Update mathlib4 links to Lean's hosted index instead.

Joshua Potter 2023-08-10 11:31:14 -06:00
parent 1a515ca3f5
commit 1c988dc9e9
5 changed files with 26 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
\newcommand{\pair}[1]{\left< #1 \right>}

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

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@ -44,43 +44,44 @@
% Denote if working with a predefined statement/theorem or a custom one.
% Links to theorems/statements/etc. that can be found in Mathlib4's index.
\tikz{\draw (0, 0) node[yscale=-1,xscale=1] {\faFont};}}{-\;}}%
% Links to theorems/statements/etc. found in custom index.
\tikz{\draw (0, 0) node[xshift=8pt] {\faCodeBranch};}}{-\;}}%
% Reference to an anchor of generated Lean documentation.
% Macro to build all Lean related commands relative to a specified directory.
% Macro to build our `code` commands relative to a given directory. For
% instance, we expect to have invocation `\makecode{..}` if the TeX file exists
% one directory deep from the root of our project..