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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

import CMark
import DocGen4.Output.Template
import Lean.Data.Parsec
import Unicode.General.GeneralCategory
open Lean Unicode Xml Parser Parsec DocGen4.Process
namespace DocGen4
namespace Output
/-- Auxiliary function for `splitAround`. -/
@[specialize] partial def splitAroundAux (s : String) (p : Char → Bool) (b i : String.Pos) (r : List String) : List String :=
if s.atEnd i then
let r := (s.extract b i)::r
let c := s.get i
if p c then
let i := i
splitAroundAux s p i i (c.toString::s.extract b (i-⟨1⟩)::r)
splitAroundAux s p b ( i) r
Similar to `String.split` in Lean core, but keeps the separater.
e.g. `splitAround "a,b,c" (λ c => c = ',') = ["a", ",", "b", ",", "c"]`
def splitAround (s : String) (p : Char → Bool) : List String := splitAroundAux s p 0 0 []
instance : Inhabited Element := ⟨"", Lean.RBMap.empty, #[]⟩
/-- Parse an array of Xml/Html document from String. -/
def manyDocument : Parsec (Array Element) := many (prolog *> element <* many Misc) <* eof
Generate id for heading elements, with the following rules:
1. Characters in `letter`, `mark`, `number` and `symbol` unicode categories are preserved.
2. Any sequences of Characters in `punctuation`, `separator` and `other` categories are replaced by a single dash.
3. Cases (upper and lower) are preserved.
4. Xml/Html tags are ignored.
partial def xmlGetHeadingId (el : Xml.Element) : String :=
elementToPlainText el |> replaceCharSeq unicodeToDrop "-"
elementToPlainText el := match el with
| (Element.Element _ _ contents) =>
"".intercalate ( contentToPlainText)
contentToPlainText c := match c with
| Content.Element el => elementToPlainText el
| Content.Comment _ => ""
| Content.Character s => s
replaceCharSeq pattern replacement s :=
s.split pattern
|>.filter (!·.isEmpty)
|> replacement.intercalate
unicodeToDrop (c : Char) : Bool :=
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.punctuation ||
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.separator ||
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.other
This function try to find the given name, both globally and in current module.
For global search, a precise name is need. If the global search fails, the function
tries to find a local one that ends with the given search name.
def nameToLink? (s : String) : HtmlM (Option String) := do
let res ← getResult
if let some name := Lean.Syntax.decodeNameLit ("`" ++ s) then
-- with exactly the same name
if res.name2ModIdx.contains name then
declNameToLink name
-- module name
else if res.moduleNames.contains name then
moduleNameToLink name
-- find similar name in the same module
match (← getCurrentName) with
| some currentName =>
match res.moduleInfo.find! currentName |>.members |> filterMapDocInfo |>.find? (sameEnd ·.getName name) with
| some info =>
declNameToLink info.getName
| _ => pure none
| _ => pure none
pure none
-- check if two names have the same ending components
sameEnd n1 n2 := n1.componentsRev n2.componentsRev
|>.all λ ⟨a, b⟩ => a == b
Extend links with following rules:
1. if the link starts with `##`, a name search is used and will panic if not found
2. if the link starts with `#`, it's treated as id link, no modification
3. if the link starts with `http`, it's an absolute one, no modification
4. otherwise it's a relative link, extend it with base url
def extendLink (s : String) : HtmlM String := do
-- for intra doc links
if s.startsWith "##" then
if let some link ← nameToLink? (s.drop 2) then
pure link
panic! s!"Cannot find {s.drop 2}, only full name and abbrev in current module is supported"
-- for id
else if s.startsWith "#" then
pure s
-- for absolute and relative urls
else if s.startsWith "http" then
pure s
else pure ((←getRoot) ++ s)
/-- Add attributes for heading. -/
def addHeadingAttributes (el : Element) (modifyElement : Element → HtmlM Element) : HtmlM Element := do
match el with
| Element.Element name attrs contents => do
let id := xmlGetHeadingId el
let anchorAttributes := Lean.RBMap.empty
|>.insert "class" "hover-link"
|>.insert "href" s!"#{id}"
let anchor := Element.Element "a" anchorAttributes #[Content.Character "#"]
let newAttrs := attrs
|>.insert "id" id
|>.insert "class" "markdown-heading"
let newContents := (←
contents.mapM (λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => return Content.Element (← modifyElement e)
| _ => pure c))
|>.push (Content.Character " ")
|>.push (Content.Element anchor)
pure ⟨ name, newAttrs, newContents⟩
/-- Extend anchor links. -/
def extendAnchor (el : Element) : HtmlM Element := do
match el with
| Element.Element name attrs contents =>
let newAttrs ← match attrs.find? "href" with
| some href => pure (attrs.insert "href" (← extendLink href))
| none => pure attrs
pure ⟨ name, newAttrs, contents⟩
/-- Automatically add intra documentation link for inline code span. -/
def autoLink (el : Element) : HtmlM Element := do
match el with
| Element.Element name attrs contents =>
let mut newContents := #[]
for c in contents do
match c with
| Content.Character s =>
newContents := newContents ++ (← splitAround s unicodeToSplit |>.mapM linkify).join
| _ => newContents := newContents.push c
pure ⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩
linkify s := do
let link? ← nameToLink? s
match link? with
| some link =>
let attributes := Lean.RBMap.empty.insert "href" link
pure [Content.Element <| Element.Element "a" attributes #[Content.Character s]]
| none =>
let sHead := s.dropRightWhile (λ c => c ≠ '.')
let sTail := s.takeRightWhile (λ c => c ≠ '.')
let link'? ← nameToLink? sTail
match link'? with
| some link' =>
let attributes := Lean.RBMap.empty.insert "href" link'
pure [
Content.Character sHead,
Content.Element <| Element.Element "a" attributes #[Content.Character sTail]
| none =>
pure [Content.Character s]
unicodeToSplit (c : Char) : Bool :=
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.separator ||
charInGeneralCategory c GeneralCategory.other
/-- Core function of modifying the cmark rendered docstring html. -/
partial def modifyElement (element : Element) : HtmlM Element :=
match element with
| el@(Element.Element name attrs contents) => do
-- add id and class to <h_></h_>
if name = "h1" name = "h2" name = "h3" name = "h4" name = "h5" name = "h6" then
addHeadingAttributes el modifyElement
-- extend relative href for <a></a>
else if name = "a" then
extendAnchor el
-- auto link for inline <code></code>
else if name = "code" ∧
-- don't linkify code blocks explicitly tagged with a language other than lean
((¬ attrs.contains "class") (((attrs.find? "class").getD "").splitOn).filter (fun s => s.startsWith "language-" ∧ s ≠ "language-lean") = []) then
autoLink el
-- recursively modify
let newContents ← contents.mapM λ c => match c with
| Content.Element e => return Content.Element (← modifyElement e)
| _ => pure c
pure ⟨ name, attrs, newContents ⟩
/-- Convert docstring to Html. -/
def docStringToHtml (s : String) : HtmlM (Array Html) := do
let rendered := CMark.renderHtml s
match manyDocument rendered.mkIterator with
| Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res =>
res.mapM λ x => do
pure (Html.text <| toString (← modifyElement x))
| _ => pure #[Html.text rendered]
end Output
end DocGen4