\
T & T & \text{Yes} \\
T & F & \text{No} \\
F & T & \text{Yes} \\
F & F & \text{No}
Regardless of the inhabitant's honesty, we receive the answer "Yes" if and
only if the left road actually goes to the capital.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.8}}%
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.2.8}}%
(Substitution) Consider a suquence $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ldots$ of wffs.
(Substitution) Consider a sequence $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ldots$ of wffs.
For each wff $\phi$ let $\phi^*$ be the result of replacing the sentence
symbol $A_n$ by $\alpha_n$ for each $n$.
\subsubsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.8a}}%
\subsubsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.2.8a}}%
Let $v$ be a truth assignment for the set of all sentence symbols; define $u$
to be the truth assignment for which $u(A_n) = \bar{v}(\alpha_n)$.
Show that $\bar{u}(\phi) = \bar{v}(\phi^*)$.
Use the induction principle.
Use the \nameref{sub:induction-principle-1}.
Let $$S = \{\phi \mid
\phi \text{ is a wff such that } \bar{u}(\phi) = \bar{v}(\phi^*)\}.$$
We prove that (i) $S$ contains the set of all sentence symbols and (ii) $S$
is closed under the five \nameref{ref:formula-building-operations}.
Afterward we prove that (iii) our theorem statement holds.
Let $\phi = A_n$ be an arbitrary sentence symbol.
By definition, $u(A_n) = \bar{v}(\alpha_n)$.
Then $$\bar{u}(\phi)
= \bar{u}(A_n) \\
= u(A_n) \\
= \bar{v}(\alpha_n) \\
= \bar{v}(\phi^*).$$
Hence every sentence symbol is in $S$.
Let $\beta, \gamma \in S$.
That is, $\bar{u}(\beta) = \bar{v}(\beta^*)$ and
$\bar{u}(\gamma) = \bar{v}(\gamma^*)$.
By definition, $\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\beta) = (\neg\beta)$.
& = (\neg\bar{u}(\beta)) \\
& = (\neg\bar{v}(\beta^*)) \\
& = \bar{v}((\neg\beta^*)) \\
& = \bar{v}((\neg\beta)^*) \\
& = \bar{v}(\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\beta)^*).
$\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\beta, \gamma) =
(\beta \mathop{\square} \gamma)$
where $\square$ is one of the binary connectives $\land$, $\lor$,
$\Rightarrow$, $\Leftrightarrow$.
\bar{u}(\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\beta, \gamma))
& = \bar{u}(\beta) \mathop{\square} \bar{u}(\gamma) \\
& = \bar{v}(\beta^*) \mathop{\square} \bar{v}(\gamma^*) \\
& = \bar{v}((\beta^* \mathop{\square} \gamma^*)) \\
& = \bar{v}((\beta \mathop{\square} \gamma)^*) \\
& = \bar{v}(\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\beta, \gamma)^*).
Hence $S$ is closed under the five formula-building operations.
By \nameref{par:exercise-1.2.8-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-1.2.8-ii},
the \nameref{sub:induction-principle-1} implies $S$ is the set of all
Thus for any well-formed formula $\phi$,
$\bar{u}(\phi) = \bar{v}(\phi^*)$.
\subsubsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.8b}}%
\subsubsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.2.8b}}%
Show that if $\phi$ is a tautology, then so is $\phi^*$.
@ -1364,10 +1460,20 @@
tautology, for any wffs $\alpha$ and $\beta$.)
Suppose $\phi$ is a tautology and let $S$ be the set of all sentence
Let $v$ be a truth assignment for $S$ and define $u$ to be the truth
assignment for which $u(A_n) = \bar{v}(\alpha_n)$.
By \nameref{ssub:exercise-1.2.8a}, $\bar{u}(\phi) = \bar{v}(\phi^*)$.
Since $\phi$ is a tautology, $\bar{u}(\phi)$ is true meaning
$\bar{v}(\phi^*)$ is also true.
Since $v$ is an arbitrary truth assignment, it follows that every truth
assignment for $S$ satisfies $\phi^*$.
By \nameref{sub:exercise-1.2.6b}, $\vDash \phi^*$, i.e. $\phi^*$ is a
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.9}}%
\subsection{\unverified{Exercise 1.2.9}}%
(Duality) Let $\alpha$ be a wff whose only connective symbols are $\land$,
@ -1377,8 +1483,107 @@
Show that $\alpha^*$ is tautologically equivalent to $(\neg\alpha)$.
Use the \nameref{sub:induction-principle-1}.
S = \{ \alpha \mid
& \alpha \text{ is a wff containing a } \Rightarrow \text{ or } \\
& \alpha \text{ is a wff containing a } \Leftrightarrow \text{ or } \\
& \alpha^* \vDash \Dashv (\neg\alpha) \}.
We prove that (i) $S$ contains the set of all sentence symbols and (ii) $S$
is closed under the five \nameref{ref:formula-building-operations}.
Afterward we prove that (iii) our theorem statement holds.
Let $\alpha = A_n$ be an arbitrary sentence symbol.
By definition, $$\alpha^* = A_n^* = (\neg A_n) = (\neg\alpha).$$
Hence every sentence symbol is in $S$.
Let $\alpha, \beta \in S$.
Suppose $\alpha$ contains a $\Rightarrow$ or $\Leftrightarrow$ symbol.
Then $\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha)$ also does.
The same holds for $\beta$.
Furthermore, if either $\alpha$ or $\beta$ contains a $\Rightarrow$ or
$\Leftrightarrow$ symbol, then so does
$\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\alpha, \beta)$
where $\square$ is one of the binary connectives $\land$, $\lor$,
$\Rightarrow$, $\Leftrightarrow$.
In any of these above cases, it is trivial to see each of the five-formula
building operations take a wff from $S$ and produce another wff in $S$.
Now, suppose neither $\alpha$ nor $\beta$ contain a $\Rightarrow$ or
$\Leftrightarrow$ symbol.
Then it must be that $\alpha^* \vDash\Dashv (\neg\alpha)$ and
$\beta^* \vDash\Dashv (\neg\beta)$.
Consider first $\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha) = (\neg\alpha)$.
By definition,
= (\neg\alpha^*)
\vDash\Dashv (\neg(\neg\alpha))
= (\neg(\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha))).$$
Therefore $\mathcal{E}_{\neg}(\alpha) \in S$.
Likewise, consider $\mathcal{E}_{\square}(\alpha, \beta)$ where $\square$
is one of the binary connectives $\land$, $\lor$, $\Rightarrow$,
It trivially follows that $\mathcal{E}_{\Rightarrow}(\alpha, \beta) \in S$
and $\mathcal{E}_{\Leftrightarrow}(\alpha, \beta) \in S$.
We cover the remaining two cases in turn:
\subparagraph{Case 1}%
Suppose $\square = \land$.
\mathcal{E}_{\land}(\alpha, \beta)^*
& = (\alpha \land \beta)^* \\
& = (\alpha^* \lor \beta^*) \\
& \vDash\Dashv ((\neg\alpha) \lor (\neg\beta)) \\
& \vDash\Dashv \neg(\alpha \land \beta) \\
& = (\neg(\mathcal{E}_{\land}(\alpha, \beta))),
where the last tautological equivalence follows from De Morgan's laws.
\subparagraph{Case 2}%
Suppose $\square = \lor$.
\mathcal{E}_{\lor}(\alpha, \beta)^*
& = (\alpha \lor \beta)^* \\
& = (\alpha^* \land \beta^*) \\
& \vDash\Dashv ((\neg\alpha) \land (\neg\beta)) \\
& \vDash\Dashv \neg(\alpha \lor \beta) \\
& = (\neg(\mathcal{E}_{\lor}(\alpha, \beta))),
where the last tautological equivalence follows from De Morgan's laws.
The foregoing analysis shows that $S$ is indeed closed under the five
formula-building operations.
By \nameref{par:exercise-1.2.9-i} and \nameref{par:exercise-1.2.9-ii},
the \nameref{sub:induction-principle-1} implies $S$ is the set of all
Thus for any well-formed formula $\alpha$ whose only connective symbols
are $\land$, $\lor$, and $\neg$, $\alpha^* \vDash\Dashv (\neg\alpha)$.
\subsection{\sorry{Exercise 1.2.10}}%