44 lines
796 B
44 lines
796 B
A generalization of `Lean.Name` that includes a file extension.
import Lean
open Lean Name
inductive Extension where
| html
| pdf
deriving Repr
namespace Extension
def cmp : Extension → Extension → Ordering
| html, html => Ordering.eq
| html, _ => Ordering.lt
| pdf, pdf => Ordering.eq
| pdf, _ => Ordering.gt
def toString : Extension → String
| html => "html"
| pdf => "pdf"
end Extension
structure NameExt where
name : Name
ext : Extension
namespace NameExt
def cmp (n₁ n₂ : NameExt) : Ordering :=
match Name.cmp n₁.name n₂.name with
| Ordering.eq => Extension.cmp n₁.ext n₂.ext
| ord => ord
def getString! : NameExt → String
| ⟨str _ s, .html⟩ => s
| ⟨str _ s, .pdf⟩ => s ++ "_pdf"
| _ => unreachable!
end NameExt