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import Lean
namespace DocGen4
open Lean Meta
-- The following is probably completely overengineered but I love it
Captures the notion of a value based attributes, `attrKind` is things like
class ValueAttr (attrKind : Type → Type) where
Given a certain value based attribute, an `Environment` and the `Name` of
a declaration returns the value of the attribute on this declaration if present.
getValue {α : Type} [Inhabited α] [ToString α] : attrKind α → Environment → Name → Option String
Contains a specific attribute declaration of a certain attribute kind (enum based, parametric etc.).
structure ValueAttrWrapper (attrKind : Type → Type) [ValueAttr attrKind] where
{α : Type}
attr : attrKind α
[str : ToString α]
[inhab : Inhabited α]
Obtain the value of an enum attribute for a certain name.
def enumGetValue {α : Type} [Inhabited α] [ToString α] (attr : EnumAttributes α) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) : Option String := do
let val ← EnumAttributes.getValue attr env decl
some (toString val)
instance : ValueAttr EnumAttributes where
getValue := enumGetValue
Obtain the value of a parametric attribute for a certain name.
def parametricGetValue {α : Type} [Inhabited α] [ToString α] (attr : ParametricAttribute α) (env : Environment) (decl : Name) : Option String := do
let val ← ParametricAttribute.getParam? attr env decl
some ( ++ " " ++ toString val)
instance : ValueAttr ParametricAttribute where
getValue := parametricGetValue
abbrev EnumAttrWrapper := ValueAttrWrapper EnumAttributes
abbrev ParametricAttrWrapper := ValueAttrWrapper ParametricAttribute
The list of all tag based attributes doc-gen knows about and can recover.
def tagAttributes : Array TagAttribute :=
#[IR.UnboxResult.unboxAttr, neverExtractAttr, Elab.Term.elabWithoutExpectedTypeAttr,
SynthInstance.inferTCGoalsRLAttr, matchPatternAttr]
deriving instance Repr for Compiler.InlineAttributeKind
deriving instance Repr for Compiler.SpecializeAttributeKind
open Compiler in
instance : ToString InlineAttributeKind where
toString kind :=
match kind with
| InlineAttributeKind.inline => "inline"
| InlineAttributeKind.noinline => "noinline"
| InlineAttributeKind.macroInline => "macroInline"
| InlineAttributeKind.inlineIfReduce => "inlineIfReduce"
open Compiler in
instance : ToString SpecializeAttributeKind where
toString kind :=
match kind with
| SpecializeAttributeKind.specialize => "specialize"
| SpecializeAttributeKind.nospecialize => "nospecialize"
The list of all enum based attributes doc-gen knows about and can recover.
def enumAttributes : Array EnumAttrWrapper := #[⟨Compiler.inlineAttrs⟩, ⟨Compiler.specializeAttrs⟩]
instance : ToString ExternEntry where
toString entry :=
match entry with
| ExternEntry.adhoc `all => ""
| ExternEntry.adhoc backend => s!"{backend} adhoc"
| ExternEntry.standard `all fn => fn
| ExternEntry.standard backend fn => s!"{backend} {fn}"
| ExternEntry.inline backend pattern => s!"{backend} inline {String.quote pattern}"
-- TODO: The docs in the module dont specific how to render this
| ExternEntry.foreign backend fn => s!"{backend} foreign {fn}"
instance : ToString ExternAttrData where
toString data := (data.arity?.map toString |>.getD "") ++ " " ++ String.intercalate " " ( toString)
The list of all parametric attributes (that is, attributes with any kind of information attached)
doc-gen knows about and can recover.
def parametricAttributes : Array ParametricAttrWrapper := #[⟨externAttr⟩, ⟨Compiler.implementedByAttr⟩, ⟨exportAttr⟩]
def getTags (decl : Name) : MetaM (Array String) := do
let env ← getEnv
pure <| tagAttributes.filter (TagAttribute.hasTag · env decl) |>.map (λ t =>
def getValuesAux {α : Type} {attrKind : Type → Type} [va : ValueAttr attrKind] [Inhabited α] [ToString α] (decl : Name) (attr : attrKind α) : MetaM (Option String) := do
let env ← getEnv
pure <| va.getValue attr env decl
def getValues {attrKind : Type → Type} [ValueAttr attrKind] (decl : Name) (attrs : Array (ValueAttrWrapper attrKind)) : MetaM (Array String) := do
let mut res := #[]
for attr in attrs do
if let some val ← @getValuesAux attr.α attrKind _ attr.inhab attr.str decl attr.attr then
res := res.push val
pure res
def getEnumValues (decl : Name) : MetaM (Array String) := getValues decl enumAttributes
def getParametricValues (decl : Name) : MetaM (Array String) := getValues decl parametricAttributes
def getDefaultInstance (decl : Name) (className : Name) : MetaM (Option String) := do
let insts ← getDefaultInstances className
for (inst, prio) in insts do
if inst == decl then
return some s!"defaultInstance {prio}"
pure none
def hasSimp (decl : Name) : MetaM (Option String) := do
let thms ← simpExtension.getTheorems
pure <|
if thms.isLemma decl then
some "simp"
def hasCsimp (decl : Name) : MetaM (Option String) := do
let env ← getEnv
pure <|
if Compiler.hasCSimpAttribute env decl then
some "csimp"
The list of custom attributes, that don't fit in the parametric or enum
attribute kinds, doc-gen konws about and can recover.
def customAttrs := #[hasSimp, hasCsimp]
def getCustomAttrs (decl : Name) : MetaM (Array String) := do
let mut values := #[]
for attr in customAttrs do
if let some value ← attr decl then
values := values.push value
pure values
The main entry point for recovering all attribute values for a given
def getAllAttributes (decl : Name) : MetaM (Array String) := do
let tags ← getTags decl
let enums ← getEnumValues decl
let parametric ← getParametricValues decl
let customs ← getCustomAttrs decl
pure <| customs ++ tags ++ enums ++ parametric
end DocGen4