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import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Real.Sqrt
import Common.Real.Trigonometry
/-! # Common.Geometry.Point
A representation of a point in the two-dimensional Cartesian plane.
namespace Geometry
structure Point where
x :
y :
noncomputable instance : DecidableEq Point := by
intro p₁ p₂
have ⟨x₁, y₁⟩ := p₁
have ⟨x₂, y₂⟩ := p₂
if hp : x₁ = x₂ ∧ y₁ = y₂ then
rw [hp.left, hp.right]
exact isTrue rfl
rw [not_and_or] at hp
refine isFalse ?_
intro h
injection h with hx hy
apply Or.elim hp
· intro nx
exact absurd hx nx
· intro ny
exact absurd hy ny
namespace Point
The function mapping a `Point` to a `2`-tuple of reals.
def toTuple (p : Point) : × := (p.x, p.y)
The function mapping a `2`-tuple of reals to a `Point`.
def fromTuple (p : × ) : Point := p.1 p.2
An isomorphism between a `Point` and a `2`-tuple.
def isoTuple : Point ≃ × :=
toFun := toTuple,
invFun := fromTuple,
left_inv := by
unfold Function.LeftInverse fromTuple toTuple
right_inv := by
unfold Function.RightInverse Function.LeftInverse fromTuple toTuple
The length of the straight line segment connecting points `p` and `q`.
noncomputable def dist (p q : Point) :=
Real.sqrt ((abs (q.x - p.x)) ^ 2 + (abs (q.y - p.y)) ^ 2)
The undirected angle at `p₂` between the line segments to `p₁` and `p₃`. If
either of those points equals `p₂`, this is `π / 2`.
noncomputable def angle (p₁ p₂ p₃ : Point) : :=
Real.euclideanAngle (toTuple p₁) (toTuple p₂) (toTuple p₃)
end Point
end Geometry