52 lines
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52 lines
1.9 KiB
Copyright (c) 2021 Henrik Böving. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Henrik Böving
import Lean
import DocGen4.Process
import Std.Data.HashMap
namespace DocGen4
open Lean System Std IO
def getLakePath : IO FilePath := do
match (← IO.getEnv "LAKE") with
| some path => pure $ System.FilePath.mk path
| none =>
let lakePath := (←findSysroot?) / "bin" / "lake"
pure $ lakePath.withExtension System.FilePath.exeExtension
-- Modified from the LSP Server
def lakeSetupSearchPath (lakePath : System.FilePath) (imports : List String) : IO Lean.SearchPath := do
let args := "print-paths" :: imports
let cmdStr := " ".intercalate (toString lakePath :: args)
let lakeProc ← Process.spawn {
stdin := Process.Stdio.null
stdout := Process.Stdio.piped
stderr := Process.Stdio.piped
cmd := lakePath.toString
args := args.toArray
let stdout := String.trim (← lakeProc.stdout.readToEnd)
let stderr := String.trim (← lakeProc.stderr.readToEnd)
match (← lakeProc.wait) with
| 0 =>
let stdout := stdout.split (· == '\n') |>.getLast!
let Except.ok (paths : LeanPaths) ← pure (Json.parse stdout >>= fromJson?)
| throw $ userError s!"invalid output from `{cmdStr}`:\n{stdout}\nstderr:\n{stderr}"
initSearchPath (← findSysroot?) paths.oleanPath
paths.oleanPath.mapM realPathNormalized
| 2 => pure [] -- no lakefile.lean
| _ => throw $ userError s!"`{cmdStr}` failed:\n{stdout}\nstderr:\n{stderr}"
def load (imports : List Name) : IO AnalyzerResult := do
let env ← importModules (List.map (Import.mk · false) imports) Options.empty
-- TODO parameterize maxHeartbeats
IO.println "Processing modules"
Prod.fst <$> (Meta.MetaM.toIO process { maxHeartbeats := 100000000, options := ⟨[(`pp.tagAppFns, true)]⟩ } { env := env} {} {})
end DocGen4