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# References
1. Avigad, Jeremy. Theorem Proving in Lean, n.d.
-- Exercise 1
-- Open a namespace `Hidden` to avoid naming conflicts, and use the equation
-- compiler to define addition, multiplication, and exponentiation on the
-- natural numbers. Then use the equation compiler to derive some of their basic
-- properties.
namespace ex1
def add : Nat → Nat → Nat
| m, => m
| m, Nat.succ n => Nat.succ (add m n)
def mul : Nat → Nat → Nat
| _, => 0
| m, Nat.succ n => add m (mul m n)
def exp : Nat → Nat → Nat
| _, => 1
| m, Nat.succ n => mul m (exp m n)
end ex1
-- Exercise 2
-- Similarly, use the equation compiler to define some basic operations on lists
-- (like the reverse function) and prove theorems about lists by induction (such
-- as the fact that `reverse (reverse xs) = xs` for any list `xs`).
namespace ex2
variable {α : Type _}
def reverse : List α → List α
| [] => []
| (head :: tail) => reverse tail ++ [head]
-- Proof of `reverse (reverse xs) = xs` shown in previous exercise.
end ex2
-- Exercise 3
-- Define your own function to carry out course-of-value recursion on the
-- natural numbers. Similarly, see if you can figure out how to define
-- `WellFounded.fix` on your own.
namespace ex3
def below {motive : Nat → Type} : Nat → Type
| => PUnit
| Nat.succ n => PProd (PProd (motive n) (@below motive n)) (PUnit : Type)
-- TODO: Sort out how to write `brecOn` and `WellFounded.fix`.
end ex3
-- Exercise 4
-- Following the examples in Section Dependent Pattern Matching, define a
-- function that will append two vectors. This is tricky; you will have to
-- define an auxiliary function.
namespace ex4
inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
| nil : Vector α 0
| cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n + 1)
namespace Vector
-- TODO: Sort out how to write `append`.
end Vector
end ex4
-- Exercise 5
-- Consider the following type of arithmetic expressions. The idea is that
-- `var n` is a variable, `vₙ`, and `const n` is the constant whose value is
-- `n`.
namespace ex5
inductive Expr where
| const : Nat → Expr
| var : Nat → Expr
| plus : Expr → Expr → Expr
| times : Expr → Expr → Expr
deriving Repr
open Expr
def sampleExpr : Expr :=
plus (times (var 0) (const 7)) (times (const 2) (var 1))
-- Here `sampleExpr` represents `(v₀ * 7) + (2 * v₁)`. Write a function that
-- evaluates such an expression, evaluating each `var n` to `v n`.
def eval (v : Nat → Nat) : Expr → Nat
| const n => sorry
| var n => v n
| plus e₁ e₂ => sorry
| times e₁ e₂ => sorry
def sampleVal : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 5
| 1 => 6
| _ => 0
-- Try it out. You should get 47 here.
-- #eval eval sampleVal sampleExpr
-- Implement "constant fusion," a procedure that simplifies subterms like
-- `5 + 7` to `12`. Using the auxiliary function `simpConst`, define a function
-- "fuse": to simplify a plus or a times, first simplify the arguments
-- recursively, and then apply `simpConst` to try to simplify the result.
def simpConst : Expr → Expr
| plus (const n₁) (const n₂) => const (n₁ + n₂)
| times (const n₁) (const n₂) => const (n₁ * n₂)
| e => e
def fuse : Expr → Expr := sorry
theorem simpConst_eq (v : Nat → Nat)
: ∀ e : Expr, eval v (simpConst e) = eval v e :=
theorem fuse_eq (v : Nat → Nat)
: ∀ e : Expr, eval v (fuse e) = eval v e :=
-- The last two theorems show that the definitions preserve the value.
end ex5